Review of Russian biorevitalizants Outline Gel: description of the procedure and reviews from cosmetologists

The domestic line of biorevitalizants and Outline liquid threads allows you to preserve youth and freshness of your face and body for as long as possible. High quality and safety were appreciated by cosmetologists and patients. The main task of hyaluronic cocktails is to improve renewal processes at the cellular level. Deep hydration and collagen synthesis improve the structure and color of the skin. The tone is evened out, pores are narrowed, swelling and flabbiness disappear. The raw materials for the drugs are produced in Japan. A course of therapy with biorevitalizant outline gel can improve lymphatic drainage and restore tissue density. Target areas are not limited to the face, décolleté, or neck. Invasive procedures can be used to rejuvenate and improve body elasticity.

Composition of the drug

The main components are hyaluronic acid and zinc. Balanced formulas allow you to select drugs individually to solve aesthetic problems.


  • hyaluronic acid is treated with laser, this allows you to prolong the effect of biorevitalization. BDDE agents that are allergens are not used for crosslinking. The proportion of hyaluron is equal to the natural concentration in tissues. Natural replenishment of the deficiency allows you to activate the synthesis of elastin and collagen;
  • Zinc is known for its antioxidant and revitalizing properties. Perfectly tones the skin, restores nutrition and breathing functions. Participates in the formation of fibrous tissue, which provides lifting of the facial frame.


In addition to their indications, the drugs also have contraindications that prohibit their use. They do not apply when:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • the patient's age is under 18 years;
  • the presence of any permanent implants in the problem area;
  • individual intolerance to components in the product;
  • tuberculosis;
  • asthma;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • acute course of a chronic or temporary illness;
  • herpes;
  • the presence of inflammatory areas in the problem area;
  • exacerbation of skin diseases.

Indications, effectiveness of use

The procedure is prescribed after assessing the condition of the skin if indicated. Biorevitalizants are used starting from the age of 18. Depending on the anatomical features, nutritional system, lifestyle, up to 30 years of age, problems such as dry skin, inflammation, swelling, bags, dark circles under the eyes may be observed.

After 30, creases in the nasolabial triangle and crow's feet become more pronounced, the skin becomes thinner and loses elasticity. By the age of 45, folds in the periorbital region are noticeable, the corners of the lips droop, and purse-string wrinkles appear.

To neutralize the effects of aggressive environmental factors and aging processes, outline gel products are successfully used.


  • photopigmentation;
  • traces of stress, fatigue, lack of sleep;
  • decreased elasticity, sagging;
  • aesthetic imperfections;
  • shallow wrinkles;
  • swelling, dark circles under the eyes;
  • changing the contour of the oval;
  • acceleration of healing after plastic surgery, Botox injections, laser procedures.

Types of drugs

lifter - contains hyaluronic acid and zinc. Indicated for contour plastic surgery, compacts the integument, and allows you to recreate the facial frame. Target areas are face and body. As a result, it is possible to smooth out wrinkles and achieve an even skin texture.

Skinoprotector - designed to protect tissues from aggressive environmental influences. Provides restoration of a fresh, well-groomed appearance, getting rid of puffiness and bags under the eyes. Prescribed for preparation before plastic surgery and during the recovery period after botulinum therapy. Allows you to prolong the results of facial rejuvenation and correction with hyaluronic fillers.

Mesolift and Mesolift Zn - 2 types are available, hyaluronic acid and hyaluron with zinc. It is used to prepare mesotherapy cocktails; it is possible to select the composition to solve the patient’s individual problems.

Biorevitalizant - the basis was unstabilized acid in its pure form. It is prescribed for the correction of minor aesthetic defects caused by early aging processes, lifestyle, and the influence of aggressive factors.

What are liquid mesothreads and what do they consist of?

Liquid mesothreads are a transparent viscoelastic gel intended for introduction into the mesoderm. The basis of OUTLINE GEL preparations developed by La Beaute Medicale: Japanese concentrated high-molecular sodium hyaluronan (hyaluronic acid is a widely used biorevitalizant with proven effectiveness) and zinc chloride (antioxidant, stimulator of neocollagenesis).

Hyaluronic acid stimulates the activity of fibroblasts, which triggers the process of collagen synthesis, which is necessary for skin elasticity. Zinc catalyzes the processes of neocollagenesis and has an antioxidant effect on skin cells. In addition, since zinc does not dissolve in water, it ensures the formation of dense connective tissue in the dermis (controlled fibrosis), due to which the skin is noticeably tightened.

