Tips from cosmetologists on how to quickly remove bruises after mesotherapy

Side effects after the introduction of meso-cocktails, associated with the reaction of sensitive skin to mechanical stress, occur quite often and are absolutely normal. However, bruises after mesotherapy can become a dangerous symptom, which is important to pay attention to in a timely manner in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

How to get rid of bruises after a mesotherapy procedure: it’s very simple!

“Beauty requires sacrifice!”, you decided, and headed to the nearest salon. Friends have long recommended a fashionable and affordable procedure called “mesotherapy.” “It doesn’t last long, it’s not too expensive, and what an effect and result,” they said.

But not everything goes so smoothly. It happens that when you see yourself in the mirror after the procedure, you will be surprised to notice a swollen, reddish face.

Consequences after mesotherapy injections

And in the morning, bruises may appear in place of the redness after the injections. The question immediately arises: why did this side effect occur and is it normal? Why didn’t the salon immediately warn that youth and freshness of the face would cost so much?

The main thing in such a situation is not to panic. Of course, the specialist should have advised you and told you that bruises after mesotherapy are common. Just next time you need to choose a salon more carefully and ask in more detail about the procedure itself and its possible consequences.

Attention: if you want to know more about the possible consequences, read on!

But how to remove all these bruises after injections under the eyes, on the neck, on the body?

Let's look into all this.

Remember: any “invasion” of foreign objects inside your body will cause some kind of reaction from the body.

And even though the needles used in mesotherapy are microscopically thin, when inserted they inevitably damage the smallest blood vessels, hence bruising, swelling and even hematomas.

And it doesn’t matter whether you inject into the face and décolleté, into the stomach or buttock - the reasons for the side effects will be the same. It turns out that when doing “beauty injections”, you need to know in advance and stock up on what helps or will help against such stagnant spots after bruises

After all, it all depends on the individual reaction of your skin to injections.

It turns out that when doing “beauty injections”, you need to know in advance and stock up on what helps or will help against such stagnant spots after bruises. After all, it all depends on the individual reaction of your skin to injections.

Treatment methods

So, how can you remove such “consequences” so that they do not linger on your face and body for a long time? Surely there are ointments for swelling in your medicine cabinet. This can be Heparin ointment, Troxevasin, Traumeel S, Lyoton, Chitosan gel, various healing balms and gels.

A mask from the well-known “Badyagi”, as well as simply medicinal compresses, will also have a beneficial effect.

Watch the video of the program “About the Main Thing”, from it you will learn how to quickly get rid of bruises that appear, including with the help of a badyagi:

The sooner you take action, the sooner the bruises will disappear after a recent mesotherapy procedure.

Now you already know how you can quickly get rid of troubles after injections. Let's now look at what prohibitions exist after the procedure.

Basic rules of behavior after the procedure

As you know, a sauna, solarium and beach immediately after injections only worsen the situation. Therefore, try to refrain from overheating, and the best thing is to stay at home and let your face or body recover from the “stress.” As reviews from girls and women about the mesotherapy procedure show, it will take very little time.

What not to do after facial mesotherapy

The main restrictions after the mesotherapy procedure concern the first and second days. During this period, it is strongly recommended:

  • avoid water treatments;
  • show increased physical activity - during the rehabilitation period you will have to forget about gyms and fitness clubs;
  • ensure skin protection from thermal effects - visiting saunas and baths, as well as direct sunlight, regardless of their intensity;
  • refrain from using cosmetics (even those with natural ingredients); This restriction does not apply to medical products.

To summarize, let's say the following: each procedure (cosmetological or medical) is truly effective only if the recommendations prescribed by the doctor are followed. If you ignore these simple rules, at best the effect will be neutralized, and at worst, side effects and complications will arise.

Author of the article:Deusheva (Nesterenko) Oksana Leonidovna
Speciality:Cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist
Experience:8 years

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How to remove bruises that appear after injections?

To prevent bruises, before a course of injections, it is advisable to drink vitamins A and C - they strengthen the walls of blood vessels. There is no need to sit or lie down immediately after the injection; it is better to walk around for a while so that the medicine dissipates faster.

If bruises do appear, consult your doctor about how to quickly get rid of them. You can independently alleviate the condition and get rid of hematomas using folk remedies.

