How to properly moisturize your facial skin at home?

Facial skin constantly needs special care. Overdrying of the epidermis negatively affects its appearance and contributes to metabolic disorders. The causes of dehydration may be the incorrect selection of hygiene and cosmetic products, exposure to unfavorable external factors, as well as diseases.

Before choosing a moisturizer, you should consult a specialist. Elimination of dry epidermis should be comprehensive - starting with changes in diet and ending with the selection of cosmetics. The range of moisturizing products presented in stores includes creams, oils, and masks. You can prepare products at home using natural ingredients.

  • Moisturizing masks
      With vegetables and fruits Cucumber masks
  • Banana masks
  • Masks with tomatoes
  • Based on natural products
      Masks with milk and fermented milk products
  • Honey masks
  • Based on plant materials
  • Masks with glycerin
  • Homemade cream
      With badger fat
  • Olive oil based
  • With avocado oil
  • With jojoba oil
  • With cocoa butter
  • Homemade Lotion Recipes
  • Essential oils
      Moisturizing emulsion
  • Moisturizing facial skin: facts everyone should know

    The protective properties of a moisturized epidermis significantly exceed the capabilities of a dehydrated one - with a lack of moisture, the hydrolipid mantle becomes thinner and damaged, the skin becomes vulnerable, sensitive and literally loses its ability to withstand negative external influences. Please note that “dry skin” and “dehydrated skin” seem to be identical concepts at first glance, but there is a big difference between them!


    dryness is a genetically determined skin type, the satisfactory condition of which must be maintained with appropriate care. Dehydration is a temporary skin condition caused by irritating factors that can be corrected with proper care. Any skin can become dehydrated: dry, oily, and normal.

    Effectiveness of facial skin care

    Many clients believe that home care using professional cosmetics can replace care treatments in the salon. It is a mistake to think so. Each manufacturer's assortment includes facial care products intended for salon and home use. Professional preparations have a higher concentration of active substances, but using them without special training is difficult and sometimes dangerous. In addition, since care programs are developed individually, using facial skin care cosmetics that complement each other, the effect cannot be compared with the consequences of self-medication!

    Another common misconception: skincare procedures are less effective than hardware and injection techniques. Since the mechanisms of action are different, there is no point in comparing these techniques. The result depends on the desired effect. For example, to improve the condition of the upper layers of the skin, treatments using high-quality facial care products can provide better results than other techniques. Often, to achieve the best effect, a cosmetologist combines hardware, skincare and injection techniques.

    Therefore, to the question “How to care for your facial skin?” the answer is always different. The transformation program is individual for each patient. Some girls are better suited for skin care treatments using high-quality facial skin care products, while others prefer a combination of several techniques. The main thing is to quickly achieve your goal, namely, a professional with a medical education will recommend optimal care for oily skin, facial care after 40, etc.

    Signs of dehydrated facial skin

    Any type of skin can become dehydrated for various reasons:

    • Oily and combination skin reacts to a lack of moisture with enlarged pores, increased sebum secretion, excessive oily shine on the face, and acne outbreaks.
    • Dry skin reacts with increased sensitivity, peeling, irritation, a feeling of tightness and discomfort appear, facial wrinkles become more noticeable, complexion becomes dull, and the relief becomes uneven.

    Dehydration of the skin cannot be determined only by dullness and uneven texture. Tissue dehydration is often accompanied by a feeling of tightness after washing, increased sensitivity, severe flaking, itching, and decreased firmness and elasticity of the epidermis.

    Rule No. 4: Proper nutrition and drinking regime.

    The health and beauty of your facial skin in summer depends not only on the products, but also on your diet and daily routine. It is necessary to follow the rules so as not to harm her:

    • Summer is the best time to eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, so you will get all the necessary vitamins;
    • Don't forget dairy products, fish and grains;
    • Try to eat as much protein, fatty, salty and spicy food as possible, it greatly removes moisture from the body;
    • Green tea is definitely healthy, but you need to know when to limit it. Excessive consumption threatens you with calcium deficiency in the bones;
    • Drink at least 3 liters of fluid per day;
    • Eat small meals, at least 5 times a day;
    • Don't forget about vitamins, it will make you feel much better overall.

    Why skin becomes dehydrated: main reasons

    A number of factors can provoke skin dehydration:

    • Age: the synthesis of the skin’s natural moisturizer, hyaluronic acid, slows down.
    • Environment: sudden changes in air temperature, strong winds in the cold season, indoor air dried out by air conditioning, UV radiation.
    • Incorrectly selected care for your skin type and needs.
    • General dehydration of the body due to non-compliance with the drinking regime.

    Dehydration is a temporary condition and if you follow the care recommendations, the skin will regain its tone and vitality.

    What types of skin care treatments are there?

    “How to properly care for your facial skin,” millions of women are interested in. We answer: it is ideal when competent home skin care is combined with regular visits to a cosmetologist. During skincare procedures, the doctor, depending on the age and skin type of the client, selects a program that allows solving a specific problem. Most skin care procedures include: cleansing the skin, light peeling, toning, facial massage (classical, plastic, Jacquet or lymphatic drainage), application of an active concentrate, then a mask. Also, skincare procedures are often performed according to a more accelerated program: peeling, facial massage and, of course, applying a mask - cream, alginate, collagen or Matrigel.

