Wrinkles on the face: how to care for your skin and get rid of wrinkles

  • 37615
  • 09-10-2020
  • Author: Mysekret Team
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A sour cream mask is an excellent way to improve the condition of facial skin. The product is inexpensive, has unique properties and is available to every housewife. There are several popular recipes for face masks, which include sour cream and other simple ingredients. The result of its use will be delicate and soft facial skin.

Wrinkles on the face

Wrinkles are something that every woman will see in the mirror sooner or later.
With age, the skin loses its elasticity, and this leads to the appearance of folds on the forehead, eyes and mouth. The EMC aesthetic clinic offers clients modern techniques that allow them to remove wrinkles on the face and neck . Our cosmetologists create a care program taking into account the patient’s skin type and condition. After a course of procedures, the skin becomes smooth, radiant and elastic, and the rejuvenating effect lasts for a long time.

Cooking recipes

You can find a lot of such recipes on the Internet, but we have selected the best of them especially for you! Needless to say, the most basic face mask is an ordinary mixture of honey and sour cream. If you are a connoisseur of white, almost porcelain leather, you can also add lemon juice. Sour cream on its own whitens with a bang, and in combination with honey and lemon it is a truly killer mixture for freckles and age spots.

With radish

To our initial composition you need to add a tablespoon of grated radish. The presence of radish in the composition will help to significantly narrow the pores on the face, restore the skin after peelings and ordinary life stresses, again, whiten the skin and eliminate all strange scars and spots on the face. The face mask must be applied in a thick layer for ten minutes. For this recipe, it is advisable to use full-fat sour cream.

Recipes for hair masks using honey and cognac with recommendations for their use

Complex 5 in 1

The ingredients in this mask are truly magical. In their combination, they deliver a powerful blow to dry skin, irritation, pimples, freckles and wrinkles. For cooking you will need products that can easily be found in any home. This, of course, is honey and sour cream, as well as oatmeal and olive oil, in order to dilute the overly thick mixture.

4 seasons

This mask is suitable for any time of year: cold winter, hot summer, spring, with its lack of vitamins, and for windy autumn.


  • one tablespoon of any liquid honey (if it is thick, it should be heated in a water bath);
  • exactly the same amount of sour cream;
  • 50-70 grams of curd mass;
  • lemon juice, one teaspoon will be enough;
  • one egg;
  • If desired, you can add fish oil, aloe juice, vitamins B1 and B12.

For aging skin

To honey and sour cream, our original heroes, add one tablespoon of cucumber juice, a small pinch of potato starch and a few drops of lemon juice. You need to keep this product on your face for at least 15 minutes.

With grapefruit

Another option for a mask for aging skin is a mixture with a slice of grapefruit. It should be thoroughly mashed with a fork, and then sour cream, honey and cottage cheese should be added to it. Holding this product on your face for 20 minutes will be enough to remove excess wrinkles and restore skin tone and health. You need to be careful with grapefruit, as it can be a strong allergen.

Why do wrinkles appear on the face?

Wrinkles on the face occur due to the natural aging process. As we age, the body produces less collagen and elastin, which are responsible for skin elasticity . Because of this, the skin becomes vulnerable and the first wrinkles appear.

There are other factors that accelerate skin aging:

  • Active facial expressions. When we frown, squint or laugh, this contributes to the appearance of facial wrinkles near the eyes, in the mouth and on the forehead. Over time, these superficial wrinkles can turn into deep wrinkles .
  • Improper facial care . Facial skin needs to be regularly cleansed, nourished and moisturized. If you do not follow these rules or use cosmetics that are not suitable for your skin type, this leads to premature aging.
  • Love for tanning. Frequent exposure to the sun is bad for the skin: ultraviolet rays destroy collagen and elastin and deprive the skin of moisture.
  • Thin and dry facial skin . With this skin type, wrinkles may become noticeable at age 25 or even earlier.

