How to get rid of oily shine on the nose. How to remove oily shine from your face

Updated: 04/23/2021 11:35:07

Expert: Ekaterina Alekseevna Savitskaya

Oily shine on the face is a problem that many women are familiar with. It is not easy to get rid of it; the face begins to shine in the most inappropriate situations. However, there is a way out: to reduce the degree of oiliness of the skin, you can use the methods that professional cosmetologists told journalists about. Among them are cleansing and improving skin tone, using home remedies that will help remove oily shine.

Causes of oily shine on the face

The most likely cause of shine on your face is the characteristics of your skin type. This problem is typical for oily dermis. Dry epidermis can also become shiny, since increased dryness does not exclude increased fat content. But this rarely happens. In addition to an unnatural shine, the following symptoms indicate that you have oily skin:

  1. Enlarged pores on the forehead, nose, chin, in some cases even on the cheeks. The pores expand because they do not have time to remove sebum, since the sebaceous glands work too actively. As a result, the pores become clogged and stretched, and the skin looks loose and lumpy.
  2. Sebaceous plugs, black comedones, which can appear all over the face, but the T-zone is more susceptible to this problem. The reason for the occurrence of such aesthetic defects also lies in the disruption of the glands, in increased contamination of the skin, if the volume of hygiene procedures performed is insufficient.
  3. Frequent inflammations and rashes are integral companions of the oily epidermis. The glands that produce sebum are too active, this, in combination with other negative factors, leads to areas of inflammation, redness, and irritation regularly appearing on the surface of the face. In clogged pores, purulent processes begin to occur, as a result of which a person suffers from acne and pimples.
  4. Decorative cosmetics do not stay on the surface of the face for more than two to three hours after application. Foundation and powder, blush simply flow from the surface of the face, “float”, mixing into one continuous dirty spot.

An express test will help you finally make sure that you have oily dermis and that is why shine forms on your face. If 2-3 hours have already passed after washing, you can carry out the test at any time of the day. Take a paper napkin and apply it to the surface of your face on your forehead or nose. If characteristic marks remain on the napkin, and the oily sheen at the point of contact has disappeared or become less obvious, it means that the sebaceous glands are actually producing more secretion than necessary.

Additional reasons

, which can contribute to the appearance of oily shine on the face:

  1. A consequence of the environment in which a person finds himself. Absolutely any skin will begin to shine if the day is very hot, the room is stuffy, or you are in a bathhouse, sauna, or on the beach. The face begins to shine, but this is not a pattern that is characteristic of the body. And it’s easy to fix the problem – just change the situation.
  2. Improper care of oily epidermis. This can be either a passion for cheap care and decorative cosmetics of dubious quality, or a simple disregard for hygiene rules.
  3. Poor nutrition. If your diet consists mainly of fast carbohydrates, flour, fried, spicy and smoked foods, as well as confectionery, sweet carbonated drinks, an oily sheen on your face will bother you constantly.
  4. Frequent stress and conflict situations that contribute to disruption of the central nervous system. In this case, the central nervous system forces the glands to work more actively, which leads to various abnormalities, including oily shine on the face.
  5. Disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system. When the stomach, intestines, gallbladder, and liver function incorrectly or malfunction, as well as if chronic diseases of these organs occur, this immediately affects the condition of the skin.
  6. But the most common cause of oily skin, even if it is of normal or combination type, is hormonal changes. These may be disorders or surges in hormone production that occur during certain periods of a person’s life. An oily sheen appears on the face of women before the onset of menstruation, during pregnancy and lactation. And for adolescents (regardless of gender) - during the transition period. Also, the cause of oily shine on the face at any age can be disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.

Tone and moisturize your skin

After cleansing, treat your skin with toner. Please note that this procedure is optional, but desirable. The purpose of the tonic is to refresh and moisturize the skin and normalize sebum production. Choose slightly acidic toners with AHA acids and hyaluronic acid. Avoid lotions containing alcohol and products with a high pH. They damage and dry out the skin and provoke increased sebum production.

The next step in care is moisturizing. It is required for any skin type, including oily skin. When there is a lack of moisture, the dermis tends to produce more sebum, because it is a natural moisturizer. For summer care, choose light texture moisturizing emulsions with herbal ingredients and essential oils.