    In addition, the price list of many salons separately includes facial massage, which is recommended to be carried out in a course of 10-15 sessions. This massage improves blood microcirculation, strengthens the muscular frame of the face, providing a lifting effect. To enhance the result, concentrates are usually applied under the massage cream. When caring for the face after 40 to reduce wrinkles, a more noticeable effect, of course, will be from hardware or injection methods.

    After skincare procedures, a cosmetologist, having diagnosed the skin, can select facial skin care products at home. The effect of properly selected professional cosmetics for facial skin care will be many times higher than from using self-selected mass market products.

    In addition to various facial procedures, the price list of salons also usually includes care programs for the skin of the eyelids, neck and décolleté.

    How to moisturize your facial skin: effective methods

    You can quickly and easily moisturize your face at home using good cosmetics for dehydrated skin. The main thing is to choose them correctly. At the same time, if there is time and need, mandatory home care can be supplemented with professional procedures from a cosmetologist.

    Skin moisturizers at home

    To moisturize your skin and prevent it from re-dehydrating, you need to:

    1. Regularly and efficiently follow all stages of your daily beauty routine:

    1. Makeup remover using milk and micellar water.
    2. Washing with a soft gel or cream.
    3. Toning the facial skin using toner.
    4. Moisturizing with serum.
    5. Applying a moisturizing cream/gel/emulsion selected according to your skin type.
    6. Use a mask 1-2 times a week for intense, deep hydration.

    2. In your arsenal of care products, select moisturizing cosmetics with the ability to prevent the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the epidermis - hydrophilic substances based on active formulas are responsible for this function: hyaluronic acid, hydrolipids, amino acids, minerals, algae and plant extracts, vitamins (A, group B , C, E).

    Salon treatments for intense hydration

    Before making an appointment with a cosmetologist, consult with your dermatologist about the advisability of a particular procedure and whether you have any possible contraindications.

    1. Injection and non-injection biorevitalization is a procedure aimed at saturating the cells of the epidermis and dermis with hyaluronic acid (HA) through micro-injections or electrical impulses.
    2. Injection and non-injection mesotherapy is the second most popular minimally invasive procedure, through which a cocktail of hyaluronic acid, vitamins, minerals, lipids, and amino acids is injected under the skin. Mesotherapy not only moisturizes the skin, but lightens age spots and dark circles under the eyes, smooths out wrinkles, restoring radiance and freshness to the skin.
    3. Hydropeeling is a deep cleansing and moisturizing 2 in 1. The procedure is aimed at intensive renewal and smoothing of the skin texture and includes three main stages: exfoliation, acid peeling and extraction.


    Preparations for salon aesthetic procedures are, as a rule, selected for each client individually, according to the type and characteristics of the skin.

    Why is this happening

    Loss of fluid, a decrease in its content in the body and epidermal cells, is a pathological condition that is caused by improper drinking regimen, leading to unpleasant changes:

    • feeling of tightness;
    • the appearance of flaky areas not only on the face, but also on the body;
    • deterioration of complexion;
    • premature loss of elasticity.

    In this article I will tell you how to quickly moisturize very dry skin without conventional creams at home.

    Composition of moisturizing cosmetics

    The formulas of moisturizers are based on hygroscopic agents that absorb liquid and create a moisture-retaining mantle on the surface of the skin, which softens, smoothes the skin and prevents its dehydration:

    • Low and high molecular weight hyaluronic acid;
    • Vegetable glycerin;


    hyaluronic acid (HA) is the most important component of the intercellular substance of the dermis. HA deficiency causes dryness, loss of tone, and decreased tissue turgor. With age, the synthesis of natural CG decreases (by half by the age of 50), the condition of the skin changes: wrinkles become noticeable, the skin loses its elasticity, and ptosis appears.

    Other beneficial ingredients are also often found in moisturizing products:

    • Vegetable oils (fats, lipids) restore the hydrolipidic barrier and prevent moisture evaporation.
    • Antioxidants prevent oxidative stress and the negative effects of free radicals.
    • Allantoin moisturizes, softens the skin, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and promotes regeneration.
    • Vitamin B 5 (panthenol) soothes and strengthens the skin.
    • Squalene softens the skin and restores the hydrolipid mantle.
    • Linoleic acid strengthens the lipid barrier and protects collagen fibers.
    • Ceramides slow down transepidermal moisture loss.
    • Green algae extract moisturizes and strengthens the protective functions of the skin.
    • Thermal water has a pronounced calming, softening effect, strengthens the protective properties of the skin and prevents damage to the lipid barrier.
    • Emulsifiers (Glyceryl Stearate, Cetyl Alcohol, Stearic Acid, Glycol Stearate) and stabilizers (Magnesium Aluminum Silicate, Carbomer) are the connecting link for combining all active components in one formula and do not allow them to disintegrate.

