Review of the cream “Before and after” from a medical point of view

Whitening Cream Before and After is a cosmetic product with unique components for skin whitening. The manufacturer of the cream claims that this product is a unique product for skin depigmentation. Shall we check? Let's analyze the composition and consider reviews of its use and draw a conclusion that this cream will indeed whiten hyperpigmentation.

What components are included in the cream?

According to the data indicated in the annotation, this whitening cream for age spots contains only natural and safe products that promote rapid treatment and restoration of the skin. The “Before and After” whitening cream contains the following natural ingredients:

  • avocado oil Penetrates into the deepest layers of the epidermis, has a pronounced moisturizing and softening effect;
  • Shea Butter. Moisturizes and restores the skin, slows down the aging process and normalizes melanin synthesis;
  • complex of vitamins (vitamins A, E, C, PP). It is necessary for the normal course of metabolic processes, for the functioning and restoration of the skin;
  • corn extract. Penetrates deeply into the dermis, accelerates metabolic processes in cells and tissues;
  • red algae extract. This component promotes rapid rejuvenation, lightening of the skin and exfoliation of dead epidermal cells;
  • bitter licorice extract. Normalizes the secretion of melanin pigment, has a pronounced brightening effect, evens out the complexion.

The cream also contains other natural ingredients that are aimed at combating age spots.

Preparations for removing age spots on the face and beyond are produced by various brands from the mass market and premium categories. We have prepared a list of the best creams that will help you cope with such cosmetic defects. Consider the features and composition. At the same time, we indicated the pros and cons of each product, voiced in reviews of real customers. This approach will make the right choice.

The first in our rating is the lightening cream against freckles and age spots Lakshma Maxxi. The drug is a leader in sales in the United States. It promotes the effective elimination of age spots on any part of the body (including intimate areas), is absolutely safe for health, and acts quickly. It is used by applying to problem areas before bed until completely absorbed. The cream cannot be used on irritated or damaged skin; it is contraindicated during lactation and pregnancy. The defect can be removed after 3-4 weeks, after which the use of the product is stopped. For preventive purposes, the anti-pigmentation agent is applied once every 2 weeks. The bottle is economically consumed, it lasts for one to two months. The preparation contains soft water, emulsifying wax, glycerin, a complex of plant extracts, kojic acid.


  • Suitable for all areas, including intimate areas
  • Result after 3 weeks
  • Does not cause allergies
  • The composition does not contain hydroquinone, so the product is safe for health
  • Acceptable price


  • • No

KORA Phytocosmetics anti-pigmentation cream for the face is designed for all skin types without age restrictions. The drug is designed to lighten the epidermis, eliminate traces of acne and freckles. The product is based on thermal water, which increases the protective barrier of the skin and restores the water-lipid balance. The result appears gradually, since the manufacturer insists on a cumulative effect. In addition, the product contains a complex of plant extracts: horse sorrel, lemon, bergenia, licorice, verbena. The latter reduces the expression of facial wrinkles, tones the skin, and evens out the microrelief.


  • Inexpensive
  • Natural composition


  • not effective enough against severe hyperpigmentation
  • May cause an allergic reaction

The next place in our ranking is occupied by a cream for age spots on the face with the memorable name Snow White SPF 20 (manufactured by Biocon). The product has a brightening effect while caring for the skin. Suitable for any skin type: oily, dry, combination, mature, aging. The active formula of the product contains glycerin, which protects cells and tissues of the dermis from moisture loss and softens, and corn oil, which has an antioxidant effect. In addition, the product includes titanium dioxide, kojic acid with a mild whitening effect, and lactic acid, which acts as a light peeling. The content of ascorbic acid heals the skin, bearberry and white lily petals extract smoothes the skin


  • Natural composition
  • Low price
  • Contains no hydroquinone


  • Low UV protection

Dermalight Active Illuminating Cream (manufacturer Holy Land) Another representative of lightening products. The product reduces the severity of spots of any origin and evens out the tone. The composition is represented by such natural ingredients as: kojic acid, plant extracts of grapes, saxifrage, mulberry, vitamins C, B3.


  • Natural composition


  • Not effective against severe hyperpigmentation
  • High price

Depiderm Anti-Brown Targeted Care (from Uriage). Hypoallergenic, which is a strong concentrate designed for local use. The active formula is free of sulfates and parabens. The product can be used on various problem areas to reduce the severity of pigmentation. Contains sucrose dilaurate, thermal water, vitamin C, pea extract, lactic acid, salicylic acid


  • Suitable for intimate skin areas
  • Natural composition
  • Does not cause an allergic reaction
  • Affordable price


  • Minimum period of use 2 months

Decide which anti-pigmentation product to purchase based on the specified characteristics, type and characteristics of the skin. It is important to purchase a cosmetic product from a trusted manufacturer that has earned positive consumer reviews. And don’t forget to make an appointment with a dermatologist to determine the causes of the cosmetic defect. And let your skin shine with beauty!

