Onion juice for face. Beneficial properties of onion face masks

Onion is a unique vegetable that contains polysaccharides, vitamin C, proteins, phytoncides, and enzymes. It has moisturizing, toning, tightening and cleansing properties. An onion face mask fights early wrinkles, dullness and excessive sebum production. It normalizes water-salt metabolism and stimulates the renewal of epidermal cells. It is used in cosmetology to eliminate aesthetic defects - sagging, greasy shine, uneven skin tone, acne, age spots.

Benefits of onions for skin

Being a source of sulfuric acid, vitamins A, B, C and E, flavonoids, onions are very beneficial for the health of the entire body. You can also get excellent results when using it externally. Thanks to antioxidants and vitamins, onions reduce damage caused by UV radiation and neutralize free radicals responsible for premature aging of the skin. Thanks to sulfur, the skin becomes soft and elastic.


The secret of the effectiveness of onion masks lies in the fact that the juice of the plant easily penetrates into the deepest layers, quickly delivering active substances to skin cells. The result is noticeable immediately after the first procedure.

Below we will look at some onion face masks and present the most popular recipes.

Beneficial features

Literally after the first use, an onion face mask will give positive results, and all thanks to the unique composition of this vegetable:

  • folic acid effectively copes with inflammatory processes;
  • vitamin H ensures cell regeneration;
  • potassium has an excellent moisturizing effect;
  • cobalt helps disinfect the skin and has a drying effect.

Onions also contain flavonoids, inulin, phytin, iodine, and sulfur. This vegetable is rich in essential oils, phosphorus, calcium, etc. All varieties contain a lot of phytoncides, which allows you to actively use onions for your face.

The use of this vegetable helps slow down the aging process of the entire body, including the skin. Applying masks rejuvenates and tones, copes well with fatigue, eliminates all kinds of rashes and irritations, and fights inflammatory processes. In addition, onion masks help eliminate acne, freckles and age spots, which makes them popular with many people with problem skin.

Regular use of such masks allows you to saturate the skin with necessary substances and improve its appearance. As a result of using cosmetics with the addition of onions, it is possible to cope with pigmentation, acne, and wrinkles.

Onion face masks for acne

A very common problem that every person has encountered at least once in their life is acne or acne on the face. The ability of onions to kill germs and skin infections can work wonders. This antiseptic quickly relieves inflammation and heals wounds on the skin.

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Making an onion cleansing mask is quite simple. To do this you will need several products:

  • One quarter of a large onion, peeled and chopped.
  • A sprig of parsley.
  • A spoon of bee honey.
  • A little distilled water.
  • Kaolin clay.

Place the chopped onion, parsley, distilled water and honey in a blender. Process the ingredients until a paste forms. Transfer the resulting paste into a bowl and leave it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Before use, add kaolin clay to the cooled mass.

Apply the product to your face for ten minutes. To protect your eyes from onion fumes, you can apply damp cotton pads to them. Applying essential oil to the skin will help get rid of the smell after the procedure. With constant use, the mask not only helps remove acne, but also makes acne marks less noticeable.


For cosmetic purposes, you can use onions (fresh, baked or boiled), crushed into pulp, or the juice obtained from it. Masks based on this plant are especially effective.

Onion juice

Onion juice is an excellent remedy for acne. It is necessary to chop a quarter of the onion to obtain a paste and squeeze it, separating the juice. You can leave it to stand for a few minutes if the liquid is too caustic and hurts your eyes, or add a couple of drops of lemon juice.

The resulting solution is moistened with a cotton swab, which is used to precisely apply the product to acne and other inflammatory rashes. After 30 minutes, you can rinse your face with water if you feel it requires it.

Onion face masks against wrinkles

Bee honey is the main ingredient in many anti-aging masks. It improves skin tone and smoothes out fine wrinkles. And in combination with onions, its effect is enhanced many times over. This super remedy is very easy to prepare.

Take 1 medium-sized onion and chop in a blender (you can grate it). The resulting pulp must be squeezed through gauze. For the mask, take onion juice and add honey to it in a 2:1 ratio. If the paste turns out to be too liquid, you can mix it with a small amount of starch.

Mix the mixture well and apply to your face. Keep in mind that the honey on the skin will begin to melt. But if you lightly massage your face in a circular motion along the contour, the excess liquid will be absorbed more actively, and the effectiveness of the mask will increase. After 15 minutes, you need to wash your face with water at a comfortable temperature.

Today, onion cosmetics are unforgivably forgotten. However, onions are a unique remedy in the fight against wrinkles!

If after 25 years you start regularly making onion masks, by the age of 50 you will have practically no wrinkles. Even if you are well over 20, using onions constantly, you will soon notice that there are much fewer wrinkles.

And why do you think? Because onions regenerate skin cells .

What are the benefits of onions for skin?

Onions contain nitrogenous substances, phytoncides, citric and malic acids, vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, C. The main component of onion essential oil is sulfur, which is vital for the synthesis of collagen. This substance gives the skin the necessary structure .

On topic: Folk cosmetics

Onions are rich in zinc, which has proven itself as a remedy in the fight against wrinkles. Onions contain a lot of silicon, which is used for hair problems.

Any procedure with fresh onions can be called painful, because it causes lacrimation. But even such a nuisance as tears is a kind of healing .