    Moisturizing masks

    Moisturizing masks may contain vegetables, fruits, dairy products, plant materials, honey, etc. To maximize the effect of their use, you need to apply the composition correctly. The following recommendations must be observed:

    1. The mask must be applied after cleansing the face with a scrub.
    2. It is recommended to keep the moisturizer on your face for 10-20 minutes.
    3. Do not wash off the mask under running water, as it will wash away the protective film. This should be done carefully, using a tampon or wet towel.
    4. After using the product, it is necessary to moisturize the skin with a special cream.
    5. It is recommended to apply moisturizing masks 2-3 times a week if your skin is dry, and once if you have oily skin.
    6. Home remedies have a limited shelf life. It is recommended to prepare the composition before use.

    With vegetables and fruits

    You can effectively moisturize your facial skin using simple folk remedies made from vegetables and fruits - cucumber, peas, tomatoes, potatoes, bananas.

    Mask recipes are presented in the table:

    Mask namePreparation and use
    1. Grind 1 potato until smooth and pureed.
    2. Beat the chicken egg.
    3. Add the egg to the puree along with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.
    4. Mix everything thoroughly.
    5. Apply the product in a thick layer to the face.
    6. After 15 minutes, wash off
    Potato and sour cream
    1. Boil 1 unpeeled potato tuber, peel.
    2. Chop half the potatoes.
    3. Mix the potato mass with 1 tbsp. l. milk.
    4. Add 2 tbsp there. l. sour cream.
    5. Keep the mixture on your face for 10 minutes, then wash with water.
    1. Grind dry peas to make flour.
    2. Take 2 tbsp. l. of the resulting powder and add to them 1 tsp. warm mineral water and sour cream.
    3. Mix everything and apply to your face, then rinse.

    Cucumber masks

    The compositions moisturize, soothe and tone the skin.

    Methods for preparing and using masks:

    Mask namePreparation and use
    Cucumber-sour cream
    1. Grate the cucumber on a fine grater.
    2. 2 tbsp. l. Mix the resulting puree with the same amount of fatty sour cream.
    3. Apply the mixture to your face, wait 15 minutes, then rinse
    1. Prepare melon puree, separate 50 g.
    2. Squeeze juice from cucumber (1/4 cup).
    3. Mix the resulting liquid with melon puree.
    4. Add 2-3 drops of olive oil to the mixture.
    5. Apply the mixture to the face and leave for 15 minutes

    Banana masks

    Masks with banana and additional components effectively moisturize, tone and have a beneficial effect on aging skin.

    The products are prepared according to the following recipes:

    Mask namePreparation and useEffect
    1. Chop the banana with a fork.
    2. Take 1 tbsp. l. pulp and lemon juice in the amount of a few drops.
    3. Add a small amount of moisturizer.
    4. Apply the composition to the face for 15 minutes no later than two hours before leaving home
    Banana milk
    1. Grind the pulp of half a banana.
    2. 2 tbsp. l. Add milk to the resulting mass and mix everything.
    3. Keep the mask on your face for 15 minutes.
    4. Soak a cotton pad in milk and cleanse the skin with it.
    • Moisturizes;
    • tones
    1. Chop the banana.
    2. Break 1 chicken egg into it.
    3. Add 1 tsp. sour cream, mix everything thoroughly.
    4. Apply the composition to the face for 15 minutes, then rinse.
    • Moisturizes;
    • eliminates fine wrinkles

    Masks with tomatoes

    Tomato products not only have a moisturizing effect, but also exfoliate the upper layers of the epidermis, rejuvenate aging skin and get rid of pigmentation. They should be used once every two weeks.

    Mask recipes:

    MaskMethod of preparation and useAction of the product
    With tomato and egg
    1. Mash 1 tomato into a paste.
    2. Add 1 egg yolk to the resulting mixture.
    3. Add olive oil (2-3 drops) to the composition.
    4. Apply the mixture to your face.
    5. After 10 minutes, wash with water
    • Moisturizes dry skin;
    • has a rejuvenating effect;
    • exfoliates
    With tomato and starch
    1. Mix tomato pulp with 1 yolk.
    2. Add a little starch to the same mixture to make a thick mixture.
    3. Apply the mixture to your face, wait 10 minutes, then wash it off.
    4. Moisturize the skin with cream
    • Moisturizes;
    • nourishes;
    • tones;
    • improves metabolism;
    • refreshes complexion

    Based on natural products

    To moisturize your facial skin, you can use masks based on ingredients such as milk and fermented milk products - yogurt, cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, as well as honey and oatmeal.