Rules for using sour cream and honey masks

There are several rules, following which you will achieve maximum results from the mask:

  • Honey should be fresh, liquid and warm. Before use, in any case, it must be heated in a water bath to a temperature of 40°C. When heated, candied honey will regain its previous liquid consistency.
  • Always buy fresh sour cream. Its fat content is selected in inverse proportion to skin type. For problematic and oily skin, sour cream with a fat content of less than 5% is suitable, for normal - in the range of 5-20%, for dry - 20% and above.
  • The course of use involves 10 procedures over 5 weeks. At the end of the cycle, take a break of 2 months, during which follow the procedures with other ingredients. Then you can return to the next series of sour cream and honey applications.
  • The procedure duration is 20 minutes by default. Then the sour cream dries out. When this happens, the composition will lose its benefit. Rinse off the product with warm water.

Photo: fotokto.ru

Related factors

In addition to the main reasons, there are also accompanying factors that make wrinkles on the face more pronounced:

  • Wrong lifestyle. Smoking, stress, constant lack of sleep - all this reduces skin elasticity and contributes to the appearance of fine wrinkles on the face .
  • Diet. During a diet, the body does not have enough nutrients, it begins to take them from the subcutaneous tissue, thereby reducing the amount of collagen and elastin.
  • Climate influence. Sudden changes in temperature, sunlight and humidity do not have the best effect on the condition of the skin.
  • Diseases of internal organs. Loose skin can warn of diseases of the liver, kidneys, lungs or endocrine system.

Possible side effects and contraindications

Each mask ingredient must be suitable for your skin and not cause an allergic reaction. Before using the product, make sure that you have no contraindications:

  • Sour cream – should not be applied to open wounds, comedones and areas of severe inflammation. Contraindicated for dermatological diseases of fungal origin.
  • Honey is an allergen. Do not apply to dilated blood vessels on the face. If you have diabetes or asthma, you should consult your doctor.
  • Protein is an allergen. Contraindicated for dry and sensitive skin.
  • Yolk is an allergen. Not recommended for hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands.
  • Lemon juice is an allergen. It should not be applied to open wounds, rosacea, extensive areas of inflammation (pimples, ulcers, boils), or in the presence of tumors of various origins. Not suitable for sensitive skin.
  • Oatmeal – no contraindications.
  • Olive oil is an allergen. Not recommended for acne, hyperhidrosis, and oily skin.
  • Radish – causes irritation and leaves an unpleasant odor. Not recommended for those with thin and delicate skin, as well as moles, acne and neoplasms.
  • Banana – not recommended for thin and sensitive skin, rosacea, open wounds, severe acne.
  • Coffee grounds are an allergen. Not recommended for sensitive skin, rosacea, infectious dermatological diseases and exacerbation of herpes.

Photo: Allya.ru
Always consider contraindications when choosing a mask - this way you will protect yourself from possible side effects, which include irritation, allergic reactions, exacerbation of acne or a feeling of dryness and tightness.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

to avoid the occurrence of wrinkles, but we can slow down the aging process of the skin. To keep your face free of noticeable wrinkles , cosmetologists advise combining home skin care with modern procedures.

For proper facial skin care, use anti-wrinkle creams, serums , masks , lotions and sunscreens. We advise you to contact a cosmetologist: he will help you choose cosmetics taking into account the condition and type of your skin.

Hardware and injection procedures will help smooth out wrinkles The specialist will create a course in such a way that the techniques complement each other and give a lasting rejuvenating effect. The procedures will help remove deep wrinkles on the face less noticeable .

To maintain skin elasticity, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle: exercise, eat right, drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day, walk in the fresh air more often, get enough sleep and stop smoking.

Classic Honey cake in the oven - it just melts in your mouth


  • wheat flour – 0.5 kg;
  • natural bee honey – 100 g;
  • granulated sugar – 130 g;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • large eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • baking soda – 1 teaspoon.

Cream composition:

  • fat sour cream (at least 25%) – 1 kg;
  • powdered sugar – 200 g;
  • vanilla sugar or extract - a little.

How to cook - step by step instructions:

  1. Prepare a water bath. Cut the butter into pieces into the inner pan, add sugar and honey. Heat the mixture for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly, until the sugar grains are completely dissolved.

    The amount of sugar can be reduced to taste if you do not like very sweet baked goods.

