10 coffee body scrub recipes you can make at home

Coffee is one of the most popular remedies for cellulite. Scrubs based on it remove dead skin cells and cleanse pores, activate blood circulation, enhance metabolism, allowing you to successfully fight the “orange peel”. Coffee is often included in industrial anti-cellulite cosmetics, but you can make an effective scrub based on it yourself.

Classic recipe based on coffee and sea salt

Coffee-salt scrub promotes the resorption of subcutaneous fat, smoothes orange peel, removes excess fluid, softens the skin, makes it smooth and elastic.
The scrub has an anti-cellulite effect, reduces fat deposits, tightens the skin. The first results are not long in coming and appear after the first procedures.


  • ground coffee - 80 g;
  • crushed sea salt - 60 g;
  • olive oil - a few tablespoons.

All components are mixed, then the mixture is evenly distributed throughout the body. To improve efficiency, you should shower first. Peeling is carried out using massage-type movements, paying special attention to the thighs and buttocks. At the end, the remaining mixture is thoroughly washed off with plenty of water. It is advisable to use the scrub several times a week.

Helpful cooking tips

To prepare an anti-cellulite scrub, homemade recipes, as a rule, include only natural coffee; instant coffee is not at all suitable for this case.

  • You can use both coffee grounds and ground natural coffee.
  • Green coffee is the most effective remedy for cellulite because it contains the highest caffeine content.
  • It is better to use a fine grind, as coarse grinding can damage your skin.
  • Anti-cellulite coffee scrub is best used several times in one week, and it is better to use anti-cellulite hot scrub only once - reviews after its use show that this is the most optimal.

One way or another, using a coffee scrub constantly, you will certainly see the effect. Every day your skin will become smoother, and you will become more and more confident in yourself and the beauty of your body!

Coffee scrub with yogurt

Coffee and yogurt must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
The product helps fight cellulite cells and is also used for the general health of the body and face. Regular peeling saturates the skin with minerals, makes it elastic, fresh and prevents aging.


  • coffee or dried grounds - 40 g;
  • yogurt - 100 g.

The resulting mixture is applied to problem areas and actively massaged for several minutes. Finally, the remaining product is removed with water. It is recommended to repeat the procedure regularly several times a week.

Benefits of coffee grounds for skin

Coffee grounds are suitable for almost everyone.

It is not for nothing that it is widely used in cosmetology:

  • coffee refreshes and tones the skin;
  • gently and gently cleanses pores;
  • deeply moisturizes;
  • protects the skin from the adverse effects of external irritants, including ultraviolet rays;
  • evens out facial tone and eliminates yellowness;
  • tightens the skin in problem areas, eliminates cellulite;
  • has anti-inflammatory properties.

Scrub with coffee and vinegar

A scrub made from coffee and vinegar helps fade or completely remove stretch marks after pregnancy or sudden weight loss, softens the skin and improves its appearance.
It has a positive effect on the appearance of the skin, softens it and gives elasticity. With regular use, the product discolors and removes stretch marks on the body that appear as a result of pregnancy or a sudden change in weight.


  • ground coffee - 70 g;
  • apple cider vinegar - 40 ml.

The components are mixed and the finished mass is distributed in places with stretch marks. The skin must be massaged for 3-5 minutes and then wrapped in cling film for 20 minutes. After the procedure, the cling film is removed and the remaining scrub is removed with warm water. For better results, you can apply stretch mark cream to problem areas. The procedure should be repeated every other day.

Photos before and after, reviews

The effect of coffee peeling on the skin can be seen in photographs taken before using the scrub and after two months of regular use. As you can see, the complexion has evened out and brightened significantly, pimples and blackheads have disappeared, and the number of facial wrinkles has decreased.

The coffee scrub has received many positive reviews from people of different ages and professions. For representatives of the fairer sex working in the field, the drug helps cope with the negative effects of dust and sun. For older women, regular coffee peeling allowed them to avoid many lifting and lymphatic drainage salon procedures. For girls, the scrub helped eliminate acne and lighten freckles.

Scrub based on coffee and cottage cheese

Coffee scrub with cottage cheese needs to be massaged well for 10-15 minutes.
It is used to maintain skin tone, removes dead skin cells, gives elasticity and smoothness.


  • coffee - 5-6 tbsp. l;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 50 g;
  • egg white - 1 pc.

The protein is mixed with cottage cheese, then coffee is poured into the mixture. The resulting mass is distributed on previously cleansed skin and massaged for 10-15 minutes. The scrub is kept on the body until the protein hardens. Finally, the residue is washed off with water and a moisturizing lotion is applied to the body. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week.

How to make coffee-honey scrub, recipe

Honey is a unique product that has antibacterial and nourishing properties on the skin. In combination with coffee, the scrub gives an incredible effect, moisturizing and saturating the skin with beneficial microelements.

