Collagenary for face, body. What kind of procedure is this, reviews from doctors, the benefits and harms of solariums for the body. Before and after photos, side effects

Collagenarium (light therapy) is a cosmetological method of rejuvenation, restoration of firmness and elasticity of the skin on the face and body, as a result of activation of cells to the process of regeneration (collagen production) by exposure to light radiation with a special device.

The elasticity of the epidermis, as it changes with age, loses its elasticity due to thinning and disruption of the integrity of the connective tissue. That is why doctors recommend taking additional measures for skin reconstruction and their reviews of collagenarium are in most cases positive.

The essence of the procedure

Collagenarium is an innovative method in cosmetology, which restores the amount of fibrillar protein in tissues. This organic substance controls skin elasticity and prevents premature aging. Collagen (the left-handed spiral and the framework of the epidermis), when protein threads are destroyed, stretches and becomes fragmented.

In case of such age-related changes, cosmetologists recommend going to salons where light therapy is performed.

Visually, it is difficult to distinguish a collagenarium from a solarium cabin. The difference is that light therapy does not involve the use of ultraviolet light during a cosmetic procedure.

Beneficial properties and effects of the procedure:

  • increasing the elasticity of the epidermis with its flabbiness and sagging;
  • regulation of skin moisture content at all levels;
  • improving skin color and evening out its tone;
  • elimination of pigmentation, freckles and rosacea (dilation of small blood vessels);
  • elimination of blackheads (comedones);
  • cleansing facial skin with enlarged pores;
  • drying areas of oily and combination skin;
  • blockade against photoaging (reaction to the sun);
  • lifting effect (tightening) of problem areas of the whole body;
  • prevention of “orange peel” (cellulite);
  • stimulation of blood circulation when tissue is saturated with oxygen;
  • prevention of osteoporosis (improving metabolism);
  • enhancing the effect of accompanying cosmetic procedures;
  • prolongation of “beauty injections” (Botox, restylane, hyaluronic acid).

Collagenarium allows you to correct the structure of the skin with age-related changes and congenital (acquired) epithelial defects. Due to a decrease in collagen synthesis in the skin, starting from the age of 25, every person begins to show signs of biodegradation in the form of facial wrinkles.

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Effectiveness against acne

Acne is an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands, which appears in the form of comedones and inflammatory elements. The upper part of the body is most often affected - the back, shoulders, décolleté, as well as the face (there are especially many of them on the forehead and cheeks).

One of the links in the pathogenesis of acne is the proliferation of P. acne. In dermatological practice, the blue-violet spectrum of visible light, rather than blue, is used to combat these bacteria.

There is debate among cosmetologists regarding the advisability of using collagenarium in anti-acne therapy. Not everyone considers it quite effective. The procedure can improve the overall condition of the skin and has a beneficial effect on sebum production, but it should not be considered as a method of combating acne*.

Before prescribing treatment, the dermatologist understands what causes acne on the face and determines the severity of the acne.

Operating principle

The principle of action of collagenarium is similar to photorejuvenation. Due to the activation of epidermal cells to the regeneration process, the skin is restored, unevenness is smoothed, and skin tone is evened out. The process of light therapy involves placing the patient in a special booth (capsule), similar to a solarium.

It is equipped with 2 types of lamps of different power.

  • Blue light wave with a range of 633 nm - prevention of acne (blackheads) and strengthening the immune system.
  • The red lamp implies deep penetration into all layers of the epidermis (up to 8-10 mm).

Such exposure to 415 nm rays activates the synthesis of elastin and collagen, increases cell metabolism (by 150-200%) and complements the antimicrobial treatment of the skin with blue rays.

The main goal of the procedure is to synthesize fibrillar protein in tissues through exposure to lamps and restore problem areas of the epidermis in a natural way.

The layers of the skin contain a large amount of moisture (50-70% water) and blood (up to 1 liter in the dermis plexuses). This physiological feature allows the outer layer of a person to rapidly absorb red waves. As a result, a photosynthesis reaction occurs, which in turn stimulates the production of elastin and collagen.

Supplied with oxygen, the skin is cleansed of impurities and toxins, after which the process of its regeneration (restoration) begins. Additional collagen construction occurs, which fills the resulting voids and cracks in the skin.