How to use cream for age spots “Before and after”

Before using this cosmetic product, you must carefully read the instructions for use, consult a cosmetologist and check for the absence of an allergic reaction by skin testing.

The manufacturer recommends applying the cream to dry and pre-cleansed facial skin 1-2 times a day, this should be done with massage movements. It should not be applied to those areas where there are violations of its integrity, pustular processes and inflammation. You should also avoid applying cream to the area around the eyes, because... there is especially thin and sensitive skin. It is recommended to use the whitening cream in courses of 1.5-2.5 months, with breaks between them for 2-4 weeks.

Since the cream not only has a brightening effect, but also normalizes the production of melanin, it can also be applied to skin without pigmentation (if there is a tendency to develop age spots or freckles). If you need to lighten a birthmark, it is better to use the cream locally (on the desired area), and rub it in thoroughly (can be used up to 3 times a day). This will help you achieve results as quickly as possible and even out the color of your skin.

Sometimes it happens that a woman encounters hyperpigmentation for the first time during pregnancy - then the question arises about using whitening creams. Pregnancy and lactation are not absolute contraindications to the use of this drug, but its use should be carefully monitored by a doctor.

Attention, restrictions!

Patients with the following conditions cannot be treated in the treatment area:

  • active infections;
  • dysplastic nevi;
  • tattoos;
  • significant concomitant skin diseases or any inflammatory skin diseases;
  • active herpes, open lacerations or abrasions;
  • chronic or skin viral, fungal or bacterial diseases;

If exposed to sunlight or artificial tanning for 3-4 weeks before treatment, it is also undesirable to carry out the procedure!

People with darker skin types and those with residual tanning are at increased risk of pigmentary changes in the treatment area. Treatment of such patients should be carried out with caution!

Can the Before and After Whitening Cream be used in combination with other lightening products?

Since skin whitening is a complex process, it is necessary to discontinue other bleaching agents while using this cosmetic product. Since all lightening agents contain different components, their combined use is excluded, as this can lead to allergic reactions with unknown etiology (causes).

The “Before and After” cream with a whitening effect contains all the necessary ingredients that will help the skin quickly regenerate and restore its functions. However, if dryness or flaking occurs while using this cosmetic product, you should urgently consult a doctor who will prescribe additional skin restoration products (possibly from the same manufacturer).

is a domestic manufacturer of medicinal cosmetics. Among their products you can also find moisturizing, modeling, anti-aging products, and creams for stretch marks and cellulite.

Visual changes

A change in pigmentation is usually observed in the treatment area after the procedure. Dark areas of the skin become more contrasting.

Immediately after the therapy session, especially in the nose and periorbital (around the eyes) area, temporary swelling of the skin may occur. The swelling usually subsides within a few hours to a few days.

The effect of using face whitening cream

According to the information provided by the manufacturer, just a few days after starting the course of treatment for age spots with the “Before and After” cream, you can notice the first results:

  • improves and evens out complexion;
  • melanin synthesis is normalized, so that new pigment spots do not appear;
  • areas of hyperpigmentation are lightened;
  • the epidermis and dermis are saturated with vitamins, minerals and oxygen;
  • the skin becomes softer, firmer and more elastic;
  • fine wrinkles and superficial capillaries are reduced and become less visible.

The product, according to the annotation, can be used at absolutely any age, both men and women. It can also be used on any part of the body, for example to remove pigmentation on the hands.

Why does pigmentation appear?

Pigment spots on the face appear due to excessive production of melanin in the skin. Such spots on the face are especially troubling. Since the stains that appear on the body can at least be covered with clothes. Spots on the face cause their owner a lot of inconvenience and negativity. You cannot leave the house without a mask made of strong concealers, since stains cannot be masked with ordinary means.

Melanin begins to be produced in excess in the following cases:

when you are in the sun for a long time without UV protection,

use cosmetics in violation of the rules for their use, for example, bleaching agents, products with acids, vitamin A,

are taking certain medications, such as antibiotics, hormonal drugs,

you ignore facial skin care after cosmetic procedures that damage the top layer of skin,

if you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland, liver,

if you are a mature girl after 45 years,

and finally, the most pleasant reason for the formation of age spots is pregnancy.

In order to remove or whiten age spots, you need to clearly understand the reason for their formation. For example, to remove pigmentation that occurs due to liver disease, you need to visit a doctor and undergo a course of treatment. After this, your age spots will be very easy to remove with bleaching agents in a relatively short time.

Will the remedy help?

Despite the fact that the variety of medicinal cosmetics is very large, there is never a guarantee that a particular cosmetic product will be suitable for a particular case. Manufacturers are improving the composition of their products, but the risk of developing an allergic reaction always exists. The effectiveness of a whitening cream “Before and After” may vary among several people - the speed and severity of the action of a cosmetic product also depends on the characteristics of a person’s skin.

