Acne on the chest in women: causes and treatment methods

The colloquial expression - acne unites a fairly large group of inflammatory foci of different structures: milia, pustules, acne, comedones, etc. Inflammation of the epidermis is most often a consequence of hormonal imbalance in the body. How to cure hormonal acne and whether it is possible, we will consider in this article.

Unaesthetic painful formations on the skin of the face cause a lot of inconvenience and suffering to women. So-called pimples or acne are pronounced bumps with purulent, greasy or watery contents, which are localized on the face, less often - the neck and chest. The mechanical reason for the occurrence of inflamed lesions is the blockage of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles with dirt, grease and microorganisms. The colloquial expression - acne unites a fairly large group of inflammatory foci of different structures: milia, pustules, acne, comedones, etc. Inflammation of the epidermis is most often a consequence of hormonal imbalance in the body. How to cure hormonal acne and whether it is possible, we will consider in this article.

Cause of acne in women

Exocrine, that is, sebaceous glands are part of the endocrine system and a protective mechanism for the epidermis. The glands produce sebum, which is a barrier to pathogenic microorganisms. The second function of the exocrine glands is to maintain the water balance of the skin, moisturize it and nourish it with antioxidants, lipids, and pheromones. Steroid sex hormones are responsible for the regulation and formation of sebum in the glands of women. Male sex hormones (androgens) are also produced in a woman’s body and play their own special role. A certain amount of androgens has a positive effect on the development and stabilization of various processes in a woman’s body. But their excess - hyperandrogenism causes pathological conditions, such as:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • infertility;
  • male pattern hair growth;
  • obesity;
  • dandruff and seborrhea;
  • acne.

The occurrence of acne is associated with hypersecretion of sebum at androgen receptors, which occurs due to decreased estrogen levels and increased testosterone production. As a result of an increase in the amount of male hormones, horn cells rapidly divide, and follicular hyperkeratosis develops. Excess keratin and sebum clog the pores of the epidermis and decompose under the influence of bacteria. Lipids are produced in reduced quantities, the skin becomes dry and inflamed.

Acne on the back and décolleté: how to treat?

The skin of the body can become inflamed at any age. Let's figure out why this happens, how and with what means you can fight it.

Causes of acne on the body

Acne is a chronic disease that is aggravated by external and internal factors.

Factors influencing the appearance of acne on the body may include clothing made from unnatural fabrics that increase sweating, improper care of the skin of the body, or lack thereof.


Since the physiological norm for the appearance of acne is considered to be the age of 12-19 years, then if acne continues to bother you after 25 years, then we can observe a hormonal imbalance. Thus, the causes of inflammation can be problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as dysbiosis.

-Active sebum production

The activity of sebaceous glands production depends on genetics, so acne is a genetic predisposition.

-External factors

This could be climate change, improper care and much more.

-Microbe R. Acnes

It provokes the common type of acne Acne Vulgaris. In some people, this microorganism cannot take root. Therefore, an environment emerges for the pathogen to feed and reproduce.

How to deal with acne on the back and chest?

-Change your diet

If you go on hunger strikes, and then suddenly break down and are able to eat everything, then you should urgently wean your body from this. Your body cannot independently remove fat breakdown products through the gastrointestinal tract. Since the skin is an excretory organ, it takes on some of these functions. As a result, excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands occurs and inflammation appears.

What to do : eliminate refined sugar, overeating and fast carbohydrates.

-Inappropriate care for you

If you use products that are not suitable for you, then you may have problems with skin regeneration. To care for the skin of your back and décolleté, you need to use products similar in composition to those you use on your face.

What to do:

1) consult a cosmetologist. Choose the products that suit your skin type

2) study the labels of the products you use. Avoid cosmetics that contain comedogenic components: petroleum jelly, lanolin, silicone, some oils (coconut, coconut, wheat)

3) cleanse your skin properly. Choose gel-based products, and exfoliate once every 2 weeks.

-Climate change

High humidity and sudden temperature changes can further worsen acne.

What to do : It may be worth giving up tanning and reducing the amount of sun exposure, because this can reduce immunity, increase sebum secretion, dry out the stratum corneum of the skin and, as a result, worsen acne.

What products should be used to combat acne on the back and décolleté?

The most effective products that really work from Image Skincare

Anti-acne cleansing scrub – CLEAR CELL medicated acne facial scrub

A cleansing scrub that kills bacteria and removes dead cells along with excess sebum, renewing and refreshing the skin. Cleanses the skin with microgranules, while a phytocomplex of carefully selected antimicrobial and soothing extracts softens the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Suitable for use in the shower for acne on the décolleté and back.

Anti-acne emulsion – CLEAR CELL medicated acne lotion

A mandatory drug for the correction of acne of any severity, it acts on all causes of acne. Salicylic acid reduces sebum production and removes dead skin cells. Phytoextracts and tea tree essential oil reduce inflammation, heal and soothe the skin.

Effective Image Skincare products will help you cope with acne on your back and décolleté. You can come to one of the Image Skincare SPA centers and get advice from a qualified specialist.

Hormonal acne: what tests to take?