  2. Add baking soda. Continue stirring without removing from heat. Within a few minutes, the soda will be quenched by the acid contained in the honey, and the color of the contents of the pan will turn from white to yellow-honey. Now this mixture needs to be cooled a little.
  3. Add eggs lightly beaten with a whisk or a regular fork to the honey mixture. Then gradually add the sifted flour. After adding a small amount of flour, stir until smooth. The dough will be quite stiff in consistency and sticky to the touch. Place it in the refrigerator for at least an hour.
  4. Cover the table with baking paper or a mat (silicone, Teflon). Sprinkle the surface with flour. Roll the cooled and compacted dough on the table into a rope with a diameter of 5-6 cm, and then divide it into 10-12 pieces. Roll each into a thin layer.
  5. Place the future cake (along with the base) on a baking sheet. Place in the oven, heated to 200 degrees, for 5-6 minutes. Using a round template (plate or pan lid), cut out a cake with a diameter of 22-24 cm from the hot flatbread. Cool. Repeat this operation with the entire dough. Grind the trimmings into fine crumbs in any convenient way.
  6. Prepare the cream. To do this, beat the sour cream together with powdered sugar and vanilla sugar or a few drops of vanilla essence.

    The longer the sour cream cream is whipped, the thicker it becomes.

  7. Place all the honey cakes on the table. Place an equal amount of cream on each, leaving a portion for the sides of the cake, spread in an even layer. Then stack the cakes on top of each other. Cover the “Honey cake” with the reserved cream and sprinkle with crumbs from the scraps. If desired, it can be mixed with ground walnut kernels.
  8. Keep the cake in the cold for 3-4 hours - you need it to be completely soaked. Additionally, you can decorate the Honey cake with confectionery decorative elements - for example, bees made of chocolate glaze.

More on the topic:

Homemade choux pastry cake “Lady fingers”

How to get rid of wrinkles on your face

The EMC aesthetic clinic offers many effective techniques that make the skin smooth and elastic:

  • Botulinum therapy is a method of correcting facial wrinkles using Botox injections or other botulinum toxin-based drugs. injections temporarily block the work of a group of facial muscles, relax them, allowing you to get rid of facial wrinkles .
  • Contour plastic. Injections based on hyaluronic acid at the EMC clinic can fill wrinkles, restore harmonious facial proportions and make the skin smooth. We work only with certified drugs with a proven clinical history.
  • Fraxel DUAL fractional photothermolysis is a laser technique for skin rejuvenation, which in its effect can be compared to plastic surgery. During the procedure, a laser beam evaporates old cells and activates collagen production. The technique allows you to remove small and pronounced wrinkles on the face , returning the skin to a radiant appearance and elasticity.
  • Thermage is a deep skin lifting technique using radiofrequency monopolar energy. Thermage skin care procedures quickly get rid of facial wrinkles , effectively tighten the skin and strengthen the oval of the face. The result is noticeable after just one procedure.
  • Plasmolifting or PRP therapy is a technique for injecting the patient’s own blood plasma enriched with platelets. Platelets activate metabolic processes in tissues and stimulate the restoration of damaged cells. Thanks to the procedures, the skin becomes firmer and more elastic.

The best mask recipes with sour cream and honey

  1. Classic version

    . It is prepared from honey and sour cream, which are mixed in equal proportions.

  2. Whitening and softening of facial skin

    . Take warm honey and sour cream (a large spoon each). Mix and add a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice.

  3. Nutrition and hydration

    . Grind the radish on the finest grater. You will need a tablespoon of gruel, which is mixed with sour cream 1:1. It remains to add a teaspoon of honey.

    Apply in several layers, at intervals of about 5 minutes. The whole procedure lasts 20-30 minutes. First rinse with warm water, then rinse with cool water. The mask stimulates blood circulation and nourishes the epidermis well.

  4. Deep nourishment for aging skin

    . Mix a tablespoon of full-fat homemade sour cream and warm honey in 1:1 proportions. Add 50 g of cottage cheese to the mixture and grind thoroughly. All that remains is to pour in the yolk and a teaspoon of lemon juice. To make the mask even more effective, add effective pharmacy vitamins (capsule B1 and B12), as well as aloe juice.

  5. Scrub mask for facial cleansing

    . For dry skin, choose thicker sour cream, into which candied honey is added. Take the ingredients one tablespoon at a time. Lightly massaging the skin, apply the scrub-mask to the face and leave for 30 minutes.

Products prepared according to HairFace recipes will moisturize and nourish the skin, under their gentle influence it will come to life, unlike aggressive purchased products. Also, such recipes are suitable for very sensitive and problematic skin. By the way, an alginate face mask will also help with such problems.

