Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid: a review of fillers

Lip augmentation allows you to make them attractive and beautiful. Additionally, you can correct asymmetry, restore contour and even somewhat rejuvenate your face. Typically, injection methods are used for lip augmentation. They are safe and are not associated with excessive injury. However, they still involve intervention in the human body. Therefore, the final result largely depends on post-injection care. If you strictly follow the recommendations, you can significantly speed up the process and also minimize the likelihood of side effects.

Recommendations before the lip contouring procedure

It is better to start preparing before the procedure. The further speed of healing largely depends on this. First of all, you need to make sure there are no contraindications. You can clarify their list during the initial consultation. You should pay attention to the presence of damage in the area of ​​upcoming injections, as well as the presence of herpes. It is recommended to refuse the procedure in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, infections, etc. Particular attention should be paid to the presence of herpes.

After examining and consulting the patient, the doctor may prescribe antiviral drugs. This is due to the fact that intervention can provoke a recurrence of infections. But starting to take them on your own without first consulting a specialist is highly discouraged. Additionally, before the procedure you should not take blood thinners. They increase the likelihood of bleeding.

The method cannot be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Additionally, drinking alcohol before lip augmentation is prohibited. This increases the likelihood of swelling and bruising. Sports activities and visiting the solarium are also prohibited. If you follow the recommendations correctly, you can significantly reduce the risk of complications.

Why should you consult a cosmetologist?

Lip contouring seems like a simple manipulation. In fact, the procedure has its own subtleties, if not followed, the result may not only not please the patient, but even disfigure the face. Filler injections must be performed by a qualified professional. By saving on the procedure, you may end up with an incompetent or inexperienced specialist, which will lead to a disastrous result. The low cost of the service may be due to cheap material, as well as savings on tools or their processing.

For a clear example, let’s look at the top 10 possible complications when performing lip contouring. First, let's talk about those related to the unprofessionalism of cosmetologists.

Recommendations after lip augmentation

When the procedure is completed, the main period of care begins. Initially, severe redness and swelling may appear. The process is considered natural. Over time, such phenomena disappear.

Injection marks may also be visible. They are especially pronounced in the first two days. Then the swelling and inflammation go away. Lips acquire the desired shape.

There is no need for long-term rehabilitation after lip augmentation using injections. However, it is necessary to understand that the sensitivity of the skin in the affected area will increase. Therefore, it is highly recommended not to touch or rub it in the first few days. Additionally, massage is prohibited. If the patient is hypersensitive, an anesthetic ointment can be used. The doctor will prescribe a suitable drug.

You can massage the lip area only 4 weeks after the injections, unless the cosmetologist says otherwise. In this case, exposure is permissible only after the swelling has subsided. To speed up healing, you can use Panthenol. Additionally, the following recommendations must be observed:

  1. during the first week it is better not to use decorative cosmetics;
  2. you must stop drinking alcohol;
  3. on the first day, the consumption of hot foods is prohibited;
  4. until the lips have healed, it is better not to smoke;
  5. During the recovery period, you cannot do permanent makeup or use peeling.

Excessive physical activity is prohibited. They can be resumed after 7 days if the patient feels well. Despite the fact that the lips themselves are not involved during physical activity, the temperature rises. This can slow down the healing process. Additionally, sunbathing and tanning in a solarium are prohibited. Sauna and steaming procedures are generally prohibited. It is better not to swim in the pool or sea temporarily, as this can lead to allergies or irritation, as well as infections.

Huge lips

A competent cosmetologist knows how to assess the condition of tissues and the required volume of the drug. Without this skill and experience, you may accidentally inject an excessive amount of filler. Were you expecting plump, beautiful lips, but what came out was huge rollers covering half your face? Unfortunately, you were given too much of the drug. The effect of fillers lasts up to 1 year. In cosmetology centers, similar mistakes of other masters can be corrected with the help of special enzymes. It should be noted that the possibility of correcting the defect depends on the composition of the drug. In some cases, it is impossible to do without the intervention of a surgeon.

