Why do cheeks turn red, how to distinguish a healthy blush from a problem?

Many people consider a frosty blush a sign of health and well-being. However, sometimes redness on the face can indicate serious health problems. Maria Vasilyeva , we’ll figure out how to distinguish a normal reaction of the body from a sign of disease.


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Signs of diseases on the face

Experienced doctors are able to establish the correct diagnosis even with a quick glance at a person. Do many diseases really have such specific signs that one look and the diagnosis is ready!

At the institute, future doctors are immediately taught to pay attention to the nasolabial triangle, even in children. If it is bloodless, and even with a bluish tint, it means that there is a lack of oxygen in the body.

This may be due to either cardiovascular problems, or there are diseases in the child’s respiratory system. It is necessary to conduct an examination, and maybe he should be immediately admitted to the hospital.

How to treat

If the reason is not a vegetative reaction, but dilated blood vessels, the problem can and should be dealt with. There are several methods, and among the most popular are laser therapy and photo exposure. The doctor gives preference to one method or another depending on the specific case. Phototherapy can be considered a more gentle option (plus it also fights pigmentation). Lasers, in turn, are less friendly, but are more effective at removing highly visible blood vessels.

You can’t expect complete help in eliminating rosacea from cosmetic products, so it’s better to rely on them to reliably protect the skin and prevent redness. The composition of such cosmetics should include the following components: amino acids, oils with saturated fatty acids, urea, chitosan, hyaluronic acid. Vitamin C and troxerutin, which help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, will also not hurt. One caveat: knowing the ruddy characteristic of your skin, try to use professional cosmetics that are effective and efficient. There is a taboo on cosmetic preparations with aggressive acids, which can aggravate the redness process, “hard” peels and laser dermabrasion.

What does the nose “tell” about?

If the nose has enlarged, a network of small vessels has appeared on its wings, the skin has become loose, and even purple in color - this is a signal that cannot be missed. A person begins to have serious problems with the lungs or large intestine.

You can often observe pronounced furrows running from the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips. This indicates that there has been a decrease in the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, and problems with food digestion have begun.

If the folds from the wings of the nose extend to the chin, then an urgent examination is necessary for the appearance of a stomach ulcer. This sign may indicate:

  • for gastritis with high acidity,
  • colitis,
  • enterocolitis, as well as
  • duodenal ulcer.

Excessive rudeness

Rough skin on the elbows, which also flakes off, is a rather alarming signal. It may indicate the development of various endocrine problems. When the thyroid gland works intermittently (and they are difficult to notice with the naked eye, since they are asymptomatic), an insufficient amount of hormones, for example, thyroxine, is produced. This worsens metabolism, which causes skin renewal to slow down. As a result, the skin becomes rough in those areas that do not have a fat layer, namely on the elbows.

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Rough skin on the feet and cracks in the legs indicate nervous tension and a lack of vitamins A and B. To correct the situation, it is recommended to take a complex of multivitamins and sedatives.

How to identify disease by lips

When the lips themselves, as well as the skin around them, are covered with wrinkles, this is a warning that spasms are occurring in the large intestine, and there are also problems with digesting food.

If the skin around the lips and under the nose is very pale, this is a clear sign of pathology of the heart and blood vessels. But the fact that a person has heart failure is certain.

A lack of vitamins B, A, E is indicated by cracks around the lips. Dryness and cracks are a sign of dysbacteriosis, kidney dysfunction, and the occurrence of hydronephritis.

If you notice a bluish tint to the skin between your nose and upper lip, then this is a serious problem with the respiratory system. You may develop asthma, pneumonia, or bronchitis.


Often this disease is hereditary, but in some cases it is provoked by various factors.

  • Work in hot shops or outside. Due to impaired thermoregulation, blood vessels expand and burst. This is why the faces of cooks, hot shop workers, street vendors and road workers turn red. The mechanism of development of this pathology in lovers of long-term sunbathing, as well as avid bathhouse attendants, is approximately the same;
  • Stress, with constant emotional arousal in a person, blood rushes to the face. If the vascular tone is low, rosacea will develop very quickly;
  • Smoking is another provoking factor. Nicotine makes the face red, and the capillary network appears quite clearly;
  • Alcohol abuse is another common cause of this condition. The red-nosed drunkard is a “classic of the genre,” and he became so precisely because of the development of rosacea;
  • Food containing a large amount of hot and spicy components can also cause similar vascular pathology;
  • Poor facial skin care is another cause of the disease. The use of cheap cosmetics can also cause persistent vasodilation. In order not to become like an Indian, but to remain in the “pale-faced camp,” you need to use high-quality cosmetics containing vitamins K, E, P, A, and C.

Diagnosis by wrinkles on the forehead

A transverse groove above the bridge of the nose warns of the development of scoliosis, osteochondrosis or flat feet.

If there are deep furrows across the forehead and there are a lot of them, it means that the person is suffering from a migraine.

A deep wrinkle on the bridge of the nose lies vertically, which means that there is stagnation in the body, a lack of oxygen.

A deep vertical fold on the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows is a sign of dyskinesia, as well as problems with the liver and gall bladder.

If there is a deep groove (vertical) on the bridge of the nose on the left side, then there are disturbances in the functioning of the spleen.

A vertical furrow in the middle of the forehead, running from the bridge of the nose to the roots of the hair, indicates disorders in the gastrointestinal tract and poor digestion.

Swelling of the lower eyelids and crescent-shaped furrows indicate problems with the kidneys and bladder.