  • an iodine mesh is applied to the injection site until the bruise completely disappears;
  • light massage accelerates the resorption of hematomas;
  • a cabbage leaf compress with honey is applied to the injection site and left overnight;
  • a cake made from green clay, water and salt, which is applied to the inflamed area at night.

Regular pharmacy ointments will help get rid of bruises. But you shouldn’t use all the remedies at once; choose one recipe.

In the treatment of some diseases, injections of drugs cannot be avoided. However, in some cases, very unpleasant consequences appear after such treatment - bruises on the buttocks. Most often this is the effect of rapid administration of the drug. Bruises and bumps can appear from a single injection or as a result of multiple intramuscular manipulations.

What to do

But what to do if the measures taken still did not help? How to remove bruises formed after a mesotherapy session as quickly as possible? Women are especially concerned about these issues, since their skin is thinner and bruises form on it more often than on men. In addition, dark spots on the face look quite unaesthetic.


The first remedy after bruising and swelling is cold. But it is effective for a maximum of two to three hours after the procedure. It’s better to apply it as soon as it becomes clear that a bruise has begun to form.

The cold must be dry. Rubbing the punctured skin with an ice cube is unsafe - it can cause an infection. Therefore, you can apply a clean spoon chilled in the freezer or a heating pad (plastic bottle) filled with ice.

Cold causes a sharp constriction of blood vessels and stops bleeding. But you can keep it continuously for up to 2-3 minutes, so as not to provoke hypothermia and frostbite of the skin. At the same time, such therapy will quickly remove swelling, which also often occurs after mesotherapy.

  1. "Troxevasin". It effectively helps not only against bruises, but also against hematomas. They are dangerous because if they are located very deep or very hardened, they have to be removed surgically. The main active ingredient of the ointment is troxerutin. It penetrates the walls of capillaries and strengthens them. At the same time, the ointment stops inflammatory processes and promotes rapid healing of injection wounds.
  2. Heparin ointment. The cheapest, but very effective remedy for quickly eliminating bruises. More modern drugs have also been created on the basis of heparin: “Lioton”, “Lavenum” and others. But the principle of their action is the same: heparin has an antithrombotic effect, and also has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Blood that gets under the skin quickly resolves, as the ointment prevents it from hardening.
  3. Badyaga. In its pure form it is a powder of an aquatic inhabitant - sponges. It has a local irritant effect on the skin and stimulates capillary blood circulation, due to which bruises resolve very quickly. But it is not recommended to use this product after a dermaroller or mesotherapy performed with a gun - it can cause severe skin irritation.
  4. "Girundin". Or other ointments and creams based on leech extract. Their saliva contains components that prevent blood clotting. Therefore, the effect of such drugs is similar in mechanism to heparin ointment. Bruises do not harden and disappear much faster.
  5. "Rescuer". An almost natural remedy, which contains: sea buckthorn oil, echinacea extract, essential oils of lavender and tea tree, turpentine, beeswax, vitamin E. The ointment is hypoallergenic, perfectly softens the skin, forms a thin protective film on it and quickly relieves inflammation and pain.

This is a list of only the most popular and effective remedies. In fact, there are many more of them, and an experienced pharmacist will definitely select the right product for you, focusing on the size of the bruises, their condition and skin type.


Hardware procedures provide excellent results in the fight against bruises and hematomas after mesotherapy on the face. They can be done in a salon or purchased portable devices for home use. Such investments are justified because the devices also provide a rejuvenating effect.

Help to quickly remove bruises:

  • Microcurrent therapy. A weak current promotes rapid degradation of already damaged cells and increases the potential of healthy ones.
  • Darsonvalization. It has a local irritating effect and increases subcutaneous blood circulation. When working in a certain mode, it gives an ozonizing effect, disinfecting wounds.
  • Galvanization. Positively charged ions have a stimulating effect, enhancing cell regeneration. And negatively charged ones are calming, relieving inflammation and swelling.

In order to quickly get rid of bruises, you need to do 5-6 procedures daily, and then, if desired, a few more every other day.


Massage perfectly removes subcutaneous hemorrhages. Therefore, many begin to use it in order to eliminate the negative consequences of mesotherapy. This is strictly forbidden to do in the first 48 hours - the microchannels made by the needle have not yet completely closed and the face can easily become infected.