Immediately after the procedure

In fact, the entire healing procedure can be divided into several stages. Initially, swelling appears. Then hematomas may occur. This reaction is considered normal. Additionally, there may be a feeling of tightness and fullness in the mouth area.

You should not evaluate the result immediately after the procedure. It will change somewhat in the future. To understand what your lips will look like, you need to wait a few days. In general, the result is visible within a week.

If bruises appear, there is also no need to panic. They occur if the cosmetologist touches a vessel. The situation is not dangerous. However, this may not look aesthetically pleasing. They will go away on their own within a few days.

On the first day after the procedure, you should not drink hot drinks. It is better to minimize the use of cosmetics. Additionally, you should not swim in the pool or overheat. If you follow your doctor's recommendations, the likelihood of developing side effects is minimal.

About contour correction of the lips and area around the mouth

By injecting hyaluronic acid filler subcutaneously into the red border of the lips and the area around the mouth, you can:

  • emphasize the contour and add additional volume;
  • moisturize the skin of the lips;
  • straighten the folds around the mouth - purse-string wrinkles;
  • correct the shape of the lips and eliminate asymmetry of lines in this area;
  • rejuvenate the skin of the red border;
  • raise the corners of your lips.

For this procedure, monophasic and biphasic gels based on hyaluronic acid of a very high degree of purification are used - for a natural and uniform distribution of the gel and varying degrees of viscosity - depending on the problem being solved.

Doctors at our clinic use exclusively certified drugs registered in the Russian Federation and tested in practice. Differences in price are determined by the type of drug, dosage, viscosity and density.

Contraindications after lip augmentation

Lip contouring is considered a safe procedure. After it, you can almost immediately return to your normal lifestyle. The need for care and healing is still present. Although the doctor uses anesthesia, the procedure may be painful. Unpleasant sensations persist in the future. They can follow the patient for up to 3 days. In order not to worsen the condition, it is important to follow a number of recommendations. Thus, the following contraindications apply:

  1. It is recommended not to eat food for 3 hours. The greatest number of restrictions concerns hot dishes. It is better not to eat them during the day. Otherwise, there is a risk of spoiling the result, as well as injuring the treated area. Therefore, it is recommended to give preference to products at room temperature. Hot and spicy dishes should be excluded from the menu. Eating such food is fraught with inflammation and swelling. It is advisable to cut the food into small pieces. It's better not to open your mouth wide. This increases soreness. On the first day after the procedure, it is highly recommended not to touch the treatment area. This is fraught with infection. It needs some time to heal.
  2. While your lips are healing, it is better not to use decorative cosmetics. The use of lipsticks, lip pencils, balms, and glosses is prohibited. Their use is fraught with the occurrence of infections.
  3. Overheating must be avoided. Otherwise, restructuring of hyaluronic acid is possible. It is also better not to use cooling compresses too often. Otherwise, the skin will become excessively dry and microcracks may appear.
  4. It is recommended to limit physical activity. Also, doctors do not recommend showing facial activity.
  5. Tanning is banned for one to two weeks. During this period, it is also not recommended to be in the open sun. The above procedures lead to excessive sweating, which increases the risk of infection. Additionally, the development of hyperpigmentation and swelling is possible. All warming procedures are also prohibited. They can lead to the breakdown of hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid

Why is hyaluronic acid (HA) so attractive, what secrets does its intricate formula keep?
The answer lies on the surface. At birth, you and I are more than 80% water. By the middle of life – already by 70%, and by old age – by only 58%! That is, we age due to the fact that we lose moisture. But inside us there is not simple water, but colloidal solutions based on it. One of them is hyaluronic acid. In fact, it is a mucopolysaccharide, the tail of a large molecule produced by fibroblasts, the most important cells of the skin. Hyaluronic acid fills the intercellular space of the dermis; it plays the role of a kind of shock absorber, guaranteeing its turgor. A decrease in the amount of hyaluronic acid leads to dryness, flaking, wrinkles, sagging skin, and reduces our attractiveness. This means that in order to remain young, it is necessary to replenish its reserves, especially in the dermis - the largest organ, like a mirror reflecting the state of human health. Moisturize it. Actually, this is what cosmetologists do, restoring youth to the skin and attractiveness to women. Increasing lip volume is one of the local options for such aesthetic therapy.

