Review of gel fillers for contouring and lip augmentation

Update date: 12/02/2021 09:09:46 2216 Share:

Author of the article: Demidova Anna Viktorovna

*Review of the best according to the editors of About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Correcting the shape of the lips and enlarging them allows you to harmonize the proportions of the face. The drugs that are used for these purposes are called fillers and are widely available on the market. They differ in a lot of criteria and are selected depending on the desired result. Here we will talk in detail about the main parameters that you need to rely on when choosing a cosmetic product. We will also list the top 10 filers who have proven themselves in practice.

How important is the choice of lip filler?

Not all drugs are approved for use in Russia. And, of course, offers of drugs without a Registration Certificate from Roszdravnadzor are distinguished by a favorable price: as a rule, it is up to 8,000 rubles. Can these fillers be used? After all, in some countries they are allowed?

If you are lucky and:

  1. the drug will turn out to be the original, correctly stored during transportation from abroad;
  2. the cosmetologist will be a professional and will not violate the technique of administering the drug and the conditions for receiving patients;
  3. you are young and have a good metabolism

then there should be no consequences of introducing the “left” drug.

But if at least one of these conditions is violated, then you may become one of the patients who experience the consequences of introducing unofficial drugs.

Drugs that are not approved and that we do not recommend for use

Dermalax, Rejeunesse, Regenovue, Elravie: after these drugs, our cosmetologists had to eliminate the unwanted consequences of the lip augmentation procedure.

What is it and why?

Fillers are a drug, popularly called “beauty injections,” in the form of a plastic gel that fills the subcutaneous space. Thanks to which we can remove uncomfortable imperfections of our lips, for example, give the necessary swelling, eliminate wrinkles, or remove serious defects for a long time.

These drugs are divided into biological and synthetic. Natural (or biological) are more safe and easily accepted by the body, but act less long. While synthetic, there is a large list of them, they are durable. The results of the procedure last from six months to two years.

Permitted fillers

A number of manufacturers produce special and separate preparations for lip correction. How to choose the optimal drug?

Let’s make a reservation right away: the choice of a specific gel remains with the cosmetologist. But patients are wondering – what is the fundamental difference between fillers?

A professional cosmetologist must choose his own drug for each type of patient.

What determines the choice of drug?

Fillers based on hyaluronic acid are used to correct the lips and perioral area. More precisely, there are also cosmetologists who introduce various “synthetic” gels, but, as a rule, they do not belong to professional aesthetic medicine and work from home.

The characteristics of the drug used are determined during a face-to-face appointment, when the doctor assesses the initial condition of the patient’s skin and soft tissues, and also outlines upcoming tasks.

Tasks are divided into three categories:

  • Simple increase (size and volume)
  • Contouring and work in the perioral area
  • Correction of shape defects (asymmetry, post-traumatic changes, etc.)

Every cosmetologist has “favorites” that he is used to and loves to work with. From the patient's point of view, you just need to make sure that these drugs are official and licensed , correspond to the expiration date and are sterile (fillers are produced in a disposable syringe of a certain volume, usually from 0.5 to 1 ml, which is opened in the presence of the patient).

Let's say, if you need to achieve several goals, and separate preparations in the amount of 0.5 or 1 ml are indicated for each, the cosmetologist will make a “mix”, and then, if the amount of gel turns out to be excessive, he will work on another area of ​​the face (wrinkles or folds). But he definitely won’t leave them in reserve and won’t use them on another person!

Top 7. Hafiller Derm Deep

Rating (2021): 4.30

10 reviews from resources taken into account: Reviewer

Certified drug with a long-lasting effect This Chinese filler has been certified by Roszdravnadzor. It works for 10-12 months from the moment of introduction.

