How to remove inflammation of a pimple*?

Acne is an unpleasant phenomenon that can spoil not only your appearance, but your mood and self-confidence. When the body lacks something, inflammatory processes occur in the internal organs, the epidermis does not receive enough cleansing, and the skin reacts to this with acne. In addition to the fact that the pimple is red and inflamed, it is often characterized by swelling and pain. In such cases, simply covering the pimple with foundation is not enough. It is necessary to take measures to prevent the formation from increasing in size and spreading inflammation. To understand how to remove a swollen pimple, carefully read our article.

How to relieve swelling from a pimple?

You need to take action immediately, before the pimple grows. There is no need to wait for education to mature. It can take time to mature and this can lead to scarring. Therefore, you should have minimal means at hand to combat unpleasant inflammation. We recommend quick action methods. They will help solve the question of how to quickly remove swelling from a pimple. The methods deal only with the manifestations of symptoms and help relieve swelling in a short time. For deeper treatment, you need to understand the reason that caused the pimple and try to treat pimples from the inside.

  1. One of the most effective remedies in an unequal battle with swollen pimples is Witch Hazel. The spectrum of action of the drug is extensive. In the case of acne, it helps remove redness and itching. The ointment itself will not remove the pimple, but it will make it less noticeable and give it time to heal. The product is available with or without alcohol. Both options are suitable, you just need to be more careful with the alcohol type.
  2. A simple piece of ice will relieve swelling from a pimple. To do this, you need to let the cube melt a little, then apply it to the acne. Ice causes the blood vessels to constrict and the appearance of swelling decreases.
  3. Calendula tincture, applied directly to inflammation, relieves swelling overnight. There is no need to wipe your entire face. The tincture contains alcohol, which kills bacteria, but at the same time causes sebum to be secreted faster.
  4. Tea can not only be drunk, but also used as a healing agent. To use to relieve swelling, the tea bag should be dipped in hot water. Then remove and strain the remaining water into a cup. You can drink the tea itself, we only need a bag. It needs to be cooled a little and applied to the inflamed area. Under the influence of tannins, which are found in large quantities in tea, the swelling of the pimple goes away. Anti-puffiness tea bags are also used to eliminate bags under the eyes.
  5. If you're looking for a solution to remove swelling from a pimple, open your medicine cabinet. There's probably acetylsalicylic acid lying around there. You can make a paste from it to relieve swelling. To prepare it, you need to crush several tablets and dilute them with water. The mass should be thick. Apply a small amount of it to the inflamed areas using a cotton pad or swab. Keep the paste on your face for at least 20 minutes. If possible, apply the paste at night and wash off in the morning. The result will be 100%. In the morning there will be no trace of swelling left.
  6. Vegetable oils are a well-known substance for fighting acne. Concentrated oil can be aggressive, so it is recommended to dilute them with water in equal proportions. To eliminate acne swelling, use tea tree oil. After diluting with water, the oil is applied pointwise to swollen pimples. In just a few applications the swelling will go away.
  7. Clay masks help even out the complexion, rid the epidermis of excess sebum and relieve inflammation. Blue and green clay work well. For the mask, the powder is diluted with water according to the instructions and applied to the affected areas. For preventive purposes, a mask is made once a week. To treat swelling, the mask should be applied to the face twice every 7 days. If you feel tightness after the mask, moisturize your skin with cream. Clay treatments tighten the skin, making it look younger.
  8. Lemon juice has a bactericidal effect. It is believed to destroy the bacteria that makes pimples appear swollen. Therefore, to get rid of a pimple, you need to apply a piece of lemon to it. It acts on microorganisms, preventing them from multiplying, and the swelling will go away.
  9. Cucumber also seems to work. A piece of this vegetable can soothe the skin and relieve inflammation.

These products should be on hand to remove swelling from a pimple in a few hours. But for deeper cleansing, you need to take long-term care measures.

How to remove the seal?

The mechanism for eliminating a tumor after squeezing out a pimple depends on the reasons for its appearance:

  1. If swelling develops soon after squeezing and is accompanied by redness, but is not too painful, you can simply treat the skin with an antiseptic. The ideal option would be inexpensive Chlorhexidine - you need to generously moisten a cotton swab and apply it to the problem area for 5-10 minutes. The medicine will disinfect the wound, help prevent and eliminate inflammation. If the antiseptic is cold, the effect will occur even faster. It is also possible to spot treat a squeezed pimple with calendula tincture.
  2. If the seal appears some time after squeezing out and is painful, you need to fight the internal inflammatory process. Vishnevsky ointment, ichthyol ointment or Levomekol are ideal for this. They must be used in accordance with the instructions, for example, Vishnevsky ointment should be applied in a thin layer to the problem area and covered with gauze on top. Just one use at night may be enough to resolve inflammation; deep acne requires re-treatment within 3-4 days. For those who tolerate iodine well, you can smear the problem area with it.

Coping with scarring skin changes at home is quite difficult. It would be a good idea to consult with a cosmetologist to accurately determine the extent of the problem.

Long-term care against acne swelling

In order not to have to solve the problem of how to remove swelling from a pimple, you need to constantly care for the epidermis. To do this, do not forget about daily cleansing. You need to wash your face in the morning and evening. Cleansers should be gentle. When washing your face with soap, give preference to tar soap. It helps control sebum production and tightens pores. When the skin balance has been adjusted, tar soap can be properly replaced with light foams and gels for washing. During inflammation, you can use cleansers based on salicylic acid or zinc. They fight inflammation well.

