Is it possible to apply a cream or face mask after the scrub?

A scrub is a good way to cleanse your face. It makes it possible not only to restore the healthy appearance of the skin, but also to remove scars, spots and other defects.

However, not every person who uses such a cleanser knows that after peeling the epidermis needs abundant hydration. Only proper care before and after the procedure will ensure a predominantly productive result.

Mask or scrub first. Scrubs or masks?

How do you cleanse your face? who uses what? not in terms of removing makeup, but specifically masks or scrubs? how often do you do it? I tried masks, but I understand that with them it’s somehow more and more difficult, while you apply it, while you take it off, although after a mud mask the skin on your face is very smooth. Treasures suited me better. And it’s clearly faster in terms of time, and the effect is excellent. The skin becomes soft, tender and smooth. This is especially noticeable when the scrub contains oils. After using such scrubs, the feeling on the skin is very pleasant. Have you tried using body scrubs?

What's better

It’s quite difficult to say which is better - peeling or scrub? After all, it is necessary to take into account various aspects of the procedures. In terms of effectiveness, of course, it is more advisable to use not superficial, but medium and deep peeling, carried out in salons.

If you contact a competent cosmetologist, he will help you choose a special product taking into account the problems of your dermis.

At home, you can alternate superficial peeling with a scrub, or try doing joint cleansing to improve the effect.

If you first cleanse the skin of keratinized scales, and then start cleaning again with peeling gel, you can achieve a double effect, because the exfoliation product will be able to penetrate deeper into the epidermis, destroying the connections between the remaining dead cells and living ones.

Clay facial scrub - traditional medicine recipes

Natural clay scrub at home - used on the face as an absorber of oil, dirt and toxins. Using a scrub with clay: stimulates blood circulation, acts as a medicinal and cosmetic product that tightens pores, cleanses and smoothes the skin surface. 1. Regenerative Recipe: Mix two tablespoons of clay powder, a tablespoon of thyme and a tablespoon of dried sage leaves. Add two drops of thyme essential oil and two drops of sage essential oil, then gradually dilute the resulting powder with hot water to form a thick paste. Apply the product to your face and rub over the skin with your fingertips.


2. White Clay Exfoliating Scrub: You will need two tablespoons of rhassoul clay powder, one tablespoon of white clay, one tablespoon of cornstarch, one tablespoon of dried flowers or herbs (such as a mixture of rose, chamomile and lavender), essential oils.

If you don't have white clay on hand, using two tablespoons of cornstarch is sufficient.

Mix the clay powders, then add starch and dried crushed flowers, you can add a few drops of essential oil of your choice. Mix everything and pour into a glass jar with a tight lid. When using, sprinkle some powder on your palm and dilute it with a little water to form a thick paste and apply to face and neck. The product can be used morning and evening two to three times a week.

To create a nourishing scrub, use vegetable oil, rose water, aloe vera gel, milk, yogurt, cream, infusion, liquid honey instead of water.


3. Clay scrub for oily skin with enlarged pores: Take half a teaspoon of coconut flakes; half a teaspoon of green clay; half a teaspoon of ground oatmeal. Mix everything thoroughly and add a small amount of boiled or still mineral water. Apply with gentle movements onto the face, paying special attention to the T-zone.


Green clay scrub to give your skin a healthy glowing color: You will need yeast - two teaspoons, one tablespoon of water, one tablespoon of liquid honey, half a tablespoon of yogurt, one tablespoon of green clay. Mix the yeast with water and let it sit for half an hour, then add honey, clay and yogurt, mix well. Apply the mixture to your face with massage movements, then rinse first with warm water, then with very cold water to tighten the pores.


Recipe for a clay scrub to remove blackheads on the face: Mix green clay with water and add a teaspoon of warmed sage oil. You should get a semi-liquid mass that will lie softly on the skin and glide lightly over your fingers. Apply the product onto your face using gentle movements, excluding the area around the eyes. If you have time, leave the mixture on the skin for a quarter of an hour and then rinse with water.


Clay Facial Scrub: You will need one large ripe strawberry, half a teaspoon of green clay powder, half a teaspoon of dried lavender powder. Mash a large juicy strawberry, add clay and lavender to it, and grind the mixture. After cleansing the skin, for greater effectiveness, the mass can be left on the face for 15 minutes.