    Masks with milk and fermented milk products

    Recipes for popular moisturizing masks using milk and fermented milk products:

    NameRecipe and method of useEffect
    With yogurt and honey
    1. Take one yolk.
    2. Add 2 tbsp to it. l. yogurt and honey.
    3. Add almond oil (1-2 drops) there.
    4. Apply on face for 15 minutes.
    5. After time has passed, remove the product with cotton wool soaked in green tea.
    With curdled milk
    1. Soften the pulp of 1 banana.
    2. Add 2 tbsp to the resulting puree. l. curdled milk and 1 tsp. olive oil.
    3. Apply the mixture to your face and keep for 20 minutes.
    4. Rinse off with warm water.
    5. Apply moisturizer
    • Moisturizes;
    • prevents contraction;
    • eliminates fine wrinkles
    With cottage cheese
    1. Mix 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese and the same amount of cream.
    2. Apply this mixture to your face for 15-20 minutes.
    3. After the specified time, remove any remaining product with warm water.
    • Softens;
    • nourishes;
    • moisturizes
    With sour cream
    1. Break one egg, separate 1 yolk.
    2. Add 1 tsp vegetable oil to it and mix.
    3. Take lemon zest and chop.
    4. Separate 1 tsp. and add to the mixture.
    5. Add 1 tsp to the resulting mass. sour cream
    6. Keep the composition on your face for 15 minutes, then wash with parsley decoction

    You can also use a milk-almond mask to moisturize your skin. To prepare and use the composition you will need:

    1. Grind the almonds so that you get a homogeneous paste.
    2. The resulting mass in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. mix with 1 tsp. milk at room temperature.
    3. Keep the product on your face for 10 minutes, then wash.

    Honey masks

    Compositions based on beekeeping products are prepared according to the following recipes:

    MaskRecipe for preparation and use
    1. Heat 50 g of honey using a water bath.
    2. Mix honey with the yolk of one egg.
    3. Add 1-2 drops of vegetable oil to this mixture.
    4. Apply the composition to the face twice with an interval of 5 minutes.
    1. Make a paste from 2 strawberries.
    2. Add 1 tsp to the berry mass. honey
    3. Add moisturizer to the mixture in the same amount.

    Based on plant materials

    Moisturizing masks may contain plant components - medicinal herbs, cereals, etc.

    The products are prepared according to the following recipes:

    Type of maskRecipe and application
    1. Take 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal and add 2 tbsp. l. grape juice.
    2. Add the yolk to the resulting mixture, mix everything thoroughly.
    3. Apply to face and leave for 15 minutes, then wash
    With wheat grains
    1. Grind 2 tbsp. l. sprouted wheat grains.
    2. Add 3 tbsp to them. l. sour cream or cream.
    3. Add lavender oil (5 drops) there.
    4. Apply the product to your face for 20 minutes.
    5. Wash with chamomile decoction
    With chamomile
    1. 2 tbsp. l. Pour boiling water over vegetable raw materials.
    2. Let it brew, tightly closing the container with a lid.
    3. Strain the resulting solution.
    4. 2 tbsp. l. mix the solution with 1 tsp. honey and oatmeal in the amount of 2 tbsp. l.
    5. Apply the composition to the face for 20 minutes, then wash using the remaining infusion
    With coltsfoot
    1. Wash the fresh leaves of the plant and then chop them.
    2. Add 2 tbsp to the resulting mass. l. milk.
    3. Apply the product to your face for 15 minutes, then wash
    1. Pour boiling water over mint leaves (1:3).
    2. Boil and cook for 3 minutes.
    3. Soak gauze in the solution and apply it to your face for 20 minutes.
    4. After the specified time, wash with water.

    Masks with glycerin

    This component is included in many cosmetic products. Using glycerin, you can prepare moisturizing face masks using the following recipes:

    1. Grate one apple.
    2. Separate 1 tbsp. l. apple mass and mix with 1 tsp. glycerin.
    3. Add sour cream to it in the amount of 1 tsp.
    With aloe
    1. Aloe juice in the amount of 1 tsp. mix with glycerin (1-2 tsp).
    2. Apply the composition to the face, leave for 5 minutes, then reapply
    1. 1 tbsp. l. Mix glycerin and a few drops of vitamin A thoroughly.
    2. Add parsley juice and cream (1 tsp)

    How to choose a skin moisturizer?

    To ensure that the product suits you and has the maximum effect on your skin, when choosing cosmetics, pay attention to several important indicators.

    What ingredients are in the composition?

    To make sure your skin gets the moisture it needs, be sure to carefully review the product's ingredients to ensure it contains one or more key moisturizing ingredients.

    What skin type is the product intended for?

    Moisturizing creams for different skin types will differ in the direction of action. Hydration in this case plays an additional function in the basis of the formula; the key components are aimed at correcting the main problems of the type.

    For dry skin types

    Dry skin needs not only hydration, but also nutrition. Moisturizers, including those that replenish the deficiency of your own lipids, will be a good solution. To do this, the composition must contain ceramides, oils or squalane.

    For oily skin types

    For oily skin, it is better to choose an intensely moisturizing product with a light texture: gel or fluid. In this case, the product must have sebum-regulating and matting properties. It is very important to choose cosmetics that are non-comedogenic and do not contain mineral oils.

    For combined type

    Combination skin requires combined care. For the T-zone, choose light textures, possibly with a matte effect. Classic moisturizing products are suitable for the U-zone.

    Homemade cream

    You can also moisturize your facial skin with a homemade cream. It should be stored for a short period of time. You can add preservatives, then the product will be usable for 1-6 months. The composition should be stored in the refrigerator.

