Skin rashes in children - 35 common diseases

Last updated: July 24, 2020

Allergic rashes in children are a very common and common occurrence. Most often, this disease manifests itself in the form of a rash, but the causes can be different. You will learn in this article how allergic rashes in children are treated and what they are like.

  • For what reason does an allergic rash appear on a child's skin?
  • What does a child's skin allergy look like?
  • How to diagnose allergies?
  • First aid and treatment
  • What is done to prevent allergic rashes in children?
  • Types of allergic reactions with photos
  • Conclusion


Allergic rashes can occur in children from birth until the age of 7 years. This is explained by the fact that the immune system has not yet been formed. Below are the main causes of allergic reactions in children:

  • Medicines, the body may react negatively to some components of medicines;
  • Breast milk if the diet is not followed;
  • Hygiene products and household chemicals;
  • Plants and animals can also cause rashes;
  • Ultra-violet rays;
  • Various infections and diseases.

Therapy and drugs

Throughout the spread of the disease, basic hygiene rules should be observed: in the first days, it is forbidden to take baths and wet impetigo, and it is forbidden to comb the affected areas.

Therapy for this disease is aimed at destroying the pathogen and strengthening the protective functions of the immune system. As a complex treatment, antibacterial drugs of the category of cephalosporins, macrolides and penicillins are prescribed. If you have bullous streptoderma, you should stop taking medications. As an immunocorrective treatment, the drugs “Likopida”, “Amiksin” and their analogues are effective. Treatment with drugs for . Restoration of microflora in the intestines occurs with the help of probiotics and prebiotics. Appropriate antihistamines will help get rid of scabies.

Means that increase the body’s resistance to infections in the form of solutions - “Eleutherococcus”, “Echinacea”, “Leuzea”, etc.

Sets of vitamin nutrients should also be taken in accordance with the instructions.

Local treatment includes antiseptic drugs that prevent the spread of putrefactive bacteria. Such medications include various alcohols, brilliant green, as well as their analogues - “Fukartsin”, “Chlorhexidine”, “Miramistin”, “Rivanol” or the cauterizing agent “Resorcinol”.

The use of a huge number of zinc-based pastes, preparations and ointments for streptoderma in children with intense scabies.

What do allergic rashes look like?

There are a large number of types of allergy rashes in children, it all depends on the irritant that caused it. In many cases, exanthemas appear on the child’s body (this is the name given to various manifestations of allergic rashes):

  • pustules (filled with pus);
  • plaques;
  • spots;
  • vesicles (filled with liquid);
  • blisters (large vesicles larger than 0.5 cm).

With food allergies in children, the rash can be found primarily on the cheeks and near the mouth. With a contact allergy, a rash or irritation will appear in the area where the allergen touched. If the child’s body reacts negatively to medications, inflammation will appear in the area of ​​the lymph nodes.

What parents need to do

To assess the situation, parents need to examine the child’s skin by undressing him. It is necessary to determine the nature of the rash (vesicle, pustule, papule, etc.), and its area. It is necessary to remember and analyze the situation preceding the appearance of a rash on the body.

The next step is to measure the temperature, examine the throat and tonsils, and identify other signs if any. You need to decide whether to call a doctor at home or visit a medical facility yourself.

What not to do if a rash appears

Prohibited actions:

  • squeezing out pustules;
  • scratching the rash;
  • self-treatment;
  • opening of bubbles;
  • applying brightly colored products to the skin, as this complicates diagnostic measures.

Do not forget that some infectious diseases accompanied by the appearance of skin rashes are contagious. As a result, you should not go to the clinic with your child, since you can infect someone while waiting your turn. In such a situation, it is recommended to call a doctor home.

How to diagnose allergies?

An allergic rash in children is often confused with an infectious one. If the treatment is incorrect, then the consequences of such a therapeutic course will not be the best. Before choosing an effective remedy, you need to learn to distinguish one disease from another. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, since a visual examination is not always enough to determine the cause of the disease; tests are required.

FeaturesAllergic rashInfection
General formIt can be in the form of both small dots and large blisters. In addition to them, there are often crusts, erosions and serous wells (ulcers from which fluid oozes). The rashes are pinpoint and do not “merge” into a large spot.
Place of appearanceFace (forehead, cheeks, chin). Neck, arms, legs, buttocks. Rarely – stomach, back. Belly, back. Rarely – arms, legs. Very rarely - forehead.
HeatThe temperature is rare, and if it rises, it is not higher than 37-38°C.The disease is accompanied by fever, from 37°C to 41°C.
SwellingWell visible. In some situations it is life-threatening. They happen very rarely.
Associated symptomsLacrimation, conjunctivitis, hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the eye, decreased blood pressure, cough, upset stomach.Running nose, general loss of strength, body aches.
How quickly it goesOften the rash goes away immediately after taking the medicine.Remains until the course of treatment is completed.