Learn more about choosing a moisturizer .

In the photo: cornflower blue water for the face, Laino; moisturizing facial toner Proto Cosmetic, MIXIT.

The first rule is daily cleansing.

If you want to remove oily shine from your face, the epidermis after a night's sleep needs to be cleansed and prepared for applying makeup. However, there is one peculiarity here - girls whose faces are shiny wash their faces more often than necessary. Typically, cleansing the epidermis is required in the morning and before going to bed. But oily shine forces you to wash your face 4-6 times a day. At the same time, the more often and more thoroughly the sebum is washed off, the more diligently the epidermis produces new sebum. Therefore, it is important not to overdo it with washing, in order to remove oily shine, it is better to use mattifying agents.

Cleansing the skin,

which will remove oily shine from the face, occurs in two stages:

  1. Remove makeup and remove all impurities using milk, makeup remover, micellar water. Cotton wool or a cotton pad should be moistened generously so that there is no need to vigorously rub the epidermis, which is fraught with the appearance of early wrinkles in the future.
  2. Wash your face with water, while using gel or foam for oily and combination dermis. It is recommended to give preference to products that contain extracts of aloe, cucumber, chamomile, tomato, and apple. You can also consider washing gels with salicylic and lactic acid in a concentration of no more than 2%. Such preparations gently and carefully remove dead skin cells, remove excess sebum and help cleanse pores. For washing, it is important to prepare water at the right temperature - it should be warm, like your body. Too hot water will stimulate the active functioning of the sebaceous glands, and too cold liquid dries and ages the skin.
  3. After washing, do not rub your face with a towel. Let it dry naturally, after lightly blotting it with a paper towel to remove any drippings.

Home Remedies Recipes

You can take care of your skin in the summer yourself using available ingredients. Home scrubbing will help free pores from impurities, but the products should not be too aggressive. Formulations with a low dose of acids work best. Malic acid in low concentrations in combination with zinc and kaolin has a mild effect.

Home Recipes for General Oily Skin Care:

  1. To wash your face, you can mix tar soap with grape oil. But even if it is customary to carry out a hygienic procedure without additional substances, the water should be purified, at a pleasant temperature, not too hot or cold,
  2. As a tonic, you can use ice cubes made from aloe, lemon, mint, and chamomile.
  3. Moisturizing masks can be done 3-4 times a week. Honey, banana, strawberries, cucumber pulp, and herbs are suitable for these purposes. You can simply buy an alginate fabric mask that matches your skin type.
  4. Nutrient compositions are prepared based on cosmetic clay, fermented milk products, starch, grapefruit, potatoes, yeast, and so on. Such masks can be made no more than 2 times a week.

Only regular and high-quality care will help oily skin look beautiful, smooth and radiant. During a hot day, it is necessary to give the skin the opportunity to cleanse and rest. Thermal water and wet wipes soaked in rice powder are ideal for this.

Third rule - scrubbing

After washing, once every 2-3 days you can treat the surface of your face with a scrub. The use of such a product provides additional cleansing and a massage effect, due to which oily shine will occur less frequently.

You can buy a scrub for oily skin at a cosmetics store or prepare it yourself. If you choose the latter option, you can use several folk recipes. The main thing is that the scrub consists of two components - one acts as a base, the second as an exfoliator. Our experts recommend testing the following options:

  1. The base is something thick or viscous - natural yogurt without additives, sour cream, glycerin, honey.
  2. An exfoliant is something that has small particles without sharp edges - finely ground table or sea salt, soda, crushed oatmeal, fine brown sugar, fresh or used coffee grounds.
  3. You can also add moisturizing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory components to the scrub, for example, a few drops of lemon juice or gelatin swollen in water.
  4. After mixing the components, scrubbing must be done quickly, as the exfoliant may dissolve in the base. The scrub is applied to the surface of the face with soft circular movements along massage lines. After rubbing the product into the skin, wait a couple of minutes and rinse with plenty of warm water.