Due to the presence of zinc in liquid mesothreads, the skin reacts to them with fibrosis - the uniform formation of dense connective tissue, due to which the dermis layer thickens, wrinkles are smoothed out, and skin elasticity increases.

Fibrosis is a normal protective reaction of the body to a water-insoluble substance (in liquid mesothreads - zinc). The purpose of this reaction is to prevent the penetration of a foreign substance into surrounding tissues by isolating it with dense connective tissue.

Instructions for administering the drug

It is carried out by a doctor in a cosmetology office. The drugs are stored in their original packaging at temperatures from 5 to 35. They are opened in the presence of the patient. When the needles become dull, they are changed and then, along with the remaining drug, are disposed of. Target areas are face, neck, décolleté, hands.


  1. Classic - needles are inserted at an angle of 90º, the depth depends on the purpose of the procedure, varies from 2 to 4 mm. The puncture sites are located at equal distances from each other.
  2. Nappage involves treating large areas of tissue with a minimal dose of administration. Speed ​​also matters; injections are carried out in 2–3 seconds. Implanted into the superficial, middle layers of the dermis.
  3. Tuberous - the composition is introduced at an angle of 10–15º, the bevel of the needle is directed upward. As a result, papules are formed, the diameter depends on the goals of aesthetic correction.

How is the procedure performed in clinics?

The cosmetologist assesses the condition of the skin and makes a decision on the advisability of using biorevitalizants. The procedure does not require special preparation; the doctor needs to identify possible contraindications for the procedure. When choosing a specialist, it is important to pay attention to qualifications and medical education.

Before the course, it is recommended to undergo antiviral therapy to avoid side effects. The remaining recommendations relate to lifestyle; alcoholic beverages, staying on the beach, and visiting a solarium are prohibited.

On the day of the procedure, the patient’s outpatient card is filled out, indicating the brand of the drug and the volume used.

Note! The packaging is opened in front of the patient, a certificate for the product is provided, the batch number and expiration date must be checked.

Carrying out:

  1. The covers are thoroughly cleansed, followed by treatment with an antiseptic.
  2. The use of local anesthesia can help relieve pain. It helps reduce sensitivity for a short period of time without consequences for the body.
  3. Introduction of the gel according to a pre-selected method. The volume of the drug depends on the target areas; biorevitalization is performed on the back of the hands, neck, and décolleté.
  4. Repeated treatment of the skin with an antiseptic, massage for uniform distribution in the tissues.

Afterwards, the patient receives doctor’s recommendations for the healing period; the duration of the manipulations does not exceed an hour.

Rehabilitation period

For the first few hours, redness is observed. Papules persist for several days and swelling is possible. With proper care, all side effects quickly disappear. You need to complete a course and 4–6 sessions every 2 weeks. The result lasts for about a year.

Recommendations during the healing period:

  • During the first 24 hours, you should not use decorative cosmetics and limit touching your face;
  • for cleansing, use soft foams without aggressive components;
  • you cannot sunbathe, or visit the solarium or swimming pool;
  • Alcohol and foods rich in salt and spices are prohibited.


Invasive interventions of any type imply a recovery period after their implementation. In this case, rehabilitation lasts 7 - 9 days. During the specified period of time you should:

  • avoid visiting saunas, baths, solariums, swimming pools;
  • stop using decorative cosmetics;
  • do not sunbathe or stay in direct sunlight for a long time;
  • do not exert physical impact on the site where the composition is introduced.

If necessary, the skin is treated with an antiseptic; cool sterile compresses can be used to relieve swelling.

Average cost of the procedure in Moscow clinics

You can sign up for biorevitalization of the face and body in many metropolitan clinics. The combination of price and quality makes the use of products attractive for both cosmetologists and their patients. The cost depends on the target areas and the volume of the drug used. Depending on the condition of the skin, from 2 to 6 procedures will be required, every 2 weeks.

Prices in Moscow:

  • skin protector - from RUB 5,000;
  • lift operator - from 4500 rubles;
  • meso - from 4000 rubles;
  • biorevitalizant - from 5000 rubles;
  • liquid biothreads from 5 ml - from 12,000 rubles. up to 30,000 rub.

In medicine, Outline gel is actively used for biorevitalization. It is used on the face, décolleté, between and under the mammary glands, on the abdomen, hands, thighs and buttocks.

Outline gel is a new generation drug in the field of aesthetic medicine and cosmetology. Its main component is hyaluronic acid. Some of the products in this line contain zinc. It tones and rejuvenates the skin, slowing down the aging process.

The manufacturer of the Outline series for biorevitalization is the Russian company La beaute medicale. Components are supplied from Japan.