Symptoms of molluscum contagiosum

The incubation period of the disease ranges from two weeks to several months, but most often the rash appears on the 14-15th day.

At first, single rashes appear, then there are more of them. Molluscum contagiosum can affect any area of ​​the skin except the palms and soles. In children, exposed areas of the arms and legs, as well as the face and neck are most often affected. In adults, the genital area and the inner thighs are most often affected.

In the typical form of the disease, the rashes are located only in one anatomical area; in the generalized form, they spread throughout the body.


The elements of the rash look like protrusions (papules), firm and painless to the touch, pink or flesh-colored, with a pearlescent top. In the center of the papule there is a small depression, from which, when pressed, a white pasty mass is squeezed out. Papules have a round or oval shape, the size usually varies in the range of 2-5 mm, but sometimes the nodules merge, and then such formations can reach a diameter of 1 cm or more.

More about the symptom


In some cases, the rash is accompanied by itching, which intensifies when scratching. Under no circumstances should papules be scratched, as this can lead to a bacterial infection. The presence of a bacterial infection is indicated by redness of the skin around the papules, swelling, and suppuration.

More about the symptom

First aid and treatment

If children develop an allergic rash on their skin, it is strictly forbidden to squeeze pimples or open blisters. It is necessary to explain to the child that it is also forbidden to scratch the sores.

If he is still too small, make sure that he does not touch the wounds with dirty hands. He can get an infection, and this will only worsen his condition.

Treatment of rashes in children is selected depending on the type of disease. Parents who do not know how to treat allergic rashes in children should not select medications on their own.

Causes and risk factors of acne

Acne develops around the hair follicles and is caused by excessive sebum production. Increased secretion of sebum in combination with the presence of dead skin cells on the epidermis leads to clogging of the follicles of the hair shaft, which is accompanied by the appearance of comedones.

Comedones are the same tiny sores with a white tip that turn black when exposed to oxygen. Exacerbation of acne is caused by the involvement of an infectious process. A moist and oily environment is a favorable substrate for the proliferation of acne bacilli (Propionibacterium acnes).

When the bacteria is present, an inflammatory reaction develops, with pimples forming a red plaque on the top of the skin. The final sign of acne is nodular acne, characterized by large inflammatory lesions that can hurt and even leave scars after recovery.

There are several factors that increase the likelihood that a child will develop acne:

  • using skin and hair care products that contain chemicals that irritate the skin;
  • using alkaline soap and very hot water;
  • squeezing pimples and scratching affected areas of the skin;
  • frequent stressful situations or constant nervous tension;
  • excessive sweating and dandruff.

Learning what causes acne in children can help find ways to prevent and treat the disease. This allows the child to overcome the stress and depression that he experiences due to acne on his skin.

Endocrinopathies can be the cause of childhood acne. That is why, if you have acne, you should definitely consult a doctor to rule out such severe pathologies as congenital adrenal hyperplasia, malignant testicular tumors and polycystic ovary syndrome.

How to avoid allergies in children?

Preventive measures will prevent the child from developing an allergic rash. Doctors give the following recommendations:

  • Make sure that the baby does not come into contact with the allergen (remove allergenic foods from his diet; if necessary, change baby powder, soap or dishwashing liquid.
  • Maintain order in his room, regularly do wet cleaning.
  • If there are pets in the house, keep them clean.
  • Strengthen the baby’s immunity (walk more often, play sports).
  • Do not violate your doctor’s recommendations for taking medications.

Treatment methods for molluscum contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum should be treated by a doctor. You should not try to remove papules yourself - this can lead to bacterial infection.

Treatment of molluscum contagiosum depends on a number of factors, primarily on the stage of development of the disease, the severity of symptoms and the state of the patient’s immunity. The following methods can be used:

Instrumental removal

Papules can be removed instrumentally, followed by treating the wound with antibacterial agents.


Cryodestruction is the removal of papules using exposure to low temperatures. Papules are treated with liquid nitrogen. Tissues treated in this way freeze and die.

Radio wave removal

Molluscum contagiosum papules can be removed using the radio wave method (using the Surgitron apparatus) and using a laser.


Electrocoagulation is the effect of high-frequency current on papules. It is popularly described as “cauterization with electricity.” At the moment of discharge, a local strong thermal effect occurs, the tissues coagulate, which virtually eliminates the risk of infection at the treatment site.

Conservative treatment

The course of treatment for molluscum contagiosum may include conservative treatment with ointments and creams, as well as taking antiviral drugs (if the affected area is large).

Make an appointment Do not self-medicate. Contact our specialists who will correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment.

