How to use grape oil for the skin around the eyes: proven tips

Grapeseed oil is included in many cosmetic products. What benefits does a treatment that includes grape oil provide around the eyes? What are the nuances of its use?

The skin around the eyes is affected by external factors and age-related changes. She requires special care.

How to choose a quality product?

If the oil has a grape aroma, then it is most likely fake. This product has a light nutty aroma.

There are several nuances to choosing a quality product:

  • It is best to choose cold-pressed oil.
  • It is better to give preference to oil in a dark glass bottle. If there is sediment at the bottom, this does not indicate poor quality of the product.
  • You should carefully study the oil label. It must be produced in Argentina, Spain, Italy or France.
  • It is best to purchase oil in a small bottle. This is due to the fact that after opening there is contact with air, which significantly reduces the shelf life of the oil.

Beneficial properties for the skin

It is the cold-pressed extract that brings the greatest benefit to the skin, since in this case all the healing substances remain. Hot pressing produces more products that are of lower quality.

The healing properties of grape seed oil for the skin are quite justified. The squeeze is rich in precisely those components that can provide exceptional benefits. Thanks to this, the epidermis noticeably improves.

The oil quickly penetrates the skin itself and does not leave an unpleasant oily glow. Suitable for any epidermis, but especially beneficial for oily skin. And all because the sebaceous glands begin to work moderately. Oily skin becomes matte and velvety.

Also, grape seed oil for the face has the following beneficial properties:

  • nutritious;
  • tonic;
  • wound healing;
  • moisturizing;
  • softening;
  • rejuvenating.

The squeeze affects the skin of the face in such a way that it glows with health. This is especially true for aging skin. Hated wrinkles are noticeably smoothed out.

What else is useful for grape oil for the face is that it helps with minor damaged skin:

  • abrasions;
  • scratches;
  • cuts.

The squeeze can exfoliate dead skin particles. In this case, the epidermis becomes smooth. The product also relieves irritation. The extract gently cares for the extremely sensitive skin around the eyes.

Application nuances

Most people mistakenly believe that oil is absolutely not suitable for caring for the skin around the eyes. This is due, according to them, to the fact that this product causes swelling of the eyelids in the morning. This effect occurs due to improper use of oil to care for this area.

There are several simple nuances, without which you can harm your skin.

Masks against age-related changes

In order for the mask to have the desired effect, you need to follow some recommendations, namely:

  1. Cleanse your face.
  2. The composition should be applied from bottom to top (from neck to forehead). You can massage during application.
  3. You should keep the composition on your face for a strictly allotted time. If a burning sensation or other unpleasant symptoms appear, the mask should be washed off.
  4. The product should be washed off with warm or cool water without soap. After removing the mask, apply a nourishing cream to the skin.


To make an application or compress, soak a cotton pad in oil. You need to lie with him in front of your eyes for 10 minutes.

Applications are best done on steamed facial skin. Open pores facilitate the penetration of beneficial components of the oil.

Gentle lotion

The oil can also be used as a makeup remover lotion. It gently cleanses the skin of the eyelids from paint and dirt.

To do this, wipe your face with a mixture of 3 tsp. grape and 1 tsp. apricot oil.

Replacing the cream

The oil can be used as a cream. To do this, the product is applied to the facial skin in a thin layer.

There should not be too much oil, otherwise it may get into your eyes. As a result, there may be redness of the mucous membrane.

Enrichment of cosmetics

Grapeseed oil can be added to finished cosmetics. In this case, take one portion of cream or other product and mix it with two drops of base. The product should be stirred before use.

If, after applying the product, red spots or other manifestations of allergies appear on the skin, the product should be washed off.

The skin around the eyes is affected by external factors and age-related changes. She requires special care.

Avocado oil mask

Avocado oil in combination with a grape seed base tones even dry eyelid skin.


  • 1 tbsp. l. bases;
  • 1 tbsp. l. avocado;
  • 3 drops rose or citrus oil.

The product is applied for 20 minutes.

The duration of therapy is 10 days. After this you need to take a two-week break. This product should be stored in a glass bottle in a dark room.

Green pea mask

This mask is ideal for those over 40. It slows down the aging process.


  • 2 tbsp. l. fresh green peas;
  • 1 tbsp. l. oils;
  • 1 tbsp. l. yogurt.

All components must be blended in a blender. The mixture is applied for 30 minutes. After washing your face, do not wipe your face; the moisture should dry on its own.

Grape oil for skin rejuvenation

Grapeseed oil is a completely natural product. As part of many anti-aging facial care products, it is useful for getting rid of fine expression lines and deep age wrinkles. Compared to analogues, this substance has several advantages:

  • complete composition for nourishing and moisturizing the skin;
  • light texture - the oil is quickly absorbed into the deep layers of the skin;
  • low risk of developing allergies.