A face mask of sour cream and honey is prepared simply. Its ingredients are able to penetrate deeply into the layer of the epidermis, nourish and saturate it with essential vitamins. With regular use, fine wrinkles are smoothed out and deep wrinkles become less noticeable.

Advantages of the EMC Clinic

Some of the best cosmetologists in Moscow . Our specialists create an optimal facial care program, taking into account the age, type and condition of the patient’s skin.

We offer clients progressive and effective rejuvenation techniques. Injection and hardware procedures help get rid of facial wrinkles and make the skin radiant and elastic. All methods are safe, do not require rehabilitation and have almost no side effects, and the result is visible after the first session.

Very large, tender Honey cake, soaked in sour cream and condensed milk

The dough is made from the following products:

  • premium wheat flour – 400 g;
  • bee honey – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • granulated sugar – 150 g;
  • sweet butter – 100 g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • soda – 1 teaspoon;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon.

For sour cream and condensed cream you will need:

  • fat sour cream (over 20%) – 200-300 g;
  • condensed milk, can be boiled – 200 g (can);
  • vanilla sugar – 0.5 sachet.

Step-by-step cooking recipe:

  1. Cut the butter into pieces into a thick-walled saucepan. Add honey, you can even add candied honey - it will melt during the cooking process. Place the pan over low heat and heat the mixture, stirring all the time. When the mass becomes homogeneous, set aside and cool slightly.

  2. Extinguish the soda: pour it with freshly squeezed and filtered lemon juice, and then pour it into the oil-honey mass, stir. Warm up a little again.

  3. Sift the flour. Beat 2 eggs until light foam forms, pour into a saucepan with honey preparation. Grind everything together and start adding flour in small portions. Knead until smooth and without lumps. The finished dough should easily come off your hands.

  4. Transfer it from the pan to a floured table. Divide into 8-10 identical pieces and form them into balls. Place each of them on a sheet of baking paper and roll out into a round layer with a diameter slightly larger than 22 cm. The more cakes, the thinner they will be and the better they will be soaked. Using a large plate, level the circle and prick the dough with a fork. Move the cut edges to the side and bake together with the cake for 5-7 minutes at 180 degrees. The cake should become golden.

  5. While one cake is in the oven, prepare the next one on another baking sheet. Bake all the cakes in this manner and cool.

  6. Remove the sour cream from the refrigerator 1 hour before preparing the cream. Beat on medium speed mixer. Without stopping whipping, add condensed milk in a thin stream, and add vanillin at the end. Beat the cream for another 10-15 minutes until it increases in volume and thickens, cool.

    You can also add boiled condensed milk to this cream - you get a pronounced caramel taste.

  7. Place the cakes coated with sour cream on top of each other. Generously coat the top and sides of the honey cake. Grind the baked dough scraps in a blender. Cover the honey cake with the resulting crumbs from all sides. Then cover with cling film and put in the refrigerator overnight to soak it better.

What can you eat if you have pancreatitis?

Gastroenterologist at the GMS Clinic, Candidate of Medical Sciences Andrey Farber comments

  • Meat: veal, beef, turkey, chicken (mostly breast), rabbit, lean lamb. “Any fatty layers that come across must be carefully cut off. The meat is boiled and steamed. During the period of persistent improvement, baking in a sleeve without marinating is sometimes acceptable.”
  • Fish: pike perch, cod, pollock, pike, carp, perch, hake, blue whiting. “Boiled, steamed. Poaching (simmering in a small volume of water) is not recommended, as this contributes to the formation of irritating extractive substances.”
  • Cereals: buckwheat and semolina, oat and wheat flakes, rice. “Millet and barley cereals are rarely acceptable, only if well tolerated.”
  • Vegetables: zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, cauliflower, fresh green peas, potatoes, beets, cucumbers. Tomatoes (ripe, non-acidic, without peel). “Mainly boiled or steamed. Tomatoes are introduced during the period of persistent improvement in small quantities and only if well tolerated.”
  • Fruits: apples (not sour and not very sweet). Pears, melon, sour plums, banana. “Baked or as part of compotes, jelly, jellies, mousses, marshmallows. Apples (not sour and not very sweet) and dried fruits (in small quantities) are optimal. Baked pears, melon, sour plums, and banana are acceptable for the chronic form.”
  • Dairy products: cheese, low-fat cottage cheese, acidophilus, kefir, low-fat yogurt without additives, yogurt. “All products are only low-fat. Milk is mainly used as an additive to cereals and drinks, as part of soufflés and omelettes. Cheese – low-fat varieties are allowed in small quantities, and only as an additive to dishes.”
  • Bread: wheat. “The recommended bread is stale and dried. Cookies are used infrequently, and they should be insipid, biscuit-like.”
  • Drinks: tea, compotes, jelly, homemade juices, berry drinks “Weak tea (with a small amount of lemon) from loose leaves, non-concentrated compotes and jelly from non-acidic fruits, still mineral water (Essentuki, Borjomi), rosehip infusion. Homemade vegetable juices. Drinks made from berries - rowan, currant, raspberry.
  • Eggs: quail and chicken. “Steam and baked omelettes are preferred, but other cooking methods can be used.”