The Outline gel line includes 5 products.

Skinprotector (skinprotector; blue). Increases skin density, moisturizes and tightens it. It has a pronounced antioxidant and rejuvenating effect. Composition: 1% sodium and zinc salt of hyaluronic acid (in a ratio of 5:1).

Biorevitalizer (biorevitalizant; green). Actively moisturizes the skin, providing a long-lasting effect. Composition: 1% modified sodium hyaluronate of the highest purity.

Lifter (liquid biothreads, mesothreads; lilac). Increases skin elasticity. It has a rejuvenating and pronounced lifting effect. Ingredients: zinc hyaluronate (zinc salt of hyaluronic acid).

Mezolift (mesolift; dark red). Nourishes and moisturizes the skin. It is practically not used as an independent drug. Composition: unreticulated 0.5% hyaluronic acid.

Mezolift Zn+ (mesolift Zn+; red). Has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effects. Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, actively moisturizes the skin. Composition: native high molecular weight 0.5% hyaluronic acid with the addition of atomic zinc.

Each drug in the series combats specific skin problems. Therefore, he is selected by a cosmetologist.

General indications for use of Outline gel for biorevitalization:

  • Small and medium wrinkles (25+);
  • Skin tendency to dryness and flaking;
  • Increased pigmentation;
  • Oily hair in the root zone of the head;
  • Deformation and prolapse of soft tissues;
  • Skin laxity (35+);
  • Acne;
  • "The Panda Effect"

Biorevitalization using Outline and the use of drugs based on botulinum toxin give good rejuvenation results.

It is necessary to consult with a cosmetologist before using Outline gel for biorevitalization.


  • Age less than 18 years;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Bleeding disorders;
  • Inflammation at the intended injection points;
  • Acute pathologies;
  • Diabetes;
  • Herpetic infection;
  • Individual intolerance to components;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

The drug rarely causes side effects or complications. Unpleasant consequences include itching, changes in skin color, and swelling in the injection areas.

Before biorevitalization, the skin is cleansed of cosmetics and impurities. For patients with a low pain threshold, an anesthetic cream is applied. The procedure takes place in 3 stages:

  1. Treating the skin with an antiseptic;
  2. Carrying out injections;
  3. Repeated treatment with antiseptic.

To reduce the risk of complications, it is important to follow the recommendations of a cosmetologist.

The duration of courses and the intervals between them depend on the drug:

  • Skin protector. Course – 2 months (once every 2 weeks);
  • Biorevitalizant. Course – 2 months (once every 2 weeks);
  • Bionith. Course – 3 months (once every 2 weeks);
  • Mesolift Zinc+. Course – 1 month (1 time per week).

To maintain the effect – 1 procedure every six months.

The cost is determined by the area where biorevitalization is carried out. Outline gel costs from 2 to 11 thousand rubles.

The price of one procedure using the drug in the facial area costs 3-5 thousand rubles, on the body - from 5-6 thousand rubles.

Reviews from cosmetologists about Outline gel for biorevitalization are positive. Experts note that the drug effectively copes with its intended purpose. Among its advantages are a quick recovery period, minimal side effects, and duration of action.

Patients also note significant changes after the procedure: fine wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes more toned and smooth.

However, not all patients who underwent biorevitalization with Outline gel are satisfied with the result. In reviews they mention a weak, barely noticeable effect and complications. The first is explained by insufficient qualifications of the specialist, the second by an allergic reaction or failure to follow instructions for skin care after the procedure.

Precautionary measures

Hyaluronic cocktails are well accepted by the skin and do not cause rejection or adverse reactions. But if the administration technique is violated or there are unidentified contraindications, the following may occur:

  • papules;
  • redness;
  • hematomas, swelling;
  • vascular networks;
  • necrosis.

Side effects go away on their own in about a week. But if the symptoms persist for a long time, you need to consult a doctor.


  • pregnancy period, lactation;
  • intolerance to the components of the composition;
  • disruption of systems and organs;
  • epilepsy:
  • diabetes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • inflammation in target areas.

Contraindications to the introduction of liquid mesothreads

To avoid undesirable consequences, rejuvenation with liquid mesothreads is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • diseases of a purulent-inflammatory nature in the area of ​​administration;
  • the presence of chronic dermatological diseases at injection sites;
  • the presence of permanent implants in the insertion area;
  • infectious-allergic bronchial asthma;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • pyoderma;
  • hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug;
  • the patient's minority.

In the case of diabetes, the use of the product must be approached with extreme caution due to the increased vulnerability of patient tissue.