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Examples of rashes with photos

Colorless rash "goosebumps"

Exudative diathesis


Food allergies

What are blisters and their features

In most cases, blisters in a child do not linger for a long time, which is explained by their structure. These are cavityless formations that are a consequence of acute inflammation of the surface layer of the skin. Almost always the child itches because of blisters; they cause him severe discomfort. Most often, the bubbles are round in shape, but sometimes oval elements are also found. The color of the rash varies from pinkish to red, white or gray.

A similar rash appears during exudation, when blood plasma enters the intercellular space. In this state, it is easier for the immune system to act on pathogens that have entered the body. Transparent or white blisters in a child occur on different parts of the body. It all depends on the pathogen, allergen or other provoking factor that caused the inflammation. For example, large blisters on a child are most likely caused by a burn, but they are classified as injuries rather than rashes.

Blisters are also called urticaria. They are slightly raised and denser areas of skin that are formed as a result of swelling of the dermis, which is the middle layer of the skin. In general, such elements are called urticaria. In young children, it is accompanied by constant restlessness and the presence of scratching marks in areas of maximum rash.

On the legs and arms

Blisters in a child’s extremities occur due to insufficient hygiene. Even microcracks can become a “gateway” for infection, which provokes local inflammation. If the blisters resemble hives, then this is an allergy, which can be provoked by:

  • food products;
  • contact with synthetic clothing;
  • medications;
  • dust;
  • freezing;
  • Pets.

In this case, blisters may appear on the palms and soles of the feet. They are accompanied by other allergic symptoms. This can be severe itching, watery eyes, sneezing, sore throat, etc. There are practically no diseases that could cause blisters of this localization, but it is still worth visiting a doctor with your child.

How to make an appointment with a dermatologist

To make an appointment with a pediatrician or dermatologist, you can call us at the contact number or use the online form where you can select a specialist and an appointment time. We work all days, including weekends and holidays. JSC "Medicine" (clinic of academician Roitberg) is located in the Central Administrative District, near the Mayakovskaya, Tverskaya, Chekhovskaya, Belorusskaya and Novoslobodskaya metro stations. In addition, you can use our service to call a doctor at home. This will be convenient if the child has a serious general condition or you suspect the presence of a contagious disease.

Dermatitis in a child and psychosomatics

Skin health directly depends on a person’s mental well-being. Stress changes hormonal levels and metabolism, causing disruptions in the functioning of the immune system. Therefore, a calm emotional state will prevent exacerbation of the disease and delay the first appearance of symptoms.

When faced with contact dermatitis, analyze the causes and identify the allergen that caused it.
It's not always easy. To be sure of the correct diagnosis, conduct the necessary tests and receive treatment, come for a consultation at our center. In addition to treatment, you will learn how to properly prevent this disease. December 3, 2020
Author of the article: dermatologist Mak Vladimir Fedorovich

Description of the disease

Boils can occur in both young children and adolescents. Today they are the most common purulent skin lesion. Inflammation can affect any area where there are hair follicles. Most often, boils appear on the child’s head and neck, less often on the body (in the groin, on the back or stomach, under the armpit), on the legs and arms. The main feature of the course of this pathology in children is the high risk of inflammation spreading to neighboring tissues and structures, as well as its spread through the bloodstream, leading to the development of dangerous complications.

Pathogenesis and stages of development

During the development process, the boil goes through three successive stages:

  • initial (infiltration): the inflammatory process begins at the mouth of the follicle and gradually spreads;
  • necrotic (maturation): inflammation engulfs the entire cavity of the follicle, causing necrosis and purulent melting of tissue; the process lasts from several days to 2 weeks and ends with a rupture of the skin over the center of the boil;
  • healing stage: after the pus has drained and the cavity of the lesion has been cleaned, it gradually scars with the formation of a scar.

On fingers and palms

Blisters on the palms of a child are one of the common manifestations of eczema, which develops against the background of blockage of the sweat glands. This disease is called dyshidrosis. Blisters on the palms of a child also occur with scarlet fever. They usually form after parents have discovered other symptoms, so the rash no longer surprises them.

Also, blisters on a child’s toes occur due to:

  • allergies;
  • dermatitis;
  • insect bite;
  • lack of vitamins.

On the face

Blisters on a child’s face occur for the following reasons:

  • herpes. The rash is localized on the lips or around the mouth. In the first 2-3 days it causes itching, after which it opens and becomes covered with crusts;
  • viral infections: scarlet fever, influenza, rubella, chicken pox, measles;
  • allergic reaction to sunlight. Blisters are localized under the eyes and on the chin.

Almost all infections do not have a rash localized only on the face. Most often, rashes are observed on other parts of the body. Only herpes is characterized by a rash of a certain localization, most often around the mouth.

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