In addition, if a sufficiently large vessel was hit, it has not yet had time to thrombose well and intense pressure can provoke subcutaneous bleeding and only increase the area of ​​bruising. They begin to massage the face no earlier than 3-4 days after the procedure.

And this must be done very carefully

How to remove bruises at home?

Of course, in this not the most pleasant and aesthetic situation, the question arises - how to remove bruises after lip augmentation? After all, every woman wants to enjoy the sight of beautiful lips, and not look at blue spots in the mirror.

Getting rid of bruises at home is not the most time-consuming process. The unpleasant consequences of a cosmetic procedure will disappear as quickly as possible if you follow a few simple recommendations:

Immediately after the procedure, you need to press your finger on your lips and fix it in this position for several minutes. This technique will help stop the spread of blood from damaged vessels. This is the only time when force can be applied to the lip area. In the future, mechanical impacts on this area should be avoided. It is acceptable to apply ice to the surface of the lips. The ice cube is first wrapped in a sterile napkin (the cold should not be scalding) and passed over the skin of the lips several times. You should not put pressure on the cube; movements should be light and smooth. This effect of cold promotes blood resorption, vasoconstriction, and pain relief. This procedure must be performed several times a day. It is not recommended to take a horizontal body position in the first 8 hours after the procedure. Otherwise, a rush of blood to the lips may occur, which will cause even greater vascular injury. In order for hematomas to resolve faster after lip augmentation, you need to sleep on a high pillow for the first days. Avoid exposure to high temperatures. Taking hot baths, sunbathing on the beach, visiting the bathhouse, sauna and solarium will have to be postponed until the bruises have completely healed. It is necessary to use special healing gels and ointments. Most often, bruises on the lips after enlargement are smeared with Heparin ointment, Troxevasin and Hepatrombin. Before using such products, you need to consult a cosmetologist - he will help you choose the best option for the treatment. Sports activities will have to be postponed, at least for a while

Physical activity accelerates blood circulation, which, in turn, interferes with the complete absorption of fluid in soft tissues. After the lip augmentation procedure, you need to pay close attention to your diet. So, the menu should include foods rich in vitamin K and ascorbic acid.

They are found in large quantities in broccoli, avocados, oranges, black currants, and walnuts. Such treats strengthen blood vessels and allow blood to clot faster.

When dealing with bruises, all means are good. So, medicinal plants and berries will help eliminate swelling. It is permissible to use the following natural medicines:

  1. Kalina. Strengthens the tone of blood vessels and skin, which means it will cope wonderfully with the problem of bruises and swelling. A lip mask made from viburnum, ground with honey, would be an excellent healing remedy.
  2. Aloe. A plant leaf is applied to the damaged areas for 20 minutes three times a day.
  3. Potato starch. It is mixed with mineral water to a paste. The mixture is applied to problem areas every two hours, leaving for 30 minutes for the first few days after the procedure.
  4. Sagebrush. A compress made from a solution of wormwood can also help damaged skin. Pour 3 teaspoons of the plant into a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. After cooling, soak a cotton pad in the solution and apply it to your lips. Repeat the procedure several times a day.

Bruises after fillers and mesotherapy: saving your face from troubles

Advertising for anti-aging injection procedures loudly proclaims that they are completely safe and painless, and can be done “even on your lunch break.” But not everything is as rosy as in the promises: any intervention, even the most minimal and gentle, equally leads to natural reactions of the skin and the whole body as a whole.

Bruises after injection of fillers based on hyaluronic acid , mesotherapy or biorevitalization are a normal and fairly common consequence of injections. Cosmetologists try to prevent their appearance, but they cannot give an absolute guarantee, and you need to be prepared for the fact that for several days after the procedure your face will not look its best.

Why do hematomas appear and in what cases is the risk of their formation especially high? Is it possible to speed up the resorption process or remove them altogether? What to apply to problem areas of the skin? examines these issues together with our experts - experienced cosmetologists from leading metropolitan clinics:

↑ Why do bruises appear after “beauty injections” and how long do they last?