What is high fat content

The skin of each of us consists of a very large number of thin layers. It takes part not only in the respiratory process, but also has protective, thermoregulatory, excretory and even metabolic functions. It is considered the most extensive organ of the human body, instantly reacts to any changes in its work, actively “signaling” the presence of such in various ways: rashes, irritation, dryness, comedones, acne and other unpleasant manifestations.

Therefore, if the skin suddenly begins to secrete an excessive amount of sebum and becomes greasy, which was not observed before, then this is a reason to seriously worry and consult a doctor. Such problems lead to a constant unsightly shine, clogged glands, acne, various cysts, and even the development of seborrhea. A healthcare professional will usually order general tests and tests to ensure there are no internal pathologies, and then prescribe therapy.

The fourth rule is vaporization

Steaming your facial skin, which should be done once or twice a week, will effectively cleanse it, improve blood circulation, and stimulate metabolic and regenerative processes. Vaporization should not be done frequently, so as not to once again activate the activity of the sebaceous glands, which are sensitive to increases in external temperature.

To steam, use one of two methods:

  1. Prepare hot water that produces steam. This can be regular drinking water or a water infusion/decoction of chamomile or any medicinal herb. Cover your head with a towel, lean over the container with liquid, but do not bring your face close to the surface of the water so as not to get burned by very hot steam. This steam “bath” should be taken for 5-7 minutes.
  2. Prepare hot but not scalding water or a decoction of medicinal plants. Soak a small hand towel in the liquid; it is better if it is terry, as it will retain more moisture. Wring out the towel so that no water drips from it, place it on your face and lie down for 10-15 minutes until the fabric has cooled.
  3. After vaporization, you can wash your face with foam to remove the remains of dead cells and impurities. It is not recommended to go outside after the procedure (at least for 1-2 hours), especially in the cold season.

Before steaming your face, it is recommended to consult a doctor or cosmetologist, as you may have contraindications to the thermal procedure. For example, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Use cosmetic ice

A good product for summer skin care is ice: it cools the upper layers of the epidermis, refreshes and tones the skin. To make ice cubes mattify the skin, make them from decoctions of herbs with an astringent effect: St. John's wort, calendula, horsetail, coltsfoot, lily, birch leaves. If you are prone to acne, try using nettle, oak bark or saline solution (1 tablespoon of salt per glass of boiled water).

To prepare cosmetic ice, pour 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials with a glass of water, bring to a boil, then let it brew and strain. Pour the cooled liquid into special molds and place in the freezer. Use the prepared ice within a week. There is no point in storing the cubes longer: they will lose their healing properties. Rub ice on your face 1-2 times a day. Movements should be light and gliding, without pauses, otherwise you will become hypothermic. Then lightly blot the skin with a napkin and apply a moisturizer or nourishing cream. Instead of herbal infusion, you can use fruit, berry or vegetable juice, for example, apple, lemon, kiwi, strawberry, cucumber.

The fifth rule is the application of skincare products

Oily skin, which constantly develops shine, needs hydration and nutrition, which must come from external sources. This source can be a water-based moisturizer. It should be applied immediately after cleansing and other procedures. After 5-10 minutes, you can wipe your face with a paper towel to remove any unabsorbed product residue.

Rule six – increasing tone and closing pores

In order for the pores to close and not secrete sebum, and also to prevent dirt and particles of decorative cosmetics from getting into them, the face must be treated with tonic. It is desirable that the product contains many useful components of natural origin and no alcohol.

Ice can also be used as a tonic. Short-term exposure to cold will improve the skin's health and help close pores more effectively. Ice can be made in the freezer of the refrigerator using a mold with small square compartments, as well as a variety of liquids:

  1. Regular drinking water.
  2. Mineral water without gas.
  3. A weak decoction of medicinal plants.

To tone the epidermis and remove oily shine from the face, rub an ice cube over the entire surface. Including the under-eye area - a light touch of ice will help relieve bags under your eyes and reduce the appearance of dark circles. However, experts warn that this method of toning the skin is not suitable for people who have spider veins on their faces, as well as those with very delicate and sensitive dermis.

