STOP! Stop doing hyaluronic acid injections every six months! Only two-stage contour plastic surgery of nasolabial folds can be truly effective!

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A nasolabial fold is a common phenomenon among patients of any age, as it can often be associated with facial expressions and the anatomical structure of the face. Initial signs may be visible in the smile. Later, when the fold has already formed, it is noticeable even in a relaxed state of the facial muscles. Age, of course, aggravates the problem, since ptosis of facial tissues, decreased skin tone, decreased levels of collagen and elastin in it contribute to a more pronounced manifestation of nasolabial folds - in other words, visible creases running from the nose to the corners of the lips.

Modern medicine offers a whole range of measures to solve this problem, including Elos rejuvenation, thread lifting, and contouring. We present to your attention a photo report on the correction of the nasolabial fold with the drug “RESTYLANE”.

Botulinum toxin - injection of youth

Botox is an injection that an experienced cosmetologist injects directly under the patient’s skin. Immediately after administration, the drug creates a strong connection with the nerves of the facial muscles. Botox molecules block the production of acetylcholine, which, in turn, stops transmitting signals to the brain about contraction of facial muscles during facial expressions. Therefore, the muscles relax and due to this, all wrinkles are smoothed out. The effect lasts from 4 to 6 months, after which the nerve begins to create new endings and the signal appears again. Therefore, Botox injections should be performed regularly.

What is the difference between Botox and hyaluronic acid?

Botox is a botulinum toxin A protein produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. Until the end of the 80s, the drug was used only by ophthalmologists and neurologists to relieve muscle spasms. Now widely used in cosmetology as a lifting agent. First came Botox, later Xeomin and Dysport.

Botulinum toxin is injected with a syringe into the locations of the facial muscles “responsible” for the formation of wrinkles. As a result, nerve impulses to the facial muscles stop, and the skin acquires healthy turgor. The effect is noticeable after 3-5 days, increases over time and will last up to 6-8 months.

Hyaluronic acid is a product produced by the body itself, and not introduced externally like Botox. Hyaluronic acid actively moisturizes the skin. Its production by the body slows down after thirty years, and then injections help replenish reserves. Biosynthesized hyaluronic acid is identical to natural one, and therefore injections based on it are quite safe.

Hyaluronic acid is widely used in anti-aging procedures:

  • Biorevitalization. Subcutaneous administration of a drug based on hyaluronic acid. The drug rejuvenates the skin through hydration: 1 hyaluronic acid molecule attracts and retains up to 1000 water molecules. The structure of elastin and collagen is restored, as a result, wrinkles are gradually smoothed out. Products for such procedures contain unstabilized hyaluronic acid. It is gradually eliminated from the body. The result appears immediately, and over time it only increases. The skin gains tone and freshness. The effect lasts up to six months.
  • Mesotherapy. Solutions with active homeopathic and medicinal components are used as injection preparations. In addition to hyaluronic acid, it includes antioxidants, vitamins, and microelements that promote regeneration and stimulate blood circulation.
  • Fillers. If it is necessary to correct the contours of the face, hyaluronic acid enters the dermis as part of fillers. Injections are used to combat nasolabial folds and vertical wrinkles above the upper lip, and to add volume to sunken cheeks. The result lasts up to 1-1.5 years.

How many units of Botox should you use on your face?

Before talking about a certain number of units of a substance for one or another part of the face, it is worth knowing that only an experienced cosmetologist will be able to establish the exact number of units based on the condition of the patient’s facial skin. Of course, there is an average of the units used, but still only a doctor can do everything at the highest professional level.

If less Botox is used, the effect will be very insignificant. If you inject more units of the substance, your face will look like a mask. Therefore, trust your face exclusively to professionals in their field.

Drug differences

The principles of action of the drugs are different - Botox affects muscle activity, while hyaluronic acid replenishes the lack of substance in the injection areas.