Small hematomas at the injection sites of drugs based on hyaluronic acid are not considered a complication and, as a rule, go away on their own within 10-14 days. Hemorrhages occur due to minor damage to the skin and blood vessels, without which it is physically impossible to give an injection. There will be even more of them if we are talking about multiple injections - usually such techniques are used in biorevitalization or mesotherapy. Active facial expressions in the areas of injection of filler or other drug leads to additional microtraumas and also aggravates the process. Other risk factors:

  • Increased fragility of blood vessels. It can be hereditary (genetically determined) or acquired, for example, as a result of the patient’s regular smoking. As a result, bruises are likely to be larger and more numerous.
  • Blood clotting disorder. Congenital or resulting from taking thinning medications. It is considered a direct contraindication to any injection procedures.
  • The injection of high-density fillers in large quantities - for example, for large-scale lip or cheekbone augmentation - often leads to compression and traumatization of the vessels located at the injection site. And large hematomas in this case will not be the worst option: it is even possible to completely stop the blood supply to the affected area of ​​​​the skin, followed by its necrosis (for more details, see the article “Complications after contouring”).
  • Violation of key post-procedure recommendations by the patient. Heavy smoking, drinking alcohol, visiting a bath or sauna, swimming pool, solarium, friction or pressure on the skin at the injection site leads to additional stress on the blood vessels, which contributes to their damage.
Photo 1 – bruises after lip augmentation and removal of nasolabial lips with filler:

Photo 2 – internal bruising after mesotherapy in the area under the eyes:

Large hematomas usually appear in areas with active blood flow and thin, sensitive skin - primarily on and around the lips, as well as around the eyes and in the upper third of the nasolabial folds. Small ones can occur over the entire chipped surface of the face: with mesotherapy or biorevitalization, it is impossible to perform several dozen injections and never damage the capillary wall.

↑ How to prevent bruises?

To reduce the number and volume of subcutaneous hemorrhages, it is enough to follow a number of simple recommendations:

  • For several days before the procedure, do not take medications that thin the blood: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac. Alcohol has the same properties, so it is advisable to abstain from alcohol.
  • You should come to the clinic a little earlier than the appointed time so as not to be out of breath, have time to calm down and take a little break from the road, thereby allowing your blood vessels to narrow to a normal state.
  • It is not advisable to apply fillers and other cosmetic preparations during menstrual bleeding, or a couple of days before it.

To reduce the number of skin punctures during injections, specialists sometimes use a special technique in which the inserted needle is not completely removed, but only changes the depth and direction of its movement. After completing the procedure, you need to take a few more precautions:

  • Do not touch the chipped areas with your hands and, if possible, limit their facial expressions as much as possible.
  • For the first few hours, do not take a horizontal position, especially face down, then for a few more days it is advisable to sleep on a high pillow.
  • For 1 week, avoid physical activity, hot baths, baths, saunas, swimming pools, solariums, and the beach.
  • Immediately after the session, apply a cold compress to the treated area of ​​the face for 10-15 minutes. In the future, for prevention, this process can be repeated regularly, several times a day - the main thing is to prevent hypothermia of the skin and soft tissues.
Photo 3.4 - hematomas on the lips and chin after injections of hyaluronic acid:

↑ What to apply to speed up healing?

The process of resorption of bruises after fillers, mesotherapy or biorevitalization can be activated with the help of external agents, the action of which is aimed at strengthening and healing the walls of blood vessels, accelerating local metabolism and dissolving blood clots. The most famous drugs of this type: Troxevasin, Badyaga, Traumeel S, Heparin ointment, Hepatothrombin, etc.

  • Papules after biorevitalization and mesotherapy: should I worry?
  • Swelling after hyaluronic acid fillers: what to do?

However, many experts believe that the use of such ointments can negatively affect the aesthetic result of the procedure or reduce its duration, since their absorbable effect also applies to the injected hyaluronic acid. Therefore, it is advisable to use them only if large or numerous bruises appear on the face, and there is no way to “wait out” until they go away on their own, staying at home and refusing to attend events where an impeccable appearance is important. And small ones can be easily hidden with regular foundation or special camouflage cream.

↑ Experts' opinions:

Putilova Natalya Yurievna
Cosmetologist, Ph.D., Mont Blanc Clinic:

Cosmetologists work with very thin needles, but in any case it is impossible to completely avoid trauma to blood vessels, and, therefore, hemorrhage leading to a bruise. Most often, the area of ​​the lower eyelid and lips “suffers”.

Any doctor knows the location of the main, large vascular branches and, of course, avoids these areas. But this does not guarantee that the doctor will not get into one of the capillaries, since their network is very extensive. In general, blood vessels are most vulnerable during menstruation, before it, if there is a blood clotting disorder - then the likelihood of a bruise is much higher. Older patients taking aspirin to thin their blood are also at risk.