This exfoliating clay scrub can be used for all types of facial skin: Combine a tablespoon of chopped almonds with one tablespoon of clay, previously diluted with honey. The consistency of the mixture should resemble thick dough. Apply the product to moisturized skin, leave for 2-3 minutes, then rinse with warm water. ◦ Homemade scrubs for cleansing the skin ◦ Scrub recipes for oily facial skin


Delicate scrub recipe: Take half a teaspoon of ground almonds, half a teaspoon of clay powder, half a teaspoon of ground oatmeal. Combine the ingredients, fill them with warm water to form a thick paste and apply with light movements to the skin of the face for 2-3 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Execution Sequence

As you know, peeling with acids is quite traumatic, so during sessions you wait 14–21 days so that the skin can recover. If your dermis tolerates exfoliation well, can you try combining peeling with scrubbing? Of course, yes, but only when you do superficial exfoliation.

Stages of combined use:

  1. Steam your face, which will help open the pores.
  2. They start with a scrub. The face is washed with baby soap, and then a scrub is applied and a light massage is performed, avoiding the area around the eyes. After 2 minutes, wash off the product with warm water or wipe with a napkin.
  3. Gentle cosmetics are applied to the skin for superficial peeling (in no case with strong chemical peeling!). Wait a few minutes (the manufacturer always indicates the holding time on the packaging).
  4. If the scrub can be wiped off with a regular napkin, then the peeling suspension is washed off with plenty of water or soda solution.

Cosmetologist Rene Rouleau advises alternating both procedures, after consulting with a specialist. For example, on Wednesday and Saturday you can treat your skin with scrubbing in the shower, and on Monday treat it with a superficial peeling agent.

Important point: Scrubbing after deep chemical peeling is prohibited, because the skin has been burned. Your dermis should recover in 14–21 days. As soon as you see that the condition of the skin has returned to normal (at least a month after the session), you can start using scrubs at home.

Thus, what to choose: peeling or scrub is up to you. But if you really want to not only cleanse your pores, but also improve the condition of your dermis, make an appointment with a cosmetologist for chemical peeling. Although this procedure is not the cheapest, and has a number of contraindications, it not only removes dead skin cells, but also normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminates acne and minimizes wrinkles. If going to a specialist is alien to you, it is recommended to combine superficial peeling with scrubbing at home to enhance the cleansing effect.

First, gel or facial scrub. What are the similarities and what are the differences?

What is the difference between peeling and scrub? This question interests many women who care for their faces.

The distinctive features of peeling and scrubbing procedures are the preparations applied to the skin, the technology used, the strength of action and varying degrees of effectiveness.


  1. The scrub products contain large particles of grape or apricot seeds, sea salt, wax granules, and nut shells. Peeling preparations are fruit acids or viscous gels that contain small fractions.
  2. Peeling is a deeper cleansing of the face, but scrubs are superficial.
  3. Exfoliation is aimed not only at cleansing pores and eliminating exfoliated scales, but also at launching epidermal regeneration processes. For example, with chemical peels, a slight burn with acids occurs, after which the skin begins to actively recover, becomes renewed, uniform and more elastic.
  4. The scrub has a light massage effect, which cannot be said about exfoliation.
  5. There are different methods of applying the products: peeling is distributed evenly on the skin, but massage is performed using a scrub. It is forbidden to touch the sensitive dermis in the eye area.
  6. Peels are better at eliminating acne and rosacea, but, unfortunately, they cannot influence the cause of the formation of these dermatological diseases.
  7. After scrubbing, due to the weak aggressive effect, as occurs with exfoliation with acids, side effects such as swelling, redness, and excessive peeling of the skin are not observed. The only thing you can feel is excessive tightness of the dermis. But this can be quickly resolved by moisturizing with creams, tonics, aloe or lemon juice masks, as well as washing the face with herbal decoctions.

Peeling and its purpose

Exfoliation or peeling involves cleaning the epidermis of keratinized scales, and the pores of accumulated subcutaneous sebum and cosmetic residues. Fruit enzymes present in natural components perfectly dissolve the bonds between living and dead epidermal cells, which facilitates the rapid exfoliation of unnecessary particles. In addition, the effect of the active components of peeling compositions perfectly moisturizes the skin, nourishes it and ensures the production of collagen.