The difference between Botox and hyaluronic acid also appears in the areas of application. Botox injection is indicated only in the forehead and eyes; in other areas it can distort facial expressions. Hyaluronic acid can be used in any segment of the face.

Conclusion: botulinum therapy corrects only facial wrinkles that arise due to incorrect functioning of the facial muscles. Other age-related changes are corrected by other methods, in particular, injections of hyaluronic acid.

Why do nasolabial folds form?

Let's say right away: do not confuse a nasolabial fold with a skin crease - these are two similar, but different in genesis problems.

Nasolabial fold

Nasolabial folds, in fact, have been with us since childhood - they simply appear only during facial activity (for example, smiling).

The main and most common cause of the formation of a nasolabial fold is the overhang of the nasolabial fat packet diagonally from the nostrils to the corners of the mouth during facial activity - both in childhood and in adults.

If all the fat packets are in place , then in a calm state the folds are not visible. But with age, the nasolabial fat packet “slides” down, and it is this that forms the fold itself.

If nasolabial folds appear from a young age, the reason is still the same - hypertrophied volume of the nasolabial fat packet.

The main reason for the formation of nasolabial folds is overhanging fat bags, no matter what they tell you on the Internet! Not skin, not muscle, but a fat packet.

Yes, the problem can be aggravated by the anatomical structure (deep-set oral region, malocclusion), the activity of the zygomatic minor and major muscles (they are responsible for the smile), but the contribution of these factors to the formation of the fold itself is insignificant.

Nasolabial skin fold

But the crease on the skin is formed due to the active work of the zygomatic muscles!

Every time we smile, scream and other emotions, we develop nasolabial depression. The constantly “creased” skin in this area - like paper - can become wrinkled over time: a skin crease.

Young skin is elastic and elastic, which means it easily recovers from wrinkles, but after 30 years, the production of elastin and collagen slows down and skin turgor decreases. It is after 30 years a skin fold usually begins to form in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold .

A number of anatomical reasons - a narrow, long face, a deep-set oral area - contribute to the appearance of a crease, often without the appearance of the crease itself.

After 35-40 years, a combination of the fold itself (with an overhanging fat packet) and a skin crease is often observed.

The cost of facial contouring at the Doctor Grishkyan clinic in Moscow

*Prices on the website are provided as reference information and are not a public offer

Correction of the periorbital region

A drugPrice
Teoseal Redensity II pure Sense (1ml)20000
Glyton Professional 2-1.0ml16000

Correction of nasolabial folds, marionette wrinkles

A drugPrice
Glyton Professional 3-1.0ml18000
Glyton Professional 4-1.0ml19000
Princess Filler 1ml18000
Restylane 1.0 ml20000
Restylane 0.5ml13500
Restylane Perlane 1.0ml20000
Surgiderm 24XP 0.8ml16000

Correction of the zygomatic region

A drugPrice
Glyton Professional 4 – 0.1ml19000
Princess Volume 1.0ml19000
Restylane Perlane 1.0ml20000
Surgiderm 30XP 0.8ml17000
Radiess 0.8ml19500
Radiesse 1.5ml26000
Radiesse 3.0ml42000

Correction of lip volume and shape

A drugPrice
Glyton Professional18000
Princess Filler 1.0ml18000
Restylane Lipp Refresh 1.0ml23500
Surgiderm 24 XP 0.8ml16000

Moisturizing lips

A drugPrice
Glyton Professional 2-1.0ml16000

What problems do Botox and hyaluronic acid solve?

Botulinum toxin fights expression wrinkles of the upper segment of the face:

  • horizontal on the forehead;
  • vertical on the bridge of the nose;
  • "crow's feet" in the corners of the eyes.

Cosmetologists with extensive experience also use Botox to smooth out perioral wrinkles, tighten neck skin, and block the chin muscle.

