Collagenary for face, body. What kind of procedure is this, reviews from doctors, the benefits and harms of solariums for the body. Before and after photos, side effects
Collagenary for face, body. What kind of procedure is this, reviews from doctors, the benefits and harms of solariums for the body. Before and after photos, side effects
Collagenarium (light therapy) is a cosmetological method of rejuvenation, restoration of firmness and elasticity of the skin on
white pimples
Bubbles in the mouth on the mucous membrane: where is the problem and what to do?
Ulcers and pimples in the mouth: possible causes, diagnosis and treatment methods The appearance of acne
A girl looks into her private place
Itching and burning in the vagina
Skin itching is irritation of sensory receptors, which are free nerve endings. Severe irritation
Red dots
Red dots on the palms under the skin: causes, treatment, reviews
Red dots on the palms with contact dermatitis: causes Initially, this disease was considered as a kind of
Cream LIPOBASE (Lipobase). Instructions for use. Price, analogues, reviews
Cream LIPOBASE (Lipobase). Instructions for use. Price, analogues, reviews
The skin of the face is constantly exposed to the external environment. For complete care of the epidermis in cosmetology
Why does it itch so much? Itching - age-related and not very
General information Skin itching is one of the interdisciplinary problems that are relevant both for dermatovenerology and
Dry skin on feet
Practical recommendations for the treatment of itching in palliative patients
General information Skin itching is one of the interdisciplinary problems that are relevant both for dermatovenerology and
allergy red spots on the face
What do skin color, swelling and spots on the face mean?
Allergy on the face in the form of red spots is a common problem with which patients often
Reviews about teenage cream
Skincare cosmetics for teenagers - how to care for facial skin and what beginner girls need: moisturizers and micellar water
Due to hormonal surges during adolescence, adolescents undergo a complete restructuring of the body. All systems
What is facial gommage - How to use and which one to choose
Gommage delicately removes dead components of the epidermis, while nourishing healthy cells. Gommage for the face –
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