The next stage of transformation during collagenarium is hydration (moistening) of the epidermis. The result of the announced procedure is an increase in the elasticity of the outer covering of a person.

The principle of the influence technique

Collagen is a protein structure of human connective tissue that is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Over the years, the amount of this glue-like substance decreases and it loses its original quality. The skin becomes dull, thinner and wrinkled.

The first signs of biodegradation appear already at the age of 25! It is during this period that collagen synthesis begins to decrease, causing the gradual appearance of facial wrinkles.

There are many products available on the cosmetics market that stimulate collagen synthesis deep in the dermis. Almost every company producing anti-age (anti-aging) cosmetics has entire lines of products “with collagen”.

Is the effect of such “rejuvenating” drugs great? Most often, it is scanty. Why?

The process of skin rejuvenation occurs in the deep subcutaneous layers, where large molecules of animal collagen from the cream cannot penetrate. Modern, cutting-edge technology using solarium-collagenarium has made it possible to help activate collagen production through light waves inside the skin.

How effective is it? Let's find out the truth from cosmetologists and ubiquitous clients...

The collagenarium itself is a vertical or horizontal capsule that looks like a solarium. The inside of this device is covered with lamps emitting light waves of the red spectrum. Using such a device is very simple:

  • need to remove makeup
  • wear glasses that protect the cornea from fluorescent lamps,
  • go into the booth

And you can enjoy the process.

Collarium, or collagenarium, is absolutely safe. But you need to make sure that the device belongs to a trusted brand. Moreover, it must be modern.

Take a close look at the “improved” old solarium! It is better to ignore such a device, since even new lamps in it do not guarantee a good result.

Compared to a regular solarium, a collagenarium is more comfortable and safe:

  • does not dry out the skin,
  • does not expose it to early aging.

Doctors consider the complete absence of side effects to be an advantage of collagenarium.

Collagenarium is able to “turn back time” due to exposure to red spectrum rays. The wavelength of such radiation is about 633 nm. The ability of light waves to penetrate deep into the skin by almost a centimeter (0.8-1 cm) leads to the launch of the skin healing process.

Red light due to photosynthesis

  • stimulates neocollagenesis (formation of new collagen fibers);
  • enhances the “breathing” of the skin and its enrichment with oxygen;
  • Active hydration of the dermis helps smooth out wrinkles and cleanse all skin layers of toxins.

Types of collariums

Collagenarium (reviews from doctors will be provided) involves the use of three types of devices:

  1. Horizontal collarium (of 15-30 lamps). The salon visitor is located (in a supine position) in a special capsule. The gentle radiation mode allows you to evenly distribute light waves throughout the entire perimeter of the body.
  2. Vertical collarium (of 42-48 lamps). The sound apparatus is a booth in which procedures are performed while standing. This option is more popular than the horizontal collarium. The reason for this preference is that it is difficult for clients to remain in an upright position for a long time during the procedure.

    This is what a vertical apparatus for collagenarium looks like

  3. Table collarium (of 10-15 lamps). This type of collarium is an alternative to professional booths in salons. The structure of the mini-device is three panels (two of them are movable) with 200 W of device power. The procedure time at home is up to 25 minutes.

What is collagen?

Collagen is a very important component of our connective tissue between all cells of the body and organs. It can also be referred to as the “mesh” of the body. Connective tissue is also found in bones, vessel walls, tendons, ligaments and, of course, in our skin!

Collages themselves are thin fibers that provide shape and elasticity, greatly influencing the strength or weakness of our connective tissue. They are twisted together like strands of a rope and form a kind of three-dimensional network. The connective tissue formed from it creates the appearance of our body.

Effect and result of the procedure

Switzerland is the country that developed the collagenarium. According to social surveys (Piano Clinic, Switzerland), women positively assessed the effectiveness of light therapy as follows:

  • skin tightening throughout the body - 97% of clients;
  • lifting in the face-neck-décolleté area - 89% of women;
  • improvement in the general condition of the skin - 68% of clients.

The opinion of domestic consumers is divided. Most clients of beauty salons note the disappearance of “stars” (deformations of blood vessels on the face and body), anti-cellulite effect, smoothing of wrinkles around the eyes and elimination of postpartum stretch marks.