You can read the continuation of the article by following the link to RBC Style.

What not to eat if you have pancreatitis: advice from a doctor and nutritionist

Doctors recommend that patients with pancreatitis follow a diet high in protein and nutrients. At the same time, you should refrain from alcohol, fatty and fried foods.

The assessment of the required nutrition is made individually and only by the attending physician. But there are a number of general recommendations from gastroenterologists for patients with pancreatitis.

Gastroenterologist at the GMS Clinic, Candidate of Medical Sciences Andrey Farber comments

  • Meat: fatty pork and beef, sausage, smoked meats, goose, duck, canned meat, lard. “Digestion of foods high in fat requires increased secretion of lipase, one of the pancreatic enzymes, which can exacerbate pancreatitis. However, it is impossible to completely abandon fats in the diet, since they are necessary for the synthesis of hormones and enzymes, for the construction of nerve fiber sheaths and cell membranes, and for maintaining the normal condition of the skin.”
  • Fish: fatty varieties - salmon, trout, salmon caviar, smoked and salted fish, canned fish. “Smoking involves marinating foods using large amounts of additives, salt and treating them with combustion products (smoke), which leads to irritation and excessive stimulation of the entire digestive tract and can provoke an exacerbation of pancreatitis.”
  • Vegetables/mushrooms: bell peppers, onions, eggplants, turnips, radishes, garlic, canned vegetables, white cabbage, mushrooms in any form, spinach, sorrel beans, beans, lentils. “The above vegetables have an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, are difficult to digest, require increased production of pancreatic enzymes, which threatens exacerbation. In addition, the vegetable protein contained in legumes can increase gas formation in the intestinal lumen.”
  • Fruits: canned fruits, fresh (not heat-treated) fruits, berries. “The acid contained in these products often has an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract and increases the production of gastric juice and all digestive enzymes.”
  • Dairy products: milk, sour cream, high-fat cream, hard cheeses, processed cheese, full-fat cottage cheese. “Foods with high fat content require increased production of pancreatic enzymes.”
  • Bread/sweets: yeast products, fresh bread, pastry cream, chocolate, ice cream, shortbread dough, rye bread, baked goods. “They are a source of large amounts of quickly digestible carbohydrates, which provoke the rapid release of a significant amount of insulin. And this is accompanied by stimulation of the pancreas. Its overload is also facilitated by the combination of large amounts of carbohydrates and fats in baked goods, creams and baked goods.”
  • Drinks: sour and sweet juices (orange, grape, cherry, tomato), coffee, black tea, alcoholic and carbonated drinks. “The acid they contain irritates the gastrointestinal tract and increases the production of gastric juice and all digestive enzymes, which can aggravate pancreatitis. Only during a period of stable remission of the disease are juices diluted with water sometimes allowed. Alcohol and carbonated drinks irritate the mucous membrane of the entire digestive tract. It is known that in a large percentage of cases, exacerbation of pancreatitis is associated precisely with alcohol and its toxic effect on the pancreas.”
  • Cereals: hard-to-digest legumes (peas, beans, lentils), corn.

Recipe for a quick sour cream honey cake in 30 minutes, without rolling out the cakes

What products will be needed:

  • premium wheat flour – 300 g;
  • granulated sugar – 100 g;
  • natural honey – 100 g;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • butter – 150 g;
  • baking soda – 1 teaspoon;
  • salt – 1/4 teaspoon.