Let's look at the language

The tongue is often called the “mirror of the body.” Changes on its surface appear much earlier than the symptoms of a particular disease. It is especially good to determine the functioning of the stomach, liver, spleen and intestines. For example, if a whitish coating regularly forms on the middle third of the tongue, this indicates the development of gastritis or even a stomach ulcer. If yellow plaque appears, you should visit a gastroenterologist, as this indicates inflammation of the gallbladder. If brown plaque appears, it is worth checking your intestinal function. Does the left side of the tongue resemble a geographical map? It's better to check the spleen. The feeling of dryness can be caused by anemia.

If you listen carefully to yourself and note any changes that occur in the body, you can begin treatment on time and avoid complications.

Blush on the cheeks - good or bad?

If a person has a thick blush on his cheeks, with clearly defined boundaries, he may have tuberculosis, serious disorders in the lungs, destruction of the alveoli.

Greenish-gray or yellowish skin on the face indicates that the liver is clearly suffering from cirrhosis or hepatitis.

A gray, dark complexion is a clear warning of disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas.

A white, waxy face with a yellowish tint requires immediate attention to an oncologist.

If the skin on the face is shiny, this is a warning about hormonal disorders, as well as thyroid diseases.

If there is significant pigmentation on the face (in the absence of pregnancy), it is necessary to examine the liver, and in women, the uterus or ovaries.

A large number of acne on the chin, around the lips, on the neck or chest is a signal of serious problems in the endocrine system, thyroid gland, liver, and ovaries.

If there are a lot of acne on the forehead, cheeks, and wings of the nose, it means that the person has obvious intestinal dysfunction, dysbacteriosis.

Why does a healthy blush appear?

The skin of the face is supplied with blood and oxygen through small blood vessels called capillaries. They are located quite close to the surface of the skin. In the cold, the capillaries begin to narrow and the face turns pale. When a person comes into a warm room from the cold, the blood vessels dilate again and give the skin that same healthy glow.

Photo: istockphoto.com

In addition, the face may turn red:

  • during physical exercise - due to active heat exchange;
  • in stuffy rooms - the body strives to maintain oxygen exchange in the skin;
  • when drinking alcoholic beverages, as well as hot and spicy foods.

In all these cases, the appearance of blush indicates normal physiological processes in the skin. They support the necessary heat and gas exchange.

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Secrets of proper application of blush

It is worth considering that cosmetics have different consistencies and give varied results. Dry modifications are applied together with the same dry powder. Creamy ones need to be combined with foundation. Otherwise, pellets may appear, or the coating will look like clown makeup.

If decorative cosmetics, for example, lipstick, should look bright, then blush should look as natural as possible. Therefore, do not put pressure on the brush and apply the product in ten layers. Brush movements should be light and neat.

When to sound the alarm

The main symptoms for diagnosing rosacea are persistent erythema (redness of the skin), which usually appears in the central part of the face and lasts more than two months, and is also characterized by concomitant dilation of small vessels of the skin and the formation of inflammatory elements, rosacea.

Previously, rosacea was said to be a vascular disease of unknown etiology, and it can be triggered by many factors. “Now there is a completely definite evidence base that rosacea is a chronic inflammatory dermatosis,” says Elena Arabian.

Studies show that rosacea in our country is less common than diabetes, but more common than asthma and psoriasis. And, for example, in the USA every tenth patient comes to the clinic with symptoms of rosacea to a dermatologist.

Treatment algorithm

“Today, the understanding of the causes and mechanism of development of rosacea is different than 5-10, and even more so 20 years ago,” states Elena Arabianskaya, “therefore, the approach to treatment is different. The diagnosis is made on the basis of prolonged erythema and fim. Therapy depends on the clinical manifestations of the disease and the nature of the rash. For treatment, we already had good drugs: we had azelaic acid, metronidazole, but now topical ivermectin is becoming the leader. It gives a double effect. Its pronounced antiparasitic effect allows you to reduce the population of skin mites, but at the same time (which is very important) it has anti-inflammatory properties. This drug works great in the presence of inflammatory elements (papules, pustules), but redness may still remain. Therefore, it is recommended to act on receptors to blood vessels. For this purpose, brimonidine tartrate was used, which was used to treat some forms of glaucoma. It starts working in 30 minutes and wears off in 12 hours.”

Laboratory tests for microorganisms and demodex mites are not carried out for either acne or rosacea!

As for hardware techniques, so-called vascular lasers are relevant here. They not only have an anti-inflammatory effect, but also reduce the density of mites. Diode, alexandrite, neodymium lasers and broadband pulsed light (IPL) can be used for the same purpose.

Auxiliary methods of treating the disease are microcurrent therapy for lymphatic drainage, cryotherapy for vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory effects. Treatment of concomitant diseases also plays an important role. In general, combination therapy gives good results.

Why do cheeks turn red when stressed or awkward?

Surely each of us has heard the expression “blush with shame.” Indeed, many people “blush” precisely because of an unexpected awkward situation or under stress. The body's reaction in the form of reddening of the cheeks to a change in emotional state - blushing syndrome - depends on the characteristics of the sympathetic (regulates breathing, blood circulation and digestion) nervous system. Such people should find themselves in an awkward situation or think about something that greatly worries them - and immediately a blush covers their cheeks.

This reaction of the body does not pose a threat to the body, causing inconvenience only to the owner of the “burning cheeks”. If blushing syndrome is ruining your life, then you can eliminate it. There are several methods: from psychological assistance to surgical treatment.

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