Some forum visitors voiced an additional benefit from the collagenarium - a reduction in pain during menstruation and normalization of the monthly cycle.

Clients who are dissatisfied with the procedure consider collagenrium a useless procedure. In most cases, women either do not complete the full course of therapy or do not use cosmetics to enhance the effect of red and blue rays on problem areas of the skin.

The effect and results of the procedures appear after completing the full course of light therapy. The first changes are observed after 10 visits to the salon: wrinkles are significantly smoothed out, and the skin tone is evened out and becomes matte.

How often will you have to visit the collagenarium?

For skin rejuvenation

As well as the prevention of stretch marks and early cellulite, you need to complete a course of 10 or 15 sessions. They are prescribed 2 or 3 times a week and take 10-20 minutes. Then you can maintain good skin condition by visiting the collagenarium once a week and spending 15 minutes in the “rejuvenation capsule”.

For skin regeneration

It will take 20 sessions in the same mode as for rejuvenation. The achieved result can be maintained in the same way. The course, as in the first case, can be repeated after 8-12 weeks.

After such light therapy you can notice

  • improving the structure and smoothing of the skin surface,
  • narrowing of pores,
  • elimination of freckles and age spots,
  • skin hydration
  • the appearance of a healthy glow.

To smooth out wrinkles

And stimulation of the process of neocollagenesis requires at least 30 procedures, each lasting 20 minutes. Weekly support is desirable; the course can be repeated in the same way after 2 or 3 months.

Reviews from those who have undergone complete photobiostimulation report that the skin

  • noticeably tightens
  • moisturizes,
  • leveled out
  • it becomes lighter,
  • pores become narrower,
  • blood vessels and stars visually disappear on the body and face,
  • stretch marks take on a pink tint.

There are even different opinions among doctors: whether to use a solarium and a collagenarium together. But experts all approve of the fact that collarium is able to moisturize and restore the health of the skin after sunbathing.

There are no age restrictions for the use of collagenarium. It is used both for teenagers (with parental consent) and for older people. The advantage of the photobiosynthesis process in collarium is the ability to affect the entire body at the same time. Moreover, both women and men can use it.

Effect duration

You should not expect the results of the procedure to last for a long time. The rejuvenation effect can be observed within 3 months (in some cases for six months) after the sessions.

If you want to extend the stated period, you must visit the salon twice after the main course of therapy every 7 days. The duration of each procedure is 15 minutes.

Effect after a course of visits

The results of the manipulation will last for 3 months. After completing the course, the following changes become obvious:

  • the depth of wrinkles is reduced, the smallest of them disappear;
  • overall skin tone increases;
  • enlarged pores become less noticeable;
  • inflammation disappears or is reduced, skin oiliness decreases;
  • it looks smoother, without irregularities;
  • pigment spots fade and disappear;
  • vascular manifestations become less noticeable.

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For girls under 25 years old, it is enough to use a moisturizer morning and evening to nourish the skin so that the epidermis ultimately looks well-groomed and healthy.

Unambiguous recommendations for the use of light therapy are the following indicators:

  • loss of skin elasticity (flabbiness and sagging);
  • excessive dryness of the epithelium (lack of moisture in the tissues);
  • skin defects (pigment spots and freckles);
  • heliodermatitis (photoaging);
  • cellulite and stretch marks on the body;
  • acne and comedones;
  • skin problems due to reduced immunity.

Collagenarium is prescribed regardless of skin type, skin tone, age and gender of the client.

Collagenary. Myth or reality?

After all, it is known for certain that every year destructive processes begin to surpass synthetic ones. What does this mean for us? With age, more percentage of collagen in the body is destroyed than synthesized. This is largely due to the deterioration of skin turgor, the characteristics of its elasticity, the appearance of wrinkles and changes in the oval of the face and body contours. How can we stop this destructive, so unnecessary process for us and turn back time?

Apparently this question worried the creators of collagenariums, and now the advertising slogans of wellness companies promise us that just 10 minutes in a cabin reminiscent of a solarium will help us restore the body’s collagen reserves and restore the skin’s firmness, elasticity, and lost moisture... Often behind such slogans are truly outstanding scientific and clinical studies, but marketing and PR do not always play a kind joke with developers and manufacturers of high-tech equipment.