Acne treatment begins with a visit to a dermatologist and gynecologist, who will determine the possible causes of the disease through a comprehensive examination. The gynecologist prescribes smears for sexually transmitted pathologies (STDs and STIs), and inflammatory processes. A blood test for RW (syphilis) and HIV is mandatory. The dermatologist prescribes a whole range of specific tests of blood, urine, and skin.

Since women with acne are expected to have a disorder of the endocrine system, they need to undergo laboratory diagnostics to determine their hormonal status. The list of tests includes a mandatory test for the concentration of adrenal hormones. Paired glands located at the apex of the kidneys produce three groups of steroid hormones: mineralcorticoids, glucocorticoids, and sex hormones: androgens, estrogens, progesterone. The doctor prescribes a blood test for testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, progesterone, estradiol, FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone). It is also necessary to check the level of thyroid hormones: TSH, T3, T4. In addition, doctors prescribe general and biochemical blood and urine tests.


It is worth paying attention to special means. When purchasing a cream or ointment for acne, be careful and read the instructions. Don’t be lazy and go to a cosmetologist. He will be able to determine the cause more accurately and tell you about possible treatment methods.

If you have very severe rashes, then you simply need to consult a specialist. Do not delay visiting your doctor, so you can quickly cure acne on your chest. The treatment prescribed by your doctor will be tailored to your individual case, which means it will be more effective.

Don’t forget about a good mood and a positive attitude, this way you will cope with your problems quickly and easily. Let your reflection in the mirror be a reward for the efforts you make to improve your skin.

How to cure hormonal acne

Chronic inflamed acne on the face due to hormonal imbalance is treated exclusively in an inpatient or outpatient setting based on a confirmed diagnosis. The doctor prescribes hormonal therapy according to a special regimen, prescribes a diet and gives recommendations for mechanical cleaning and treatment of the affected areas of the epidermis. Treatment of identified gynecological ailments and vitamin therapy are mandatory. All stages of complex treatment, used together, and under the strict supervision of a dermatologist and gynecologist, will allow a woman to get rid of a serious problem and live enjoying clear facial skin.

Skin condition and nutrition

The first thing you should do is analyze your diet. Make a list of what you eat, where and in what quantity. This way you can clearly see what you are eating. Then make a list of foods that should be in your diet. Increase the amount of vegetables and fruits. To avoid intestinal problems, you need to consume fiber. It is better if the vegetables are steamed. Eliminate spicy, salty and fried foods from your diet; these foods are bad for the liver and can cause digestive problems. Food should be light and tasty.

Make it a habit to drink green tea instead of coffee and eat dried fruits and nuts instead of buns and sweets. A small piece of chocolate is all you can afford. Don't let this make you sad. Believe me, your beauty and health are worth some sacrifices. In addition, raisins, dried apricots, figs and dates are very tasty.

Give up chips and fast food for the sake of your skin. Your food should be varied and tasty. Learn to cook and treat yourself to small masterpieces of your culinary art.

A prerequisite for solving skin problems is drinking clean water. By drinking 8 glasses a day, you will normalize your digestive system and notice a significant improvement in your skin condition.

If you have a tendency to allergic reactions, then you need to exclude unwanted foods. To relieve symptoms, use antiallergic medications prescribed by your doctor.

You can take a course of vitamins specifically designed to improve the condition of your skin, hair and nails. You can purchase them at the pharmacy.

Proper nutrition is the best remedy. By changing your diet, you will change your life. Let her be beautiful.

Danger of irritation

The appearance of pimples, rashes, red irritation on the chest, under the breasts indicates the accelerated growth of pathogenic bacteria. If the affected area is itchy, then by scratching it, a person risks getting an infection. Thus, new microorganisms will penetrate into the already inflamed area and cause even more irritation.

Red irritation on the chest or under the breasts often occurs in the summer or when changing your usual bra. In this case, the symptoms do not pose a particular threat to health. But if the condition does not go away for a long time, then this indicates an inflammatory process that can cause deep skin damage.

The appearance of pimples and acne in the bust area may indicate the onset of the disease. Symptoms that indicate a serious health threat:

  • sudden change in skin color;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • swelling of the throat and face;
  • change in acne color;
  • difficulty breathing.

Disease prevention

If you know about your predisposition to breakouts, then you need to follow these recommendations that will prevent the hated pimples from appearing on your chest.

  1. Clothes should be purchased and worn only from natural materials. Linen, cotton, and wool will help your skin breathe; air flows through them to the skin. This applies not only to summer clothes, but also to winter ones. And it’s better to forget about foam inserts in your bra forever.
  2. If you sweat profusely, your skin must be kept clean at all times. Shower several times a day, every time you sweat enough. Once a day you need to shower with soap. Tar soap is best suited for these purposes; it is an antiseptic and wound-healing agent. It can be replaced or alternated with camphor-based soap.
  3. Use a natural scrub twice a week. To prepare it, you need to grind three tablespoons of oatmeal in a blender and add a teaspoon of soda to it. Pour some hot water into the mixture until it becomes mushy and leave until it cools. This scrub should be applied to the chest, left for 10 minutes, then massaged a little and rinsed off under warm running water.