The seventh rule is the use of decorative cosmetics

Proper makeup application will help remove oily shine on your face. Cosmetics should be applied in the following order:

  1. After cleansing and carrying out all preparatory manipulations, apply primer to your face. It is desirable that this product be a silicone product with a matte finish without a shimmer effect. The primer will even out the microrelief of the skin, cover the epidermis with the thinnest film and prevent the appearance of oily sheen. It will also extend the period of “wearing” makeup, keeping cosmetics from spreading.
  2. If there are any defects on your face - scars, cicatrices, pimples, enlarged pores, dark circles under the eyes - use a concealer to hide imperfections. The color of the corrector must be selected in accordance with the color of the defect. For example, to disguise red pimples and scars, a greenish product is suitable, and in order to hide bruises under the eyes, you can use a yellow or orange product.
  3. Apply foundation. For skin that is constantly oily, you can choose a product with a light texture and beneficial properties. For example, BB or CC cream with a matte finish.
  4. In order to give the face additional matte, it is recommended to use mineral powder. It will not clog pores and will protect against shine.

Other decorative cosmetics - eye shadow, lipstick, blush - should be dry. In this case, even 5-6 hours after applying makeup, others will not think that your face is shiny.

Special care

In addition to daily care, special procedures will help remove oily shine on the skin.

  • Twice a week, during the evening wash, you should use an exfoliating agent - special milk, soft peeling or foam.
  • From one to three times a week it is allowed to make cleansing and moisturizing masks that will regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Those with an oily sheen should never touch pimples, much less try to squeeze them out. Inappropriate actions can cause scars to appear and infection to spread, which can lead to even more acne. Any mechanical cleaning should be carried out only by a cosmetologist.

Eighth rule - emergency measures

If the need to remove oily shine from your face often catches you at the most unexpected moment, keep in mind these ways to quickly correct the situation:

  1. Using matting wipes.

    You just need to apply such a napkin to the problem area, and the skin will become matte again, since the special fabric will absorb excess secretions from the sebaceous glands. However, this method, which helps remove oily shine from the face, is suitable only for those girls and women who do not use decorative cosmetics (foundation, powder). If you have makeup on your face, it will smudge and be partially absorbed into the fabric when using the napkin.

  2. Universal refresher - thermal water in a spray bottle

    . The liquid will instantly moisturize and refresh the skin, eliminate oily shine, even if applied over makeup.

  3. Oatmeal powder

    . If you use regular powder, the oily shine will disappear instantly and your face will become matte. But the situation with the skin will get worse. The use of mineral powder will not harm the skin and will not cause clogging of pores. But high-quality mineral products are expensive. What to do if you don’t have money right now, but you don’t want to tolerate the oily shine on your face? Make your own powder! To do this, you only need a coffee grinder and a few spoons of regular oatmeal. Place oatmeal in the container of the kitchen appliance and begin the grinding process. After a few minutes, fine powder, almost oatmeal dust, will collect on the inner surface of the coffee grinder lid. Collect it in a cleaned jar of used powder and apply to your face as needed. The advantage of oatmeal powder is that it has a suitable shade for fair skin. If you have dark skin, try making buckwheat powder as described above.

Combination skin care

This type is quite common. The skin condition is characterized by the presence of areas of thickening with dilated openings of the sebaceous glands and increased secretion of sebum. But in people with combination skin, manifestations are observed mainly in the central part of the face and the T-zone. While on the side surfaces of the face and skin of the neck, the areas are dry.

Against the background of this type of skin, there is a risk of developing dermatoses. The basic rule for using cosmetics for combination skin is to reduce oiliness (not forgetting dry areas), to ensure the prevention of infection and inflammatory processes.

The algorithm of action for care is similar to that which should be followed for oily skin. But in this case, you will have to have two sets of products - to care for dry skin in the summer you will need separate cosmetics. Or you can use formulations labeled “for combination skin,” but they are less effective.

Regardless of the type of skin, makeup removal is a mandatory ritual before bed. Under no circumstances should you leave decorative cosmetics on your face overnight!

The ninth rule is the use of masks for oily dermis

Cosmetic masks are a great way to normalize the condition of the skin, eliminate oily shine and reduce the severity of other problems and defects. There are a lot of recipes for masks for oily skin; you can choose the appropriate option from our list or create your own, based on your preferences and the needs of your epidermis.