Let's try to figure out where the legend ends and scientifically based reality begins

What is collagen?
What triggers its synthesis and what processes contribute to it? Collagen is the main structural protein of our body. It is what tendons and cartilages are made of, as well as dense sheets of connective tissue that support internal organs. Bones and teeth consist mainly of collagen, saturated with calcium crystals. But for cosmetologists, the main interest is collagen, which forms a supporting network in the dermal layer and provides the skin with elasticity and density. Remove collagen and the skin will immediately sag and wrinkle.

Collagen is synthesized by cells of the dermal layer - fibroblasts. There are several types of collagen, which are usually designated by Roman numerals. The bulk of collagen in the skin is type I collagen, which is fibers woven from many smaller threads - fibrils.

During the synthesis process, single strands of collagen are first formed, which are chains, each of which consists of approximately 1400 amino acids. These threads are then woven into spirals, consisting of three threads twisted around each other.

At the next stage, triple helices (procollagen) emerge from fibroblasts into the intercellular substance of the dermis. And here they are woven into even thicker threads - collagen fibers.

The strength of the helix is ​​given by a sequence of three amino acids, which is repeated throughout the chain - glycine, proline and hydroxyproline. Glycine is a small amino acid that forms the first bend of the helix. Next comes hydroxyproline, which forms the second bend, and finally proline, which forms the last bend.

So, the first point to which I would like to pay special attention, when evaluating the miracle of technology called collagenarium, is what type of collagen is intensively synthesized under the influence of “collagen lamps” and the second question, what are these lamps?

Manufacturers and suppliers of collagenariums assure that there are 2 types of collagen lamps - blue and red light. Blue light lamps have a range of 415 nm.

Blue light has an antimicrobial effect on the body and improves the condition of the immune system. Unlike other ranges, blue light is more intensely absorbed by many photoreceptors of the skin, porphyrins, which release oxygen, which kills bacteria (after 3 days of irradiation with a dose of 320 J/ their content decreases by 99%)

In fact, dermatological practice uses the blue-violet spectrum of visible light to combat the bacteria Propionibacterium acne, which is one of the main pathogens in acne vulgaris.

Used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • neonatal jaundice
  • stroke
  • cirrhosis of the liver
  • cardiac ischemia
  • myocardium
  • chronic pneumonia
  • diseases of the nervous system

The second type of lamps is red light lamps with a range of 633 nm.
They are usually used in conjunction with blue light lamps. Red light dries the skin and enhances the antibacterial effects of blue light.

Red light with a wavelength of 633 nm. penetrates to a depth of 8-10 millimeters and reaches subcutaneous fat, red light in skin cells is converted into photosynthetic energy, which stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. Collagen is again “built” from the basic elements and fills the “empty” spaces in wrinkles. The skin becomes noticeably tighter and more elastic.

And here are the declared effects from exposure to red light with a wavelength of 633 nm:

  • Improves the appearance and structure of the skin
  • Pores become smaller
  • Small wrinkles are smoothed out
  • Collagen synthesis is activated
  • The skin is rejuvenated, its tone and elasticity increase, “age” spots lighten

It has a healing effect on the skin:

  • Accelerates skin metabolism
  • Skin defects are eliminated - age spots and freckles, blood capillaries
  • Improves color and evens out skin tone

It takes time to rejuvenate the skin structure - about 8 weeks.
At the beginning of the course, the procedure time is 10 minutes, which can be increased to 20 minutes by the end of the course. Even after a quick reading, more questions arise than answers: if blue light is used as an auxiliary measure in the treatment of such serious diseases, and red light can make the skin beautiful and healthy in less than 12 weeks and you just need to lie down and enjoy the pleasant glow, why did subscriptions to the collagenarium become the prerogative of beauty salons, often without a physiotherapeutic license? Are 100-minute subscriptions to the miracle machine being sold out on sites that specialize in selling profitable coupons?

The purpose of this article is not to attempt to debunk the myth about the possible synthesis of collagen and replenishment of the dermal matrix framework using various physical agents.

Red and blue light have historically proven themselves very successfully in physiotherapy and cosmetology, but doctors and specialists have always approached the prescription of these procedures with an understanding of why this principle of therapy is used, carefully collecting anamnesis, finding out contraindications, individually selecting the exposure time and organ or area of ​​the body or person who will be exposed.

