Mineral water for the face – benefits of washing and how to choose it correctly

For some reason, when you hear the word “water,” you imagine not a trickle of yellowish liquid flowing from a tap, but springs gushing from underground, mountain streams running down a hill, splashes from a waterfall flying from a great height.

Why? Yes, because it is precisely this kind of water, crystal clear, which has absorbed the power of the earth, that brings health and beauty.

In this article:

Why do we need mineral water How to choose Effect of use Contraindications and disadvantages of mineral water What kind of water do you need Methods of use

Why do we need mineral water?

Photo by Thiago Matos: Pexels
If men basically drink water internally, then women have long realized that it works wonders on the skin. And while drinking a glass of mineral-rich moisture, she doesn’t forget to spray her face.

Mineral water is an excellent skin care product. It easily replaces expensive sprays and tonics. You can not just spray your face with it, but also prepare masks and lotions, and freeze cubes for cryocosmetics.

Wiping the face

In order to tighten pores, improve complexion, and remove makeup, you can use regular mineral water without gas. You need to wash your face with mineral water using a moistened cotton pad. They need to be carried out strictly along the massage lines. If desired, it is allowed to enrich it with vitamins. For example, grape, peach or rice oil is suitable for dry skin.

How to choose

You need to know the criteria for evaluating a mineral liquid so as not to be disappointed in your choice later. Previously, we knew all the brands of such water: “Borjomi”, “Narzan”, “Essentuki”. They clearly answered the question: where does the healing moisture come from? Today on the shelves we see names on bottles: “Holy Spring” or “Golden Key” - which do not carry any information in their names.

How not to make a mistake?

  • It is better to purchase the product at a pharmacy; the price will be slightly higher, but the chance of buying a fake is significantly reduced.
  • Try several brands, choose a sample that meets your requirements.
  • Get acquainted with the information about the place of water intake: the bottling point must coincide with the source location.
  • This must be mineral water obtained from protected springs, as indicated on the label. A mineralized copy created by artificially adding salts will be less effective.
  • On average, the salt concentration is about 500 mg/l. In the fight against oily skin, water with a high salt content is recommended. It is better to tone and soften normal and dry skin with a low-mineralized soil liquid.
  • Glass containers are preferable. This type of water is more difficult to counterfeit than that contained in plastic containers.
  • Shelf life is also important: 24 months in glass containers, 6 months in plastic containers.

How to prepare your skin for the sea

First of all, vacationers rush to bring back from the sea not magnets and shells, but a beautiful, even tan. In order for the sun's rays to evenly penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, it is important to cleanse the epidermis of keratinized particles. A salt-based scrub is ideal for this. It will not only relieve the skin from peeling, but also saturate it with useful microelements and protect against dehydration.

Dead Sea salt scrub

Vitamin A, also known as retinol, is especially important for a chocolate tan. Responsible for skin regeneration, collagen synthesis and the production of melanin - a dark pigment. Vitamin A is found in carrots, pumpkin, watermelon, melon, avocado, red meat and fatty fish. A person who adds these foods to their diet is much more likely to get a bronze tan.

Another equally important element is vitamin C. It protects the skin from premature aging, burns and age spots. To compensate for its deficiency, eat more sour fruits and berries: kiwi, sea buckthorn, rose hips, currants.

It will be useful to refuse to use decorative cosmetics to give the skin a rest and avoid pigmentation disorders. Let us clarify that we are talking only about products containing fruit acids.

Important: start all beauty preparations a week before your trip.

Effect of use

You went to the pharmacy and bought a bottle of mineral water. I am absolutely sure that it is natural and high quality. Now we need to get information: what to expect from “living water”? And there are many advantages of using it:

  • blood circulation is activated, complexion changes;
  • absolutely safe, since there are no dangerous impurities in it, like in tap water;
  • Morning washes give you energy for the whole day;
  • the skin is moisturized, stops drying and flaking;
  • irritation and inflammation disappear;
  • wounds and microcracks heal quickly;
  • pores narrow, oily shine disappears, water balance improves;
  • blood vessels are strengthened, spider veins and spider veins disappear;
  • has a lifting effect;
  • deeply cleanses pores, fights acne and blackheads;
  • suitable for any skin type (you just need to adhere to the level of mineralization);
  • the protective barrier is strengthened.