Oats will cleanse the skin well of old cells that clog pores and prevent the skin from breathing, and soda will act as a disinfectant.

Why do they appear

Let's look at the main reasons for women:

  1. Genetic predisposition. Scientists distinguish several types of skin, differing in the functioning of the sebaceous glands: normal, dry, oily and combined. Oily, combination, and less often dry skin types are considered vulnerable to the appearance of inflammatory acne. It is enough to choose and apply the right care products to prevent rashes.
  2. Pathologies. When internal causes appear, the skin begins to react first. Patients are advised to visit their doctor and undergo a full diagnosis. The appearance of inflammation in the sternum area indicates the malfunction of several systems - reproductive, endocrine, mental, sexual, digestive. To eliminate visible signs, it is necessary to begin treatment of the identified diseases.
  3. Lack of personal hygiene. Improper and untimely care contributes to the development of skin diseases. The risk of blackheads, which act as a provocateur of the formation of the inflammatory process, increases. Bacteria and infection penetrate under the epidermis. It is important to keep the décolleté area clean and use clean towels and bed linen.
  4. The presence of toxins in human blood. Harmful compounds penetrate through food containing chemicals, as well as cosmetics and perfumes, dirty air and water.

READ ALSO: Lymph nodes in the groin: causes of inflammation, treatment, photos

It is important to monitor your health, nutrition and quality of life. Spend more time outdoors.

When are acne considered dangerous?

Most women have a question about when acne between the breastbone is considered dangerous and requires immediate medical attention.

Basically, this manifestation is not considered pathological, but in rare cases it indicates the development of serious diseases, an allergic reaction (urticaria, Quincke's edema).

You should immediately contact a specialist if a rash has formed on the neck, mammary glands, pimples itch and are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the larynx, facial part;
  • a change in the shade of the skin when the person is in satisfactory condition;
  • a serious sign is a change in the color of the rash. Red pimples become sallow;
  • dizziness, loss of consciousness;
  • difficult, rapid breathing.

If these signs occur, you should urgently call an ambulance.

How to prevent acne

It is important to know not only how to remove acne on the chest, but also how to prevent its further occurrence. Prevention primarily lies in proper care. It is important to use gels for showering that do not disturb the natural pH of the skin and do not dry it out. You should take a shower or bath daily. In hot weather, it is recommended to wash with plain water without using cleansers up to twice a day.

If pimples appear under the breasts in hot weather, the affected area should be treated with Chlorhexidine and baby powder or talc should be applied to dry skin. In the case where there is a rash over the entire chest area, treatment with an antiseptic is also necessary to avoid deterioration of the condition of the skin.

It should be remembered that inflamed elements should never be pressed, even if one pimple pops up. Mechanical removal at home can lead to infection and spread of acne. It is permissible to cauterize a single inflamed element using iodine, salicylic alcohol and any other antiseptic.

Treatments that require more time and a higher budget

While all of the above methods are worth trying, some acne cannot be treated without the help of more intensive methods, ranging from dermatological interventions to spa treatments. These methods usually require a large investment of both time and money and should be considered based on your actual capabilities. wallet

Dermatologists who specialize in skin diseases may prescribe oral or topical medications to treat acne. Unfortunately, few dermatologists work in public clinics, and most often work in independent private practice. Because of this, the treatment process can cost you “ for a pretty penny."

While the treatments listed above are usually easy and inexpensive, there are some creams and medications available over the counter to treat acne that are more expensive, although they may also be more effective. When considering these more expensive creams and treatments, be sure to read product reviews and pay close attention to the skin type and problem you're targeting; Not all products are designed for oily or sensitive skin Generally, salicylic acid creams are effective in treating acne on both the face and body.

Other treatments may be available in SPA and dermatology departments. These include: microdermabrasion, chemical peels and light therapy. Each of these therapies has increased risks compared to home treatments or topical medications, but can also provide much greater benefits.

Microdermabrasion involves removing the topmost layer of skin, revealing the healthier, more youthful skin underneath. Chemical peels do the same thing, although they cause more blemishes and redness. Light therapy, one of the fastest, though not exactly cheap, ways to get rid of acne , seeks to eradicate the root cause of acne through light therapy, treat acne on a more permanent and consistent basis. As with any procedure, consult with a qualified professional and weigh all possible consequences before embarking on a specific type of therapy and treatment.

Reasons for appearance

The human skin contains many glands, ducts, hair follicles and other structures. The sebum produced forms a protective barrier against infections from the external environment. Epidermal cells multiply, renew themselves, die and exfoliate. This process continues endlessly.

The mixing of subcutaneous fat and the stratum corneum contributes to the appearance of dirt, which a person washes off during hygiene procedures. It's difficult to eliminate.

Substances used for external skin care cause dryness of the epidermis. As a result, the skin and the structures located in it are vulnerable to environmental irritants (dirt, pathogenic microflora).

If the epidermis is cleaned incorrectly and untimely, the sebaceous and sweat glands become clogged. The accumulated secretion contributes to the appearance of acne. When bacteria attach, an inflammatory process occurs, which results in a pimple with purulent contents inside.

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