What to do if watery blisters appear on your hands and fingers?


The main causes of allergic reactions on the hands:

  • Hereditary predisposition. Characteristic of neurodermatitis, eczema, and other allergic dermatoses. If both parents have allergic diseases, the risk of developing neurodermatitis in a child is 70%2.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Biliary dyskinesia, chronic gastritis, and disruption of the pancreas can contribute to the development of allergies and their transition to a chronic form.
  • Impaired skin barrier function.
  • Regulation disorders of the central nervous system.
  • Bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse).
  • Unfavorable environmental conditions.

Allergy is a multifactorial disease that requires complex treatment. In some cases, it is not possible to determine the exact cause of the disease.

Types of rash

The location of the rash can be a direct indication of the type of disease. If it's your hands, most likely it concerns allergic diseases. Another important factor is the size of the rash, because the spots can be large or, conversely, small.

The types of rash on the palms can be varied:

  • Spots – contribute to the change of skin pigment and are located at the skin level. May vary in colors.
  • Pustule – there is pus inside the elements.
  • Erosion - there is filling inside and the elements differ in color.
  • Bubbles – there is a watery content inside and there are different sizes.
  • Blisters.
  • Dry crusts.

If the resulting rash begins to itch, we are talking about infectious diseases. For example, a person gets chickenpox. In humans, such a disease is quite complex and can have serious consequences. Allergic reactions require relief from the allergen.

At times, the rash can be caused by a state of severe stress, as mentioned above, or as a result of prolonged overwork. As a result, human immunity becomes weaker. Therefore, doctors advise spending more time outside and breathing fresh air there. When the first signs appear, you should contact a dermatologist. The skin is represented by a certain indicator that notifies that serious health problems may begin.

Common symptoms and manipulations in dermatology:

  • Skin rashes
  • Calling a dermatologist to your home
  • Itching in the urethra
  • Itchy skin
  • Skin rash
  • Prevention of casual sex
  • Skin neoplasms
  • Pyoderma
  • Pityriasis rosea
  • Streptoderma
  • Scabies
  • Peeling skin
  • Fungal infections
  • Skin infection
  • Pus on the skin
  • Blisters on the skin
  • Papillomas on the foreskin
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Skin structure

Atopic dermatitis

Neurodermatitis or atopic dermatitis is a chronic condition that first appears in early childhood. Neurodermatitis on the hands is accompanied by severe itching, which can interfere with sleep at night. Rashes can occur on the scalp, face, neck, upper and lower extremities. Visually, during the acute period of the disease, redness, swelling of the skin, itchy spots of various shapes and sizes, exudation with subsequent formation of crusts are noted. When transitioning to the chronic stage, the skin becomes dry, flaky, and areas of thickening of the skin appear with an intensification of the skin pattern.

There are three age periods of atopic dermatitis:

  • infant (up to 2 years);
  • children (from 2 to 13 years);
  • teenage and adult (13 years and older).

The disease lasts a long time, and other allergic diseases (seasonal rhinitis, bronchial asthma) may occur. In adolescents, rashes may be accompanied by symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia (weakness, mood swings, headaches, discomfort in the heart area).

Clinical researches

The conducted clinical study proves the high efficiency, safety and tolerability of products for daily skin care of children with mild and moderate forms of atopic dermatitis and during remission, accompanied by a decrease in the quality of life of patients. As a result of therapy, a decrease in the activity of the inflammatory process, a decrease in dryness, itching and flaking was noted.

The composition of La Cree cream for sensitive skin includes:

  • Violet extract and bisabolol (the active ingredient of chamomile) have an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect;
  • Extracts of string and licorice have anti-inflammatory properties, have an antipruritic effect, relieve redness and flaking of the skin;
  • Walnut extract has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and healing effects.
  • Panthenol and avocado oil have a regenerating and softening effect, nourish and moisturize the skin.

The conducted clinical study proves the high efficiency, safety and tolerability of products for daily care of children's skin, including skin with mild and moderate forms of atopic dermatitis and during remission, accompanied by a decrease in the quality of life of patients. As a result of therapy, a decrease in the activity of the inflammatory process, a decrease in dryness, itching and flaking was noted.


  1. Sukolin Gennady Ivanovich, Illustrated clinical dermatology. Brief alphabetical reference book, publishing house Lux Print, 2010
  2. Chapman M. Shane, Habiff Thomas P., Zug Catherine A., Dinoulos James G. H., Campbell James L., Dermatology. Handbook of differential diagnosis, publishing house: MEDpress-inform, 2014
  3. Molochkova Yulia Vladimirovna, Dermatology. Brief reference book, publishing house: GEOTAR-Media, 2017


An allergic rash on the hands of an adult can be a symptom of urticaria. Urticaria is characterized by redness, swelling of the skin, and the appearance of itchy blisters. Local edema develops due to increased vascular permeability upon contact with allergens. The rash is accompanied by intense itching and can appear on any area of ​​the skin. Symptoms of acute urticaria completely disappear within a day (usually a few hours after stopping contact with the allergen).