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Today the situation is such that anyone can “give themselves the happiness of new collagen” in just 20 minutes a week, just pay for a subscription to a beauty salon.

If advertising slogans turn out to be tempting and you really want to please yourself with light, you must remember that before visiting a collagenarium you must consult a doctor and listen to his recommendations about the frequency and time of the procedure, be sure to protect your eyes and the mammary gland area and remember the absolute contraindications to this procedure


  • An absolute contraindication for body irradiation is tuberculosis. In this case, specific activation of metabolic processes in the body leads to a sharp exacerbation of the disease. At the same time, there is a positive effect from irradiation of patients' blood with hard ultraviolet light.
  • An eye disease that can make the eyes more sensitive to phototoxicity from bright light; (including often recurrent conjunctivitis)
  • Skin disease in which the skin is sensitive to light;
  • Taking a dermatotoxic drug (such as lamotrigine) or an herbal extract (such as St. John's wort) that has the potential to cause photosensitization of the skin.
  • Patients with porphyria should not undergo phototherapy (at least most forms of it).
  • Patients with thyrotoxicosis, as well as patients receiving certain drugs, such as methotrexate or chloroquine, should take special care during phototherapy, since there is some possibility that thyrotoxicosis or the drug being taken may cause drug-induced or endocrine-induced (thyrotoxic) porphyria.

We are moving along the path of progress and every year new inventions and devices appear that are designed to make our path to beauty and health simpler and more enjoyable.
But we must never forget that “treatment should not be more serious than the disease,” and we are not even talking about the disease, but about preserving beauty and enhancing it, and in this case you cannot put yourself at risk and you must carefully weigh all the indications and contraindications.

Duration of therapy courses

The procedure itself lasts approximately 7-15 minutes. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to complete a full course of light therapy - 10 sessions.

The goal setting affects the duration of the visit to the collagenarium:

  • revitalization of the skin—10 sessions over 3-4 weeks;
  • regeneration of the epidermis - 20 sessions (20 minutes each) over 5-7 weeks;
  • tightening sagging skin - 30 sessions (20 minutes each) over 8-10 weeks.

The general rule for all courses of therapy is 2-3 sessions per week with a break of no more than 3-4 days. The duration of each session depends on the power of the lamps, so it is recommended to contact professional salons. These establishments use 180 W lamps. The result is time and money saved.

Promotions about an immediate effect after 100-200 minutes of light therapy are a well-publicized myth. Smoothing out wrinkles using the stated term is only possible for young girls with minor facial folds.

Patient reviews

Natalya, Vladivostok I have had five sessions of collagen therapy for 10 minutes, three for 20, I can so far say that the skin has become more elastic, my mood has improved, I haven’t noticed anything about stretch marks and wrinkles yet. I photographed everything for comparison, we’ll see what happens next.

Irina, Vologda It took only 270 minutes, 15 and 20 minutes per session. I don’t see any difference at all between how it was and what it is now. In my opinion, this is all deception and obscurantism.

Vika, Kaluga I went to the collagenarium out of purely feminine curiosity: to find out what it is and what they “eat” it with. I bought a subscription for 5 procedures. The first time I lay down for 10 minutes and I’ll tell you what – I’m delighted! I didn’t expect any miracles, but the skin on my hands and feet seemed to become softer, and the dryness went away. The procedure itself is pleasant - you lie down and warm up, a very relaxing effect.

Aliya, Murmansk I noticed that after such photo-rejuvenation, my face became fresher and some facial wrinkles were smoothed out. In short, I am all FOR it! I already bought a certificate for my friend’s birthday.

Alena, Ryazan I think that the price for a collagenarium without a discount is a bit high. In fact, I did not notice any reduction in pigmentation. The tan is also weak and only appears after several visits. In general, don't expect anything special.

Collarium visiting programs

The stated targets are necessary to achieve the following effect:

  1. Revival. The procedure normalizes metabolism, removes toxins and waste from the body. When hydration and cellular nutrition are activated, metabolism accelerates. The result is an improvement in the condition of the skin and its tone.

