Correction of the nasolacrimal trough: indications, contraindications, complications

From this article you will learn:

  • What is a nasolacrimal trough and why does it occur?
  • What are the advantages of correcting the nasolacrimal trough with fillers?
  • Who is indicated and contraindicated for correction of the nasolacrimal trough?
  • How is the nasolacrimal trough correction procedure performed?
  • What complications are possible after the procedure?

The nasolacrimal groove is a fold of about one and a half centimeters. It originates from the inner corner of the eye and stretches down towards the cheek-zygomatic area. This area reflects the first changes associated with age. However, various overexertion and lack of sleep contribute to the appearance of nasolacrimal grooves in women who are not yet thirty years old. The newest procedure that helps restore the face to a youthful and healthy appearance is called nasolacrimal trough correction.

Causes of nasolacrimal trough

According to anatomy, the nasolacrimal groove is the gap between the fatty packets: the medial buccal and infraorbital. This space is connected to the bone of the infraorbital region by a special wall of muscles called the “septa”. Age, as well as various negative reasons (insomnia, addictions, fast food) reduce the density of muscle tissue.

The septal septum undergoes changes, transforming nearby fibers. An arched fold appears under the lower eyelid, and the skin between the bridge of the nose and the inner edge of the eye becomes dark due to poor circulation of body fluids. Taken together, these changes make the face tired and exhausted.

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The period of formation of the nasolacrimal groove is purely individual. For some, it will look like a barely visible stripe for many years, for others it can transform from slightly visible to obvious in a short period of time. Diseases of the endocrine system and sudden changes in weight have a strong impact on her. A rapidly appearing nasolacrimal groove requires a visit not only to a cosmetologist, but also to a therapist.


It is not always possible to prevent the appearance of a nasolacrimal trough. For example, if this defect is due to genetics and appears at an early age, preventive measures will be useless. In other cases it is recommended:

  • Do not get carried away with salty, spicy, smoked foods, as well as simple carbohydrates - especially before bed.
  • Try to maintain a stable weight, avoid extreme diets and fasting, and do not overeat.
  • Drink enough fluid - mainly in the first half of the day.
  • Use only products specifically designed for this area to care for the skin around the eyes.
  • Monitor the health of the heart and kidneys, treat diseases that cause swelling.

Why is correction of the nasolacrimal trough with fillers so popular?

Many ladies opt for injections in beauty salons when correcting the nasolacrimal groove. Let's study this process in more detail. Its advantages:

  • Some painlessness. The injection itself causes discomfort and an unpleasant feeling. However, in this case the pain can be tolerated.
  • The fastest restoration of a healthy appearance of the face. The result after correction can be seen in about two weeks.
  • Reasonable cost in contrast to blepharoplasty and lipolifting. The price for correcting a nasolacrimal trough ranges from 10 to 15 thousand rubles and depends on the salon. At the same time, a more complex process, in which the rehabilitation period is quite long, is many times more expensive.
  • Point impact. The nasolacrimal groove will disappear or be less pronounced. There will be no other changes in appearance.

Based on the above, the correction is ideal for those beautiful ladies who do not particularly pay attention to metamorphoses in the skin due to age. The process is not like surgery; rather, it is a cosmetic procedure. In addition, this manipulation will make your face fresh and more youthful without completely emptying your wallet.

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According to the advice of cosmetologists, stripes should be corrected using fillers. They are special preparations created on the basis of hyaluronic acid.

This correction of the nasolacrimal groove has the following advantages:

  • bags under the eyes disappear;
  • the skin surface becomes smoother in this area;
  • the nasolacrimal groove becomes almost invisible;
  • the area of ​​skin under the lower eyelid is tightened;
  • Wrinkles of varying depths are smoothed out.

You can see almost instant results after the injection of fillers, while the functions of muscle tissue remain unchanged. A woman does not need time to recover; if she wishes, she does not have to give up her usual activities.

Fillers can be divided into the following groups:

  • permanent – ​​provide continuous results;
  • biodegradable - temporary, which disappear after a certain period of time.

Permanent fillers are practically not used due to various undesirable effects, such as the development of inflammation, movement, and bulging even after some time.

Biodegradable fillers are used to correct different areas of the body and face.

They contain elements that are close to the human body and are divided into the following groups:

  • collagen - contain collagen of animal or donor (human) origin;
  • autologous – formed from the client’s biological materials;
  • based on polylactic acid (poly-L-lacticacid);
  • hyaluronic;
  • based on calcium hydroxyapatite.

Fillers, which are considered temporary, are harmless medications for correcting the nasolacrimal trough. They are usually produced in the form of a gel, and it can be of different structures.

The density is selected according to the area that needs to be corrected:

  • A dense structure gel is used to create a clear lifting result or to remove deep wrinkles. This drug lasts for a long time.
  • Fillers with a less dense consistency are used to correct more delicate areas with thin skin. Such gels are easy to administer and leave the body faster.

