Biorevitalization with welle preparations: features of the procedure and the opinion of cosmetologists
Biorevitalization with welle preparations: features of the procedure and the opinion of cosmetologists
Biorevitalization has already become a part of the arsenal of those who care about the beauty and health of the skin.
Anti-cellulite products: review of natural anti-cellulite cosmetic line
Almost every representative of the fair half of humanity faces such a problem as cellulite (“orange peel”)
Clay for cellulite
Clay for cellulite: which is the most effective, masks, wraps at home
The healing properties of silt deposits were already known to the beauties of Ancient Egypt. These substances were used
Skin exfoliation: everything you wanted to know - tips from a cosmetologist
The article was prepared by a specialist for informational purposes only. We urge you not to self-medicate.
Rough skin: start the fight by replenishing moisture
July 5, 2020 Dry patches on the skin are a common dermatological symptom that may indicate
Rating of the TOP 10 best sunscreens in 2021
Rating of the TOP 10 best sunscreens in 2022
Are you going on vacation to a hot country and are ready to sunbathe? One of
Causes of peeling skin on the palms
The skin on the palms of the hands is peeling and peeling: causes, treatment, folk recipes, prevention
When problems with the skin of the hands appear, many immediately try to visit cosmetologists. However, if
Oatmeal facial scrub
Oatmeal face mask and scrub: how to eliminate skin problems and prolong youth without using chemicals
Oatmeal facial peeling at home will help you get rid of a large number of dermatological problems,
Skin rashes in children - 35 common diseases
Last updated: July 24, 2020 Allergic rashes in children are a very common and
Softening your feet
Cracks on the feet: why do they appear and how to remove them?
Cracks in the feet rarely appear suddenly. As a rule, the appearance of such a crack is preceded by the following symptoms:
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