Cream ingredients:

  • fat sour cream 20-30% – 600 g;
  • powdered sugar – 140 g;
  • vanilla sugar – 1/2 sachet;
  • walnuts – 40 g for sprinkling the cake (optional).

Cooking step by step - the main stages of the recipe:

  1. Melt the butter in a saucepan over low heat or a water bath. Dissolve granulated sugar in it, and then honey. Constantly stirring the mixture, heat it for 5-7 minutes.

  2. Add soda to the hot mixture. The contents of the pan will foam and increase in volume - this is the result of slaking the soda with honey.
  3. Pour the honey mixture into a large container and cool. Break the eggs one at a time and stir into the mixture using a whisk.
  4. Sift the flour, mix with salt and add into the dough in portions, continuing to knead it intensively. The final consistency should not be very thick and fluid.

  5. Line a baking tray with baking paper, pour half of the total amount of dough onto it, spread evenly and smooth over the entire surface. To level, you can use a pastry spatula or a long, wide knife.

  6. Place the baking sheet in a hot oven for no more than 10 minutes. Baking temperature – 180 degrees. The dough should take on a golden hue. Bake the second cake in the same way.
  7. Cut each baked cake into 4 identical parts - you should get 8 identical pieces in total. Trim and trim the edges of the rectangles. Brown the trimmings a little more until crisp. Cool and grind into crumbs with your hands, a rolling pin or a blender along with the walnuts.

  8. Combine all the components of the sour cream and mix thoroughly with a whisk, without whisking. Assembling the cake: Apply a portion of cream to each cake layer and place them on top of each other. It is also good to coat the top and sides of the Honey cake, and then cover them with the prepared crumbs.

If desired, the cake can be layered with banana slices - it will turn out very tender.

Place the finished Honey Cake in the refrigerator for soaking and cooling. It turns out a very tasty cake!

The most successful option for preparing a delicious sponge-honey cake

List of ingredients:

  • wheat flour – 200 g;
  • chicken eggs – 6 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar – 200 g;
  • liquid honey – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • baking soda – 0.5 teaspoon.

The cream will go into:

  • sour cream with a fat content of at least 20% - 350 g;
  • whipping cream 33% fat – 200 ml;
  • powdered sugar – 120 g (1 cup).

How to cook step by step:

  1. Remove the eggs from the refrigerator an hour before preparing the dough. Sift the flour. Break the eggs into a mixer bowl, add sugar and beat until completely dissolved. Continuing to beat, add salt, soda and honey. Next, add flour in portions and knead the dough with a spatula or spoon.
  2. Line a tall biscuit tin with a circle cut out of baking paper. Pour the dough into the mold. Bake the biscuit for half an hour at a temperature of 180 g. Do not open the oven during baking so that the baked goods do not settle. Check readiness with a toothpick and, if necessary, keep it in the oven for more. Remove the baked sponge cake from the oven and remove it from the pan. Place on a wire rack for faster cooling.
  3. Alternatively, bake the biscuit in a slow cooker. To do this, place the dough in a bowl lined with a circle of parchment and cook for 50 minutes in the “Baking” mode. After the program ends, do not remove the cake from the multicooker for another 10-15 minutes.
  4. Cool the finished biscuit, then carefully cut it crosswise with a thin long knife into three approximately identical cake layers.
  5. Beat sour cream with half the amount of powdered sugar. Add the remaining powder to the cream and beat everything together into a dense mass (until stable peaks form). Then combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly. Coat all three cake layers with the prepared sour cream and butter and assemble the Honey Cake. Decorate the cake as desired and to your taste with fruits and berries, nuts, chocolate of different colors.

More on the topic:

Homemade Zebra pie mixed with sour cream - delicious and beautiful

The role of nutrition in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases

Proper nutrition is the basis for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. All kinds of modern medicines, of course, help, but their effect will be nullified if you do not change your unhealthy lifestyle and continue to eat harmful foods.

The diet may have the following clinical effects:

  • using the right products you can regulate acidity;
  • activate and normalize gastric motility;
  • improve digestive function;
  • cleansing;
  • mucosal regeneration;
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