How to remove dark circles under the eyes from a cosmetologist? Will going to a beauty salon help?

What it is

Biorevitalization is a type of mesotherapy. During the procedure, a small dose of hyaluronic acid is injected into the middle layer of the skin. Biorevitalization differs from mesotherapy in its almost instantaneous effect, as well as in the drug used.

The procedure is indicated for various areas of the face and summer. One of the most common is biorevitalization under the eyes. Thin skin is highly susceptible to the aging process, any unfavorable factors quickly leave an imprint on the appearance, so the skin around the eyes is one of the first to need help.


  • Areas corrected with fillers
  • Main varieties
  • Indications and contraindications
  • Carrying out the procedure
  • Rehabilitation
  • Possible side effects
  • Before/after photos

Fillers are used for the following procedures:

  • bioreinforcement of the body and face;
  • elimination of wrinkles;
  • correction of the chin, cheekbones, nose;
  • correction of certain types of scars;
  • face oval lifting;
  • eliminating dry, unhealthy skin color;
  • correction of earlobes;
  • elimination of post-acne;
  • as part of a weight loss program;
  • elimination of asymmetry.

Indications for hyaluronate injections

Cosmetologists divide problems in the eye area into several categories:

  • reduced elasticity and excessive pigmentation;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • wrinkles;
  • pronounced nasolacrimal groove;
  • swelling and bags.

As a rule, the processes begin with the skin losing its elasticity. With age, the content of hyaluronic acid in it decreases, elasticity and density decrease, and the skin begins to “slip.” It is necessary to capture the process at the very beginning, before the changes become too noticeable, otherwise only surgical lifting will help correct the situation.

The cosmetologist’s task is to restore moisture content in tissues, stimulate metabolic processes and the production of one’s own collagen. This can be achieved by performing injections of hyaluronic acid.

Pros and cons of biorevitalization

  • Eliminates dryness, the skin is filled with moisture. After the first session, dehydration disappears.
  • Wrinkles go away. Hyaluronic acid fills wrinkles and reduces their depth. The procedure is indicated for aging skin.
  • Improves complexion. Without moisture, the skin looks dull. Deep hydration makes the face look young and full. The skin becomes more beautiful and smooth.
  • Tightens tissues. Biorevitalization helps solve the problem of a double chin. If there is no obvious drooping, after the first session the oval will noticeably tighten.
  • Stops the development of pigmentation. The procedure itself does not eliminate the defect; other methods are used for this. But it makes the spots less noticeable. The procedure is recommended after prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Speeds up metabolic processes. Blood circulation in the skin improves.

How dangerous the procedure can be

After injection, bruising may occur as the needles damage blood vessels. Hematomas go away on their own within 1-5 days. The process will go faster if you use special tools, which we will discuss below.

Hyaluronic acid for biorevitalization

Over the years, the breakdown of hyaluronic acid in tissues begins to prevail over its synthesis. Such an imbalance negatively affects the condition of the skin. Not only age, but also a number of factors accelerate the breakdown of hyaluronic acid:

  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • negative habits;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • taking certain medications.

In cosmetology, hyaluronic acid of animal origin and synthesized in the laboratory is used. The drug is available in two forms:

  • stabilized;
  • unstabilized.

The choice of hyaluronate is made based on the type of procedure. For example, a stabilized preparation is used for facial reinforcement and contouring. This hyaluronate fills the lost volume well. The unstabilized drug is intended for mesotherapy and biorevitalization, as it well replenishes the moisture level in tissues.

Reviews from patients of our clinic


Great clinic! Doctors are professionals in their field, the staff is responsive! I did pillbox and biorevitalization, my skin became just perfect! Thank you all very much!


I’ve been looking younger for almost two years now, thanks to Denis Anatolyevich and his colleagues. I tried many procedures on myself: biorevitalization, mesotherapy and botulinum therapy. They gave me excellent, really long-lasting results. Thanks to everyone with whom I spoke at the clinic. Every visit to you is a complete pleasure. And I advise everyone who wants to stay young to go to Dr. Gruzdev’s Clinic.

