Causes of boils in the intimate area in men and women - treatment with folk remedies and medicines

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Furuncles of the labia, or as they are popularly called “chiria,” are inflammation of the hair follicle, close to the sebaceous glands and surrounding tissues. A common disease of the intimate area that can have serious consequences if left untreated. It’s a pity that not everyone immediately goes to the doctor with this problem. Treatment must be carried out to avoid complications and side effects. Especially when a boil appears inside the skin of the labia. This can occur anywhere on the vulva (labia majora and minora), pubis, perineum, or closer to the anus. A boil in the intimate area may have the term “boil”.

If the process is characterized not by a single formation, but by multiple rashes on the external genitalia (from three units), then this is called “furunculosis.” This disease should not be confused with carbuncle - a purulent inflammation that affects the inner layers of the dermis and subcutaneous fatty tissue.

What are boils on intimate places

Boils are purulent pimples on the hair follicles. Inflammations occur in places where the skin is delicate and conditions are created with constant humidity. Such formations appear in the armpits and intimate places. The inflammation hurts, itches and causes discomfort. Then you need to urgently consult a doctor and figure out how to deal with the tubercle. Ignoring a boil can lead to complications, such as blood poisoning and other negative consequences.

Types of boils

In medicine, there are many types of these formations. But we will consider only the common ones.

  1. Common boil. Single abscess on the skin.
  2. Carbuncle. This is an extensive abscess that affects several hair follicles at the same time. In this case, the boils merge into one, and the pus, after they ripen, comes out in several places.
  3. Cystic form of acne. In this case, inflammation occurs in the deep layers of tissue. It is rare, especially in the groin area.
  4. Hidradenitis suppurativa. It is represented by multiple abscesses that form during the inflammatory process of the sweat glands. Occurs in the groin, armpits. For treatment, surgery is mainly used to remove festering elements.

Symptoms of a boil in an intimate place

Boils that appear in intimate places are not the simplest ailment. Inflammations do not appear immediately as they are used to seeing. They begin to mature and gradually develop. In no case should you delay treatment of boils in intimate places. A pimple can cause muscle pain, headaches and even high fever - up to 38 degrees.

In some cases, the occurrence of inflammation (the appearance of a boil) provokes problems with the lymph nodes, which can lead to serious consequences. Everything happens in several stages:

  • First, redness appears on the labia minora or groin. Then the person feels unpleasant itching, tightness, and discomfort.
  • At the second stage, more painful reactions begin to occur, and people are especially sensitive in intimate places. During the development of the boil, it begins to thicken, swelling and elevation appear. A pulsation may be felt in the very center of the abscess. The pimple grows from 1 to 3 cm in diameter. After a while, a purulent core covered with blisters begins to appear.
  • At the third stage, resorption or release of accumulated pus from the skin occurs. This is the maturation stage at which the pustule breaks open.
  • Next comes the healing stage. At this point, it is worth paying more attention to personal hygiene so that healing goes faster. In total, the period lasts 8-12 days.

In the groin

The first reason for the proliferation of infectious bacteria and the development of a subcutaneous abscess in the groin area is considered to be weakened immunity. For the normal functioning of the immune system, the body necessarily needs vitamins B, B1, C, and fiber for cleansing. In case of weakened immunity, the use of a complex of vitamin preparations is justified. Do not get carried away with carbohydrates: their excess can weaken the defense system.

Other causes of an abscess include failure to comply with hygiene rules or constant wearing of uncomfortable, tight clothing. It can chafe and irritate the skin, making it more vulnerable to infection. Men are especially not recommended to wear clothes that can press, cause discomfort, or cause excess moisture, thereby causing inflammation of the hair follicle in the groin. Men and women should take these features into account when choosing clothes and underwear.

On the labia

Women may develop an abscess on the labia. One of the causes of a pimple is a violation of personal hygiene rules. Due to special conditions (humidity, bacterial growth), those with weak immunity are more often susceptible to the disease. Women are advised not to sit on cold surfaces or overheat their private parts. A boil in the vagina is especially dangerous. In this case, treatment under the supervision of a doctor is necessary. It is important to get competent help: the doctor will determine how to treat a boil in the groin or on the vulvar mucosa.


Photo symptoms of purulent rashes are identical in almost all cases. This is redness of the skin, a neoplasm, the contents of which are purulent exudate, swelling, and sometimes burning, itching syndrome.