Forms of the disease:

  • Immunological urticaria (the development is based on a hypersensitivity reaction).
  • Physical urticaria (reaction to high or low temperatures, sun, pressure, other physical factors).
  • Drug-induced urticaria.
  • Idiopathic urticaria (when the cause of the rash cannot be determined)3.

A dangerous complication of the disease is angioedema. It is accompanied by swelling of the deep layers of the dermis, subcutaneous tissue, submucosal layer of the upper respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, and urogenital tract3. When the first signs of Quincke's edema appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Cream La-Cri for sensitive skin of hands

Whatever the cause of the lesion, the skin suffers in any case. Patients experience increased sensitivity to cosmetics and chemical components, so they are advised to abandon conventional cosmetics and give preference to neutral hygiene products.

Special La-Cri products will help fight inflammation and provide gentle skin care. Instead of regular soap, it is better to switch to a soft cleansing gel that is suitable for the entire body and face. After washing, the skin can be lubricated with anti-inflammatory and softening cream.

The La-Cri skin care series is developed on the basis of natural ingredients (healing oils, panthenol, plant extracts). These products do not contain hormones, dyes, fragrances or parabens, so they can be regularly used by children from the first days of life and by adults with sensitive skin. Such cosmetics will help speed up treatment and restore skin faster.

To prevent relapse, lead a gentle lifestyle. Try to get rid of bad habits, maintain hygiene, avoid contact with chemicals (wear gloves).

Contact dermatitis

A common allergic skin disease that occurs due to skin contact with allergens. It can occur in acute or chronic form. During an exacerbation, it manifests itself as redness of the skin and the formation of itchy blisters. In the chronic version, the skin becomes dry and the skin pattern intensifies2.

Allergens that can cause rashes include:

  • metals (nickel, cobalt, chromium, aluminum);
  • rubber and rubber products (balloons, latex gloves, condoms);
  • cosmetics and perfumes (containing flavors, stabilizers, preservatives);
  • local medications (anaesthetics, glucocorticosteroids, antibiotic ointments);
  • Hair Dye;
  • synthetic glue, adhesives;
  • plants (primrose, poison ivy and others).

The development of dermatosis can occur through allergic or non-allergic pathways (irritant contact dermatitis). It is important to identify the substance causing the rash in time and avoid contact with it.


Eczema is a chronic inflammatory skin disease characterized by the appearance of a polymorphic rash and severe itching. True eczema is manifested by redness and limited swelling of the skin, on which small blisters appear filled with transparent contents2. After opening the bubbles, erosions remain, which eventually become covered with crusts. In the chronic form of the disease, the skin thickens. The rashes are symmetrical, most often occurring on the upper, lower extremities and torso.

Cetrin for hand allergies

Cetrin is a second generation antihistamine whose active ingredient is cetirizine hydrochloride. It blocks H1-histamine receptors, helping to reduce swelling, redness, and itching of the skin. Cetrin is used for the following diseases: hay fever, urticaria, neurodermatitis, allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis.

Advantages of the product:

  • The effect of use and relief of symptoms begins 20 minutes after taking the tablet.
  • Convenient method of use (one tablet is enough to maintain the effect for 24 hours4).
  • Suitable for long-term treatment, non-addictive.
  • Practically does not cause drowsiness5.
  • Eliminates symptoms regardless of the factor that caused the allergy.

Cetrin can be taken regardless of meals; the therapeutic effect lasts for three days after the end of the course of treatment4.

Where to go with a rash on the palms

A rash on the palms can be a sign of many diseases. You cannot diagnose yourself; you must seek qualified medical help at a medical institution.

Advantages of seeking help from our clinic:

  • We work any day, without holidays and weekends;
  • The appointment is conducted by an experienced dermatologist;
  • The clinic’s staff also includes allergists, immunologists and infectious disease specialists, whose consultation may be required;
  • The clinic’s own laboratory allows you to quickly and easily take all the necessary tests and get results on the day of treatment;
  • There is a service to call a doctor at home, which is much more comfortable for the patient.

Our clinic provides assistance to both adults and children. The well-equipped clinic, professional medical workers, polite and friendly attitude contribute to a speedy recovery.


  1. Werfel T., Breuer K., Rueff F et. Al. Usefulness of specific immunotherapy in patients with atopic dermatitis and allergic sensitization to house dust mites: a multi-centre, randomized, dose-response study. Allergy, 2006. - V. 61. - Issue 2. - P. 202-205.
  2. Clinical allergology. Guide for practicing doctors / ed. R.M. Khaitova. - M., 2002. - 624 p.
  3. Russian national conciliation document. Urticaria and angioedema. Recommendations for practicing physicians. — Ed. I.S. Gushchina, N.I. Ilyina. - M.: Farmarus Print Media, 2007. - 128 p.
  4. Instructions for medical use of the drug Cetrin®.
  5. Kareva E.N. Choosing an antihistamine: a pharmacologist’s view // RMJ. 2016. No. 12. pp. 811–816.
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