Advantages and disadvantages

Domestically produced biorevitalizants are not inferior to European products. They are distinguished by the presence of zinc in the formula and the absence of allergenic cross-linking agents.


  • improve the general condition of the skin;
  • prevent aging processes;
  • reduced risks of side effects;
  • the effect is noticeable after the first procedure;
  • prescribed for face and body;
  • the course results are maintained for a year;
  • balanced price-quality ratio.


  • course therapy is required;
  • carried out by a qualified specialist;
  • does not solve pronounced age-related problems.

Comparison with other popular fillers

The Outline series of drugs helps prevent the aging process and improve the appearance of the skin. Invasive procedures are performed to restore elasticity and firmness to the face and body. For a pronounced result, a course of 4–6 procedures is required. Prescribed for preparation before plastic surgery, after Botox injections.

Radiesse - the formula is based on calcium hydroxyapatite. As a result of application, a collagen frame is formed, replenishing the lack of tissue volume. It is hypoallergenic and has a prolonged action of up to 2 years.

Princess - the synthesis of hyaluronic acid occurs using a special technology that ensures dynamic knitting. As a result, it is possible to achieve the most natural rejuvenation, correct the shape of the oval, and get rid of aesthetic imperfections. The effect lasts throughout the year.

Juvederm is a series of fillers of different densities based on hyaluronic acid. Indicated for contour tightening, lip augmentation, and smoothing of nasolabial folds. Depending on the density of the gel, the result is observed from 12 to 24 months.

Reviews from real people

Many patients note the positive effect of the drug.

Positive reviews

Alexandra, 52 years old, Murmansk:

I have long dreamed of removing wrinkles around my eyes. I spent a lot of tubes of cosmetic ointments, but didn’t want to go to plastic surgery. On the advice of my sister, I took a course of biorevitalization with hyaluron and zinc. A painless method with a wonderful transformation. My wrinkles are gone, I'm very happy.

Veronica, 43 years old, Krasnodar:

I was very afraid of injections, but from the advertising of the manufacturer I found out that they use anesthesia. Indeed, everything went great, my face brightened, my acne disappeared. I recommend this wonderful procedure with the drug Outline to everyone.

Negative reviews

Negative opinions are shared by clients who did not comply with rehabilitation instructions.

Elena, 36 years old, Surgut:

After the first session, the papules began to itch and inflammation began. I went to the clinic, where they helped me relieve the inflammation, but my face felt as if it had been bitten by mosquitoes. The headache did not go away for 3 days. I won't go to any more procedures.

Suzanna, 42 years old, Tambov:

The swelling lasted for a long time after the injections, and I could not go outside after the procedures. I didn’t notice any improvement in my appearance, my acne didn’t disappear, my face remained dull. I don't recommend this method.

Claudia, 54 years old, Yekaterinburg:

They promised improvement after the first session, but the acne remained. The injections were painful, redness appeared and only went away on the third day. The cost of the procedure is high, the money was wasted, I am not happy.

Neutral reviews

Some patients note the effect of Outline gel, which differs little from its analogues.

Ksenia, 44 years old, Ussuriysk:

Completed a biorevitalization course. A little discomfort during the session did not spoil the result. As stated in the advertisement, the injection marks disappeared on the second day, swelling and redness disappeared. A conventional cosmetic procedure corresponds to the intended effect.

Irina, 33 years old, Novosibirsk:

The face needs constant improvement. During my vacation, I annually conduct a rejuvenation course at a cosmetology clinic. Sometimes I use Outline gel for variety. The action is no different from similar means. I return to work rejuvenated and beautiful to the envy of my colleagues.

Olga, 51 years old, Orel:

On the advice of my cosmetologist, I started using Outline Gel. The improvements are noticeable, but not dramatic. The consequences of the session pass a little faster, the complexion is the same as after mesotherapy. An ordinary cosmetic product, no worse or better than its analogues.

Opinion of cosmetologists

On forums, doctors share their experience of using outline gel.

The cosmetologist writes about his positive experience of using a cosmetic product and the absence of allergies.

The user advises a colleague to use the drug. Side effects can be caused by using one low-quality bottle.

The review describes the consequences of using biorevitalizant.

The participant writes that she worked with the drug and was always well tolerated.

Patient reviews

On the forums there are mostly positive reviews after using the drug outline.

The user writes about amazing results, but painful implementation.

A participant writes about a colleague's positive experience.

The review describes the advantages of outline, the need to select according to age and individual indications.

A participant writes about the uselessness of the drug.

Other reviews can be read on the forum.

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