Pensive girl
Facial bioreparation: the essence of the procedure, who it is indicated for, what results it gives
The skin of the face is one of the most unprotected areas of the human body, open to the influence of many external
Causes of yellow complexion: possible diseases and their treatment at home
Causes of yellow complexion: possible diseases and their treatment at home
What is skin The skin consists of the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous adipose tissue. On the body of an adult
venous dermatitis
The skin on the legs is very flaky and itchy: reasons - what to do?
This article will talk about what to do if you have flaking or itching.
The triangle of death on your face: where is it located and why is it dangerous?
This article uses excerpts from the chapter of the same name in the Face Anatomy atlas. She has a special
Dropsy on the legs and arms: symptoms, causes, treatment with drugs and folk remedies. Dropsy on the fingers and toes in the elderly, adults and children: how to treat?
Swelling of the legs and arms is called dropsy. The article talks about the reasons for its occurrence and
Acne on the face
Acne in men: causes and treatment
What is acne Contents of the article Acne occurs due to blockage of the sebaceous glands and
Causes of oily shine on the face
How to get rid of oily shine on the nose. How to remove oily shine from your face
Updated: 04/23/2021 11:35:07 Expert: Ekaterina Alekseevna Savitskaya Oily shine on the face is a problem,
STOP! Stop doing hyaluronic acid injections every six months! Only two-stage contour plastic surgery of nasolabial folds can be truly effective!
Home Cosmetology Correction of nasolabial folds photo report Nasolabial fold is a common phenomenon among patients of any age,
7 problems that can be solved by Botox correction of the lower third of the face
Prevention of age-related changes, minimally invasive aesthetic procedures, short rehabilitation period and quick effect - these are
Causes of pimple on the pubic area in women - All about acne
Irritation and pimples on the pubic area always require special attention, since the cause of their origin is
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