Benefits and Applications

Stylage filler is used to form aesthetic facial contours and replenish moisture reserves. With its help, you can correct cheekbones, cheeks, facial contours, and create a fashionable jaw angle. Injections help cope with age-related wrinkles and deep skin creases; Stylage for lips will easily add volume and attractiveness. It is recommended to use fillers from the age of 30, since at this time the processes of synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid are disrupted, and the first age-related changes occur.

Advantages of Stylage preparations:

  • Lasting effect up to 12 months thanks to 3D Matrix technology;
  • More uniform and natural distribution of the gel under the skin thanks to IPN-Like technology during the production process of the substance;
  • Rejuvenating effect due to the presence of antioxidants in the composition;
  • The painlessness of the procedure is associated with the presence of lidocaine in the preparation.

Specialists are happy to work with this filler. After it there is no swelling or compaction, it is evenly distributed and gives a long and natural result. Therefore, Stylage is often used to correct asymmetry.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

The area of ​​the nasolacrimal groove is covered with thin skin, as a result of which the strip can form at a young age.

Factors contributing to this:

  • individual anatomical structure;
  • changes associated with age: the structure of muscle tissue changes, they stretch due to a lack of collagen, lumps, indentations, dark circles, etc. appear.

Fillers are recommended for use in the following cases:

  • depressions have formed under the eyes;
  • there is a clearly defined vascular network;
  • darkening of the skin under the eyes appeared.

It is allowed to perform manipulation on young clients who have reached the age of eighteen.

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Strict contraindications for correction of the nasolacrimal trough using fillers are:

  • blepharoplasty with a statute of limitations of less than six months and a year;
  • tendency to form scars;
  • acute kidney disease;
  • exacerbation of various inflammations;
  • skin pathologies that appear in the area of ​​the proposed procedures;
  • neurological contraindications, including epilepsy;
  • hemophilia and poor blood clotting;
  • infectious diseases.

Relative restrictions are high temperature, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, pregnancy and the breastfeeding stage. It is allowed to apply procedures after the disappearance of conditional contraindications.


  • Pregnancy, lactation.
  • Blood clotting disorders (of any etiology).
  • Autoimmune, oncological diseases.
  • Exacerbations of chronic diseases.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Rashes in the injection area.
  • Tendency to form keloid scars.

The procedure is not always suitable for people with a deformational type of aging and a predisposition to swelling of the area around the eyes (for example, due to individual characteristics of the body or diseases). In such cases, the issue is resolved individually after examination.

How is the nasolacrimal trough corrected?

1. Preparation for the procedure.

The drug has been selected, the method of applying the filler has been determined, all that remains is to complete the preparatory steps. This stage does not last long:

  • Cleanse the skin on your face using special products.
  • Mark the groove according to which the correction is performed.
  • Administer a local anesthetic. Usually an application is used, that is, an anesthetic cream is applied to the correction area.
  • Wait approximately 20 minutes for the painkiller to take effect.

2. Correction.

When corrected with fillers, the nasolacrimal groove does not disappear instantly. During the process, which lasts about 60 minutes, certain invasions of muscle tissue occur. Therefore, you should not expect an immediate effect. The cosmetologist begins to administer the drug immediately after the painkiller takes effect.

Uniform punctures are made along the line that was drawn in advance for correction.

It is necessary to inject a filler with a gel-like consistency under the skin in small doses. This method allows you to distribute the product in the same amount over the entire area of ​​the nasolacrimal groove. Once the required volume of the drug is injected, the skin is gently massaged to remove the resulting irregularities.

In some salons, after performing the procedure, the client is given a mask. It relieves inflammation and helps the skin return to its normal state. The recovery process after a cosmetology session lasts approximately 10 days. But this period is individual for each patient.

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3. Recovery time, features of the course.

After correction of the nasolacrimal trough, swelling appears, which goes away after two or three days. To get rid of it faster, experts at beauty salons advise using masks that soothe the skin and cool it.

During the recovery phase, certain requirements must be met:

  • remove salty, spicy, very hot, high-fiber foods from the diet;
  • do not visit the sauna, bathhouse, solarium for ten days;
  • Do not use scrubs and peels to cleanse your face.

In addition to the above, you should try not to take medications and alcohol.

Two months after correction, you can begin massaging your face. During the massage, do not touch the area that the cosmetologist worked on. You should also limit the use of sponges and cosmetic brushes.

The result of filler injection is determined by the choice of products and the condition of the skin surface:

  • the longest period of exposure to a biodegradable drug is one year;
  • biosynthetic agent – ​​from six to eight months;
  • synthetic filler – from three years and longer.

Below are photos before and after correction of the nasolacrimal trough.

Correction with fillers can be carried out without regard to age. However, if you do not care for the skin correctly after the procedure, the nasolacrimal groove can return to its original place.