  2. Regeneration. The purpose of the second stage after rejuvenation is to heal problem areas of the skin and increase its moisture level. After completing the course, the top coat acquires a healthy color. Senile and congenital pigmentation is eliminated, pores are narrowed and comedones are removed.
  3. Lift. The collagen structure of the skin requires constant strengthening. When collagen production is activated, wrinkles and fine lines are filled, making the epidermis elastic without excessive tension.

What then happens in the skin?

By stimulating cells, the skin's oxygen consumption improves, toxins begin to be eliminated, and moisture absorption improves. This process tightens the skin and has a positive effect on its regeneration, the collagen network is strengthened. This is how remodulation of already formed skin structures occurs. In addition, activation of collagen processes promotes the formation of healthy skin. This is very important, for example, for treating wounds.

Special collagen lamps emit the light spectrum necessary to stimulate collagen production. Thus, with the help of the therapeutic light spectrum it is possible to have a positive stimulation on the collagen balance in the body. By using lamps along the entire body, the skin, which is the largest organ of the human body, is consciously positively influenced from within over its entire surface. As a result, the positive effect of collagen light therapy affects the entire body.

Cosmetics and natural effect enhancers

To improve the effect of the procedure, various cosmetics are used. They are designed to maximize the impact of red and blue lamps on the skin.

Recommended cosmetics for collagenarium (before the procedure):

  • cleansing cream to remove dirt from the skin;
  • scrub lotion based on vitamins for light peeling;

  • facial serum to prepare the basis for light therapy;
  • nourishing lotion for dry and flaky skin.

Natural ingredients should predominate in the composition of the products. The most popular are medicinal cosmetics based on extracts of pomegranate, grape seeds, lavender, hyaluronic acid and moisturizing oils.

Recommended enhancers of the effect of light therapy after the procedure:

  • spray or lotion for additional collagen production;
  • restoring cream with a soothing and cooling effect;
  • strengthening serum after the procedure;
  • lotion for additional smoothing of skin structure and color.

The basis of light therapy amplifiers are microelements, vitamins and natural substances that are useful for nourishing and moisturizing skin tissue.

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Cosmetics for collagenarium

Special cosmetics for collagenarium and natural amplifiers of the regenerating effect of light therapy will accelerate the appearance of the result and prolong its effect.

The unique composition of lotions and creams will ensure obvious rejuvenation of the epidermis after the first session.

A series of cosmetics for collagenarium Devoted Creations

Types of cosmetics: how to choose?

To make the time spent in the collagenarium as effective as possible, it is necessary to combine the procedure and special means:

  • In the collagenarium, the action of cosmetics is aimed at light peeling and cleansing the skin of dead particles.

BOV Spray or Pre Exfoliator Scrub lotion will effectively cope with this task.

Pomegranate and grape seed extracts have a light scrubbing and cleansing effect, histidine has an effect on the causes of aging, and shea butter nourishes the skin.

An indispensable component of preparation for collagen therapy is hyaluronic acid, which moisturizes the skin and makes it smooth and soft.

  • For the immediate session, cosmetic products are provided that have unique anti-aging properties that promote the production of collagen fibers and nourish the skin, thereby restoring its velvety and natural elasticity.

Restored cosmetics have these properties.

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  • The resulting effect will not last forever - according to statistics, without proper care, the skin begins to gradually wither a few months after the completion of the light therapy procedure.

To keep the skin firm and elastic, it is necessary to use special anti-aging products to enhance the effect of collagen.

Special cosmetics to consolidate the achieved result are tonic and moisturizing creams Post Serum and Post Lotion from the line of after-collagen cosmetics from Devoted Creations.

Saturation of cells with oxygen is facilitated by natural aloe vera gel, and age-related changes and fading are prevented by extracts of goya and acai berries, providing a rejuvenating effect.

Their use will allow the skin to remain velvety and blooming for a long time.

Precautionary measures

Before the session, you should clean your face of makeup (makeup remover). A burn during collagenarium is excluded because the procedure does not involve exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin. Glasses are required due to the bright light in the capsule cabin. To be on the safe side, it is recommended to consult a specialist if you are allergic to light.

In case of ophthalmological diseases (without clear contraindications), additional eye protection must be used during the session.

Women who use laser hair removal should temporarily refrain from collagen therapy. The interval between two procedures should be at least 2-3 days. At best, such a combination will not cause significant harm to health.