    In order for the prepared product to be similar in properties to those available on the market, its composition must include three phases - fatty, active and aqueous. Animal fats or essential oils are used as the first. Active ingredients include vitamins and nutrients that have a positive effect on the condition of facial skin.

    If the product contains water, it will not be possible to mix it with other phases to a homogeneous consistency. To obtain a homogeneous emulsion, special substances called emulsifiers (lanolin, beeswax) are added to the mixture. All these components can be purchased at specialized soap-making stores.

    When making the cream, you must follow the recipe, otherwise the product will separate and it will be impossible to use it. When using an emulsifier, it must be added to the fatty phase heated to 70 degrees. The aqueous phase should also be at the same temperature. After mixing them, you must wait until the composition has cooled to 40 degrees, and only then add the active components.

    With badger fat

    An effective skin moisturizer is a cream based on badger fat.

    To prepare the composition you will need:

    1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. badger fat with 2 tbsp. l. St. John's wort oil.
    2. Add 1 tsp. beeswax, as well as a few drops of vitamins A and E.
    3. Mix everything and heat the mixture in a water bath.
    4. Cool, pour into a container and store in the refrigerator.

    With this product you can moisturize the skin of your face and neck. It contains a large amount of fat, so you need to consume it little by little.

    Olive oil based

    An effective moisturizer is a cream with the addition of olive oil.

    Cooking method:

    1. 4 tsp. Mix olive oil and the same amount of lanolin and heat in a water bath.
    2. Take 0.5 tsp. borax and 2 tsp. glycerin, add to water and heat until the borax is completely dissolved.
    3. Carefully pour the glycerin solution into the oil mixture, stirring with a wooden spoon until a cream of uniform consistency is obtained.

    With avocado oil

    Recipe for moisturizer based on avocado oil and beeswax:

    1. Melt beeswax in an amount of 10 ml.
    2. Add 15 ml of lanolin and mix everything.
    3. Add 10 ml of avocado oil to the resulting mass, as well as 2 ml of wheat germ oil.
    4. Add 6 drops of bitter orange essential oil there.
    5. Add 2.5 ml of glycerin to the mixture.
    6. Add 60 ml of rose water and mix everything.

    The cream will moisturize chapped, dry skin and dermis if there is irritation.

    With jojoba oil

    Cream with this oil helps to effectively moisturize the skin. It eliminates flaking and makes the skin smooth.

    You can prepare the composition according to the following recipe:

    1. Heat water to boiling.
    2. Add 6 tbsp to the resulting mixture. l. jojoba oils.
    3. Add 2 tbsp to the resulting composition. l. beeswax and 1 tbsp. l. vitamin E.
    4. Stir until the wax is completely dissolved.
    5. Cool the mixture and add 1 tbsp. l. aloe vera and 4 drops of rose oil.
    6. Mix everything and place in a container that closes tightly with a lid.

    With cocoa butter

    A cream made with cocoa butter is considered an effective moisturizer.

    Method of preparation and use:

    1. 4 tbsp. l. mix sesame oil with 0.5 cups of cocoa butter.
    2. Melt the mixture over low heat.
    3. Cool the composition and add 2 tbsp. l. apricot and orange oil.

    Review of the best La Roche-Posay moisturizers

    Night cream-gel Toleriane Ultra


    Intensive soothing care

    Relieves tightness and itching, soothing even hypersensitive skin while you sleep.

    RUB 1,784 more details

    Toleriane Ultra Nuit restorative and soothing night care for the eye area


    Night soothing care

    Intensively moisturizes and soothes the skin, reduces skin sensitivity, restores comfort and tone.

    RUB 1,945 more details

    Moisturizing face cream for sensitive skin prone to dryness Toleriane Sensitive Riche


    Moisturizing care

    Instantly moisturizes, soothes, softens the skin, protects against external factors.

    RUB 1,058 more details

    Moisturizing mattifying sebum-regulating emulsion Effaclar Mat


    Sebum-regulating emulsion

    The product with thermal water, glycerin, zinc and sebulise mattifies the skin, reduces oily shine, tightens pores and moisturizes well.

    RUB 1,618 more details

    Essential oils

    Essential oils are recommended for use on dry skin prone to dehydration. Their use will be especially effective during the cold season of the year. Oils penetrate much deeper into the pores than a regular moisturizer, giving the skin smoothness and elasticity. At the same time, they protect cells from aging and exposure to harmful substances, as they contain antioxidants, fatty acids and other nutritional compounds.

    Those with dry skin are advised to mix oils with any moisturizer or serum. You can use the oil in its pure form. It is applied to the face before applying moisturizers on clean skin after exfoliation.

    Essential oils should be used with a carrier oil. Otherwise, skin irritation may occur.

    Essential oils quickly and effectively soften the skin, but it is not recommended to replace moisturizers with them, since they do not contain those components that can restore the water balance of the epidermis.

