How dangerous is a boil that occurs during pregnancy?

The resulting boil in pregnant women brings a lot of discomfort and unpleasant sensations; moreover, if the boil is not removed in a timely manner, inflammation develops with the addition of a bacterial infection, which affects the well-being of the expectant mother and, in severe cases, threatens the condition of the unborn child. Let's look at the causes, what symptoms are troubling, and how to properly treat the problem.

During gestation, boils may grow, and their treatment should be as careful as possible.

What it is?

A furuncle is the development of an inflammatory bacterial complication that occurs in the hair follicle. If the boil is not treated in a timely manner, the pregnant woman develops intoxication, her general health worsens, and her body temperature rises. The symptoms of the disease are the same as those of an ordinary person, but it is worth considering the fact that during pregnancy, unwanted complications may develop that will negatively affect the woman and the fetus. Treatment is selected depending on the severity of the pathology and taking into account pregnancy.


This is the appearance of dark spots on the face or other parts of the body. The phenomenon is caused by an increase in melanin production and goes away after childbirth, but can persist for several years.

An example of hyperpigmentation during pregnancy is melasma, known as “mask of pregnancy,” which is characterized by brown patches on the face, cheeks, nose, and forehead. To solve this problem, you need to consult a dermatologist.

To reduce stains, it is recommended to follow simple rules:

  • limit your stay on the street during the period of solar activity from 10:00 to 14:00;
  • in hot weather, use sunscreen with a factor of 30 or higher;
  • wear a wide-brimmed hat.

Causes of appearance and stages of development

The main root cause why boils develop in pregnant women is a decrease in the body's protective functions during gestation. After conception, large-scale changes occur in a woman’s body, hormonal levels change, and changes affect the immune system. The skin is no longer able to fully perform its functions, the protective barrier is also reduced, as a result of which pathogenic microflora causes inflammation, which provokes the development of furunculosis. Infection occurs in 3 stages:

  1. A subcutaneous infiltrate develops due to infection getting there. Swelling occurs around the seal, the skin becomes inflamed, and pain occurs.
  2. After 2-3 days, pus forms at the site of inflammation, and a rod forms inside the boil. The woman’s health worsens, her temperature rises, and the area of ​​the lump swells and hurts. This stage is the most unsafe, since due to intoxication the body of the woman and the fetus is poisoned. If there is a deterioration in health, an operation is performed during which the chiri are removed.
  3. When the boil has matured sufficiently, a purulent mass breaks out of the wound, and when the wound is completely cleansed, healing will begin, during which careful care of the damaged area is required.

Skin diseases during pregnancy

The content of the article

Types and reasons for changes:

  1. Dark spots
    . Due to an increase in the level of pigment - melanin, dark spots appear on the skin.
  2. Melasma
    . A form of hyperpigmentation, also known as "mask of pregnancy".
  3. Stretch marks
    . They can appear by the third trimester and sometimes remain for life.
  4. Pimples.
    Even those with clear skin can develop acne during pregnancy, but some forms of treatment for this problem should be avoided by using medications prescribed exclusively by a gynecologist.
  5. Phlebeurysm
    . Pathology can develop, but varicose veins often go away after childbirth.


The main symptom that characterizes furunculosis in pregnant women is the appearance of a purulent neoplasm, which occurs in 3 stages and lasts about a week. But it happens that a boil forms without a purulent core inside, then the inflamed area turns red and hurts when pressed. If a boil develops in the groin during pregnancy, under no circumstances should you self-medicate and try to get rid of the suppuration. The fact is that boils in this place are most susceptible to abscess, then the purulent masses will spread over a large area, this can lead to a dangerous complication.

If a pregnant woman experiences frequent and prolonged boils, she should go to a medical facility for testing and an ultrasound examination of the disease.

What is the danger of boils during pregnancy?

For mother

If a pregnant woman’s boils are located in places where they are constantly exposed to irritation (in the groin, under the arms, in an intimate place), there is a high risk of developing a purulent abscess, which causes damage to the subcutaneous tissue, and if treatment is not started, the pus spreads beyond the seal. The most dangerous thing is the development of a boil in an area where there is a large accumulation of blood vessels, since purulent discharge can enter the blood plasma and then infection of the entire body begins.

For the baby

If the abscess leads to the development of an abscess, the pregnant woman develops severe poisoning of the body, which is also dangerous for the unborn child, since toxic waste enters the amniotic fluid through the circulatory system. The baby's condition may worsen and there will be a risk of premature birth. Therefore, it is important to promptly detect inflammation in pregnant women and begin treatment under medical supervision.

Treatment methods for boils

Under no circumstances should you try to squeeze out the boil yourself, massage it or put pressure on the area around the boil. The infection can enter the bloodstream and cause blood poisoning (sepsis). It is worth remembering that there are active pathogenic bacteria inside the abscess. Therefore, you should not touch the boil, and if you do touch it, you must immediately wash your hands with soap.