The main warning is that when choosing a salon, you must give preference to proven points for creating beauty. Such centers should be equipped with modern equipment from well-known brands.

The warning that clients with tattoos should not have light therapy is a myth. Eyebrow and eyelid tattooing is also not a contraindication if you want to visit a collagenarium. Practice shows that extended nails and eyelashes will not be damaged during a light therapy session.

Procedures that can be combined with solarium

Light manipulation can be combined with other skin-beneficial methods:

  • Mesotherapy. Collagenarium will make it possible to recover faster after injections and enhance the rejuvenating effect.
  • Cold laser lipolysis. The light procedure will speed up metabolism, that is, the reduction of fat.
  • Botox injections. Collagenarium is used as a preparation for them, so that the effect is more complete.


Collagenarium, the reviews of doctors about which are clear in terms of restrictions, is prohibited under the following factors:

  1. Oncological diseases. Light therapy is unacceptable during relapse and remission of this pathology.
  2. Tuberculosis. During collagenarium sessions, Koch's wand is activated in both closed and open forms of the disease.
  3. Pregnancy. In any trimester, a woman carrying a child is advised to refrain from the mentioned procedure.
  4. Lactation. For a woman undergoing breastfeeding, deep penetration of red rays into the epidermis of the chest is contraindicated.
  5. Porphyria. The reported rare genetic pathology is associated with a disorder of pigment metabolism, which makes light therapy a dangerous procedure.
  6. Epilepsy. Collagenaria is prohibited at any stage of the disease: in remission and during repeated seizures.

  7. Hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis). If you have hyperthyroidism, it is dangerous to attend light therapy sessions. This disease involves taking Methotrexate, which can cause thyrotoxic porphyria.
  8. Photodermatosis. An allergy to sunlight makes it inadmissible to take a collagenarium course. The warning applies not only to people who cannot tolerate sunlight exclusively in the summer.
  9. Libman's disease. With lupus erythematosus, the lesions of the skin are of impressive size. Excessive irritation of these areas will cause serious consequences.
  10. Overgrowth of connective tissue. A predisposition to the development of keloid scars is a direct contraindication for collagenarium.

Relative limitations of light therapy:

  • excessive light sensitivity;
  • conjunctivitis with relapses;
  • use of photoprotective drugs;
  • taking photosensitizing medications;
  • consumption of certain herbal preparations (St. John's wort);
  • taking psychostimulants;
  • diabetes mellitus type I-II.

Children over 14 years old with acne are allowed to undergo light therapy procedures. The restriction is the permission of not only the parents, but also the attending physician.

Cost of visiting a collagen solarium

The price for the procedure is calculated per minute. This includes the use of cosmetics. A minute costs 15 - 30 rubles. That is, the course can cost either 2,000 rubles or 15,000 rubles.

Collagenarium is quickly gaining popularity. This is natural, because the procedure is carried out absolutely painlessly and copes with several skin problems at once. And a bonus to eliminating them is increased vitality and good mood.

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Possible side effects

After visiting the collagenarium, it is possible that unpleasant symptoms will appear, from which no one is immune:

  • increased activity of the sebaceous glands (sweating);
  • asthenopia (eye fatigue);
  • migraine (headache);
  • nausea (in severe cases - vomiting);

  • redness of the skin (urticaria);
  • increased excitability.

Collagenarium (reviews from doctors indicate the safety and effectiveness of the procedure) in rare cases has side effects. Complications arise only when the client uses the services of the salon with obvious contraindications to light therapy.

What's new - collagenarium

This is a unique combination of light therapy, which affects elastin, as well as collagen, they begin to recover on their own, without manipulation.

Fibrillar protein is a necessary material for the construction of connective tissues and the skin becomes as elastic as possible and restores its natural tone. Over the years, fibrillar protein is produced less and less by our body, thereby reducing the elasticity of the skin. As a result, in the mirror a woman begins to see folds that she hates, and the muscle corset itself becomes flabby.

Cost of the procedure

The average price varies depending on the region and type of procedure (20-50 rubles per 1 minute).

Approximate cost in beauty salons:

  • 10 visits for 20 minutes. — from 3000 rub.;
  • 20 sessions of 20 min. — from 5000 rub.;
  • 30 visits of 20 minutes each. — from 6000 rub.