    The following essential oils are used:

    Essential oilEffect
    SandalwoodHas an antiseptic effect, gives the skin elasticity and smoothness. Improves blood supply and nutrition, normalizes water balance, accelerates cell regeneration. Suitable for dry and flaky skin
    PinkEffectively moisturizes the skin due to the content of a large amount of vitamins and microelements. Improves metabolic processes. Suitable for aging skin
    NeroliMoisturizes, tones and rejuvenates. Effective for aging skin. Creates a protective film that protects irritated skin in cold weather
    BergamotIt has a narrowing effect on pores and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Regulates water balance in the upper and lower layers of the dermis
    Clary sageTones the skin, eliminates facial wrinkles and prevents the formation of age spots. Reduces the risk of developing inflammation and neoplasms. Applicable for young and mature skin
    carrot seedsContains a large amount of vitamin A, therefore it has a rejuvenating effect. Regulates the functioning of the glands, as a result of which the water balance of the skin is normalized

    Prevention of skin dehydration

    Let us highlight the main directions for preventing skin dehydration:

    1. Use products that normalize the hydrobalance of cells and prevent moisture evaporation.
    2. Choose care cosmetics that suit your skin type.
    3. Moisturize not only the upper layer of the epidermis, but also the deep layers of the dermis - choose products with intense hydro-formulas and hydrofixatives in the composition.
    4. Protect your skin from UV radiation daily: dry, sensitive skin is most susceptible to the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation and, as a result, photoaging.
    5. Maintain drinking regime. The daily norm of clean water will nourish the cells with moisture from the inside, and corrective care will do the rest of the work.
    6. Eat a balanced diet, this will protect you from hypovitaminosis and possible dry skin.


    starting from the age of 25, the process of cell regeneration slows down, the skin texture becomes less uniform, the epidermis thickens, and the complexion acquires a dull, earthy tint. Moisturizing components are not able to penetrate the dense stratum corneum of the skin, thereby not reaching the dermis and not fully affecting the cells.

    For moisturizing care to work fully, take care of high-quality and deep cleansing: in addition to daily delicate cleansing, include an exfoliation procedure in your beauty routine. It is enough to use a soft scrub, gentle peeling or gommage 1-2 times a week to speed up cell renewal and improve their ability to absorb active substances.

    Reasons for the problem

    I have already mentioned one thing - lack of water leads to dehydration. We drink little, and the epidermis, like the entire body, does not receive the daily norm that it is supposed to.

    Another factor influencing the condition of our face and body is nutrition. If our diet is correct, healthy, balanced, we see only radiance, smoothness, elasticity - all the components of healthy and beautiful skin. A meager menu, constant diets or eating on the run, a love of fast food cause dryness, irritation, peeling, and tightness. Taking diuretics and fasting can lead to the same consequences.

    Dehydration is also a consequence of poorly selected cosmetics and improper care.

    Also on the list of reasons are:

    • The influence of air conditioners, which make the skin more vulnerable, dry out and dehydrate the epidermis.
    • Frequent visits to solariums, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
    • Lack of proper sleep.
    • Neglect of one's own well-being.
    • Nervous tension.
    • Smoking.

    How do you know if your skin is dry and needs emergency care? Signs of dehydration are:

    • Feeling of tightness, flaking
    • Change in complexion
    • The appearance of small wrinkles on the cheeks, around the eyes, on the neck

    However, do not confuse dehydrated skin with dry skin. The latter became like this to a greater extent due to hereditary predisposition, and in the first case external factors led to troubles.

    Even oily and shiny areas can be dehydrated - there is nothing unnatural about this. They also need hydration - special, extremely delicate.

    We are dealing with a serious problem that can be faced by owners of all skin types - from sensitive skin, which reacts sharply to any changes, to problematic skin, prone to the appearance of comedones and acne.

    I advise staying hydrated.

    • Drink more water. This is a condition for the proper functioning of the intestines, its cleansing, acceleration of metabolism, removal of waste and toxins. This is also an ambulance for the epidermis, whose cells need regular saturation with moisture.
    • Eat right. Your diet should be dominated by fruits and vegetables, not fatty, fried, spicy, processed foods, and pickles. Give preference to foods that are steamed or baked in the oven. It is advisable to minimize heat treatment of products in order to preserve vitamins, minerals and trace elements in them.
    • Do not overuse the solarium; before going to the beach or walking on a hot summer day, lubricate your skin with a special sunscreen or lotion.
    • Use the right care products - professional liposomal cosmetics based on natural ingredients, which ensure the delivery of active substances to the deep layers of the epidermis.

    These tips are relevant for everyone - both those who first encountered the problem due to a change in diet or improper drinking regimen, and those who have been struggling with dryness, tightness and flaking all their lives.


    After cleansing, a toning step follows, which will help restore the skin's hydrolipid barrier and prepare the skin for the application of moisturizer. Tonic or thermal water copes with this task perfectly.

    Tonic Librederm Anti-age Grape stem cells exfoliating

    – stem cells are safe mother cells that regulate all plant growth processes and have an amazing effect on our skin: it receives a charge of energy so that the recovery processes go faster and more efficiently.

    Tonic Kora (Kora) New Line for oily and normal skin

    – narrows the pores of the skin, makes it stronger, and collagen fibers – elastic.