All symptoms can be divided according to the stages of development of the underlying pathology:

  1. Initial. At this stage, redness and low-intensity itching occurs in the area with the rash. In some diseases accompanied by symptoms, the inguinal lymph nodes may become enlarged. The local or general temperature rises.
  2. Recurrent. In most cases, it is possible to get rid of the source of the rash at the initial stage. If therapy is neglected or if a person has a weakened immune system, a relapse occurs, which is characterized by the spread of the rash to large areas and an increase in the intensity of unpleasant symptoms.

If you start acne treatment at the initial stage, recovery occurs within 5-7 days.


Abscesses in intimate places can form in any person. This disease is not divided into only male or female disease. Absolutely anyone can sit in a cold place and catch a cold. Even a temporary decrease in immunity can cause the formation of a boil. Pimples can occur if you do not adhere to all hygiene requirements. In men, boils often become inflamed due to uncomfortable clothing that constantly rubs the skin.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, all the strength and reserves of immunity go to the child. The body gives valuable microelements, “building substances” for the development of a healthy fetus. At the same time, immunity naturally decreases. Pregnant women may encounter problems such as boils. You can't ignore a pimple. This can lead to serious consequences that may affect the child. For example, a carbuncle (a collection of several boils) may occur.

If the pimple is not treated immediately, the woman may develop furunculosis. This is the repeated appearance of a boil. Features of the disease:

  1. This form of the disease leads to intoxication and negatively affects the fetus at any stage of pregnancy.
  2. A boil that is subject to constant friction leads to an abscess, which allows the infection to go beyond the infiltrate and penetrate into the blood, overcoming the placental barrier.


If purulent acne is detected on the pubic part of a woman or a man, it is recommended to visit one of the doctors such as a dermatologist, urologist, or gynecologist. If necessary, they are sent to a specialist of a different profile (for example, a gastroenterologist, virologist, allergist).

READ ALSO: Pimples on the chin in women - causes, subcutaneous, internal, painful, treatment

You should definitely visit a doctor if:

  • a rash has been present for 7 days or more, which cannot be treated with folk remedies or other means;
  • neoplasms darken, increase in size, hurt, itch, and swell;
  • the contents of pimples turn from purulent to bloody;
  • red spots appear around the pimples that peel off;
  • the general temperature is increased, the person gets tired quickly;
  • there is an enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes.

Another symptom that should alert you is the transformation of pustules into open, long-lasting wounds.

Before going to the doctor, taking oral medications, including painkillers and antipyretics, is prohibited. The use of skin-coloring products is also not recommended. Otherwise, the doctor will not be able to determine the level of prevalence of the pathological process.

Treatment of a boil in an intimate place

The process of treating a boil depends on the stage of the disease. If a person did not miss the moment of the onset of the disease, felt the first symptoms and immediately began treatment, then one can get rid of the disease very quickly. Use ichthyol ointment, Vishnevsky ointment. The latter ointment does not have a very pleasant smell, especially since it will have to be applied to the intimate areas, so at the first stage, another antibacterial method of treatment is sometimes used: washing the source of the disease with salicylic alcohol. It is recommended to disinfect future suppuration several times until the symptoms disappear.

The best treatment will be the one prescribed by the doctor. There are a large number of effective ointments, tablets, and medications that help quickly cure the patient. The doctor may prescribe both therapeutic and surgical treatment:

  • For therapeutic purposes, ointments or antibiotic tablets are prescribed.
  • Surgical intervention occurs in cases of severe intoxication, significant size, or when the abscess has matured.

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When inflammation occurs, people often already know how to treat a boil in an intimate place and which ointment is best to take. Popular and effective agents are used, such as: ichthyol, Vishnevsky, hydrocortisone, erythromycin, levomekol. Vishnevsky ointment has a specific smell, so a boil on the pubis is often smeared with ichthyol. These two remedies are always available in pharmacies and are often prescribed by doctors as the main therapeutic treatment.


The first tablets prescribed for the treatment of boils are antibiotics. They are used if the abscess appears too often, with diffuse pimples. A special antibiotic acts on Staphylococcus aureus strain MRSA. The drug is prescribed in the form of capsules or tablets. The most commonly recommended medications are:

  • Lincomycin;
  • Cephalexin;
  • Amoxiclav.