Peeling solves the following type of problems:

  • cleaning pores and eliminating keratinized dermis;
  • fight against acne, acne and rosacea;
  • elimination of age spots, freckles and scars;
  • hydration and nourishment;
  • gives the skin a healthy, uniform color;
  • elimination of fine wrinkles due to the production of collagen and elastane fibers;
  • normalization of metabolism at the cellular level.

The result of peeling cleansing is noticeable after the first procedure. But for a long-lasting effect, cosmetologists recommend several sessions.

Types of peelings:

  1. Superficial. Acids with low concentrations are used. Very often, peeling products are made in the form of a cream that softens the effect of aggressive components due to oils, plant extracts, hyaluronic acid and vitamins introduced into the composition.
  2. Average. The acid concentration does not exceed 15%. If you follow the recommendations of cosmetologists, they can be carried out at home.
  3. Deep impact. These include Jessener peeling, retinoic, glycolic, lactic, trichloroacetic, salicylic and other options with a high degree of acid concentration. They are made exclusively in beauty salons and medical centers.
  4. Enzyme. The active components include enzymes, for example, lactobacilli cultures. They restore the skin by saturating it with protein.

Attention! At home, it is allowed to use surface-acting peeling agents. But highly concentrated acid-based preparations are used only in salons, because they cause skin burns and require compliance with all the subtleties of application technology.

Glycolic acid is ideal for eliminating fine wrinkles and thickening of the skin. Peeling with lactic acid is indicated for those with dermis with age spots.

Mandelic acid is used for overly sensitive skin, and salicylic peeling, in particular Jessener's, will relieve the face of acne, acne and rosacea. Azelaic acid has proven itself excellent against rosacea, and retinoic acid in the fight against the first signs of aging.

When performing peeling with AHA acids, especially if the procedure is being done for the first time, it is recommended to gradually prepare the skin for the aggressive effects of the reagents. To do this, use milk, cream or tonic, which contains the acid used during exfoliation.

Standard medium and deep peeling involves:

  1. Cleansing the dermis of cosmetics and sebum residues.
  2. Applying the product for a specific time. The patient may feel a slight tingling or even burning sensation, because a burn occurs, eliminating the stratum corneum of the epidermis.
  3. Neutralization of the drug with special means, plain water or soda solution.
  4. Distribution of restorative cream over the skin.
  5. Follow the basic recommendations of the cosmetologist: at first do not touch your face with your hands, do not apply decorative cosmetics and do not wash your face with water to avoid infection. The dermis must be protected from exposure to UV rays (which is why most peels are carried out in the autumn-winter period) and moisturized from time to time.

If you are doing superficial peeling, then you should not wait 7–14 days to restore the dermis. The next procedure can be carried out 3-4 days after the previous one.

Peeling after a clay mask. Benefits of clay for the face

Cosmetic clay has a porous structure, due to which it absorbs sebum and impurities. Deeply and carefully cleanses, removes dead skin cells, makes the complexion look fresher, and eliminates inflammation.

Any type of clay has these properties, but there are differences. They are due to the fact that different microelements predominate in them. This is also the reason why clay can be multi-colored.

  1. White Due to the fact that it is based on a mineral called “kaolinite,” white clay is often called kaolin. One of its properties is skin whitening. Homemade white clay face masks help even out your complexion and make freckles less pronounced. Its ability to narrow pores and provide a lifting effect is also valued. At the same time, it is an excellent absorbent and a good antiseptic.
  2. Blue It is mined in Bulgaria and Crimea. The clay has a bluish tint due to the fact that it contains silver. Thanks to this, it has a pronounced antiseptic effect. Therefore, masks based on it are recommended for acne. Improves cellular metabolism, due to which it has a rejuvenating effect.
  3. Green Recommended for mature skin. Smoothes wrinkles, increases the firmness of the dermis and its elasticity. Thanks to zinc, it has pronounced antiseptic properties, mattifies the skin, and dries out inflammation.
  4. Yellow Famous for its ability to remove toxins. Improves blood circulation, saturates epithelial cells with oxygen. Tones the skin. Suitable for caring for aging skin.
  5. Red Contains microelements (iron, copper, manganese), which improve the condition of capillaries and saturate the epithelium with oxygen. Suitable for sensitive skin.
  6. Pink Combines the properties of white and red clay. Also suitable for the care of delicate skin.
  7. Black Contains quartz, calcium, iron. Stimulates blood circulation and metabolic processes. Helps get rid of toxins, fat deposits, accelerates regeneration. Helps restore a clear facial contour.