Face masks that remove oily shine from the skin:

  1. An absolute must-have for every woman who wants to remove oily shine from her face is a good supply of cosmetic clay. Any will do - white, pink, green, blue, black. This is a simple product, it is inexpensive, sold in any pharmacy, can be stored for a long time, and helps out in any situation if you have 20 free minutes. This mask can be done at least every day in the morning or before attending some celebration where you want to look perfect. The mask is quick and easy to make and provides excellent results for 3-8 hours. You need to dilute a few tablespoons of cosmetic clay with warm drinking water and apply the mixture to your forehead, nose, cheeks, and chin using a flat cosmetic brush. If you don’t have a brush, feel free to apply the composition with your fingers, after washing your hands with soap. As soon as the mask dries, you can start counting the time - after 10 minutes you need to wash it off. If there is a feeling of tightness, this is normal, since the clay shrinks when it dries. This property ensures that it literally pulls out all their contents from the pores - excess sebaceous secretions, dense sebaceous plugs, blackheads, etc. Minerals and other nutrients contained in clay help normalize the condition of the skin, so oily shine does not occur as often as usual.
  2. Egg white, lemon juice and aloe juice. If you only have an egg, you can use it as a mono component of the mask. If all the ingredients are available, then mixing them is very simple. First you need to beat one chicken egg white (or two quail egg whites) until foamy. Add one teaspoon of juice from aloe leaves to the foam and the same amount of lemon juice that you just squeezed. All this must be mixed thoroughly so that the consistency of the product is homogeneous. Apply the mask in layers for 20-30 minutes. The second layer is applied after the first has dried, the third - after the second has “set”. The effect that you can count on after a cosmetic procedure is refreshment, whitening, deep cleansing and narrowing of pores.
  3. Kefir (or any other fermented milk product), oatmeal or pea flour. A small amount of kefir needs to be mixed with the second component so that the consistency of gruel is obtained.
  4. Yeast, milk, sugar. You can use either dry or “wet”, that is, live culinary yeast. You can use water instead of milk. The liquid is heated to a temperature of 37-38 degrees, two teaspoons of yeast and half a teaspoon of sugar are added to it. After 10 minutes the mixture can be applied to the face. It will be very liquid, so you need to either thicken it by adding bread crumb, any flour, or apply it with a cosmetic brush in several layers.
  5. Oatmeal or pea flakes, half a fresh cucumber. The flakes can be ground into flour or left as is, the cucumber must be grated or crushed into a paste in any other way. Then mix with oatmeal and let the mixture swell for 10 minutes, then it can be applied to the face.
  6. Raw potatoes, protein and lemon juice. You need to squeeze the juice from one vegetable tuber, mix it with one chicken protein and a few teaspoons of lemon juice. Apply the mask to your face with a brush or thicken the mixture with flour.

Masks need to be done in courses - 10-15 procedures, once every 2-3 days. After this, you can repeat the course, but use a different recipe, since the skin may get used to the effects of certain components of the mask and the effectiveness of the procedure will decrease.

Why is it important to take a course, instead of carrying out cosmetic procedures from time to time when you have a free 30-60 minutes? The thing is that the effect of the natural components of masks is weakly expressed. Beneficial substances must accumulate in the layers of the epidermis in order for you to get a truly noticeable and lasting result. Therefore, do not take long breaks between home cosmetology sessions, because they take little time and do not require any special skills or abilities from you.

Rules for preparing masks that will help remove oily shine from the face:

  1. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes (unless the recipe specifies a different time for the procedure). You should not leave the composition on the surface of your face; it will not provide any further benefit.
  2. Use fresh and quality ingredients. If food is spoiled, pathogenic microorganisms may enter the skin, resulting in infection.
  3. Mix the components of the masks a maximum of an hour before the cosmetic procedure. It is better to prepare the mixture immediately before applying to the face.
  4. If you are using any new products to prepare the mixture that you have not eaten before, make sure that you are not allergic to them. The rapid test can be done at home. To do this, apply a little of the new product to the skin on the inside of your wrist. After this, all that remains is to observe the body’s reaction. The skin should not show signs of hypersensitivity, for example, redness, rash, itching.
  5. If during the procedure you experience a feeling of tightness and slight tingling, tingling is normal. If a strong burning sensation and pain occurs, then such sensations cannot be tolerated; the mask must be washed off immediately, even if the time for the procedure has not yet ended.
  6. If after applying the mask to your face you have some mixture left, you should not throw it away, but you should not store it, even in the cold, until the next time. It is better to make a mask for the skin of your hands or for your neck and décolleté.