Mineral water is useful for young girls, as it helps in the fight against acne and acne rashes. Women who notice the first age-related changes will be pleased with it. Wrinkles really don’t like moisture and minerals. And ladies of respectable age will notice that with life-giving moisture their skin returns to its former youth.

Lotion, toner, micellar water, thermal water - how to figure it out?

Homemade mineral face mask recipes

Mineral water is an affordable way to care for every skin type. Included in many home remedy recipes, it fights inflammation, prevents clogged ducts, is a means of preventing wrinkles and refreshes the complexion.

Nourishing mask for dry skin

Mineral water-based products help eliminate flaking and sagging. To make swelling disappear and age spots lighten, use a recipe with the following ingredients:

  • sour cream - 10 g;
  • mineral water - 10 ml;
  • tocopherol - 4 drops.

The fermented milk product is combined with mineral water, after which a vitamin mixture is introduced. The product is distributed with a brush over a steamed and cleansed face. Then wash off after 30 minutes. Thanks to the procedure, renewal processes are stimulated and oxygen breathing is restored.

For normal skin

To maintain youthful and elastic skin, a mask made from:

  • henna - 5 g;
  • mineral water - 20 ml;
  • vitamin B2 - 1 ampoule.

The healing liquid is mixed with plant powder, a vitamin solution is injected and applied to the skin. After a quarter of an hour, the mixture is removed. The session makes the skin soft and velvety, and the substances present in the mask prevent the appearance of the first signs of aging.

For oily skin

For the epidermis, which is prone to oiliness and acne, mixing water with bodyaga is suitable. This cosmetic powder, obtained from algae, can be purchased at any pharmacy. You will need to boil 100 ml of mineral water, mix it with a pharmaceutical product, heat it over low heat and spread it over the skin, covering your face with a towel or thick paper.

The product should be warm, but not hot. After 20 minutes, wash off the mixture. The procedure at home is carried out once a week, because bodyaga is a strong substance. Frequent use may cause negative consequences.

Moisturizing mask

For the session after which the peeling will go away, you need the following products:

  • strawberries - 2 pcs.;
  • grape oil - 18 drops;
  • mineral water - 10 ml;
  • rice starch - 10 g.

The berries are crushed to a puree consistency, then combined with cereal powder, oil and water are added. The resulting composition is distributed over cleansed skin and removed after 30 minutes using a cotton pad soaked in a warm herbal decoction. The mass can be used at any time of the year to eliminate irritation and peeling. Beneficial substances penetrate the skin and accelerate cell renewal.

Refreshing mask

Complete facial care can be provided by combining:

  • oat flakes - 10 g;
  • tangerine essential oil - 3 drops;
  • mineral water - 20 ml;
  • aloe juice - 5 ml.

First, the flakes are crushed to obtain a powder, which is poured with hot mineral water and combined with juice and oil. The mixture is applied to the face in a thick layer in the direction of the massage lines and washed off after 25 minutes. The session has a beneficial effect on the skin, relieving fatigue, adding elasticity and whitening it. The mask can be used after sunbathing and as a protective agent at low temperatures.

Contraindications and disadvantages of mineral water

There are several disadvantages, but not of water as such, but of specific use:

  • Different water compositions are suitable for different skin types;
  • Don’t expect any effect if you don’t use it regularly;
  • High-quality water from well-known brands is not cheap, but the results are worth it.

Like any product, there are contraindications:

  • Allergic reaction. You won’t believe it, but even such absolute “usefulness” may not be accepted by the body in some people.
  • The presence of severe irritations and open wounds. But this contraindication is temporary, the wounds will heal - and please use it.
  • If the water is carbonated, then the bubbles must be released from it, and only then used externally.

How to care for your skin at sea

Despite all the healing properties of a seaside resort, on vacation the skin is regularly exposed to stress.

sun protection

The sun is the first risk factor. While you are enjoying the warm wind and a cool cocktail, UV rays penetrate the epidermis, causing photoaging and varying degrees of burns. This means that you need to reconsider your classic care.