Today, a gentle injection method is becoming more widespread: the cannula technique. A cannula is a blunt, long needle with a rounded end that spreads tissue apart. If the doctor knows such a technique, then it is better to choose it, then the patient will leave without the slightest bruises. However, there are areas where the cannula cannot be reached. For example, you can use it to enlarge your lips, but you can only achieve a clear outline with a microneedle.

Immediately after the procedure, if a slight bruise appears, we recommend that the patient apply ice to it for 2 days. To make it go away faster, you can use the Darsonval apparatus, preparations containing bodyaga, Traumeel ointment.

Tsyganova Olga Anatolevna Head of the cosmetology department of the DoctorPlastic clinic:

Usually any hematoma goes away within a week. But in each case it all depends on its volume and the characteristics of the patient’s skin. On average - from 3 to 7 days, sometimes, very rarely - up to 10. And to speed up resorption, I recommend the new generation drug Helaskin.

Bakov Vadim Sergeevich plastic surgeon, candidate of medical sciences, DoctorPlastic clinic:

As a rule, bruises occur as a result of injury from a needle to blood vessels. Therefore, when contouring the face, we use a needle only to make an initial puncture, and then a special thin cannula with a rounded tip is inserted into it, and all the work is carried out with its help. If a bruise occurs, it will only be at the puncture site.

But, of course, nothing in medicine can be guaranteed in advance. The risk group includes patients with particularly hyperemic skin, vascular problems, and smokers. And the most difficult area in this regard is the lips, since there is very active blood flow.

To speed up the resorption of hematomas, there are many creams, for example, Troxevasin. But, in fact, the issue is not so pressing. If bruises appear, they are very small. They quickly go away on their own and are easily masked with foundation. There have been practically no large hematomas in our practice lately. I don’t know why, maybe the cannulas are being made better...

Vishipanova Nadezhda Leonidovna
cosmetologist at the Frau Clinic, Ph.D.:

Any injection, not just hyaluronic acid, can be accompanied by the appearance of a hematoma, as tissue damage occurs as a result. The size of the hemorrhage depends on the depth and location of the drug injection. As a rule, hematomas resolve within 6 to 14 days.

How to quickly remove marks from mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is a rejuvenating procedure during which medicinal solutions are injected under the skin. Cocktails with beneficial substances, vitamins, hyaluronic acid and other nutrients are often used, which provide deep restoration of the skin and also treat the epidermis.

When performing mesotherapy, you can achieve the following positive effects:

  • The therapy reduces wrinkles, scars and scars;
  • Improving complexion, this procedure returns a healthy glow;
  • Complete relief from acne, acne, pimples;
  • Tightening the face shape, eliminating the double chin and jowls;
  • The procedure helps get rid of age spots, post-acne, and redness.

Many women who are planning mesotherapy are interested in the answer to the question - how to remove bruises after this rejuvenation therapy. Even correct implementation and compliance with all important recommendations does not guarantee that these signs will not appear. They are not a complication and usually go away on their own within a few days.

But it is worth considering several effective methods that will help quickly remove bruises and hematomas after injections. They do not have any harmful effects on health, they can be safely carried out independently at home.

It is recommended to use dry cold. It may be unsafe to wipe the puncture with an ice cube, as this can lead to infection in the wound. Cosmetologists recommend applying a chilled spoon or a heating pad with ice to the skin.

Pharmacy products

For bruises and hematomas, you can use external remedies that help improve the condition of the skin and also remove swelling. But they should be used for large lesions that persist for several days.

Experts recommend using the following external remedies against hematomas and bruises:

  • Troxevasin. The drug helps relieve hematomas and bruises. The product contains an active component - troxerutin. It penetrates the walls of capillaries and strengthens their structure. The ointment quickly eliminates the inflammatory process, promotes rapid healing of wounds after injections;
  • Heparin ointment. This is a budget-friendly product that helps quickly eliminate bruises. The active component causes the resorption of blood clots. The drug has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Badyaga. After application, it has a local irritating effect on the skin and enhances capillary blood circulation. These conditions cause rapid resorption of bruises;
  • Girundin. As well as other external products based on leech extract. Their saliva contains substances that prevent blood clotting. This is what speeds up the removal of bruises.