To prevent the appearance of stripes and consolidate the resulting effect, you need to take care of the treated areas in a certain way:

  • Use a cream that is age appropriate and takes into account the individual characteristics of the skin.
  • It is necessary to completely remove all applied makeup every night.
  • Hyaluronic acid should be part of the cream that is used for the skin around the eyes. The use of preparations containing cooling components can bring certain results.

How does the procedure work?

The first stage of the procedure is examination and consultation. After this, an anesthetic gel is applied to the face, and as soon as it takes effect, the doctor begins the injections.

The filler is injected using a thin, flexible cannula, a type of blunt-tipped needle. Since the skin in this area is very thin and prone to stretching, the doctor is required to have exquisite precision and masterful technique. Gels are used in a minimal dosage - if necessary, the result can be adjusted after a couple of weeks.

Important! Entrust contouring only to an experienced and qualified cosmetologist. The main components of success are the correct administration technique, accurate dose calculation and a high-quality certified drug.

Possible complications and methods of their treatment

The obtained result may differ significantly from the expected effect when correcting the nasolacrimal groove.

Here are some possible reasons for the deterioration:

  • defective product;
  • a cosmetologist who does not have the necessary knowledge and experience;
  • violation of the conditions of the procedure;
  • contraindications not detected during the examination.

All consequences are removed by performing certain manipulations when the client goes to a medical institution. In severe situations, surgical operations may be performed.

1. Swelling.

The appearance of swelling is a standard reaction of the body to various outside interventions. Normal swelling goes away on the second or third day. If one of the requirements is violated during correction, then the recovery process will change.

If fillers are injected too deeply or if the volume of the product is incorrectly selected, swelling may not subside within one to two weeks.

If, in addition to swelling, bruises begin to form on the skin around the eyes and not only, then an urgent consultation with a doctor is needed. Such a complication may be an indicator of damage to the circulatory system or signal the onset of inflammation under the skin.

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2. Pain.

Pain may persist for a long time when pressing on the area that has undergone correction. There are several explanations for this:

  • nerve endings were affected;
  • muscle tissue was shifted due to the administration of unequal doses of the drug;
  • high sensitivity of the skin to the size of the needle used.

3. Inflammation.

Typically, inflammation is the body's reaction to the introduction of foreign substances. It usually goes away after two to three days. However, violation of sanitary and hygienic standards can lead to the development of infectious complications.

4. Necrosis.

Necrosis is the most dangerous and undesirable complication after correction of the nasolacrimal trough using fillers. Such changes develop if the administered drug gets between the vessels and disrupts the movement of blood in a certain area of ​​the skin.

Swelling, inflammation, and bruising can cause necrosis. The gel, which has changed the movement of blood, itself begins to move and contributes to injury to the nerves. It is possible to eliminate the consequences and solve the problem of necrotic complications, but disturbances in the work of facial muscles are likely.

Nowadays, you no longer have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba beauty and health center:

  • This is a beauty center where you will have your nasolacrimal gland corrected at a reasonable cost, and your face will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best specialists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13, and you will see for yourself!

Line of drugs STYLAGE

Stylage fillers in Moscow are available in several variations. This gives the specialist the opportunity to select the most suitable type and dosage to correct the required area. The line includes the following drugs:

  • Stylage S. Quite liquid filler. Used to get rid of small and medium wrinkles. Can be used to correct the area under the eyes, periorbital area, lips. The result lasts for up to 9 months.
  • Stylage M. A denser gel, suitable for the correction of deep wrinkles. It is used to eliminate nasolabial folds, marionette lines, lip and nose correction, and hand rejuvenation. The effect lasts for up to 1 year.
  • Stylage L. High density gel. It is used to correct nasolabial folds, shape the chin, eliminate skin creases, and rejuvenate the hands. Gives effect for up to 1 year.
  • Style XL. The densest filler in the series. Suitable for volumetric facial correction and contour restoration. The result lasts up to 1 year.
  • Stylage Special Lips. The drug is intended specifically for the lip area. It allows you to adjust the volume, improve the contour, get rid of asymmetry, and level out age-related perioral wrinkles. The result lasts for 6-9 months.
  • Stylage Hydro and Hydro Max. These fillers are intended for biorevitalization. Use on the neck, arms, and décolleté. They include unstabilized hyaluronic acid, which promotes tissue rejuvenation. The effect lasts up to 4 months.

The price list shows the cost of injections with Stilage drugs. The required number of sessions is determined by a specialist.

The filler injection procedure lasts about 15-40 minutes. The cosmetologist first determines the correction zone, the number of injections, and the injection technique. Thanks to lidocaine, injections are painless. The final result will become noticeable in about 1-2 days, after the final restoration of the skin. Stilage preparations have proven themselves well in cosmetology and are in great demand both among specialists and patients.

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