Anterior platysmaplasty - diagram
We'll show you everything! Face and neck lift - photos and videos Before and After, report from the operating room, exhaustive frank story from the patient
Age-related changes happen to everyone. First they manifest themselves in the appearance of wrinkles, deepening of nasolabial folds
What not to do for flaky skin?
Editors' Choice: 20 Great Anti-Flaking Creams
Xerosis, or dry skin. The tendency towards it is inherited or arises as a result
skin peeling off toes
Why does the skin on my toes peel off and how to treat it?
Human feet endure a lot of stress every day, as they bear the entire weight of the body.
How does depilatory cream work?
How does depilatory cream work and how to use it?
Despite the fact that many girls prefer to remove body hair on their own at home
Girl touching her nose
How to get rid of an internal pimple in the nose? Causes and treatment
Quite often, people encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon as an internal pimple in the nose. Given
Girl with freckles
What are freckles at what age do children appear, causes and treatment
Freckles are small dark spots that appear on the skin when exposed to sunlight. They
examination of moles in a pregnant woman
I monitor one mole, remove another: how not to miss dangerous neoplasms on your skin
Almost every owner of a mole that rises above the level of the skin has encountered unpleasant sensations in the area
Acne in the intimate area in men symptoms - All about acne
Causes of acne in intimate places. As practice shows, both women and men have enough
Pimples on hands
Watery blisters on the fingers: small, treatment, how to treat
The skin on the hands is most susceptible to external influences. Brushes come into contact with aggressive components and are less protected
Diaper rash in the groin in women
Diaper rash in the groin in women: symptoms, causes, treatment with medicines and folk remedies, reviews
The article was prepared by a specialist for informational purposes only. We urge you not to self-medicate.
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