Folk remedies

An excellent remedy for treating an abscess would be an infusion of herbs. To prepare it, you need to take mint, birch buds, calendula and St. John's wort flowers, knotweed, and celandine. All ingredients in the recipe are taken in equal quantities, placed in a glass or other container, and poured with boiling water. The mixture should be left overnight under a warm blanket or in a thermos. Next, apply a compress to treat the wound for 25 minutes.

Another simple but effective recipe is aloe. Its effect manifests itself quickly, and you don’t have to waste time preparing the medicine. It is necessary to cut off part of an old aloe leaf, cut it again lengthwise into two halves and apply it to the site of inflammation. It is recommended to apply the plant, making bandages until the pimple completely disappears. You cannot open or squeeze a pimple yourself. With folk remedies, making bandages, the boil can be cured or forced to open at home.

Burdock lotion is considered an effective treatment method. You need to take a glass of milk (0.2 liters). The calculation is based on 5 tbsp. spoons of burdock leaf. The greens of the plant should be boiled in milk and a lotion should be prepared from the mixture. Before applying lotions with solution to the inflamed areas, they must be cooled. When using folk remedies, the appearance of boils may continue, then it is worth contacting a specialist.

Traditional medicine recipes

If an abscess has formed on the perineum, you can use not only medications, but also traditional medicine.

These recipes will allow you to get rid of this unpleasant disease once and for all in a short time.

  1. Nettle decoction. This is an effective composition that helps cleanse the blood. It provides instant healing of boils and abscesses and is not fraught with complications. To prepare the drug, you need to get 2 tablespoons of raw materials and pour 2 tbsp. hot boiled water. The mixture is infused for about 2 hours and drunk three times a day, ½ cup. The course of therapy is 4 weeks.
  2. Dandelion root decoction. This is an effective remedy that not only gets rid of boils, but also cleanses the blood and liver. There are no complications. The recipe suggests that you need to crumble the dandelion raw materials and prepare a decoction by boiling for 15 minutes. The composition should be taken before meals three times a day, the duration is 4 weeks.
  3. Tansy. It can also help in the fight against this insidious disease. For treatment, you need to take dry tansy and swallow half a pea after eating 3 times. in a day. The duration of therapy is 3 weeks. This drug will restore your immunity, improve the appearance of your skin, and destroy all parasites.
  4. Calendula. This plant culture has gained fame in folk medicine due to its antibiotic properties. For treatment, you can use a decoction of this herb three times a day or make an ointment based on dried flowers for external use. You just need to grind the raw material and add it to the Vaseline. At night, lubricate the affected areas.
  5. Beetroot juice. This is a powerful medicine. In practice, there are a huge number of cases where furunculosis was cured with the help of this root vegetable. The juice must be prepared using a juicer, and it should be taken in ½ tbsp. three times a day. It is usually recommended to drink it in a course of 2 weeks.


To prevent boils from appearing, you should pay attention to the rules of hygiene, eat more of the right foods, and protect yourself from hypothermia. You should monitor minor injuries and take timely measures to heal them, otherwise germs and other infections may get there. Don't forget about vitamins that help maintain a normal immune system. Attempts at self-medication are strongly not recommended (no need to try to squeeze it out), especially since all conditions for surgical intervention must be sterile so as not to introduce another infection.

Medical advice

To avoid inflammation of the hair follicle, doctors recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • Observe the principles of intimate hygiene. A daily shower in the morning and evening will help prevent inflammation.
  • Wear cotton underwear. Beautiful synthetic ones are best left for special occasions. For daily wear, underwear made from breathable materials is suitable.
  • Choose the right underwear size. Panties that are too tight contribute to increased friction in the pubic area, which can lead to purulent inflammation in such conditions.
  • Eat a balanced diet. Maintain a balance of vitamins and minerals in your daily diet.
  • If the skin is injured during depilation, carefully treat the wounds with an antiseptic.
  • If formations appear with constant regularity, then you need to undergo all the necessary tests to identify streptococcal infections or a decrease in the body’s defenses. The attending physician carefully examines the patient and, having identified the cause of furunculosis, prescribes adequate treatment. In women, treatment is most often based on adjusting hormonal levels.

It is worth remembering that if a lump appears in a pregnant woman, then self-medication with medications is contraindicated, since the components of ointments are absorbed into the blood and can harm the fetus. In addition, careless handling of the boil during self-medication can cause damage to the rod and the release of pus into the tissue, which can lead to infection in the blood. And this is extremely bad for the fetus. Remember - taking care of your health is solely in your hands.

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