For a single small boil, treatment at home is possible. You should definitely consult a doctor if:

  • within 3 days the boil does not develop a head and the pain only increases;
  • the boil is too large or painful;
  • the boil is located on the neck, ear, nose, face, spine or anus. These areas are the most dangerous from the point of view of the development of complications;
  • the temperature has increased;
  • red stripes appeared radiating from the boil (this is a symptom of inflammation of the lymphatic vessels - lymphangitis);
  • with multiple boils (furunculosis). In case of furunculosis, you should definitely consult a doctor, even with small boils;
  • the boil occurred against the background of diabetes mellitus.

Specialist consultation

A surgeon treats boils. If large boils occur, surgical opening, sanitation and drainage of the wound are performed. Treatment of furunculosis is usually complex, including the use of both local remedies and general therapy, which is necessary, first of all, to increase the body's immunity.

Make an appointment Do not self-medicate. Contact our specialists who will correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment.

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How to treat?

If a boil begins to bother a pregnant woman in the early stages, then prescribing therapy should be approached as competently as possible, because during this period all the vital organs and systems of the baby are formed, and uncontrolled use of drugs will harm the baby and provoke the development of intrauterine pathologies.


During early pregnancy, it is prohibited to use antibacterial drugs, so the doctor prescribes ointments and gels for external use. These are ointments such as Levomekol and Vishnevsky ointment; if the condition is severe, hospital treatment is indicated. If severe complications develop, medications are prescribed that will help relieve inflammation and improve immunity. When the boil opens, the site of inflammation should be regularly treated with antiseptic and healing preparations.

Folk recipes

Folk remedies during pregnancy can be used after consultation with a doctor, since self-medication can lead to serious consequences. There are such recipes:

  1. antiseptic compresses based on a decoction of chamomile and St. John's wort, which must be applied to the sore spot and kept for at least 30 minutes;
  2. a paste of onion and garlic, which is applied to the inflamed area and kept for about an hour.

When using folk remedies, it is important to remember that without consulting a doctor, you should never warm up or apply hot compresses to areas of inflammation. This can increase the proliferation of pathogenic microflora, as a result of which the condition will worsen.

Nutritional Features

A healthy diet during pregnancy will reduce the risk of boils and reduce the likelihood of recurrence.
During the period of bearing a child, a pregnant woman should pay close attention to her diet, because healthy and proper food is the key to the baby’s well-being and health. A year before starting to plan to conceive, a woman is advised to give up alcohol, cigarettes and other bad habits. It is also worth sticking to the basics of proper nutrition. If you eat wholesome, healthy food, drink enough fluids and take vitamin complexes, you will be able to keep your immunity at a high level, which will reduce the risk of developing furunculosis.

The basis of nutrition during pregnancy is porridge, lean meat, fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, mineral water. Avoid food with dyes and flavors, sweet soda, milk chocolate, baked goods and white bread. Instead of sugar, if you are not allergic, eat a spoonful of honey, and replace sweets and sweet baked goods with marmalade, marshmallows or Turkish delight.

Symptoms of a boil

A boil can form anywhere there are hair follicles (that is, almost anywhere except the palms and soles). Most often, a boil occurs where the skin sweats, rubs and gets dirty the most - on the neck, forearms, in the armpit or groin area, on the lower back, hips and buttocks. Often boils appear on the face.

In its development, the boil goes through several stages:

Formation of a boil

At the first stage, an infiltrate appears around the mouth of the hair follicle - a swollen area with pronounced redness and thickening of the skin. The infiltrate gradually increases and can reach a diameter of 1 to 3 cm. The skin around the infiltrate becomes tense and also becomes painful, and sometimes a tingling sensation is felt. In this case, people say “a boil is brewing.”

Purulent-necrotic stage

The next stage is called purulent-necrotic. On average, 3-4 days after the first signs of boil formation appear, a characteristic rod appears, consisting of pus and dead tissue, the end of which rises above the surface of the skin in the form of an abscess-pustule. If the boil is located on the face, in the ear, or on the neck, during this period there may be an increase in temperature to 38 ° C, general weakness, loss of appetite, and headache.

Boil breakthrough and healing

At some point, the pustule breaks through and the necrotic core comes out. Unpleasant symptoms disappear and healing begins. Within 3-4 days, the wound at the site of the boil heals. A scar is formed, which over time can become almost invisible.

Preventive measures

To avoid relapse of furunculosis during pregnancy, first of all, before conception, you should strengthen the immune system by going on a therapeutic diet and engaging in light exercise. If your health condition allows, hardening procedures will have a positive strengthening effect, which should be started under the supervision of a doctor. It is also worthwhile to examine the entire body before pregnancy for the presence of hidden chronic diseases that can provoke a weakened immune system and the occurrence of furunculosis. If you take all preventive measures in time, you will be able to carry your child to term without complications and feel good.

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