How to get rid of allergic dermatitis in a baby?

Dry skin, scratches and abrasions, redness and irritation - these symptoms appear to each of us from time to time. When choosing drugs for their treatment, you can encounter problems: some drugs dry out even more, others fight inflammation, but are not suitable for long-term use.

Bepanten guarantees quick and safe elimination of all unpleasant manifestations. The drug is available in several dosage forms, and everyone can choose the ideal one for themselves.

How does Bepanten work?

Dexpanthenol, on the basis of which the drug works, is provitamin B5. This substance easily enters the skin, where it is transformed into pantothenic acid.

In turn, thanks to pantothenic acid, skin healing processes occur, cellular metabolism is normalized, and collagen fibers are strengthened. Due to these effects, the cream and other forms of the drug promote active hydration and regeneration of the skin.

Dexpanthenol is a substance related to skin cells, so Bepanten can be used on any area of ​​the skin. In addition, the product can be used by children from birth.

Atopic dermatitis and diathesis - symptoms and treatment

Treatment tactics depend on the severity and duration of the disease:

  • with a mild course of the disease without sensitivity to allergens and complications, outpatient treatment is possible;
  • in severe cases and the body’s reaction to atopenes, hospitalization is required.

Basic therapy includes taking anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and hyposensitizing agents that suppress the allergic reaction [10] [12].

First of all, you need to get rid of the itching. Since it is associated with inflammation, antihistamines and sedatives, topical corticosteroids or calcineurin inhibitors (Tacrolimus and Pimecrolimus) can be used to eliminate it [13].

With the development of moderate and severe forms of the disease, if topical medications do not help, the patient is administered Dupilumab (contraindicated in patients under 18 years of age).

The second goal of treatment is the correction of dry skin (xerosis), vascular and metabolic disorders. To do this, you need to eliminate provoking factors, avoid constipation and diarrhea, take antihistamines, sedatives and immunocorrective drugs. Reflexology, ultraviolet skin irradiation, selective phototherapy and photochemotherapy are also indicated. Antiseptic wet-dry dressings, hot poultices and paraffin applications are applied to the skin, and corticosteroid ointments are applied.

Diet therapy is carried out in three stages:

  • Stage I - diagnostic diet. It is aimed at eliminating from the diet a product that is believed to have become an allergen. If the patient’s condition improves during this diet, then an allergy to the product is confirmed.
  • Stage II - therapeutic diet. Aimed at eliminating not only all food allergens, but also provoking factors;
  • Stage III - expansion of the diet during remission[14].

In the infant form of the disease, special attention should be paid to complementary foods: it should be hypoallergenic. To do this, you need to exclude foods and substances such as milk, gluten, sugar, salt, broth, preservatives, artificial colors and flavors. If a child has gastrointestinal disorders, then the first complementary food should be industrially produced dairy-free cereals that do not contain sugar or gluten (for example, buckwheat, rice and corn). In case of constipation or excess body weight of the baby, complementary feeding begins with pureed zucchini, squash, cabbage and other vegetables. The protein part of the diet includes puree from rabbit, turkey, horse meat and lamb. Fruit complementary foods consist of green and white apples. It is recommended to give juices only towards the end of the first year of life.

For general treatment, it is recommended to use “Desloratadine”: in the form of syrup it can be given to children from one year old, in the form of tablets - starting from 12-13 years. A short course of glucocorticosteroids in tablet form is indicated only in cases of severe exacerbation. Ointments, gels and creams with glucocorticosteroids are also recommended for exacerbations and severe forms of the disease [15]. These include hydrocortisone, fluticasone and others. Activated zinc pyrithione in the form of 0.2% aerosol, cream and 1% shampoo is used taking into account its ability to provoke an exacerbation of viral diseases and enhance the effects of the sun [14].

During hospitalization, infusion therapy is performed - intravenous administration of a Cyclosporine solution with an initial dose of 2.5 mg/kg per day. In severe cases, the dose can be increased to 5 mg/kg per day. If a positive result is achieved, the dosage is gradually reduced until completely discontinued. It is recommended to use moisturizing and softening creams “Locobase Ripea”, “Likoid Lipokrem”, “Lipikar” and milk “Dardia” in combination.

Stable remission is facilitated by living for 2-3 years in an area with a warm climate (Mediterranean, desert climate, highlands)[10].


Bepanten is used in the following cases:

  • Prevention and treatment of diaper rash in infants, including newborns;
  • Nipple care for nursing mothers. Treatment of cracked nipples, which often appear during lactation;
  • Healing of small wounds, abrasions, scratches;
  • Elimination of skin irritation and some allergic manifestations. Thus, the product can be used for food allergies in children, as well as as part of a complex treatment of atopic dermatitis;
  • Treatment of various burns (including sunburn) of mild severity.

Bepanten can be used to treat the area of ​​bedsores. The product is also used to care for transplanted skin. Finally, the drug can simply be used as a cosmetic product for the care of dry skin prone to irritation.