How to fight

What to do when your facial skin quickly becomes oily? Modern cosmetology offers a huge number of different solutions, effective to one degree or another. However, they are not at all a panacea for any problems in the body. Therefore, it is advisable to first visit a doctor who will help to accurately determine the cause of such phenomena. Only after all health issues have been resolved can you turn to the remedies described below.

Injection cosmetology

It involves influencing the skin with injections. At the same time, various drugs are injected into the middle or uppermost layers using microneedles, which in our case combat the increased secretion of sebum.

Ozone therapy

The main effect of this procedure is based on improving the delivery of ozone molecules into cells, which actively stimulates the antioxidant system. In the gas injection zone, the metabolic rate increases significantly, therefore, the elimination of toxins and other “garbage” is accelerated. At the same time, immunity and turgor increase, acne and blackheads go away, and color improves.


During this procedure, special “cocktails” made up of caffeine, hyaluronic acid, various plant extracts and essential vitamins are introduced into the middle layer of the skin. It can solve several main problems:

  • slows down aging;
  • removes lipid deposits;
  • eliminates excessive fat.

Post-acne and pimples can also be removed after the course, or at least their visibility can be significantly minimized.

Hardware procedures

Oily facial skin type necessarily requires active care, especially the most problematic areas - forehead, nose, chin and cheeks. Properly selected options are well suited for these purposes, where special devices and equipment are indispensable:

  • ultrasound phonophoresis;
  • biostimulation using laser;
  • darsonvalization;
  • grinding with aluminum oxide or diamond chips;
  • iontophoresis;
  • ultrasonic peeling.

All of the above is performed exclusively in specialized offices, in which specialists must have the appropriate documents.

Microcurrent therapy

This is the name of the method of influencing the surface of the skin with fairly weak electrical impulses, fluctuating in the range of 40-1000 microamps. The procedure has a minimal list of contraindications and is also quite effective. Efficiency is achieved through a simultaneous effect on lymphatic and blood vessels, muscles and dermis. The procedure makes it possible to put even a fairly severely affected surface in order, with virtually no negative sensations.


The essence of the technique is the correct exposure of the surface to light rays of a certain frequency. It is completely safe for health, has virtually no contraindications, and does not imply any invasion of the epidermis at all. The results of the procedure are usually visible from the first session, and the final effect occurs after 3-5 repetitions.

Aesthetic cosmetology

To quickly and without consequences eliminate excess fat, homemade formulations are sometimes not enough. Then it's time to contact a specialist. An experienced professional must first refer the patient for a medical examination to find out the causes and contraindications, and only after that makes prescriptions.


Bb Laboratories – Two-phase serum concentrate

Curacen – for injection

Curacen Essence (20 fl x 2 ml)

Nanoneedles with ultra-thin walls 34G


For high-quality results, professional products are used that directly affect the regulation of gland secretion. They usually have a high concentration of active components, which distinguishes them from the usual analogues used in everyday life. In your care, you can use the Cream Clay Mask, which effectively restores the skin's purity and healthy appearance, or the delicate Clear Oil Cleansing oil for deep cleansing. It removes makeup, deep skin impurities, dead cells of the stratum corneum and excess sebaceous glands.


As a rule, the dermis with increased sebum secretion is quite dense, so it “clogs” much faster than any other. Without thorough cleaning and constant care, it will become very shiny. There are several types of high-quality professional cleansing:

  • manual;
  • combined;
  • ultrasonic;
  • chemical.

All options are aimed at freeing clogged pores from their contents and thereby reducing the main indicators of pollution. Similar procedures are recommended not only for increased sebum secretion, but also for acne, milia, blackheads and other defects.