Natalia Vasilievna

I would like to add a review about the cosmetologist Anastasia Yuryevna Saltanova. I came for a free consultation on the problem of aging skin and stayed at the clinic. She approaches every problem as a highly qualified specialist. Anastasia Yuryevna is a neat, delicate and positive person. I did DOT therapy and biorevitalization. The most important thing is the contact between the doctor and the patient, and Anastasia Yuryevna finds this contact. I am very glad that I fell into the magical hands of Anastasia Yuryevna.

Read all reviews about the clinic

The effect of biorevitalization

Hyaluronic acid injections are used not only for tissue hydration. They stimulate the production of their own collagen and activate fibroblasts. Fibroblasts are cells responsible for the production of hyaluronic acid by the skin. Accordingly, the introduction of a small amount of the drug pushes the body to synthesize its own hyaluronate.

The effect of the procedure can be assessed almost immediately – as soon as the swelling subsides. It lasts for 4-6 months. It is recommended to undergo a course of biorevitalization under the eyes, consisting of several procedures. Their number is determined by a specialist, based on age, skin condition, and individual characteristics of the body. Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of the body, and therefore its use has a minimum of contraindications.

Preparations used for biorevitalization

The composition of injection preparations includes hyaluronic acid and other components. The doctor, depending on the patient’s age and the severity of age-related changes, determines which drug to use for the procedure.

They use either ready-made drugs or hyaluronic acid, which needs to be diluted.

Popular drugs:

  • "Aquashine";
  • Teosyal meso;
  • Jalupro;
  • IAL-System;
  • Juviderm Hydrate;
  • Meso-Wharton;
  • Yvoire Hydro;
  • Restylane Vital;
  • Filorga M-HA 18.

The preparations moisturize the epidermis at the cellular level, smooth out relief and wrinkles, improve complexion, and make it radiant. After applying the composition, the tightening effect is noticeable, the tone and elasticity of the skin returns.

How is hyaluronic acid injection performed under the eyes?

In general, the technique is simple. The doctor performs make-up removal on the skin, removing traces of cosmetics, sebum, and dead epidermal cells. Then the injection area is treated with a cream with an anesthetic effect. As soon as the product begins to act, the skin is treated with a disinfectant solution, and hyaluronic acid is injected with a syringe with a thin needle into pre-marked points. After several injections, the specialist again treats the skin with a disinfectant and applies an anti-inflammatory cream. The procedure takes from 30 to 50 minutes.

Biorevitalization does not impose any special restrictions on your habits and rhythm of life. However, there are still certain recommendations:

2-3 days before you should give up alcohol and smoking, stop taking antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and painkillers;

Do not apply cosmetics for 6 hours afterward; for the next week, avoid hot baths, saunas and steam baths, solariums and exposure to the open sun.

Sign up for biorevitalization right now by phone or on the website. Our centers in St. Petersburg employ highly qualified specialists and use drugs from leading manufacturers. Professional advice, effective results and affordable prices await you.

Possible complications after the procedure

Injection cocktails use drugs that are close to substances produced by the body. However, the patient may have an allergy or individual intolerance to a number of components. The side effect manifests itself in the form of swelling, bruising, and inflammation at the puncture site.

Possible consequences:

  • The face itches - this is how the skin reacts to damage and the administration of the drug. Don't touch your face with your hands, and the discomfort will soon pass.
  • Redness and itching are an individual reaction that can last up to 2 days. Make sure the intensity decreases. If the sensations get worse, consult a doctor.
  • The skin is peeling. The cause may be improper care (applying decorative cosmetics), a natural reaction to an intervention or a drug. New cells are formed in the skin, and old ones die off in the form of scales.
  • The face burns - a natural reaction to a puncture, which should go away within 24 hours.
  • Feeling of tightness. You need to endure this, as the skin reacts to contact with the drug. Follow the care instructions and everything will be fine.
  • A headache is normal because your metabolism is activated. Minor headaches may occur in people with low blood pressure.