After washing and toning in the morning, be sure to apply a product with spf. The naturally lighter your skin, the more freckles and moles it has, the higher the sun protection index should be. The consistency of the product is not so important; cream, oil, and lotion are equally suitable.

moisturizing facial skin

The second risk factor is sea salt. It is good for the skin, but it is important to control the time of bathing and wash off any remaining salt afterwards so as not to dry out the skin. If possible, take a shower and apply sunscreen after bathing, and thoroughly rinse your hair to remove salt. If this is not done, they will quickly become tangled and stiff.

The best thing you can do for your facial skin is to use moisturizers regularly. Thermal water, cream or light emulsion will help maintain the water-salt balance and prevent the skin from drying out. If your skin is already irritated or you have a burn, use a soothing gel or alcohol-free lotion and give your hair a moisturizing mask.

hair moisturizing

What kind of water do you need

It is imperative to understand which type of mineral water is right for you, for your skin type. Otherwise, you may not only not help yourself, but also harm the epidermis and dermis.

Water with a high salt content is suitable for oily and combination skin. It removes blackheads, pimples, removes oily skin, normalizes sebum production and dries out the skin.

If the liquid has a medium salt content, it is an ideal composition for normal and mature skin. It carefully cleanses and tones it, moisturizes and restores lost turgor.

Low-mineralized mineral water helps girls with dry skin. A normal woman will also respond with gratitude, because the effect of moisture is aimed at softening and toning.

Premium soft waters increase skin elasticity and fight aging processes such as age and expression lines. The skin is moisturized, becomes velvety, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, and the oval of the face is sculpted.

Mask for normal skin

Mineral water for the face will help maintain youth and elasticity. In order for the skin to be velvety and soft, you should make the mask described below. It is only suitable for dry skin types. All components used moisturize the skin and prevent wrinkles from appearing.

The composition includes 5 g of henna, 20 ml of water, an ampoule with vitamin B2. You need to combine henna with water and stir until smooth. Then add vitamin to the paste. After cleansing the face with a spatula, the mask is spread and kept on for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Types of mineral water

Mineral water is water that contains dissolved salts, trace elements, and a small percentage of biologically active components. Mineral waters have a similar chemical composition. The difference lies only in the quantitative presence of one or another component: • acid salts of carbonic acid (hydrocarbonates); • mineral salts of sulfuric acid (sulfates); • salts of hydrochloric acid (chlorides); • magnesium. Mixed mineral water contains several active components. Mineralization of natural liquid occurs deep underground, as well as when flowing through rocks. The composition of simulators made in accordance with GOST does not differ, but the taste may be different. It all depends on the water taken as a basis. According to its purpose, mineral water can be: • Table water - with minimal mineralization. This is ordinary water that you can drink every day and cook food with it. • Medicinal dining room - with medium mineralization. Without consulting a doctor, it is allowed for people who do not have chronic diseases of the digestive tract. The famous Borjomi belongs to this category. • Medicinal – with maximum mineralization. Not recommended unless medically indicated. Carbonated mineral water is natural or simulated water saturated with carbon dioxide. Gas is added to increase the shelf life of the product.

Hydration for every skin type

Methods for moisturizing facial skin vary depending on the type. To determine it, look at your face without makeup in good light.

  • If there are slight peelings and wrinkles around the eyes and lips, tightness and irritation, the skin is dry.
  • If you can clearly see pores, inflammation, and your skin shines when you change the angle, you have an oily type.
  • If all this appears only in the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin), the type is combined.
  • If the face glows and seems healthy, and there is no inflammation, the skin is normal.

Another option to find out your skin type is to cleanse it with a cleanser, then wait a few hours and rub a thin paper napkin over your face. Pronounced spots indicate oily skin, and if traces appear in the T-zone, it indicates combination skin. If there are no marks at all, the skin is dry. Small discharge indicates a normal type.

What can you eat?

There is an opinion that food restrictions and radical reductions in diet can cure dermatitis. In fact, eliminating all potentially hazardous foods may not only be ineffective, but also dangerous to health. A diet low in allergenic foods does improve skin condition, but doctors are extremely careful about developing the right diet for each patient. In addition, there is scientific evidence that the frequency of exacerbations and severity of dermatitis is influenced not only by food, but also by other factors directly or indirectly related to the therapeutic diet. Therefore, when developing diets, doctors propose the following approach to treating the disease:

  1. Maintaining normal body weight. Among adults who are overweight or obese, the risk of the disease is 29% and 56% higher, respectively, compared with adults of normal weight.[2]
  2. Prebiotics, probiotics and synbiotics. Research has shown that the use of synbiotics (a combination of prebiotics and probiotics) also has a positive effect on skin health.[3]
  3. Fatty acids and vitamin D supplements: There is evidence that taking vitamin D and omega acids improves skin conditions in people with eczema. This is due to the fact that these substances have anti-inflammatory activity.