Moisturizing is necessary for all skin types. If you still think that oily skin should not be moisturized, you are mistaken. The main thing is to choose the right remedy. Moisturizers should be non-comedogenic to allow the pores to breathe. Manufacturers usually indicate this on the packaging. Those with porous, oily skin should pay attention to gel-based moisturizers, while people with dry and sensitive skin should pay attention to creamy textures. Moisturized skin does not suffer from irritation, which degenerates into acne and swelling.

Be sure to remove your makeup when you go to bed. Remains of makeup aggravate inflammation, causing redness and swelling. The pores become clogged with cosmetics and the skin suffers. Therefore, before going to bed, removing makeup should be a mandatory ritual.

Much has been written about proper nutrition and plenty of water per day, and for good reason. Water gives the skin a healthy color, elasticity and prevents inflammation. Carbonated drinks and coffee are not good for your skin.

To remove keratinization from the upper layer of the epidermis, you need to do peeling. To do this, you need to massage your skin with a scrub once a week. But there is no need to be zealous. The procedure more often than once every 7 days may cause irritation. Moderate peeling will help the skin regenerate and relieve all swelling and inflammation.

Try to refrain from removing pimples using the squeezing method. Avoid touching your face with your hands. There are a large number of bacteria on the fingers that penetrate the skin of the face and cause acne and swelling. The less you touch your face with your hands, the less chance you have of causing infections.

All methods for removing swelling from a pimple are good, but you don’t need to use them at the same time. Use the methods one by one until you find your universal option.

Cosmetology methods for acne swelling

  1. Among cosmetic services, Jessner peeling will help solve the problem of how to get rid of a tumor after a pimple. In addition to swelling, peeling can remove hyperpigmentation, inflammation, and acne. But the procedure must be carried out by a skilled cosmetologist. Self-medication is unacceptable.
  2. The ozone therapy procedure will be no worse. In the process, the skin is saturated with oxygen, clogged pores are cleared, the swelling and pain from the pimple goes away, and you look flawless.
  3. The ELOS procedure is used to eliminate swelling. The technology allows you to reduce the inflammatory process, narrow pores and activate skin regeneration.
  4. Peeling with fruit acids gives a good effect when you need to quickly get rid of pimple swelling. In addition, peeling removes the stratum corneum of the skin and facilitates easy access of medications into the cells. It should not be used for people suffering from rosacea.

These methods are good, but not everyone can afford to pay for them. Therefore, pharmacy ointments and tinctures will also help to combat swelling from acne at home. The most effective:

  • "Salicylic ointment";
  • "Heparin ointment";
  • "Zinerit";
  • "Baziron";
  • "Retinoic ointment";
  • "Tetracycline ointment."

Proper use of pharmaceuticals and household materials will help you deal with swelling in a few minutes and look stunning. But it is best to follow skin care recommendations and prevent acne swelling from developing.

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How to remove swelling on the face?

When a pimple grows on the skin, the process is often accompanied by painful swelling. Swelling may also appear after unsuccessful mechanical extrusion. To help eliminate it:

  • Cold. You can narrow the blood vessels and reduce the flow of fluid to the affected area using a cold towel or ice cube. But do not overdo it with cooling, so as not to activate inflammatory processes.
  • Alcohol. If the pimple is just growing, take a sponge, wet it with medical water or calendula tincture and apply to the problem area for ten minutes.
  • Aloe. As we have already said, aloe can be an excellent help in the fight against acne, inflammation and swelling. Keep the leaf in the freezer for a couple of minutes, then cut it lengthwise and apply the pulp to the affected area.
  • Parsley. Wash and shake off the greens, chop them thoroughly and dilute the resulting pulp with cucumber juice. Apply a compress to the problem area for a quarter of an hour.

If your eye is swollen

Sometimes acne on the face causes completely unpleasant consequences; an active inflammatory process and tissue trauma can lead to severe swelling. If your eye is swollen, you should:

  • Drink any antiallergic medicine in the dosage indicated in the instructions.
  • Take a slice of fresh potato or a slice of cucumber and apply it to your closed eyelids. The duration of this compress is twenty minutes.
  • Prepare a dried tea bag and place it cold on the problem area.
  • Apply Levomekol (pharmacy ointment with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties) to the pimple. It is important that the medicine does not get into the eye.
  • Lubricate the pimple with Levosin. This is another pharmaceutical medicine that has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. You also need to protect your eyes from it.

Ophthalmologists strongly recommend not to self-medicate if your eyes are swollen, but to go to the clinic. If swelling does not go away, this may indicate the spread of infection and pose a serious threat to the health of the visual system.

Swelling above the ear

Pimples near the ears are often very, very painful. They tend to cause visible swelling and swelling. The already mentioned medications will help neutralize unpleasant symptoms:

  • Vishnevsky ointment.
  • Alcohol solution of calendula.
  • Alcohol solution of salicylic acid.
  • Levosin.
  • Levomekol, etc.

Pimples near the ears should not be squeezed out, since with such localization there is a very high risk of inflammation spreading to the facial nerve.

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