The fact is that when onions are chopped, volatile substances are released that not only irritate the mucous membrane, but also disinfect it. Therefore, if you are prone to frequent conjunctivitis, or suffer from eye infections, try periodically chopping the onion as finely as possible. This will force the onion to release its beneficial substances with greater intensity.

All procedures based on the use of onions are very effective, but have a slight smell. disappears faster , so it is worth wiping the skin after onions with lemon or other citrus fruits. Be prepared for a slight odor and time your fresh onions wisely.


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Onion for wrinkles. Onion cosmetics

1) The most effective remedy, in my opinion, is onion compresses. You will need 1/3 cup of fresh onion juice and gauze, which needs to be folded in several layers and soaked in the juice.

Place the gauze on the face, neck and décolleté and in a horizontal position “enjoy” the skin regeneration for 20-60 minutes. It should burn.

If it is impossible to withstand the entire time, hold for at least 5-10 minutes. Don't be alarmed if small spots remain on the skin, they will go away after washing and oiling. Use with caution on sensitive skin.

After the compress, rinse the juice from the skin with warm water, using a tampon and milk for washing. Rub the skin with a piece of citrus fruit and rinse again with cool water. Apply any vegetable oil to your face and neck for 15-20 minutes, then do a light massage and pat dry with a napkin.

As a treatment for wrinkles, onion compresses should be done after 2 days. Course - 10 procedures. Afterwards - once a week for maintenance. As the skin gets used to it, irritation will decrease.

2) To simplify the procedure, you can use onion juice in another way. Mix 2 tbsp. fresh onion juice with 1 tsp. honey and apply several layers to clean facial skin. This tincture cannot be stored.

3) To prepare the onion-lemon mix, mix onion juice in a 1:1 ratio with lemon juice. Apply lotion to your face in 3-4 layers as it dries. Do not wash off for 15 minutes. If your skin is sensitive, then 5-10 minutes is enough. The mix is ​​washed off using the method described in point 1.

4) Peeling and inflammation of the skin can be removed with a mask made from equal parts of grated onion and flour. The mask should be applied to the face for 15 minutes. If the intense tingling becomes unbearable, remove it sooner.

5) And this recipe is for those who find it unbearably difficult to cope with lacrimation and burning. Please note that the effectiveness of the mask will be more aimed at softening and moisturizing the skin, rather than actively combating wrinkles.

Boil or bake one onion, chop and mix with 2 tbsp. honey and apply on face. People with enlarged pores should not add honey. Onions will nourish the skin with vitamins.

P.S. How to learn to use the power of plants for health and youth? We recommend you our master classes “Potions”. The magic of plants."

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Whitening onion face masks

It is almost impossible to completely eliminate age spots or freckles with home remedies. But you can make them less noticeable, giving the skin a lighter shade, using onions and yogurt. This combination is rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants. The lactic acid in yogurt helps enhance the effect of the main ingredient.


It's easy to prepare a whitening mask. You need to take any yogurt and mix it with about the same amount of chopped onion. After applying the product to your face, massage your skin a little and leave the mask on for 15 minutes. This procedure must be carried out daily to achieve visible results.

Tips for use

Onions, despite their rich composition, rarely cause allergies or other negative reactions of the body. Most products based on it are allowed for use even during pregnancy and lactation. However, there are some tips that you need to follow in order to achieve maximum results and not be disappointed with these products.

Firstly, any cosmetic products are applied to cleansed skin. As a rule, a normal washing procedure using a gel, foam or other cleansing product is sufficient. But to achieve greater results, you can use a scrub or gommage.

Secondly, onion masks should be checked for tolerance. Standard procedure: apply a small amount of the mixture to the elbow and wait 10 minutes. If everything is in order, you can apply the mask to your face.

Thirdly, to get rid of the onion smell, rinse the mask with warm water with the addition of soft essential oils.

Fourthly, to achieve maximum results, care products with onions should be used regularly: 1-2 times a week for 2 months.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. And positive results will not take long to arrive.

Exfoliating masks

Dry and combination skin is often prone to irritation and flaking. A mask of onions and oatmeal can eliminate the problem and restore a healthy appearance to your face.

To prepare it, grind the oatmeal in a blender. The onion can also be processed in a blender or grated. Mix the resulting ingredients together until a homogeneous thick mass is formed. Apply the mixture to your face for 15 minutes. After cleansing the skin, to eliminate dryness, you need to apply argan or coconut oil.

Baked onion face masks

Baked onions have astringent and healing properties. Using it on the skin helps relieve inflammation and improves complexion. Suitable even for very sensitive skin.

Toning and nourishing mask

To prepare it, you need to bake one whole, unpeeled onion. Then remove the peel and make a puree from the pulp. Add 1 tablespoon of honey. The result is a rather viscous mass, which should be evenly distributed on the skin and left for 15 minutes.

Rejuvenating mask

Baked onion puree, made in the same way as in the previous recipe, must be mixed with sour cream in an arbitrary proportion. To ensure that the mass is not too liquid, you can add crushed oatmeal or potato starch. This mask effectively smoothes and tones the skin, fighting fine wrinkles.

Maca for aging skin


  • 1 onion.
  • 1 tbsp honey.
  • 1 glass of milk.
  • 1 potato.

how to cook?

With a rejuvenating effect. Ingredients: for a glass of milk, 1 tbsp. honey and baked onion juice, mashed one small potato. After using the mask, rinse it off with mineral water. The mask will correct the oval of the face, reduce swelling, smooth out wrinkles and folds. Suitable for all skin types.

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