Causes of hanging moles and methods of their treatment

Hanging moles are growths that protrude greatly beyond the skin. Most often they are dark in color and elongated in shape, so they are very noticeable on open areas of the body. They are localized mainly on the face, neck, chest, groin area and armpits. This is one of the most unpleasant forms of pigmented growths, the color of which varies from light beige to dark brown. With prices for laser mole removal.

What are moles? What are they?

To answer this question, you must first clarify what we mean by the word “mole.” An ordinary person can easily find several types of skin formations. Brown, red, flesh-colored - all these can be called moles. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) classification of benign skin lesions includes about 150 names. And all this diversity can also be called moles. Read a little more about the most common types of moles here.

As we said above, there are a huge number of types of moles. Today we will talk about those that are most common and, theoretically, can pose the greatest danger - brown and flesh-colored moles.

Places where hanging moles appear

The skin of an adult covers an area of ​​2 m² - this is a huge area, and nevi can pop up in any area.

They especially like sunny places. So hanging moles are often registered on the neck, face and chest.

However, sometimes they take root where not every person would think to check - between the fingers.

But hanging moles on the face are difficult to miss. Here, ordinary nevi immediately catch the eye, and large convex neoplasms almost always cause cosmetic discomfort.

We recommend carefully monitoring the growths that clothing often touches. For example, on the lower back or neck. They are easily damaged and sometimes doctors recommend removing them.

Brown moles

Such moles are a cluster of nevus cells. These cells are very similar to melanocytes and, like them, produce the pigment melanin. This pigment is brown in color, which makes our skin darker if there is a lot of it and lighter if there is not enough of it. Its production also increases after prolonged exposure to the sun.

Melanocytes and nevus cells

Melanocytes and nevus cells have certain differences, which we will not delve into. Let’s just note that brown moles most often consist of nevus cells. It is nevus cells that can turn into melanoma cells - one of the most malignant human tumors (more about it here)

When is the help of a dermatologist needed?

For any skin problems, you should consult a dermatologist. This doctor specializes in skin diseases, as well as any neoplasms: moles, warts, papillomas, etc.

How often should growths be checked?

It is advisable to undergo an inspection annually. Of course, some may find this tedious, but a little time investment will help to detect signs of cancer early.

We recommend that people who have more than 50 nevi visit a dermatologist twice a year.

What if he discovers symptoms of cancer?

In this case, the doctor may also refer you to an oncologist.

There are different malignant tumors - many develop very slowly, which allows doctors to remove them in a timely manner.

But some spread quickly. So occasionally they cause metastases to appear even before the main tumor is detected. Then you will be treated by several specialists.

Where to eliminate nevi?

Why can mole removal be dangerous?

If you have already read about moles on the Internet, then you have probably already found information that “after removing moles, you can die from cancer.” I discuss this topic in detail in this article. Now I will say that such cases really do happen. This happens when a doctor removes a malignant tumor, which he considered an ordinary mole, and does not send it for histological examination. After this, indeed, melanoma can very quickly develop at the site of removal and this can cause death.

Contraindications for removal

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • dermatoses;
  • the presence of open wounds, abrasions, and other pigment spots near the tumor;
  • the mole is at the stage of transformation into melanoma.

Timely consultation with a doctor and correct diagnosis will help prevent the neoplasm from becoming malignant. If there is no effect as a result of using traditional methods, the doctor will suggest hardware procedures: radio wave method, cryodestruction, laser exposure, removal with high-frequency electric current.

Reasons for removing moles

In my opinion, there are 4 reasons to remove moles:

  1. The mole raises doubts about its benign quality among the oncologist. In this situation, we will not be talking about removing a mole, but about a biopsy of a possible malignant tumor. Subsequent histological examination will show whether a larger operation is needed or not.
  2. The mole is subject to regular trauma. This can happen when playing sports, shaving, during work, when a mole is located on the belt or bra line, as well as in a hairdresser. Regular traumatization of a mole, especially to the point of bleeding, may be one of the risk factors for the development of melanoma.
  3. A mole causes a cosmetic defect. No explanation needed here. The issue of beauty is very individual for each person and there are no clear rules here.
  4. A mole causes obsessive thoughts about its transformation into cancer or melanoma (oncophobia). As a rule, this happens after a long time of independently studying the Internet on the topic of melanoma and skin cancer. Sleep and appetite are disturbed, neurosis sets in, because if you want, you can find confirmation of anything on the Internet. Not only that “this mole I have is definitely melanoma,” but also that “Lenin is a mushroom.” In this situation, removal of the mole is necessary only to restore lost psychological comfort.

In the latter case, it is important to combine deletion with stopping independent study of the World Wide Web on the topic of skin cancer and melanoma.

Removal methods at home

You can remove a hanging mole at home using pharmaceutical products or using folk experience. If you follow the recommendations, you can safely get rid of the problem.