The package includes glasses, glasses and slippers. Regular customers, as a rule, receive discounts and the opportunity to use an unlimited subscription.


Before you sign up for phototherapy at a salon, consult with a cosmetologist to determine whether you can carry out this procedure and to what extent it should be performed. And don’t forget to ask the salon when the lamps were last replaced. Expired lamps can cause harm to health.

Tags: skin care

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Devices for home use

At home, you can take care of your skin using special devices - portable light therapy devices.

The most well-known brands of collagen machines are as follows:

  1. GK – 480 – K8/515W (Russia). Features of the model: compactness with length/w/h 360*75*335, light weight (3.5 kg), lamps type K515 T5L Functions: tightening, moisturizing and smoothing the skin. Estimated cost - from 47 thousand rubles.

  2. GK – 480. –K8/525W (Russia). The weight of the device is 5.7 kg, dimensions (l/w/h)—590*75*335. Functions: evening out facial tone in girls and eliminating age-related changes in women 35+. The estimated purchase amount is from 59 thousand rubles.
  3. Castle (Russia-Germany). A home vertical collagenarium is installed on a door or wall. Thickness - 5 cm, 10 low pressure lamps. Service life guarantee - 15 years (6000 sessions). The kit includes mounting hardware and safety glasses. Approximate price: from 120 thousand rubles.
  4. Seecret C25 (Netherlands). Product characteristics: weight - 2.9 kg, power - 75 W, presence of a timer and procedure memory. Estimated price - from 160 thousand rubles.
  5. Tonic Vibe/ Device weight - 5 kg, 12 lamps, power - 200 W. Approximate cost: from 35 thousand rubles.

It is possible to receive the announced models from well-known manufacturers with home delivery and with installments (credit) online.

Device classification

The following types of apparatus are distinguished:

  • Professional. The device is equipped with more than 15 lamps and is used in beauty salons. Depending on the way the booths are placed, there are horizontal or vertical collagenariums. The second type is more popular, as it is equipped with up to 42 lamps.
  • Homemade. Most often used at home or in small beauty salons to correct skin conditions in the face and décolleté. They have 10 to 15 mostly red lamps.

Doctors' opinions

Reviews from doctors about collagenarium are based on conclusions about the beneficial effects of the procedure on the skin. According to experts, light therapy effectively combats the aging of human epidermal cells and restores damaged protein threads.

Doctors are unanimous in their opinion: the low power of the lamps and the uniform distribution of light to all parts of the body allows you to avoid burns. They recommend replacing the solarium with a collagenarium for clients with thin and sensitive skin. This recommendation especially applies to natural blondes and red-haired women.

Dermatologists and cosmetologists advise adhering to two rules: using professional cosmetics for collagenarium and undergoing a full course of rejuvenation therapy.

The opinion of Doctor of Medical Sciences Fiorenzo Angehrn (Swiss Association of Anti-Aging Therapy) about collagenarium is unequivocal: “Inexpensive and effective therapy with great prospects for development.”

This point of view is supported by the Hungarian dermatologist Ferenc Godor. Expert opinion: “Collagenarium is a worthy alternative to pulsed light sources (IPL).”

Domestic doctors note the need for systematic visits to the salon. Occasional cases of monitoring skin tone are a waste of effort and money.

Collagenarium (light therapy) is a unique cosmetic technology, during which, using a special preparation for collagen synthesis, the structure of the skin of the face and body is restored.

Despite the fact that the use of collagenarium is an opportunity to visually improve the structure of the skin without plastic surgery, doctors do not recommend replacing light therapy with the regular use of creams with collagen. According to numerous reviews, this alternative does not give the same result.

Article design: Vladimir the Great

Is it possible to tan in a collagenarium?

You can get a tan. Collagen tanning beds are designed to be used for tanning along with rejuvenation; they stimulate the production of melanin in cells, providing a tan.

However, due to the fact that the developers of the technology focused on the safety and health of patients, collagen lamps have a lower intensity of exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and, therefore, the body will not tan as quickly and intensely as it would in a turbo solarium.

But the collagen solarium is significantly ahead of its turbo colleagues in the fight against depression.

A body warmed from the inside retains the sunny feeling longer: after just 15 minutes of collagen solarium you can expect a good mood.

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