If your armpits itch: what problems might this indicate?

Itching in the armpits is a fairly common phenomenon that almost every woman has encountered. But quite rarely people pay attention to this. But in vain, because a constant desire to scratch the skin of the armpits may indicate the presence of certain problems, and some of them are very serious.

The next time you feel itching in this area, do not be lazy to conduct a self-diagnosis. The problem may be much more serious than you think.

So, what could be hiding behind the itchy skin in the armpit?


The skin in the armpit area is very delicate and reacts especially sharply to irritants. If your antiperspirant or deodorant contains too much alcohol, or your shower gel is too alkaline, contact dermatitis may occur. A similar reaction can be observed to some other irritants: synthetic underwear, silicone bra straps, metal blades on a razor.

Preventing itching

It is easier to prevent severe irritation than to carry out full-fledged therapy later. Following simple rules can protect the skin from unpleasant consequences, such as pain, redness, burning, etc. Recommendations for the prevention of unpleasant symptoms and other skin problems:

  • Clean your armpits a couple of times a day.
  • To remove hair, use only a sharp razor, moisturizing the skin in advance.
  • Apply antiperspirant half an hour after showering.
  • It is better to trim long hair in the armpit area with scissors before shaving.
  • It is better to choose clothes from natural fabrics and make sure that they do not fit tightly to the skin.

Self-medication takes place after the approval of the attending dermatologist. When using drug therapy, it is important to complete it so that the viruses do not develop resistance to the drugs. This will also eliminate the occurrence of relapses. Symptoms of irritation can be relieved in the absence of a provoking illness using both folk remedies and proper adherence to preventive measures and personal hygiene standards.

Ingrown hairs

Women who prefer to use a razor instead of sugaring, waxing or laser hair removal often encounter this problem. Ingrown hair leads to inflammation, which can lead to infection and the development of a negative reaction.

There are several tips that can help reduce the likelihood of ingrown hairs as a result of shaving:

  • the movement of the machine should be in the direction of hair growth;
  • you should not frequently run the machine over the same area;
  • Between shaving your armpits, you should leave intervals of at least 2-4 days to allow the skin to recover;
  • To prevent ingrowth, it is recommended to peel the axillary area using delicate care products.

How to treat?

How to treat irritation under the arms? To eliminate the problem, you first need to investigate the cause of the occurrence. If it is associated with the use of specific cosmetics, they must be eliminated and replaced with better ones that are suitable for sensitive skin.

  • Petrolatum;
  • Ointments containing cortisone (Dermatop, Fluvet, Ultralan);
  • Preparations based on zinc oxide (Zinc ointment, Desitin, Diaderm, Tsindol).

Very frequent application of oily products to the affected areas with hair can cause clogging of the follicles, and this will further aggravate the situation. In mild cases of fungal skin infections, the use of local remedies is sufficient:

  • Lamisil;
  • Mycoseptin;
  • Lamicon;
  • Clotrimazole.

In more severe forms, oral antifungal antibiotics are required:

  • Amphotericin B;
  • Nystatin;
  • Sedatives:
  • Novo-Passit;
  • Phytosed;
  • Sedavit;
  • Valerian tincture.
  • Antihistamines:
  • Zodak;
  • Suprastin;
  • Cetrin;
  • Claritin.

To reduce sweating, Botox injections are often used, as well as laser liposuction in the axillary area. High blood sugar levels can cause irritation. Therefore, local remedies will be ineffective. If a blood test confirms high sugar levels, you must be examined by an endocrinologist so that he can prescribe appropriate treatment. For irritation in the armpits, a low-carbohydrate diet and taking a complex of multivitamins and immunostimulants are recommended.


The development of this disease is associated with instability of the emotional background, when, due to stress, depression, and nervous tension, the work of the sweat and sebaceous glands increases and they become clogged. As a result, the colony of pathogenic microorganisms increases in the pathological area, which leads to irritation and skin itching. It will not be possible to get rid of this problem with cosmetics alone; here you need medical help and the prescription of complex therapy, including taking medications.

Help from traditional medicine

  1. In cosmetology, this plant is especially valued for its antibacterial properties that help fight acne. Chamomile for acne is used in the form of a strong water infusion as a lotion or toner. This product is used to wipe the skin daily up to 5 times a day.

  2. In hot summers, sweating can be controlled with a decoction of oak bark. This product has astringent properties, so it normalizes the functioning of the sweat glands.

  3. If the itching is caused by deodorant, then you can use St. John's wort infusion. 2 tsp. St. John's wort is poured into a glass of boiling water, infused for 15 minutes, after which the product is filtered and used to rub the affected areas (three times a day).