How to use Bepanten

The drug in the form of cream and ointment is used as follows:

  • For preventive care of the skin of infants, as well as the treatment of diaper rash, the product is applied in a thin layer each time diapers are changed.
  • Treatment of various skin lesions (wounds, abrasions, burns, areas of irritation) involves applying a thin layer of ointment several times a day throughout the healing period.
  • Nursing mothers who are faced with the problem of cracked nipples should apply ointment every time after feeding the baby. Before the next feeding, wash off any remaining product with warm water. Bepanthen cream can be used in a similar way to prevent the formation of cracks.

The drug is not addictive and can lead to an overdose. Therefore, it can be used for as long as desired.

Before choosing the form of the drug: cream, ointment or lotion, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist. Ointment is often used for medicinal purposes, and cream is used for prevention. The lotion is best used to care for skin prone to dryness and irritation.

Incorrect treatment of atopic dermatitis. 5 main mistakes

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that causes itchy red patches, rashes, peeling and dryness. This disease is diagnosed in 30% of children and 10% of adults. However, atopic dermatitis is often not given due attention, and incorrect treatment of this disease can slow down the onset of remission and worsen the overall level of health. Dermatologist Anna Trushina talks about the 5 most common mistakes in treatment tactics.

Mistake #1. Excessive diagnostics aimed at identifying “non-skin” causes.

The reasons for the development of atopic dermatitis lie in genetically determined features:

1. From the skin - associated with a violation of the barrier function.

2. From the immune system. In response to the penetration of irritants and allergens through a broken skin barrier, inflammation forms.

Therefore, it is not advisable to look for the cause in helminths, disturbances of intestinal microflora, intoxication, etc. The entire range of examinations prescribed in this regard only because of atopic dermatitis is not justified. Efforts aimed at finding the “root cause” outside the skin are better directed towards competent treatment of the skin itself.

Mistake #2. Search for the causative allergen.

Atopic dermatitis is not an allergic disease in nature. However, allergic reactions can be combined with atopic dermatitis as a concomitant disease. This happens in approximately 20-30% of patients.

Therefore, atopic dermatitis itself is not a reason to undergo expensive panels for specific allergens, and the test should only be taken if a specific allergic reaction is suspected in some patients.

Mistake #3. Following an unreasonable diet.

Often atopic dermatitis becomes the reason for prescribing a strict “hypoallergenic” diet. Children's diet becomes monotonous and boring. However, such dietary restrictions are not scientifically justified and do not bring the desired result, even if there is an allergy at the same time.

In addition to the lack of effect, a strict diet can harm the body. It leads to deficiencies of important nutrients, minerals and vitamins, which can negatively affect the overall health of the child. Therefore, children with atopic dermatitis need to eat a varied and balanced diet. Only those foods whose role has been clearly proven to aggravate the pathological process are excluded from the diet. Similar rules apply to the mother’s diet if the baby is breastfed.

Mistake #4. Irrational skin care.

The basis of the treatment of atopic dermatitis is the restoration of the skin barrier function and the elimination of inflammation. Therefore, products are prescribed that help HYDRATE and soften the skin and retain moisture inside it, and thereby improve the protective properties of the skin. The complex also uses measures that reduce the likelihood of developing an inflammatory process, i.e. skin contact with potential aggressors from the external environment is limited.

To achieve the goals listed above, careful and careful care of the skin of an atopic child using EMOLENTS is required. These are special products, lotions, creams, balms, which, when applied to the skin, soften and moisturize it, help fill the intercellular spaces in the skin, restoring its barrier properties.

It is important to understand that using simple baby creams 1-2 times a day may not be enough. Proper care requires the application of special emollients in sufficient quantities. They are distributed in a thick (!) layer on both problem and visually unchanged areas of the skin. At the same time, the frequency of application directly depends on the condition of the skin. It is necessary to use emollients so many times during the day that the skin remains smooth, soft and without flaking to the touch all day.

Mistake #5. Refusal of “hormones”.

With atopic dermatitis, an inflammatory process occurs inside the skin (the word “dermatitis” itself, literally translated into Russian, means inflammation of the skin). That is why during an exacerbation, anti-inflammatory external agents are used to stop the inflammation. These drugs include external glucocorticosteroids. However, many parents refuse these “hormones” due to steroidophobia (fear of using steroids).

Topical (i.e., used externally: lotions, emulsions, ointments, creams) corticosteroids have been used in the treatment of atopic dermatitis for decades. During this time, they have demonstrated high efficiency and a high safety profile.

If parents do not use corticosteroids in cases where there are indications for this, or do it irrationally (prescribed independently without taking into account the degree and form of skin inflammation, independently cancel the hormone before the required time without the supervision of a doctor), then this can lead to deterioration of the skin condition , the formation of foci of chronic inflammation and other local complications.


Atopic dermatitis is a fairly well-studied disease with established mechanisms of development. Regular skin care, timely relief of inflammation and the elimination of unnecessary aggressive manipulations and diagnostic procedures will help cope with this disease as effectively as possible.

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