Making a coffee and honey scrub is very simple. It is perfect for those with dry skin. Honey is a well-known remedy for acne and blackheads, so we can safely say that this remedy is a fighter against problem areas.

scrub made from coffee with honey

This scrub is useful for use on both the face and body:

  • Prepare the dishes for the scrub
  • Place a large heaping spoon of coffee in a bowl
  • Next, you should add sour cream or a spoonful of cream (preferably fatty) to the coffee.
  • Heat some honey in the microwave until it becomes liquid.
  • Add honey to the mixture and stir until smooth
  • This scrub is recommended to be applied only to dry and clean skin.
  • After rubbing, you can leave the mass on the body so that the soft components can be absorbed into the skin. Rinse the scrub thoroughly with warm soapy water.

Scrub based on coffee and honey

In addition to their proven effectiveness, coffee scrubs have another advantage - they can be easily prepared yourself.
One of the popular recipes that combines two active ingredients at once. Coffee helps fight cellulite and fat deposits, and honey tightens the skin, removes stretch marks, and promotes wound healing. Ingredients:

  • coffee or coffee grounds - 150 g;
  • natural honey - 200 g.

The components are mixed until a homogeneous consistency; a nourishing cream can be added to the composition if the skin is prone to dryness and flaking. Before application, the skin must be steamed under a hot shower. The scrub is distributed over the body, alternating various massage movements, and then washed off with water. The procedure is repeated no more than 2 times a week.

Beneficial features

Coffee grounds contain a large number of useful components. They penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis and activate metabolic processes. Coffee contains:

  • caffeine – eliminates irritation;
  • zinc – fights stretch marks and promotes regeneration processes;
  • vitamin A – gives a rejuvenating effect, helps restore skin elasticity, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin;
  • vitamin E – aimed at improving complexion and smoothing wrinkles;
  • lipids – normalizes water balance.

The product is rich in B vitamins. They strengthen the walls of blood vessels, thereby preventing the formation of red mesh on the skin. Vitamin B3 effectively relieves irritation and peeling.

Essential oils moisturize the epidermis and nourish it with beneficial substances.

The pleasant smell of coffee grounds has an antidepressant effect.

Coffee scrubs are an excellent way to combat cellulite. Coffee helps break down fats and remove toxins from cells.

Product based on coffee and oatmeal

It is advisable not to eat anything for 2 hours after using the scrub, just drink water or green tea.
The combination of two main components helps tidy up dry skin, saturates the body with vitamins, removes dead skin cells, rejuvenates, heals cracks and wounds.


  • chopped oat flakes - 40 g;
  • brown sugar - 100 g;
  • egg white - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - 30 ml.
  • If desired, you can add essential oil;
  • coffee - 3 tsp.

All products are thoroughly mixed. The resulting mixture is distributed with massage movements throughout the body. It is recommended to leave the scrub for 3-5 minutes and then rinse off in the shower. Repeat the procedure 1-3 times a week.

Coffee and sugar scrub

The product is used to moisturize, nourish and cleanse dry skin, helping to make it soft and elastic.
The product has a calming effect, relieves dryness and irritation, and adds elasticity. Regular procedures have a positive effect on the top layer of skin, promote active cell renewal and remove the stratum corneum.


  • olive oil - 30 ml;
  • coffee - 4 tbsp. l;
  • sugar - 120 g.

All components are mixed in a convenient container. The mixture is slowly distributed over the body, especially working on the buttocks, thighs and abdomen. It is recommended to keep the scrub for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Sugar particles reduce cellulite, and olive oil helps moisturize the skin, making it shiny and smooth. It is recommended to repeat the procedure every other day.


Tatiana. I read a lot of positive reviews on the Internet about coffee that gets rid of cellulite. And since I myself am suffering from this problem, I decided to try it. My cellulite is not pronounced, but it is there and it is visible. I just had Jockey coffee at home. That's what I use.

Anya. I also started using this scrub regularly) My skin really feels just gorgeous after using it! I just prepare the scrub a little differently - I add essential oils to the coffee: orange, cinnamon and ginger oil. (per tablespoon of coffee - 4 drops of orange, 2 ginger and 1 cinnamon oils). And the smell of the scrub with oils is something! I’ve been using the scrub for probably about a month now - my skin is tightened, soft and smooth).

Alina. In fact, in the fight against cellulite, all means are good, the main thing is in combination. the simplest scrub, the simplest gel, massage, relaxation, wraps - and that’s it, the crust doesn’t stand a chance!

Scrub with ground pepper

To prevent cellulite and maintain a beautiful figure, it is enough to carry out coffee scrubbing courses 3-4 times a year.
The product actively fights cellulite and fat deposits, improves blood circulation in the tissues, makes the skin elastic and toned.