The disease is fungal in nature and is characterized not only by itching, but also by severe redness of the skin, which has light flaky edges along the borders. Deprivation of lichen is possible due to indiscriminate contact, as well as due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. An effective measure against damage is the use of external antifungal agents.

As you can see, armpit itching is not always a harmless phenomenon. In most cases, it has its own reasons, and serious problems may be hidden behind it. So, carry out self-diagnosis in a timely manner, in case of any deviations, do not be lazy to consult a doctor, and along with home care, regularly visit a cosmetologist for professional caring procedures.

Photo source: Internet

Redness caused by fungi

Redness under the arms can be the result of a fungal skin infection called tinea capitis. Most often, this is candidiasis-dermatomycosis, caused by yeast of the genus Candida (most often Candida albicans). They are an integral part of a healthy body, but can cause problems if they multiply excessively. This occurs when the body’s immune defense is weakened (stress, exhaustion, antibiotics).

An important role in the development of these skin changes is played by local damage to which candida easily “attaches.” The fungus then manifests itself as an infection that affects the entire body (systemic infection) or specific parts of it, such as nails, skin, scalp or mucous membranes (vaginal candidiasis, candidiasis of the digestive system, skin infection - ringworm).

Most often, ringworm occurs in skin folds, under the arms, on the chest and in the groin. It begins with mild itching, followed by redness, cracking, and marginal peeling of the skin. It is treated with antifungal creams under the supervision of a dermatologist.

To prevent the development of dermatomycosis, it is necessary to keep the areas of skin folds clean and dry, since moisture promotes the growth of fungi. Fungal infections are also more common in areas where there are large numbers of people, such as schools, daycare centers and swimming pools. Therefore, after visiting public areas, it is recommended to take a shower and dry thoroughly with a towel so that moisture does not get into the armpits and other folds of the skin.

Hormonal changes

All metabolic processes that occur in the human body are directly or indirectly controlled by hormones. The intensive restructuring of these processes, which occurs during puberty, pregnancy, or the onset of menopause, is accompanied by significant hormonal changes. A concomitant symptom may be itching in the armpits. Moreover, most often these unpleasant symptoms are caused by menopause.

Read also: Itchy breasts during pregnancy: causes and treatment of itchy mammary glands

There are situations when the symptom in question is not a natural reaction of the body to the action of an external stimulus or to a change in some internal process, but a manifestation of pathology. The treatment and management tactics of the patient will depend on what caused the itching of the skin of the axillary fossa.

Treatment options

To stop the itching, you need to treat the underlying cause.

Some of the common treatments that may provide relief include:

  • Shampoo with selenium sulfide – soothes irritation, reduces inflammation and itching
  • Lidocaine - causes numbness and relieves itching. You can get a prescription for lidocaine creams, injections, or patches.

Home Remedies

Apart from the above treatment options, you can try various home remedies to relieve the unpleasant symptoms.

  • Colloidal oatmeal (special oat flour) – has soothing properties and can soothe mild irritation and itching. You need to add it to warm or cold water, apply it to the affected area with a washcloth for about 20 minutes or until the itching or burning disappears.
  • Cold compress – soothes irritated skin. You can use ice packs, ice wrapped in cloth, etc.
  • Calamine lotion. You need to clean your armpits, then apply lotion and let it dry. It gives a good effect in combination with antihistamines.
  • Witch hazel. Can be applied using a cotton ball. However, it should not be used if there is redness and rash.
  • Tea tree oil, aloe vera, vitamin E - soothe and reduce inflammation.

It is necessary to wear clothes made from natural fabrics that easily absorb sweat, use hypoallergenic detergents, eat foods rich in vitamins C and E, take regular baths and maintain personal hygiene.


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About two years ago I had the opportunity to experience a condition when my armpits began to itch very much for no apparent reason. The itching was especially intensified at night, and I often even woke up from it. I was saved only by a cool shower, which I took right at night, sometimes more than once. Moreover, in winter, these symptoms seemed to begin to appear less often and less pronounced, but with the onset of summer, real torment began. At an appointment with a dermatologist, he asked me what antiperspirant I was using. Since I never skimp on myself, I naturally used the most expensive imported antiperspirants. This was my mistake; it turns out that I completely disrupted the functioning of the sweat glands with these means. Antiperspirants should be used only in extreme cases, but for daily use, it is better to use weak deodorants. As soon as I started doing this, the itching disappeared, although not immediately, everything was restored for about a month.


A relative of mine developed a serious illness due to itchy armpits; it’s good that she told the therapist about it. During the examination, they discovered a malignant formation in the chest and immediately sent me for surgery, eight years have passed since then, nothing bothers me.

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