Self-treatment may worsen the situation. Consult your doctor before using these methods.


At the pharmacy you can buy homeopathic medicines based on plants (Stefalin, Malavit), medicines that have a cauterizing effect (Cryopharma). The advantage of the drug treatment method is convenience (you can treat yourself at home), accessibility (compared to laser removal procedures, cryotherapy, the price is much lower).

Preparations based on acids (salicylic, acetic) are used with caution, avoiding contact with healthy areas of the skin. During pregnancy, breastfeeding, and childhood, such medications are taken as prescribed by a doctor.

If there are side effects (burning, itching, swelling of the skin, increased body temperature), stop using the drug and contact a medical facility.

Drug nameComposition, pharmacological actionHow to use
Stefalin (ointment)The drug is created on the basis of natural ingredients (ivy, burdock, celandine, aspen). The components have a cauterizing effect. After steaming the damaged area, apply a thin layer of ointment. Apply 1 time per day.
Malavit (lotion)Ingredients: glycerin, bio-complexes of silver, copper, natural extracts of mumiyo, calendula. The drug has an antipruritic, anti-inflammatory effect. Apply with a cotton swab and apply a gauze bandage. Duration of use - no more than 30 minutes at a time. Apply once every 2 days.
Collomak (solution)The ointment has a cauterizing effect due to the presence of components: salicylic, lactic acid, polidocanol.Apply to a cotton swab and smear directly onto the neoplasm. Use 1 time per day.
Cryopharma (analogue of Wartner)Dimethyl ether, propane. The tumor is removed by cryo-freezing. Single application of the drug.

Read the instructions before using medications. The table is for informational purposes only; medications are taken after consultation with a dermatologist.

During therapy, it is recommended to avoid visiting baths, saunas, and solariums. Avoid prolonged exposure to the street during periods of solar activity.

Traditional methods

The following recipes will help you remove hanging moles safely at home. The ingredients have a cauterizing effect; recipes should be used with caution. Before using caustic components (iodine, acids), lubricate the area around the mole with a rich cream to prevent damage to healthy skin.

ComponentsCooking methodMode of application
Pharmacy tincture of iodine, celandine juice, hydrogen peroxide, garlic juiceMix the components in approximately equal proportions until a homogeneous solution is obtained.Apply to the base of the mole.
PotatoGrate.Apply the paste to the damaged area and cover with cellophane. Apply the compress at night.
Acetic acid (10-12%)Apply to a cotton swab.Treat the mole, avoid contact with healthy areas of the skin.
Salicylic acid (buy at the pharmacy)Apply to a cotton swab.Treat the neoplasm, avoid contact with healthy areas of the skin.
Citric acid (crystalline, available in stores) or lemon juiceBefore use, citric acid is diluted with water (1:1 ratio).Apply to the mole.
Fruit acid (such as green apple juice)Prepare freshly squeezed juice.Process and secure with gauze. Can be used as a compress at night.
Celandine juice, VaselineMix the components (ratio 1:1) to an ointment consistency.Apply to the mole 2 times a day.

To help get rid of moles:

  1. Daily treatment with celandine juice. Treat the mole at the base. The course of treatment is carried out until the tumor is completely removed. The method is not recommended for use on exposed skin; if healthy skin is damaged, burns may occur.
  2. A mixture of Vaseline and celandine (ratio 1:1) will help remove a hanging mole.
  3. Compresses made from linseed oil and honey will provide effective assistance.
  4. Treatment with tincture of iodine. The drug is used as an antiseptic when injuring a neoplasm.
  5. Smear the problem area with laundry soap, cover with a plastic bag and a warm cloth on top. The compress is applied at night.

Celandine juice

Before treating a mole, wipe it with water. Then take the plant and break it until orange juice appears. The resulting liquid is applied to the nevus.

Carefully! The juice is poisonous, so surrounding tissues must be protected from burns by a thick layer of cream.

The procedure is repeated each time for 14–28 days.

If you want to preserve the plant juice, you can dilute it with water or alcohol in a 2:1 ratio. In this form it can be stored for up to a year.

There is another alternative recipe for how to remove a mole with celandine at home, which is less aggressive. You need to take equal parts of grass juice and Vaseline, mix and apply to the problem area up to 3 times a day.

Important! After the procedure, be sure to wash off any remaining product!

Types of complications after traumatization of moles

Traumatization of moles, as doctors note, is the most unpleasant thing about the existence of these neoplasms.
Moreover, injuries not only cause immediate discomfort to patients, but also lead to the development of a number of complications.

Among them:

  • Bleeding

Usually they are local in nature and do not pose a serious threat to the body.

They often occur, for example, if a woman shaved off a mole under her arm during a standard hygiene procedure.

May be significant in duration.

Hydrogen peroxide, which is soaked in a tampon and then applied to the problem area, can help cope with bleeding.

  • Partial separation

A variant of traumatization in which a convex skin defect remains hanging on a strip of fabric, ceasing to fully adhere to the skin.