  • coffee - 90 g;
  • olive oil - 40 ml;
  • red pepper - ⅓ tsp;
  • black pepper - half 1 tsp;
  • water - 70 ml.

Coffee (no matter what beans are Arabica or Robusta) is diluted in hot water to a mushy consistency, then olive oil and pepper are added. Before applying to the skin, the scrub is tested for stinginess by distributing it on the wrist. If the product bakes too much, you need to add a few more tablespoons of oil. The scrub is distributed over problem areas and left for 5-10 minutes. Finally, rinse off the residue with cool water and apply a nourishing cream. Repeat the procedure no more than 2 times a week.

Scrub based on coffee and essential oil

You can choose any essential oil for this scrub, according to your preferences.
The product is used to moisturize, saturate with beneficial vitamins and improve skin health.


  • cocoa butter - 60 g;
  • ground coffee - 70 g;
  • any essential oil - 10 drops.

Using a steam bath, melt the cocoa butter, then add coffee and essential extract. All ingredients are mixed and applied with massage movements to the body. You can leave the product on the body for 3 minutes, then rinse with water. The procedure should be repeated once a week.

Nourishing products for dry skin

Dry facial skin needs nutritional components that need to be added to the recipe of your choice (yolk, butter or sour cream). It is a misconception that deep cleansing is only required for oily or combination skin.

With oatmeal


  1. Oatmeal (1 tbsp) should be steamed with milk (2 tbsp), leave to infuse for 3 minutes.
  2. The steamed oatmeal should be mixed with the coffee mixture (1 tbsp).
  3. The scrub should be gently massaged into the skin and left on the face until the first signs of the mixture drying out.
  4. Afterwards you need to wash your face with non-hot water.

Oatmeal not only nourishes the skin, but also enhances the cleansing effect of coffee.

With nuts and sour cream


  1. Walnuts (1 tablespoon) must be crushed in a mortar or in any other way.
  2. Spilled coffee grounds (1 tbsp) should be combined with nut crumbs.
  3. It is advisable to beat homemade sour cream (1 tbsp) with a blender.
  4. Afterwards, you need to combine all the components of the scrub and apply with light movements along the massage lines.
  5. When the mixture dries, you need to wash your face with water at room temperature.

This scrub deeply but gently cleanses the skin and nourishes it.

How to make a scrub at home for sensitive skin

A mask for sensitive skin can be applied not only to the body, but also to the face.
The components are selected in such a way as to saturate the skin with vitamins, making it smooth, elastic and healthy. This scrub can be used not only for the body, but also for the face.


  • ground coffee - 4 tbsp. l;
  • honey - 60 g;
  • grape seed extract - 60 g.

All ingredients are mixed until smooth. Distribute over the body with light movements. The scrub is kept on the skin for about 3 minutes, then removed with plenty of water. To consolidate the effect, it is recommended to moisturize the skin with lotion after the procedure. It is enough to conduct several sessions every week.

Contraindications for use

A coffee scrub will help your feet look perfect both in summer and winter.
Despite the many positive aspects, it is recommended to do an allergy test before using coffee scrubs. To do this, apply the prepared mixture to the elbow and observe the reaction over the next 4 hours.

It should be remembered that the absence of an allergy to a drink does not mean that the scrub will not cause it. In addition to allergic reactions, peeling is not recommended:

  • in the presence of open wounds and scratches;
  • on burnt skin;
  • on areas with acne. Coffee-based scrub recipes are easy to follow and have a minimal number of ingredients. The product is used both to cleanse the entire body and to care for individual areas. In order not to harm the body, it is necessary to observe the correct proportions when making a scrub, do not use it more than 3 times a week and remember about contraindications.

    Coffee body scrubs prepared at home give amazing results if you choose the appropriate recipe and follow the sequence of all steps

Recipes for aging skin

A scrub made from coffee grounds at home is most beneficial for aging skin. Natural antioxidants contained in the product rejuvenate the skin.

With cottage cheese

Preparation and use:

  1. The mixture after drinking coffee should be combined with cottage cheese of medium fat content (1:1).
  2. For ease of application, add milk (1 tbsp) to the mixture.
  3. You need to gently massage your face with the scrub.
  4. After 5 minutes, when the scrub begins to dry, you need to wash your face.

A curd and coffee scrub will make your skin glowing and tightened.

With rice flour

Preparation and use:

  1. Rice flour should be mixed with the grounds after drinking a cup of coffee (1 tablespoon each).
  2. Add hot milk to the coffee-rice mixture until you get the consistency of sour cream.
  3. The resulting scrub should be carefully distributed over the face.
  4. After leaving the product on for a few minutes, you need to wash your face.

Rice flour has a strong anti-aging effect and is widely used in Japan.

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