One of the biggest misconceptions in the beauty world is that washing your face in the morning is not at all necessary, because dirt does not have time to accumulate on the skin overnight, and evening skincare products still continue to work. In fact, during sleep, sebum is produced as intensively as during the day, and dust from pillows penetrates into the pores, so morning washing is a separate and important ritual.

1 — Anti-aging cream ATV lab, 2 — Serum that enhances skin radiance Darphin, 3 — Gel-foam cleanser Dr. Jart+ 4 – Uriage Sunscreen, 5 – Frudia Facial Toner

Nourishing face mask after scrub. How to make a homemade nourishing face mask

For our dear readers, “Ask How” publishes 4 recipes for nourishing masks from homemade products, because being beautiful, young and well-groomed is not at all difficult, just give yourself half an hour of free time and a fresh, smooth and rejuvenated reflection will look at you from the mirror.

Before applying any mask, the face must be cleansed for better penetration of nutrients into the skin cells. For pre-cleansing, you can use a coffee scrub. After scrubbing, apply a terry towel soaked in hot water and wrung out to your face to lightly steam the skin. Ready? Then start preparing your magic mask!

Instant nourishing mask

  • Chicken or quail egg white - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 1 teaspoon
  • Honey - 1 teaspoon
  • Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon
  • Wheat bran

The process of preparing the mask is very simple, it is as easy to make as a face cream: you need to beat the egg white and add milk, lemon juice and honey to the protein foam. After mixing the above ingredients, start adding bran little by little until you get a thick, homogeneous mixture.

Apply a nourishing mask to your face and take a horizontal position for 20 minutes to work on the skin. Before washing off, soften the mask with your hands soaked in warm water.

Nourishing and cleansing mask with cottage cheese

  • Cottage cheese - 2 tablespoons
  • Milk - 1 tablespoon
  • Honey - 1 teaspoon

Grind all the ingredients in a glass bowl and apply to your face. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and pat dry with a towel.

Nourishing mask with apple

  • Sour cream 15% -20% - 1 tablespoon
  • Green apple - 1 pc.
  • Olive oil - 1 tablespoon

This homemade nourishing mask is suitable for any skin type, however, if your skin is too oily, then add a little egg white to the mixture.

Grate the peeled apple on the finest grater and mix with sour cream and olive oil, apply evenly to the skin of the face, avoiding the lips and area around the eyes, lie down with the mask for about 20 minutes and relax.

Rinse off the nourishing mixture with warm water and pat your face dry with a towel.


You shouldn't neglect evening washing and facial skin care procedures, even if you've had a hard day at work or returned home after a stormy party. Overnight, residual makeup, sebum and dust will clog into the pores, cause inflammation and make the skin dull. Therefore, even if the prospect of quickly getting into bed is too tempting, take 15 minutes for yourself and your beauty. Despite the multi-step nature, evening care will not take much time, but the spartan “I’ll quickly wash my face with soap and forget about the cream” will only cause dryness and irritation.

1 — Night restorative facial serum with 2% retinol complex Dr. Brandt, 2 — Revitalizing eye serum with vitamin C ester Perricone MD, 3 — Night facial serum with Thalgo acids, 4 — Pixi toner, 5 — Ultraceuticals revitalizing face mask, 6 — Caudalie glycolic peeling mask


The evening skin care ritual is completed with a cream, which should be chosen based on the problems and needs of the skin. According to dermatologists, the peak of cell renewal processes occurs from 23.00 to 04.00, so you should not neglect night products. You don’t need to apply a lot of cream either - it’s better to do it not right before bed, but at least half an hour before, so that you can blot off the excess with a paper napkin.

Before choosing evening care products, you need to determine your skin type, find out its problems and needs, and find out which components cannot be combined with each other - for example, acids and retinol. By adhering to this simple beauty algorithm, you will help your skin remain youthful and healthy and will not get confused among all the products that can now be found on store shelves.

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