Therefore, if we talk about the correct diet for dermatitis, you need to understand that diet is only part of the treatment. It is important not to get hung up on what you can or cannot eat, but to concentrate on the principles of a healthy lifestyle. Dietary nutrition for dermatitis has its own characteristics, so patients will have to adjust their lives to them. The basic principles include:

  • meals 5-6 times a day in small portions;
  • exclusion of allergenic foods such as nuts, citrus fruits, chocolate, exotic fruits and foods with dyes and harmful food additives, red vegetables and fruits;
  • boiling, stewing, baking or steaming foods;
  • reducing salt consumption, avoiding sweets, spices, spicy and fatty foods;
  • increasing the volume of fluid consumed to 2-2.5 l;
  • daily calorie content of food is at the level of 2500-2800 kcal.

Authorized Products

When following a diet for dermatitis, it is better to bake, boil and stew foods with a minimum of oil. To control your diet, we recommend keeping a food diary in which you write down everything you eat during the day. Patients with dermatitis can freely eat:

  • boiled or steamed beef meat, boiled;
  • cereal, vegetarian or recycled beef broth soups;
  • sunflower and olive oil.
  • boiled potatoes;
  • buckwheat, rice and rolled oats;
  • natural yoghurts without additives;
  • fermented milk products - cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt;
  • baked apples;
  • dried fruit compotes (except raisins);
  • whole grain bread and crispbreads.[1]

Prohibited Products

First of all, it is necessary to completely exclude fried foods, smoked foods, everything spicy and salty, as well as semi-finished meat and fish products from the diet.

To successfully treat dermatitis, patients should eliminate from their daily diet:

  • coffee and sweet carbonated drinks;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • spices and sauces (vinegar, mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise);
  • horseradish, radish and radish;
  • hot and sweet peppers, tomatoes, eggplants;
  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • chocolate and chocolate confectionery;
  • baked goods, yeast;
  • honey;
  • fish and seafood;
  • poultry and dishes from goose, duck, chicken;
  • nuts;
  • citrus fruit;
  • berries and fruits of red or orange color.[1]

Benefits for the body

The main medical branch where mineral water is used is gastroenterology. For diseases of the stomach, liver, pancreas, and intestines, Essentuki-4, Essentuki-17, Donat Magnesium, etc. are prescribed as part of complex therapy. Mineral water allows you to: • normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland; • strengthen the musculoskeletal system; • improve the condition of hair, nails, skin; • adjust water-electrolyte and acid-base balance; • increase immunity; • support the functioning of the heart and nervous system; • cope with intoxication; • stabilize insulin synthesis; • reduce swelling; • clean the vessels; • recover from illness, heavy loads; • increase the outflow of bile. The drink regulates the acidity of gastric juice well. Moreover, the effect of the same water can be different. If you drink 1-1.5 hours before meals, the amount and acidity of gastric juice are reduced. Water drunk 15-20 minutes before meals, on the contrary, increases acidity. And if you drink it half an hour after eating, you can get rid of heartburn. According to its chemical characteristics, water can be: • hydrocarbonate - recommended for athletes and active people, as it accelerates the removal of lactic acid that accumulates in the muscles; • calcified - useful for problems with teeth and the musculoskeletal system; • magnesium – effective against stress; • sulfate - well suited for the treatment of liver and gall bladder diseases; • calcium chloride - beneficial for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Soft table water enriched with calcium and magnesium, for example, “Royal”, is recommended for women during the perinatal period. Mineral water is often used as a cosmetic product to moisturize and tone the skin, tighten pores, and heal small wounds. The liquid can be: • used for washing; • freeze in the form of ice cubes for wiping the face; • include in homemade masks. Non-carbonated table mineral water is allowed for children from 1 year of age. It saturates the body with microelements, strengthens growing teeth, improves intestinal function, and reduces susceptibility to diseases.

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