Cost of the biorevitalization procedure

IAL-system (1.1 ml)8500
IAL-system ACP (1 ml)10000
Belotero Hydro new10000
Juvederm Hydrate (1 ml)10800
Juvederm Volite (1 ml)14500
Neauvia organic de luxe (1 ml)new10000
Neauvia organic de luxe (2.5 ml)new13500
Aquashine ON (2 ml)12000
Aquashine ON BR (2 ml)12000
Jalu Pro (3 ml)8200
Jalu Pro (6 ml)13500
Restylane vital (1 ml)14000
Restylane vital light (1 ml)11000
Mesowarton (1.5 ml)13500
Meso-Xanthin F 19913500
Mesoeye C7112500
Mesosculpt C7112500
Profhilo (2 ml)18500
Hyalual 1.1% (1 ml)8200
Hyalual 1.1% (2 ml)11200
Hyalual 1.8% (1 ml)9800
Hyalual 1.8% (2 ml)13200
Hyalual 2.2% (1 ml)10500
Hyalual 2.2% (2 ml)14500
Anesthetic cream600

Biorevitalization technique –

There are several injection techniques - nappage, papules, tubercles, as well as the linear-retrograde technique.
If all of them are used in mesotherapy, then when carrying out biorevitalization - everything except the “nappage” technique, which is associated with the inability of this technique to achieve deposition of the drug in the dermis. Before the biorevitalization procedure, superficial anesthesia of the skin is required using gels and creams containing from 5 to 12% of the anesthetic lidocaine. The cream is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes (under the film).

Papules (superficial or medium) –

This technique involves injections into the dermal layer of the skin, in such a way that at the site of each injection a “papule” will form, which looks like an elevation above the surface of the skin (Fig. 5). The size of the papules will depend on the volume of drug removed at each injection point. Papules can be small (micropapules), having a diameter of 1-2 mm, in which case injections are performed into the upper layers of the dermis. Each injection produces a volume of the drug of about 0.01-0.02 ml, the distance between papules is about 0.3 to 0.5 cm. Micropapules are usually made in areas with thin skin, for example, in the periorbital zone.

In areas with dense skin, papules are made of medium size - 3-4 mm in diameter, injecting 0.03-0.04 ml of the drug with each injection. The needle will penetrate into slightly deeper layers of the dermis, and the distance between papules should be about 1.5 cm. It should be noted that the larger the papules, the slower they will resolve. Usually papules disappear within 3 days, and in rare cases – up to 5-7 days. But if the doctor made medium-sized papules using a drug with partially stabilized hyaluronic acid (doctor’s mistake), then we can sympathize with you, because they will dissolve in about 3 weeks.

Superficial papules: video

Technique “tubercles” –

This technique has a big advantage, because... after it, the skin at the injection sites is practically invisible, and only traces of needle injections are visible. If with the “papules” technique injections are made with a needle placed at an angle of 15 degrees to the surface of the skin, and thus a drug depot is created in the upper or middle layers of the dermis, then with the “tubercles” technique - injections are made with a 4 mm needle at 45 degrees in the skin surface . Thus, the drug depot is created in the deeper layers of the dermis (at a depth of about 3 mm).

The distance between injections is 1.0 on the face, on the neck it is usually 1.5 cm. The disadvantage of this technique is that it is more difficult to control the volume of drug removal at each point.

Linear-retrograde technique –

This technique came from contouring, and most mesotherapists do not like it, because... technically it is the most difficult. However, it is also the most effective, and the same technique is also used for bioreinforcement of the face. If for previous techniques 4 mm needles are used, here they are 12-13 mm long. After injection, the needle is given a horizontal position, and it advances in the middle layers of the dermis parallel to the surface of the skin for its entire length. The drug is administered by retrograde movement of the needle backwards.

This technique is successfully used in the middle and lower thirds of the face - in the area of ​​the cheekbones, cheeks, chin, corners of the mouth, facial contours (strictly along massage lines), in the neck area, and also around the eyes. It allows you to reduce the number of needle injections several times, thereby reducing the rehabilitation period. Advancing the needle 13 mm into the dermis leads to more pronounced subdermal damage (than when using 4 mm needles), which means tissue regeneration will be more active. This means that collagen synthesis will increase not only due to the introduction of active substances, but also in response to damage.

Linear-retrograde technique: video

Important: the biorevitalization procedure itself will take about 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, the skin is treated with a chlorhexidine solution. However, the indicated time does not take into account the lymphatic drainage vascular injection of the face and collar area, as well as the 15-20 minutes required to apply a special mask to the face, which will help minimize the visibility of needle injection marks and relieve redness.