Wrinkles occur when the blood supply and nutrition of certain areas of the skin are disrupted. Most often they appear in those areas that gather into small folds when the facial muscles move. Over time, the situation worsens because wrinkles compress blood vessels and skin folds deepen.

Precautionary measures

Grapeseed oil is a harmless product. A negative reaction can only be caused by incorrect or excessive use.

  • Before using grape oil, it must first be tested for allergy. To do this, apply the oil to your wrist. If no redness appears after 20 minutes, the product can be used.
  • Remaining oil from the face can be removed using a dry cotton pad. After 30–40 minutes you can wash your face.
  • Cosmetic procedures should be performed no more than twice a day.

Cosmetic properties of grapes

Grapes contain useful vitamins and minerals for skin restoration, and in the seeds they are in maximum concentration. They are used to obtain oil. It can be purchased in pure form in pharmacies, and cosmetic companies add it to their products.

How is oil obtained?

To obtain grape oil for wrinkles and other skin problems, you will need seeds. In industrial conditions they are processed using cold or hot pressing methods. For cosmetics, the first method is preferable, since such oil retains more nutrients.

Vitamin composition and beneficial properties

The properties of grape oil are determined by its rich composition. This product contains elements beneficial for mature skin and helps get rid of wrinkles. It consists of the following components:

  • fatty acids are natural substances that regulate fat metabolism and nourish the skin;
  • vitamin E - protects cells from premature aging and destruction under the influence of environmental factors;
  • vitamins A, B, C - strengthen blood vessels, normalize cellular metabolism;
  • resveatrol is an antioxidant, restores blood composition and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Grapeseed oil stimulates skin regeneration and helps smooth out wrinkles on the face and neck. It is also suitable for sensitive skin and does not cause allergies.

Effects of oil on facial skin

Anti-aging masks made from grape oil have a complex effect. Due to their structure, they penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, where they affect the aging process at the cellular level. The action of grape oil or preparations based on it is based on several principles:

  • moisturizing the skin and maintaining moisture inside cells and in the intercellular space;
  • saturation of tissues with nutrients and microelements to accelerate metabolic processes;
  • cell renewal;
  • strengthening capillaries and restoring blood supply to tissues.

Skin withering under the influence of age-related changes and environmental factors is an inevitable process. However, regular use of grape seed oil stimulates the smoothing of wrinkles and restores the natural complexion.

Contraindications for use

Masks, scrubs, creams, and lotions for washing based on grape oil can be easily prepared at home. However, such products are not suitable for every woman. Like any other drug, they have a number of contraindications. Before first use, you should test for an allergic reaction. If irritation does not begin when applying oil to the skin of the forearm, it can be safely applied to other areas.


  • Alexandra, 24 years old. Small wrinkles have recently appeared in the corners of my eyes. I was very upset then and went on the Internet to look for effective anti-wrinkle medications in this delicate area. I found a lot of rave reviews about grape seed oil. I decided to try it. I rubbed in the oil 2 times a week in its pure form. I was pleased with the result.
  • Evgenia, 55 years old. I trust my skin only to professionals from the beauty salon. Of all the procedures performed, I like it best when a mask of grape oil and clay is applied to the skin. After it, the skin becomes smooth and incredibly soft.

The smallest, but the most useful

Grapes are one of the oldest crops. Fruits, leaves and seeds have been used in cooking, winemaking and cosmetology for thousands of years. But it is the smallest element of the vine - the grape seed - that contains the largest amount of useful substances.

We recommend reading: “Grape oil (composition, properties, how to prepare).”

Among them:

  • bioflavonoids;
  • minerals;
  • proteins;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • fatty acid.

100 grams of grape seeds contain the daily intake of vitamins A, B, C, E, as well as lutein, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, natural chlorophyll, procyanide, resveratrol.

What is castor oil

Castor oil is also known as ricin oil. It is very thick and viscous, with a specific smell and a light golden hue. Castor oil is extracted by pressing the seeds of the castor oil plant, an evergreen shrub that grows in tropical and subtropical zones. Although the plant is very poisonous, the oil is absolutely safe - thanks to special technology, after it is extracted from the seeds, all toxic substances remain in the cake. The world's main producers of castor oil are India, China, and Brazil.

The ancient Egyptians began using castor oil; castor beans are shown in the photo © CDC/UNSPLASH

Castor oil is used in cosmetology and medicine. It's all about its unusual composition - it consists of almost 90% of rare ricinoleic acid, which is not found in any other oil. It has analgesic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects [1]. Castor oil also contains stearic, palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids. In addition, it is rich in vitamin E, which strengthens hair and nails, smoothes the skin and protects it from early aging.

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