After injections, traces of injections may remain for a long time. In addition, they can form unpleasant hematomas, which negatively affect their appearance. Electrical procedures can be used to eliminate these conditions.

The following procedures can quickly eliminate bruises:

  • Microcurrent therapy. Exposure to weak current accelerates the elimination of damaged cells and increases the number of healthy ones;
  • Darsonvalization. This procedure has a local irritating effect and increases blood circulation under the skin. Has a disinfecting effect on wounds;
  • Galvanization. During this therapy, charged ions have a stimulating effect and enhance cell recovery. And negatively charged ones have a calming effect, eliminate inflammation and swelling.


Massage has a calming effect and helps eliminate bruises and bruises. However, under no circumstances should it be carried out in the first 48 hours after mesotherapy, the fact is that the puncture areas have not yet closed and they can easily become infected.

Effect of mesotherapy

Injections are made into the middle layer of the skin using an individually formulated meso-cocktail with a syringe with a very thin needle. It may contain vitamins, amino acids, medicinal herbs, hyaluronic acid and other useful components. With the help of an injection, the substances penetrate deep into the skin of the face and have a direct effect, unlike cosmetics.

The main principle of mesotherapy is rarely, little and in the right place.

At the site of penetration of the cocktail, nerve receptors are irritated, the division of new cells is stimulated, blood circulation improves, and the cells receive a sufficient amount of oxygen.

As a result:

  • Skin tone increases;
  • Small wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • Bags under the eyes disappear;
  • Nasolabial folds are smoothed;
  • Improves complexion.

Cell regeneration accelerates and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, so the oily sheen of the skin disappears, scars and scars are reduced. After the rejuvenating course, the production of collagen and elastin is enhanced, metabolic processes in tissues are stimulated.

In addition, mesotherapy has an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect, helps eliminate free radicals. The procedure helps to effectively fight acne (only in the remission stage) by cleansing the facial pores of sebaceous plugs and relieving inflammation.

How often can the procedures be done?

Only a cosmetologist can give information about how many sessions of facial mesotherapy you need to do. To do this, you need to undergo an examination and identify possible contraindications to the anti-aging procedure. Taking into account the skin condition and indications, an individual course is drawn up.

In total, it is recommended to undergo from 6 to 10 sessions, with a break of one week. It is worth maintaining the rejuvenating effect and conducting a repeat course of mesotherapy no more than once a year, so as not to cause addiction to the skin.

The visible result of lifting occurs after the first procedure and becomes maximum by the end of the course. To completely restore and improve facial contours, 5-7 sessions are needed. In order to get rid of acne, you will need about 12 rejuvenating sessions.

Despite its high efficiency, mesotherapy is not able to solve all skin problems; this must be taken into account when choosing a rejuvenation method. In order to prolong the anti-aging effect, you can combine this technique with other procedures, proper nutrition and exercise.

Facial mesotherapy should be done if there are the following indications:

  1. Dark circles in the eye area;
  2. Early skin aging;
  3. Acne;
  4. Oily skin;
  5. Spider veins;
  6. Dull complexion;
  7. Pigmentation, freckles;
  8. Wrinkles;
  9. Scars, scars.

Cellulite, sagging skin or general aging may also be an indication for body mesotherapy. The rejuvenation procedure is often combined with laser resurfacing, peeling or dermabrasion. In many cases, mesotherapy can be part of complex preparation for plastic facial correction.

How to choose products for a meso cocktail

For injection into the skin in beauty salons, the following are usually used:

  • Means to improve blood flow;
  • Fat-breaking drugs;
  • Hyaluronic acid;
  • Complexes of vitamins and collagen.

The substance is selected individually in the absence of an allergic reaction to it.

Each of these components has a unique effect and can be used individually or in combination. Vitamins help deliver useful and nutritious substances to the skin, and collagen promotes the production and strengthening of collagen fibers. Phospholipids increase tissue elasticity, and salts (magnesium, silicon) strengthen tissues and improve cell nutrition.

Hyaluronic acid is most often used in cosmetology for anti-aging procedures, as it rarely causes side effects and gives high results.

Hyaluronic acid is found in the human body in all intercellular fluids and is responsible for the amount of moisture in cells. With age, there is a loss of this substance, and the skin becomes too dry and flabby. Once introduced into the skin, hyaluronic acid helps to reliably retain fluid in cells and delay the aging process.