Non-injection biorevitalization: reviews

The administration of medicinal substances can also be carried out using a non-injection method - by pulsed iontophoresis. The fact is that the permeability of the skin for molecules of large molecular weight (hyaluronic acid, amino acids, vitamins) is minimal, and in order to somehow increase it, pulsed discharges of weak electric current are used. A biorevitalizant solution is first applied to the skin. The procedure lasts about 45 minutes. The course consists of 6-8 procedures over 2 weeks. A repeat course is carried out after half a year.

Reviews for non-injection biorevitalization are mostly negative, which is due to the low efficiency of the method and the inability to introduce therapeutically effective concentrations of active substances into the skin. On the other hand, this technique reduces the risk of developing an infection and also eliminates the possibility of scars appearing at the site of skin punctures with a needle, which happens in patients with a tendency to ankylosis.

Before the first procedure, a microdermabrasion session must be performed, or one of the special enzyme masks must be applied. This will remove superficial dead skin cells and increase skin permeability to medicinal components. We hope that our article on the topic: Biorevitalization of the face before and after, effect, reviews – turned out to be useful to you!


1. Add. professional

, 2. Personal experience of clinical application, 3. National Library of Medicine (USA), 4. The National Center for Biotechnology Information (USA), 5. “Aesthetic mesotherapy” (Tochinova N.A.).

What effect does the drug have?

The revolutionary feature of this drug is its powerful activation of metabolism. It eliminates the whole complex of changes associated with poor blood circulation, as well as lymph stagnation.

Mesoeye C71 contains unique peptides that immediately begin to act in the skin, protect it and eliminate age-related appearance problems:

  • restore the density and elasticity of elastin and collagen fibers,
  • lift and tighten the eyelids and area around the eyes,
  • eliminate dryness, perfectly moisturize the skin, create a revitalization effect,
  • improve microcirculation, lymphatic drainage,
  • strengthens capillary vessels,
  • eliminate bruises and bags under the eyes.

Mesoeye C71 acts not only on the signs, but also on the causes of aging, thinning and sagging skin.

Composition and principle of action

Mesoai belongs to the group of bioreparants and is intended for correction of the periorbital area (around the eyes) without surgical intervention. The main reasons for the rapid aging of this area:

  • Very thin skin with virtually no fatty tissue - because of this, it is almost always overdried, which leads to the early appearance of wrinkles.
  • A large number of blood and lymphatic vessels, physiologically predisposed to fluid retention. As a result, there is a tendency to swelling (“bags”) and an unhealthy dark color (“bruises under the eyes”).

Injections have a complex effect on these problematic factors in several areas:

  • strengthening the walls of arteries, arterioles and capillaries;
  • increasing the tone of small veins, stimulating lymphatic drainage;
  • elimination of dryness and preventive moisturizing of the skin;
  • protection against a special type of damage - glycation, when under the influence of glucose collagen and elastin fibers gradually lose their elasticity. This leads to the appearance of external signs of sagging skin, and in addition, it becomes extremely resistant to any aesthetic procedures;
  • Since in the early stages glycation is considered a reversible process, with minor assumptions it can be assumed that Mesoai not only protects protein fibers, but also restores them.

Unlike injection products containing only hyaluronic acid, the effect in this case is more complex and is due to the action of three main active components at once:

  • PeriOrbital Peptide XP2 is a patented synthetic peptide, the main property of which is the normalization of the condition of blood vessels. Relieves spasm of arteries, dilates blood vessels, accelerates blood circulation in tissues. Also, it normalizes the tone of the veins and reduces the permeability of the vascular wall to fluid, which leads to the outflow of blood from the tissues of the periorbital area. It is also “responsible” for eliminating the consequences of glycation in the skin;
  • Hexapeptide 17 - another peptide, according to promises, in other words - promotes the gradual resorption of edema and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • DRMC complex is a high molecular weight hyaluronic acid with a density of 0.4%, as well as more than 50 amino acids and microelements that help moisturize, tighten and generally improve the condition of the skin. Most of them have proven effectiveness and are regularly used in a variety of cosmetic preparations, mainly in mesotherapy cocktails.


  • Mesoeye C71 is produced by a company whose products have been presented in our country for several years and are positively assessed by professional cosmetologists. The drug is registered and sold in full compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation; there is also no negative information about the official distributor.
  • Sales of this biorepair began relatively recently, so there are reviews from cosmetologists and patients about its practical use, nuances, side effects, etc. very little. We were also unable to find independent studies that would determine the extent of its effectiveness.
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