    Tonic Vichy (Vichy) Purte Thermal for sensitive skin

    – a tonic enriched with glycerin completes the skin cleansing procedure, quickly and thoroughly cleanses the skin of the face, lips and the area around the eyes. It is gentle even on sensitive skin and gently removes impurities and traces of makeup.

    La Roche-Posay Tonic for sensitive skin

    – the product has optimal tolerability and has a physiological pH level. The toner is based on La Roche-Posay Thermal Water and is suitable for sensitive skin of the face and eyes.

    Tonic Librederm Hyaluronic moisturizing for face

    – removes cleanser residues from the skin surface and allows you to balance the acidity (pH) of the skin, disturbed after washing; has excellent moisturizing and moisture-holding ability; tones and rejuvenates the skin; gives a feeling of freshness, cleanliness and comfort; prepares the skin for further care (after using tonic, basic care products are better absorbed and work more effectively).

    Age labels for cosmetics

    Age markings are often indicated on creams. What does it affect and why should you not use anti-aging products during adolescence?

    The condition of the skin, regardless of its type, changes over the years. Accordingly, systemic cosmetic facial care also requires changes.

    • At the age of twenty , when old age and the first wrinkles seem like something very distant and unreal, internal transformations at the cellular level are already starting in the body. The maturing of the skin will not appear soon, but it’s time to take preventive measures. The basis should be adequate hydration and nutrition. After 25 years of age, care is supplemented with cosmetics for the sensitive area around the eyes. At a young age, cells function well, which allows the body to use its own resources and be content with regular cleansing and light moisturizing of the skin.
    • After thirty the skin undergoes significant changes. The level of collagen and hyaluronic acid noticeably decreases, all of which negatively affects the condition of the epidermis. The face becomes dull, flabby, the first wrinkles appear, which is especially noticeable by the age of 35. The skin loses elasticity and firmness, so at this stage it is important to take care of your appearance. First of all, this should be protection from UV rays, which lead to dehydration and the appearance of age spots. This is followed by support with cosmetics containing collagen and hyaluronic acid.

    • The age of 40+ is marked by an active struggle for beauty. By the age of 45, the oval of the face changes for the worse, and pigmentation increases. Wrinkles become deeper and more noticeable; they affect not only the area around the eyes, but also the nasolabial triangle. For skin care, heavy artillery is used in the form of products with peptides, retinol, and rhamnose.
    • By the age of fifty , menopause occurs, which means that the body experiences a powerful hormonal revolution. The own resources of the epidermal cells are practically depleted, so from this moment on, maintaining beauty is completely dependent on compensatory care. The contours of the face undergo significant changes, the skin becomes dry, thinner, and prone to irritation. At this age, powerful anti-age products are used to saturate the cells with moisture and essential collagen.

    Some important tips from experts

    Cosmetologists recommend following a number of tips when carrying out moisturizing procedures . Useful tips:

    • Before applying moisturizer, the skin must first be cleansed.
    • Moisturizer must be applied pointwise.
    • The cream should not contain alcohol.
    • Homemade humidifiers can cause allergic reactions.
    • Self-prepared and purchased cosmetic products should be used according to your skin type.

    When purchasing a moisturizer, mask or lotion, you must carefully study the composition of the product. The product must not contain toxic substances.


    It is better to cleanse your skin twice a day. Definitely in the evening

    and preferably in the morning. This is the first and most important step, which you should not forget about no matter how little time you have and no matter how sleepy you feel.

    First of all, you need to get rid of makeup (if you have it on your face).

    A special lotion, milk or micellar water is good for this.

    Lotion Librederm Seracin for deep cleansing of pores

    – well suited for the care of skin prone to oiliness, acne and pimples. The lotion is designed for deep cleansing of oily facial skin from excessively secreted sebum (sebum) and daily impurities. Fights “blackheads”, has a gentle exfoliating effect, soothes the skin and gives it a healthy color.

    Cetaphil cleansing lotion

    – maintains the natural pH balance of the skin, does not disrupt the normal protective barrier, does not dry or irritate the skin. Has a soothing, cleansing and softening effect on the skin.

    Vichy Milk Purete Thermal Micellar for normal to dry skin

    – enriched with 15 minerals and trace elements. Helps restore normal pH of the skin, protects the epidermis, which increases the barrier properties of the skin and helps retain moisture in it.

    La Roche-Posay Ultra micellar water for sensitive allergy-prone skin

    – is evenly distributed over the surface of the skin, does not cause friction and damage to the protective barrier of the skin. The formula provides instant cleansing and makeup removal, reducing redness and tightness, and moisturizing the skin.

    Micellar water Librederm Seratsin

    – gently cleanses oily, combination and sensitive skin from impurities and makeup. Easily removes mascara from eyelashes without irritating your eyes. The special soft formula does not contain SLS, SLES, parabens and aggressive cleansing ingredients.

    Micellar water Bioderma (Bioderma) Sensibio H2O cleansing and make-up remover for sensitive skin of the face and eye contour

    – designed for gentle care of sensitive skin: it removes all types of impurities and decorative cosmetics from the skin of the face and eyes. Hypoallergenic. The micellar solution carefully and thoroughly cleanses, soothes, regenerates and refreshes the skin, and reduces the appearance of redness. Also used to remove waterproof makeup.