Patients note severe pain, may suffer from bleeding, and complain of other unpleasant sensations.

  • Full break

The same option when a mole under the arm was removed, but the defect does not heal.

Patients also complain of pain and bleeding.

  • Infection

When frequently traumatized, a mole becomes an excellent entry point for various infections to enter the body.

In this case, it can become inflamed, fester, and sometimes even become necrotic.


The cryodestruction method is carried out by freezing the tumor with low-temperature liquid nitrogen. As a result, the mole turns pale, and after a few hours an epidermal bubble appears around it. After a week, the damaged area becomes covered with a crust, which disappears after a few days. Unfortunately, after healing, scars may remain on the surface of the skin.

Cost of laser tumor removal:PRICES, IN RUB.
37.1Removal of benign skin tumors: papillomas and hemangiomas590 (up to 10 units)
37.2Removal of benign skin tumors: papillomas, hemangiomas490 (from 11 – 20 units)
37.3Removal of benign skin tumors: papillomas, hemangiomas390 (from 21 or more units)
37.4Removal of benign skin tumors/warts, moles, keratomas, nevi, etc./up to 1 cm1100
37.5Removal of benign skin tumors/warts, moles, keratomas, nevi, etc./up to 2 cm1600
37.6Removal of benign skin tumors/ warts, moles, keratomas, nevi, etc. / 3 cm2100
37.7Removal of benign skin tumors/ warts, moles, keratomas, nevi, etc. / price depends on the complexity (anesthesia is not included in the price)2600 — 5200
37.8Injection anesthesia550
For questions regarding the removal of papillomas, wen and warts, call or.

Laundry soap

You can get rid of those moles that hang unpleasantly on the body using simple tar or ordinary laundry soap. This home remedy contains several alkalis that dry out the nevus.

Instructions on how to remove unpleasant hanging moles:

  • lather your hands thickly to create a rich foam;
  • using your finger, apply the soap composition to the formation;
  • the protruding growth will gradually disappear.

Also, ointment made from laundry soap shows good effectiveness in the fight against moles. To prepare, you need to grate it, add warm water and leave for 30 minutes. After this, drain the excess liquid.

And thickly lubricate the nevus with the remaining mass. It is recommended to apply a gauze bandage on top for the whole day or night. As a rule, 3-4 procedures are enough to remove the problem area.

A mole is changing: when should you be concerned?

Nevi in ​​the armpit area may differ from each other in color, shape, and size.

However, normally they are all united by one important feature - they are all benign.

Doctors have identified a number of signs by which one can suspect the onset of malignant degeneration and begin to sound the alarm.

It is recommended to be concerned if the mole:

  • began to quickly increase in size, occupying an increasingly larger surface of the skin
  • has changed its structure or consistency, becoming, for example, too hard or too soft, although it previously had the opposite symptoms
  • changed the color to a darker one compared to the original (if a mole under the armpit turns black, this is always a serious reason to seek medical help)

  • an itching sensation and discomfort appeared in the problem area (benign neoplasms are not capable of causing such sensations, which is important to remember)
  • bleeding has increased (a healthy benign nevus almost never bleeds, but a malignant formation often responds by releasing blood to any irritation)
  • pronounced inflammatory changes appeared in the tissues adjacent to the formation, which are difficult to ignore

If a patient discovers any of these signs, this is a reason to consult a doctor for help without delay.

After all, such changes signal malignant degeneration.

In the long term, this can be fatal for the patient's body.

How to remove a mole with acid

Sometimes the greatest effect is achieved by using acid-containing substances:

  1. Aspirin. Dilute in a small amount of water and apply to the nevus. The acid in the tablet dries it out and the formation disappears. Alternatively, you can use pure salicylic acid, which is sold at the pharmacy;
  2. Lemon juice. Citrus contains citric acid, which effectively fights tumors and lightens pigment. This concentrate is applied several times a day;
  3. Acetic essence or wine vinegar. The acid of the same name fights not only moles, but also warts and freckles. It is used like this: a few drops are carefully applied to the formation using a pipette.

Important! The mole itself must be intact, not injured, otherwise the acid will corrode the tissue.

Precautionary measures

Before removing a mole, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications to this operation. It is important to understand that the best way to protect yourself before upcoming treatment is to:

  • visit a dermatologist;
  • analyze the tumor for malignancy;
  • Consult a doctor on how to take precautions.

If the mole is shallow and small, it is quite possible to remove it yourself. Otherwise, experts recommend surgical, laser or chemical removal. This operation is carried out within 30 minutes and is practically painless, which cannot be said about traditional methods.

If there are any doubts about whether or not to use a home remedy for the face, experts recommend only the medical option in order to avoid unwanted complications.

However, if, despite the danger, a person still decides to use home methods, it would be wise to find out what methods exist and which of them are suitable for a particular situation.

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