What kind of clear liquid flows out when you squeeze a pimple?

  • What determines the amount of fluid filling a pimple?
  • What is that clear liquid coming out of a pimple?
  • Treatment options for clear liquid for pimple and acne

The clear fluid inside a pimple is the "fluid" containing white blood cells killed in the battle against bacteria and inflammatory agents that are responsible for causing pimples. This fluid is also the natural healing cycle of inflammation and white blood cells doing their job.

Pimples can be of different types and differ from each other. Not only can they be quite inflamed at times, but they can also leave permanent marks on your face. Most of you may also experience the problem of clear white liquid appearing on your face along with pimples.

You may be wondering what it is and what causes such fluid to appear and ultimately when you should run to doctors and dermatologists. The good news is that there is no need to panic as it is pretty clear that the fluid coming out of a pimple is a natural filler for an inflamed pimple.

What kind of clear liquid flows out of a pimple when pressed?

Acne usually appears as bumps with white or light-colored pus inside. Pyogenic bacteria give a cloudy hue. The clear fluid inside the nodule also contains fibrin, serum and dead white blood cells. The absence of color does not mean that there is no pathological process.

The rashes come in different sizes, and some are prone to recurrence. The clinic and methods of eliminating acne depend on etiological factors.

What determines the amount of fluid filling a pimple?

It is important to know the reason for the appearance of clear liquid at the root of the problem.

  • Your skin should be exfoliated regularly to get rid of oil, dead skin and cells so that it can look fresh and new. Clogged skin pores most often result in a buildup of dead skin cells and bodies coming out of the skin as a clear fluid from the pimple.
  • Hormonal changes are the underlying cause of most pimples. Increasing testosterone levels and fluctuations in estrogen levels (in the case of women) pave the way for the accumulation of pimples in different areas of the body and face.
  • Pollution With environmental degradation, it is really difficult to avoid the effects of environmental degradation on your skin. Pollutants affect it and have a detrimental effect on the clearness of the skin, resulting in pimples and breakouts on the face.

Although the most common causes of breakouts and pimples on the face have been written above, there may also be other reasons such as unhealthy diet, oily skin, lack of personal hygiene, etc.

Causes of pimples with clear liquid inside

Decreased protective functions, infection, immunopathological reactions to irritants - all these factors can be triggers for the occurrence of watery acne. They are observed at any age, localized in different places: on the face, wrists, neck.

Depending on the cause of the inflammatory process, the clinical picture may vary. Acne increases in size or goes away on its own after 3-4 days and is itchy, itchy or does not cause physical discomfort.

Causes of watery acne:

  • allergy;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • dyshidrosis;
  • viral infections;
  • damage by streptococcus, staphylococcus.

For a number of pathologies, acne with watery fluid is a characteristic symptom by which a preliminary diagnosis is made.

Allergic dermatitis

An inflammatory disease of the dermis is manifested by swelling, redness, itching, and the appearance of pustular elements in the form of blisters. The rash is not contagious, not life-threatening, but causes a lot of inconvenience.

Allergic dermatitis is an immunopathological reaction to the action of an irritant in contact with the skin. Some people react to an allergen after a single exposure, while others develop symptoms after repeated exposure to mild irritants.

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The following substances act as allergens:

  • washing powders;
  • household chemicals;
  • components of perfumery and cosmetics;
  • synthetic materials and dyes used in the manufacture of clothing;
  • plant pollen, dust;
  • some medications.

In the absence of contact with the irritant (allergen), watery formations and other characteristic symptoms disappear on their own.

Hormonal changes

Rashes caused by hormonal imbalances usually appear on the face, in the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin). Often such acne does not respond well to local treatment, since the cause lies internally.

Causes of hormonal imbalance:

  • natural restructuring of the body during puberty;
  • unhealthy diet, mono-diets;
  • stress;
  • use of contraceptive pills;
  • pregnancy;
  • ovarian failure associated with pathology or age;
  • endocrine pathologies: obesity, diabetes and others.

Hormone imbalance is a serious disorder that requires professional treatment.

Dyshidrotic eczema

Eczematous chronic skin disease is characterized by numerous serous blisters. In women, the pathology is most often diagnosed at the age of 20-25 years, in men - after 40. Eczema is equally common in both sexes.

The pathogenesis is based on blockage of the sweat glands.

The specific causes of the development of pathology have not been determined, but provoking factors are known:

  • increased sweating;
  • food allergies;
  • hereditary predisposition to seasonal fever, atopic dermatitis;
  • overweight.

In the absence of therapeutic measures, complications may occur. When streptococci and staphylococci come into contact with the affected areas, purulent inflammation develops. Acne becomes painful and swelling appears.

Herpetic infection

A recurrent disease caused by the herpes virus (HSV-1, HVS-2) is characterized by damage to the integumentary tissues: the skin of the mouth, nose, and mucous membranes.

Mechanisms of transmission of HSV-1:

  • household contact: contact of an infected person with a healthy person, use of shared linen and utensils;
  • airborne: during a conversation, when sneezing, visiting swimming pools, baths;
  • airborne dust.

HVS-2 is transmitted primarily through sexual contact.

Viruses that enter the body remain for a long time in ganglion cells, causing the re-development of pathology. With weakened immunity, the infection can become generalized. It is characterized by a high prevalence of rashes, damage to mucous membranes and internal organs.