In order to increase the effectiveness of this product, experts recommend less exposure to direct sunlight during the warm season and the use of sunscreen. In addition, it is recommended to regularly apply peels and scrubs that exfoliate dead skin. Before using the product, you must consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist, and you must also conduct an allergy test (before use, apply a small amount of cream on the back of the hand or on the inside of the forearm).

According to the information provided by the manufacturer and distributors of the whitening cream for age spots “Before and After” - it is called that for a reason, because the effect of use is obvious. However, you must always remember that any cosmetic product, even a medicinal one, can cause an allergic reaction or simply not have the desired effect. In order to avoid such consequences, you should consult a doctor before using the cream.


The cosmetic product has a multicomponent composition. And what’s especially pleasing is the presence of only natural ingredients:

  • Red algae and licorice extracts.
  • Shea butter, avocado, corn.
  • Vitamins C and E.

The cream has a homogeneous consistency and white color, is easily applied to the skin and has a pleasant aroma. It is available in 50 ml tubes.

Why do dark spots form on the face?

Pigmentation on a woman’s face occurs for reasons that should be investigated under the direction of a dermatologist. The doctor can advise which whitening cream is ideal for a woman's skin.

Skin tone is regulated by melanin, which is produced in the body by special cells called melanocytes.

The level of the substance is genetically determined in humans, but external circumstances can increase or decrease its amount:

  • long-term exposure to sunlight forms a tan, which fades over time if you limit your exposure to the street;
  • changes in the influence of hormones: during pregnancy, from old age, with certain diseases;
  • the influence of chemical compounds present in the air, food, cosmetics;
  • Lack of vitamins causes darkening of the skin on the face. Enriching the diet with vitamins B, C, A, E, along with the use of “Before and After” whitening cream, helps to get rid of the defect.

During hormonal changes in a pregnant woman's body, dark spots appear on the face, but the cream can be used during this period only after consulting a woman's doctor. Caution should be exercised when breastfeeding.

Result of using whitening cream

The instructions for the drug suggest the most effective way to use it: it is recommended to apply a thin layer of “Before and After” cream to the skin of the face twice a day, in the morning and before bed. The exception is the area around the eyes, the skin of which is characterized by increased tenderness and vulnerability. The composition does not need to be rubbed into the epidermis or massaged into the face. The product should be absorbed into the skin without additional stimulation of the process. With long-term regular use of the whitening cream, the result will not be long in coming:

  • the skin on the face acquires a healthy natural shade;
  • the upper and inner layers of the skin are saturated with oxygen, nutrients, and vitamins;
  • the skin is significantly rejuvenated, facial wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • the face is not subject to tanning while outdoors, since the cream contains anti-tanning components;
  • the nutrients included in the “Before and After” cream prevent the aging process of the skin on the face;
  • Dark areas of the skin turn pale or completely disappear, preventing their appearance in the future.

The components of the cream penetrate deep into the skin layer and begin to act actively at the cellular level. As a result, the tone of the skin of the face is evened out, pallor and gray color disappear, the tan lightens, pigment spots and freckles fade or disappear altogether. This effect is achieved due to the destruction of melanin in skin cells, which is responsible for the appearance of excessive pigmentation. Constantly applying the product to the problem area helps prevent the appearance of dark spots in the future.

Face whitening cream “Before and After” does not require complex conditions of use - applying the composition to the skin twice a day is a simple procedure that takes little time.

The product has no age restrictions; it can be used by both a young girl and an older woman.

You should not use the product if there are fresh scratches, wounds, or purulent pimples on your face, so as not to provoke a possible inflammatory process.

How to use facial skin whitening cream

Correct use of a cream with a skin-whitening effect dictates conditions that are easy to fulfill:

  • Before using a whitening face cream, you should test for allergies by smearing the crook of your elbow or wrist for 20-30 minutes. If no suspicious reaction is observed, the product can be used on the face;
  • The whitening effect is better manifested in the cold season, when the sun is inactive. In sunny weather, it is necessary to additionally protect yourself with sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat;
  • Apply the cream only to clean facial skin so that the components of the drug can easily penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin;
  • for the best effect, it is recommended to use scrubs 1-2 times a week so that, by removing the dead layer of cells, the ingredients of the cream penetrate deeper into the epidermis layer;
  • Before using the cream, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist so that the components of the product do not harm the body.

To achieve a visual effect, some women need literally a few days, while others do not get results at all. If the cream is absolutely unsuccessful, then you should start restoring your health:

  • you should get rid of the cause of dark pigmentation on the face;
  • normalize your diet by providing the menu with vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin;
  • spend more time in the fresh air, as the face acquires a sallow color due to a lack of oxygen;
  • apply alternative methods of getting rid of excess pigmentation.

Be sure to listen to the advice of a dermatologist.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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