Fillers containing hyaluronic acid contribute to:

  • filling skin folds;
  • correction of facial oval;
  • modeling the cheekbones, chin and tip of the nose;
  • smoothing the earlobe;
  • giving volume to lips.

Products for bioremediation:

  • rejuvenate and saturate the skin with moisture not only of the face, but also of the neck, décolleté, and hands;
  • have a lifting effect.

How can you remove nasolabial folds?

Essentially, all methods for correcting folds are divided into two main ones:

  1. Filling the fold/crease itself
  2. Pulling the overhanging fat packet upward.

A lot of myths and outright lies revolve around the methods by which nasolabial lips can be removed. Let's figure it out!

1) Plastic surgery

Surprisingly, not every facelift plastic surgery can relieve nasolabial problems! The thing is that the nasolabial triangle is considered one of the most dangerous areas on the face: the reason is in the facial arteries and veins that run along the crease area.

Because of the risks, plastic surgeons only rarely peel away the tissue in this area to perform a lift.

There is no separate plastic surgery that corrects the nasolabial area. It is impossible to correct skin folds with the help of plastic surgery - this is the prerogative of cosmetology.

The cost of the operation starts from 250,000 rubles and depends on the doctor’s experience.

2) Correction with fillers.

The most popular and effective method. There are several ways to remove folds and creases - first of all, they differ in the technique of work and the required amount of the drug.

  • “Filling” the nasolabial fold
  • “Pushing out” the nasolabial fold
  • Zygomatic correction and “stretching” of the nasolabial fold
  • Blanching a nasolabial fold
  • Complex facial correction (beautification and harmonization).

Long gone are the days when any nasolabial wrinkles were removed simply by filling them with filler. Yes, they still do this, but not always.

We have prepared a separate article where we described all the methods for correcting the nasolabial furrow with fillers: be sure to read it!

More often you have to work in several stages and I would like to draw the attention of those girls who “put off” until the last minute - the later you decide to visit a cosmetologist with this problem, the more difficult it will be to solve this problem.

Photo results of correction of the nasolabial area with fillers using different techniques:

How much medication is needed and what technique will be used for you depends on how pronounced the problem is.

Duration of correction result : from 8-9 months to 2 years, depending on the technique.

The cost of correction with fillers is from 10,000 rubles / 1 ml.

3) Thread correction of the nasolabial fold

There are methods of thread correction, when special threads are inserted , separating the skin from the muscles (separation) and creating a frame that prevents the skin from “wrapping” in this place.

The method of pulling tissue upward (to the cheekbone area) using notched threads is also very popular. In this case, the volumes of the middle third are redistributed and the overhang of the buccal area over the nasolabial area is eliminated.

When the threads dissolve (4-5 months), the problem returns.

The cost of correction with threads is from 30,000 rubles.

Duration of correction result : from 2-4 months to 12-16 months, depending on the technique and type of threads.

4) Massages, facial gymnastics, taping

The problem with all these newfangled methods is that they were invented by people far from real medicine, and some are not even familiar with the banal anatomical structure of this area.

How can you “move” subcutaneous fat with a massage, which has been transformed and moved under the influence of gravitational ptosis for 20-30 years?! If it were so easy, there would be no need for plastic surgeons!

How can you use taping to remove skin wrinkles that form due to the skin losing its firmness and elasticity? How can a pasted patch interfere with the work of facial muscles?

However, all these methods are safe and you can check their effectiveness yourself.

It is important to understand that we are all different and which method is right for you should be determined by a cosmetologist during an in-person appointment!

We will be happy to advise you on all questions!

Advantages and disadvantages of both methods

A drugAdvantagesFlaws
BotoxRapidly growing effect, high-quality smoothing of wrinkles. No hematomas or swelling Inability to affect non-mimic wrinkles. Fragility of results.
Hyaluronic acidHypoallergenic. High biological compatibility with tissues. Disintegrates over time and is excreted from the body. Not addictive. Short duration of results. Minor pain during the procedure.
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