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A dermatological disease, the causative agent of which is highly virulent streptococcus, manifests itself as serous rashes without pus. It is more often diagnosed in young women with delicate, thin skin.

Provoking factors:

  • Lack of immunity to bacteria of the genus Streptococcus. Infection develops when the immune system is unable to recognize and suppress the proliferation of harmful microorganisms.
  • Violation of the barrier function of the dermis.
  • Use of cytostatics, immunosuppressants.
  • Endocrine diseases.

Pyogenic microbes penetrate through skin lesions. The immune system begins to intensively produce neutrophils and cytokines, causing an inflammatory process.

What comes out of a pimple?

When a pore is clogged with excessive secretions of the sebaceous glands, a pathological process begins in the epidermis. On the skin it looks like a reddened lump. In response, the body releases an increased number of white blood cells, which rush to the site of inflammation to neutralize it. The pathogenic bacteria inside the pimple die in such a fight and accumulate in the form of pus. On the skin it looks like a raised area with a white head. The dermis in this place becomes thinner and stretched, which leads to its breaking and a purulent mass comes out.

To prevent infection of nearby skin areas, you need to treat the pimple with salicylic alcohol.

During inflammation, the microvessels of the epidermis contain exudate in the form of a clear liquid. It is located inside and flows out of the pimple after the pus is released. It contains pathogenic bacteria, which, when they get on healthy tissues, infect them through the pores of the skin. This provokes the appearance of new internal acne. A non-inflamed pimple contains sebum or keratinized particles. The inflamed red tubercle contains the following mixture:

  • clear protein fluid secreted by the serous membranes;
  • dead microorganisms and their metabolic products;
  • cells of the immune system;
  • water.

To disinfect a wound after pus and clear exudate have flowed out of it, you need to treat nearby tissues with salicylic alcohol and apply zinc or ichthyol ointment to the wound.

Is it possible to pop pimples with watery fluid?

Acne is often accompanied by itching and pain. Unpleasant sensations make you want to get rid of the pimple.

Self-opening of acne can lead to a number of complications:

  • When pierced, liquid enters adjacent pores, which leads to the appearance of new rashes. If serous acne is caused by allergies, treatment may take several weeks.
  • Inflamed skin is more vulnerable; after mechanical trauma, scars remain.
  • When pressed, part of the serous contents penetrates deep into the pores, causing inflammation of the lymphatic and blood vessels.
  • Squeezing acne around the lips can lead to infection in the brain.

Acne can be removed only by eliminating the cause of its occurrence.

What determines the amount of content?

The volume of liquid mass filling the pimple is influenced by the following factors:

  • Hormonal imbalances. An unstable amount of estrogen or an increase in testosterone levels negatively affect the body and cause inflammatory processes in the epidermis. This leads to the appearance of skin rashes.
  • Insufficient care. Cosmetics that are not removed on time, the face is not cleansed enough, or incorrectly selected cosmetics interfere with the natural exfoliation of dead epidermal cells. The pores become clogged, which prevents the release of sebum produced by the sebaceous glands. At this point, a pathological process begins, which manifests itself on the skin as a pimple.
  • Environment. Insufficiently purified water from chemical impurities, which is used for skin care, also negatively affects the skin and can cause inflammation. Polluted air does not allow the dermis to breathe freely and be saturated with oxygen, which causes inflammation and the appearance of acne.
  • Transitional age. During this period, children undergo a restructuring of their body. There are significant hormonal processes and active development of organs. Against this background, the sebaceous glands secrete much more sebum, which leads to clogged pores and the appearance of purulent rashes.

Squeezing out pimples on your own often leads to the appearance of new pimples due to infection of the skin by the mass located in the inflamed area and containing pathogenic bacteria. It is recommended to contact a cosmetologist for professional removal of the rash or a dermatologist who will select the right medications to treat and eliminate the causes affecting the appearance of the rash.

Clear Liquid Acne Treatment Options

The appearance of watery acne is caused by various factors. In most cases, the manifestation is associated with serious diseases that require an integrated approach to treatment. Treatment methods are selected individually, depending on the etiology and clinical picture.

Basic methods:

  • Eliminate the cause. If the rash is allergic, avoid contact with the irritant. Products that cause an immunopathological reaction are removed from the diet, and personal hygiene products are selected with a hypoallergenic composition.
  • Oral antihistamines are used.
  • For herpes infection, antiviral drugs (Acyclovir, Valvir) and immunomodulators (Cycloferon, Amiksin) are prescribed.
  • Diseases caused by staphylococci and streptococci and other pyogenic bacteria are treated with antibiotics.
  • The use of local treatment drugs: antihistamines, antiviral ointments, antiseptic solutions.
  • Physiotherapy: ultraviolet irradiation

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The reasonable use of folk recipes is not prohibited.


Following simple tips will help speed up the elimination of unpleasant watery rashes and prevent their reappearance:

  • It is not recommended to treat acne with brilliant green, iodine, or Fukortsin solution. The products contain dyes that make diagnosis difficult.
  • Persons with a genetic predisposition to diseases that cause watery rashes should not waste time and seek medical help.
  • The use of prescription drugs and hormones is agreed upon with a doctor.
  • Alternative treatments should complement traditional methods and not form the basis of therapy.

Treatment is carried out in strict accordance with the doctor’s prescriptions. Interrupting the course or changing the dosage may result in relapses.

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