Cosmeceuticals as help in a difficult struggle

It includes cosmetology and medicine, which allows it not only to fight visible imperfections, but also to eliminate the cause from the inside. This is one of the most effective and modern treatment methods. For example, the drug GHC Placental Cosmetic is able to transform the dermis at the cellular level, eliminating excess oil. In addition, it stimulates the production of natural elastin and collagen, reduces the number of existing wrinkles, normalizes the water-lipid balance, and eliminates the prerequisites for the development of hyperpigmentation. You can also use Placenta Extract, which effectively restores cell structure and normalizes their functions, and also increases skin elasticity and helps eliminate irritation and inflammatory reactions.

Solving problems with a doctor

Many people have a question about what to do and what treatment for very oily facial skin can be effective and safe. By contacting a doctor, you can find out why certain processes occur, without which it is unlikely that you will be able to choose the right therapy. Alternatively, you may also need to consult an endocrinologist who deals with hormonal imbalances, which also often cause excessive sebum production.

Usually, if you have a genetic predisposition, doctors recommend monitoring your lifestyle and diet, and regularly caring for your skin using special formulations. However, through increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, the body can signal the development of any diseases. Such manifestations cannot be ignored, especially if they arise suddenly.

The tenth rule is health improvement, normalization of lifestyle and diet

If you begin a comprehensive recovery of the body, the skin will be one of the first to respond. Her condition will noticeably improve, and the oily sheen will no longer bother you if you take the following measures:

  1. Go through a full examination of the body to identify diseases of the internal organs, which may occur in a latent form.
  2. To ensure that the glands produce less fat, stop eating unhealthy foods and switch to fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs, lean meat, fish, whole grain cereals, and vegetable oils. To cleanse the intestines, add flax seeds and bran to cereals and salads.
  3. Drink enough clean water (1.5-2.5 liters per day), give up coffee and black tea. Instead, you can drink green tea, decoctions of medicinal herbs, and water infusion of rose hips. Drink water even when you don't feel like it, at least half a glass. After all, if the body lacks fluid, the skin also suffers. And when the epidermis lacks moisture, it produces sebum more actively.
  4. Consult with your doctor about the use of dietary supplements to improve the health of the skin, vitamin and mineral complexes of the “skin, nails, hair” type.
  5. Use decorative and skincare cosmetics with safe ingredients. Wash and care products should not contain alcohol or sodium lauryl sulfate, which have a negative effect on the skin. You don't have to buy expensive products. Companies such as Mary Kay, Avon, and Oriflame offer high-quality mass-market cosmetics available to a wide range of consumers. They also have luxury and premium product lines.
  6. Do not use cosmetics that contain oils (fats). To remove oily shine from the face, it is better to use light creams and other water-based products. You can also choose products with a mattifying effect.
  7. Always remove your makeup at the end of the day. Sleeping with makeup on your face means worsening the condition of your skin.
  8. The last piece of advice from experts is to try to avoid stress and conflict situations, get more rest, walk in the fresh air, and get enough sleep. All this helps to optimize the functioning of the nervous system and normalize hormonal levels.

Features of facial skin care

In order to maintain youth, freshness and health of the skin for a long time, you need to take care of it constantly. Oily skin type is more common in young people, but can also occur in older people due to hormonal imbalances. To determine it, you just need to put a white napkin to your forehead - greasy marks will remain on it. The following signs also indicate this type of skin:

  • enlarged pores;
  • the presence of blackheads and acne;
  • the skin appears dense and rough;
  • tendency to inflammation;
  • shine after washing.

Mattifying products are a good choice for instant body skin care in summer. Proper care will help restore the condition of the dermis, remove shine and narrow pores. In summer, oily skin suffers no less than dry skin. Sebum production increases, the risk of inflammation increases, and the level of water balance worsens due to dry air both outdoors and in air-conditioned rooms.

Daily procedures in the summer should be aimed at ensuring the following effect:

  • prevention of inflammation;
  • cleansing particles of dust and dirt from pores;
  • hydration;
  • toning.

While paying attention to your face and body, you should not forget that hand skin care in summer should be complete. On the contrary, this area needs to be given more attention, since the hands and forearms are constantly exposed. The most important rule of care is UV protection. You need to go outside after applying products with an SPF level of 50. You should not get carried away with tanning; you can be exposed to the sun in the morning, until 11 o’clock, and in the evening from 16.00

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