Lip care after augmentation

You need to take good care of your lips. This will speed up healing and also minimize the risk of negative consequences. Care includes the following activities:

  1. Using moisturizing balms or hygienic lipsticks. They will saturate the area with liquid and prevent cracking.
  2. Minimizing physical activity. It is better not to go to the gym for about 2 weeks. Visiting him is fraught with increased blood pressure, which is extremely undesirable.
  3. To relieve swelling, it is recommended to use special ointments. The doctor will prescribe them.
  4. If inflammation or herpes appears, you must inform a specialist. He will examine the area and then suggest treatment.

In general, the healing process proceeds quite quickly. The injected gel will saturate the skin with hyaluronate, and the area will take the required shape. To quickly relieve swelling and redness, you can apply a cold compress. It is not recommended to perform them too often. Extreme cooling can lead to dryness, resulting in a risk of chapped lips. This is fraught with the appearance of new wounds and an increase in healing time.

Deformation of lip anatomy

There is nothing more attractive than natural beauty. Lips naturally have their own delicate anatomy. Thanks to their smooth curves, lips are attractive. There should be a vertical groove (philtrum) above the upper lip, and a labial tubercle below it. In addition to these anatomical structures, lips have a number of details. Cosmetologists take these nuances into account in their work and do not violate the architectonics of the face. The natural contours of the lips give them an attractive appearance. A self-taught cosmetologist will perform contour plastic surgery cheaper than a specialist in a clinic. However, as a result, instead of beautiful, plump lips, you may end up with two disfigured “pancakes” on your face, spoiling your entire look.

Lip massage after augmentation

It is strictly not recommended to massage your lips immediately after the procedure. This is fraught with infection. You must wait at least a day. It is better to slightly increase this period. However, in general, massage is beneficial. It will help the drug to be evenly distributed on the lips. As a result, the risk of unevenness will be significantly reduced. Additionally, this effect helps restore blood circulation. Overall, it will be possible to significantly shorten the healing period. It is better to massage after the swelling subsides. Until this moment, there is an active recovery period, and massage can cause harm.

Violation of facial proportions

Before lip augmentation, the cosmetologist will listen to your wishes and give his recommendations. When translated into reality, our desires do not always meet our expectations. Excessively large lips can disrupt the harmony of facial proportions. A mouth that is too large is not perceived as something beautiful. Before the procedure, an experienced specialist designs the expected result, taking into account the features and proportions of the face.

Answers to popular questions

To study the situation in more detail, we recommend that you read the answers to popular questions. Additionally, you can contact your doctor and clarify with him the nuances of interest. Our specialists provide comprehensive support. They work with patients both before and after the procedure. The cosmetologist ensures that the patient receives care. He clarifies all the details. As a result, the occurrence of effects is reduced.

How long does it take for lips to heal after augmentation?

Recovery takes 1 to 2 weeks. However, everything is individual. The speed of recovery is affected by proper care. If the patient uses healing and soothing ointments, discomfort will decrease, swelling will subside faster, and the recovery procedure will take less time. However, the funds can be selected together with your doctor. Specialists will find out which drugs can be used in a particular case, and then prescribe the appropriate medication.

Is it possible to drink alcohol after lip augmentation?

Drinking alcohol during the entire healing period is strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that it has a thinning effect on the blood. As a result, extensive hematomas may appear that do not look very aesthetically pleasing. Additionally, there is a risk of developing other negative reactions. Because of this, it is recommended to refrain from drinking alcohol.