Why do bruises appear and how long do they last?

After introducing meso-cocktails into the skin, some side effects may appear in the treated area - its reaction to mechanical impact. They are usually expressed in the form of local redness, as well as increased tissue sensitivity. The reaction goes away spontaneously within 1-2 days.

Bruising after mesotherapy is not a normal skin reaction to the technology. They arise due to damage to the capillaries during injection, which can be caused by the following factors:

  1. Close location of capillaries to the surface of the skin.
  2. Using needles that are too large or long to pierce tissue and introduce meso-cocktail.
  3. Low qualification of the master.
  4. Using dull needles or poor-quality equipment.

Bruises after facial mesotherapy appear as a result of a small internal hemorrhage, which stops fairly quickly, but leaves a mark on sensitive skin.

When performing home mesotherapy, bruises occur much less frequently, since it uses a special unit - a mesoscooter. It creates minimal punctures in the skin that do not greatly damage it even if used carelessly. Bruises appear only after a session of injection mesotherapy (manual or machine).

This side effect should not be ignored. Despite the fact that it does not bring much discomfort to the girl, neglecting skin care measures can lead to a hematoma, which is more difficult to treat.

How to treat bruises after biorevitalization?

If the appearance of bruises after biorevitalization could not be avoided, you need to figure out how to remove hematomas from the face. In most cases, they do not require treatment, and the only thing required to restore normal appearance is rest and a little time. The bruises will go away on their own after a few days: depending on the characteristics of the body, the treatment period can vary from 3 to 10 days.

Sometimes it happens that it is necessary to remove hematomas quickly, before this period expires. How to treat bruises and swelling after biorevitalization so that no trace remains of them after 2 or 3 days? There are two main methods: using medicated ointments and using home remedies that you prepare yourself.

Preparations for eliminating bruises

Treatment of hematomas can be accelerated by using local external medications. They heal blood vessels, dissolve bruises and blood clots, accelerate metabolism and regeneration, allowing hematomas to disappear 3-4 times faster than usual.

The best remedies for resolving bruises:

  1. Troxevasin;
  2. Heparin and products based on it;
  3. Ointments and gels with badyaga;
  4. Traumeel S;
  5. Indomethacin;
  6. Rescuer.

Many cosmetologists believe that the effect of these drugs can also extend to the administered biorevitalizer. Acceleration of local metabolism allows hyaluronic acid to be absorbed, worsening the result of the procedure and reducing its duration. Therefore, it is worth using such ointments only for large and painful hematomas, if it is not possible to stay at home and let them heal on their own.

Home remedies for bruises

In order not to spoil the results after the biorevitalization procedure, you can put ointments aside and use traditional methods of treating bruises. These methods have been tested by time and by many people, and they work flawlessly without affecting the biorevitalizer in any way.

Method one: potato juice

To get rid of a hematoma, you need to cut the potato in half, and then rub the bruised area with each of its halves

You should do this very carefully and carefully, barely touching your face, so as not to damage it more.

The best option would be to grate 2-3 potatoes on a fine grater and make a compress from the resulting pulp. It must be applied to the injured area and kept for 2-3 hours, then replaced with a new one. After just a day, the bruise should disappear.

Method two: garlic tincture

To quickly reduce a hematoma, you should prepare a garlic tincture. It contains 1 tablespoon of finely grated garlic and 100 ml of table vinegar.

Chop the garlic, add vinegar to it, mix thoroughly. The resulting mixture must be infused during the day, in a dark place at room temperature. Afterwards, you need to strain the tincture and wipe the injured area with it 2-3 times a day.

Facial skin care after mesotherapy

It is important to understand that mesotherapy, although it is a cosmetic procedure, is a medical intervention in the body. And this implies strict adherence to the set of post-injection measures prescribed by the doctor. Only in this case the result will be long-lasting and without any complications.

Any injection, even made with ultra-thin needles to a shallow depth, is in its own way a microtrauma of the skin. This means that they need some time to fully heal, which, in turn, requires careful care of the treated area.

Depending on the composition of the injection (and it may vary in each specific case), the process of absorption of the active substances may take several days. Violation of the doctor's recommendations can easily lead to negative side effects, as well as a decrease in the effectiveness of therapy.

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