    Micellar water Innature

    – natural micellar water delicately cleanses the skin and quickly removes makeup from the eyes and lips. A complex of white tea, forest grape and hazel extracts has moisturizing properties, soothes irritated skin, and prevents collagen breakdown. Calamus and cinquefoil extracts have regenerating properties and increase facial skin tone.

    Cerave micellar water (CeraVe)

    – CeraVe Hydrating Micellar Water, enriched with three essential ceramides, effectively removes impurities, sebum and makeup. Helps restore and strengthen the skin's protective barrier. Niacinamide soothes irritated skin.

    After removing makeup, it is very important to wash your face and further cleanse your skin.

    Despite the fact that most manufacturers of micellar water write that it does not require rinsing, pores become clogged, and the skin can only be completely cleansed by washing. Don't wash your face with soap

    , you can dry out and ruin your facial skin! For washing, both in the morning and in the evening, there are foams, gels and special oils that will carefully cleanse the skin.

    Gel-cream La Roche-Posay Efaklar H for face for problem skin

    – thanks to the content of Niacinamide, Zinc Gluconate and La Roche-Posay Thermal Water, it gently cleanses the skin, restores barrier function, and has an antibacterial effect. EFFACLAR products were created by La Roche-Posay specialists for those whose skin is prone to rashes, problematic and oily.

    Innature cleansing gel for dry and sensitive skin

    – natural washing gel especially delicately cleanses dry and sensitive facial skin, while protecting and moisturizing it. A complex of extracts of amaranth, wild rosemary, calamus, marshmallow, bergenia and garcinia provides powerful protection, nutrition and hydration of dry facial skin, cares and soothes.

    Innature cleansing gel for mature skin

    – natural washing gel delicately cleanses and intensely nourishes mature facial skin. A complex of extracts of cranberry, lingonberry, hibiscus, mallow, black walnut, passionflower, due to the high content of vitamins in the composition, improves turgor and increases skin elasticity.

    Gel Vichy (Vichy) Normaderm Fitosolution Mattifying

    – volcanic thermal water strengthens the protective barrier and normalizes pH. An amino acid of natural origin effectively reduces fat content. Kaolin and volcanic perlite absorb sebum. Salicylic acid reduces imperfections. Charcoal intensively cleanses the skin.

    Gel Librederm Rose De Rose Revitalizing

    – a gentle gel created on the basis of Damask rose hydrolate and a natural detergent component obtained from apple juice amino acids, ensures delicate and thorough removal from the skin of not only makeup, but also the smallest particles of urban pollution (dust, cigarette smoke, heavy metals, etc.), perfectly removes mascara from eyelashes, cleanses and makes pores less noticeable.

    Gel Librederm Aevit

    – carefully and effectively removes impurities and makeup, prepares the skin for the application of tonics and basic care products. Does not leave a feeling of tightness and dryness. The synergy of vitamins A and E provides a powerful antioxidant effect, protects cells from aging, accelerates regeneration processes, and restores skin elasticity.

    Gel Uriage Isaac for combination and oily skin

    – cleanses oily and combination skin from impurities and excess sebum, making it soft. Heals the skin, restores its natural balance and gives a feeling of absolute comfort.

    Mousse Kora (Kora) With prebiotic for problematic and oily skin

    – has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Protects the skin from the adverse effects of the environment, normalizes the pH of the skin. Refreshes and tones the skin, completely cleansing it.

    Avene cleansing foam for face and eye area

    – gently cleanses normal and combination skin, removes makeup and excess sebum. The mild formula allows for use on the delicate eye area.

    Foam Vichy (Vichy) Purte Thermal cleanser for sensitive skin

    – removes dirt. Returns freshness and radiance to the skin. Convenient dispenser, soft texture, no need to foam.

    Foam Librederm Panthenol

    – created on the basis of ultra-soft detergent components of oat grain and contains a high concentration of Panthenol - 2%. Panthenol has a moisturizing, healing and smoothing effect, stimulates the process of natural skin renewal, improving its appearance. Suitable for sensitive skin prone to imperfections.

    Foam Cetaphil Pro Dermacontrol Mattifying

    – The product does not damage the skin barrier and maintains the physiological pH of the skin, improves skin color and texture. Zinc, which is part of the foam, provides a sebum-regulating effect. At the same time, the soft foam formula soothes and moisturizes the skin without drying or irritating it. Thanks to its ultra-light, weightless texture, the foam is easy to apply and rinse off, leaving you feeling fresh and comfortable.

    Uriage Oil Xemosis cleansing soothing

    – Give dry skin instant comfort and freshness with Uriage Xemose oil. When in contact with water, the oil transforms into a delicate, ultra-soft foam that gently cleanses the skin, relieves itching and relieves the feeling of tightness. The product provides immediate and lasting comfort even to very dry skin. The high concentration of glycerin allows you to create a non-greasy, non-sticky protective film on the surface of the skin. The formula is enriched with Uriage thermal water.

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