Kissing after lip augmentation

The pain persists for the first few days. Therefore, kissing can bring physical discomfort. It's better to avoid them. When the swelling subsides and the discomfort disappears, they are acceptable. However, it is best to refrain from excessive activity until healing is completely complete.

Is it possible to play sports after lip augmentation?

Physical activity increases sweating and increases blood pressure. All this negatively affects the healing process. As a result, the likelihood of infections and side effects increases. Therefore, it is not recommended to exercise for at least one week. It is better to postpone going to the gym until healing is complete.

Is it possible to smoke after lip augmentation?

Smoking is also included in the list of prohibited activities. In the first days, holding a cigarette with your lips will be uncomfortable. This will significantly increase discomfort and also slow down healing. The risk of side effects will also increase significantly. Therefore, during the recovery period after lip augmentation, smoking is prohibited.

Determining the optimal size and proportions of lips

The criteria for the attractiveness of facial features is a subjective matter, but many patients who insist on “lips like Angelina Jolie” receive overcorrection and disharmony in appearance.

Doctors should not literally follow the wishes of patients, and patients themselves should soberly assess the features of their faces!

Determining the lip proportions that are ideal for the face is best left to a cosmetologist with an aesthetic sense and anatomical knowledge.

Often the issue of lip augmentation is due to a disproportionately developed chin, in which case a comprehensive correction is necessary!

An example of correcting a patient’s appearance without changing the shape of the lips.

You can read more about determining the optimal lip size and measuring proportions in a separate article.

Lip eversion

The most striking and memorable mistake of a doctor. The introduction of filler into the mucous membrane area leads to eversion of the lips. Their inner surface becomes visible. The lip seems to “fall out” from the mouth. The mucous membrane is lighter than the surface epithelium. Therefore, such inversions are immediately visible. The first association that comes to mind when seeing such victims of cosmetology is “here’s the poor guy, she/he was stung by a bee right on the lips!” In addition to the issue of beauty, you should also think about the harm to health. The everted mucosa dries out with constant contact with air. Gradually it cracks and can become inflamed. As a result, inflammation of the oral cavity (stomatitis) and lips (cheilitis) develops. Do not inject the drug into the mucous membrane of the lips! A cosmetologist will never make such a mistake, which once again guarantees the safety of procedures in cosmetology centers.

What are the dangers of cheap filler?

Enough has already been said about the lack of professionalism of specialists. Now we will talk about drugs. It is possible that an experienced and skilled doctor provides cosmetic services at an extremely low price. You should think about what this might be connected with. Most often, such specialists save on the drugs they work with. So-called permanent fillers do not dissolve over time. "Wow! So this is great! You can do one procedure and the effect will last forever,” this is what a person who does not care about their health will think frivolously.

After injection, permanent fillers gradually migrate to adjacent areas under the skin. This uneven distribution of the drug externally manifests itself as lip deformation. Permanent fillers may contain various impurities. Swelling forms and inflammation begins. The non-absorbable mass feels like something foreign and causes a feeling of discomfort. Scars may form at the puncture site. Unknown filler impurities are most often rejected by the body, and an allergic reaction begins. In a dire case, Quincke's edema may develop and then resuscitation measures will be required.

You shouldn't take risks when working with your own face. Both your beauty and health may suffer. When choosing a specialist for lip contouring, you should not turn to dubious specialists. The low price of drugs and services should not please, but alarm. No one will work at a loss. Savings on fillers for a cosmetologist will result in a replenishment of your wallet, and for you it can become an invitation to the surgeon’s table.

Be beautiful and healthy! We are waiting for you at the cosmetology clinic “Cleo Line”. We guarantee safety and quality when providing our services.

"Duck Mouth"

This is called protrusion of the lips forward. This is another mistake by the master. Duck mouth occurs when an excessive amount of filler is injected into the upper lip. It overflows and becomes longer. Hence the analogy with a duck's beak. Excess hyaluronic acid can be removed using special enzymes in cosmetology centers. When using fillers with another active substance, the work of a surgeon will be required.

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