  • Characteristics

    Country: China

  • Average price: 8000 rub.
  • Type: injection gel
  • Active ingredient: hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin 24 mg/ml
  • Volume: 1-2 ml

Biphasic product for correcting and enlarging lips, eliminating fine and deep wrinkles. It is inserted without difficulty and does not leave very noticeable papules or bruises. In addition, it has a long period of action - up to 12 months. The filler has passed mandatory certification from Roszdrav for injectable drugs and causes virtually no complications after use. The only point: like most “youth” products for subcutaneous administration, Hafiller Derm Deep has a number of contraindications. The filler cannot be used if the patient is highly sensitive to hyaluronic acid. Otherwise, an allergic reaction, including Quincke's edema, is possible.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Immediate effect after administration
  • Swelling goes away quickly after the procedure
  • When administered, does not form into lumps or migrate
  • Allergic reactions and hematomas due to improper administration/individual intolerance
  • There are fakes

Popular fillers in aesthetic cosmetology

Despite the regular appearance of competitors, the most popular fillers are still those from the giant concerns Allergan, Teoxane and Merz. They have ideal cohesiveness and elasticity, undergo multi-level cleaning and control, and are packaged in convenient dosages.

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Posted by Levon Chakhoyan (@doctor_levon) March 29, 2022 at 10:50 PDT

The main and proven drugs for lip correction are:

  • Juvederm UltraSmile, Volbella
  • Teosyal Redensity, Kiss
  • Belotero Balance, Intense
  • Etermis 4

Juvederm filler is so popular all over the world that the corporation has created a huge variety of its derivatives. Allergan has developed UltraSmile and Volbella for the lips and perioral area only - and these are not the only gels in the series that can be used in the mouth. Teoxane also produces Teosyal Redensity, Kiss and other fillers suitable for lip contouring. And Merz released Belotero Balance and Intense fillers for a full-scale “game” with contour and volume.

For example, with Belotero Intense you can outline the contour, which is what any patient, both young and mature, expects from the procedure. It is the contour of the red border that women paint on with pencils and lipsticks, and sometimes they fill it with pigment for permanent makeup. The same filler is optimal for global treatment of the lips and periorbital area in older women. It is suitable for smokers, athletes, and patients with accelerated metabolism.

Belotero Balance and Intense preparations can be perfectly combined within one procedure, filling the contour with one, and the red border itself at a deeper level with the other. Princess Filler is also used for superficial rejuvenation or correction of adjacent areas.

The collections of cosmetologists contain innovative developments - fillers, in which each molecule of hyaluronic acid is enveloped in the antioxidant mannitol, protecting it from breakdown under the influence of native hyaluronidase, a degrading enzyme present in the body. This significantly prolongs the effect of the gel and keeps it in its original volume for a long time.

Unfortunately, unscrupulous cosmetologists often pursue only one goal: to sell more of the drug. They are not interested in such “little things” as harmony and proportionality of the face.

Remember: a conscientious and competent doctor will never inject you with more than 1-1.5 ml of filler during one procedure.

If your lips are thin and this is your first lip augmentation procedure, then introducing more than 0.5 ml is not advisable!

Filler composition

Almost all lip fillers consist of hyaluronic acid.

The following components can be added to them:

  • Crosslinking agent (specific ester that stabilizes hyaluronic acid)
  • Phosphate buffer (an ingredient that reduces post-procedure swelling and regulates pH levels in tissues)
  • Anesthetic (lidocaine, ensuring comfortable administration and distribution throughout the tissues)

Gels based on calcium hydroxyapatite and other “hard” components are not intended for working with lips.

And of course, our clinic does not use biopolymer gels or other similar products, which inevitably provoke aesthetic and physiological complications.

Top 2. Juvederm Ultra Smile

Rating (2021): 4.62

33 reviews taken into account from resources: IRecommend, Otzovik

There are no unpleasant side effects. This drug, according to reviews from patients and cosmetologists, has virtually no side effects. The product is easily distributed, dissolves while maintaining the original shape of the lips, and does not provoke the appearance of severe bruises. Additionally, allergic reactions to Juvederm gel are very rare.

  • Characteristics

    Country: USA

  • Average price: 9900 rub.
  • Type: injection gel
  • Active ingredient: 3D-matrix synthetic hyaluronic acid 24 mg/ml, phosphate buffer, lidocaine 0.3%
  • Volume: 2 syringes of 0.55 ml

Biogel from the American brand is distinguished by its optimal content of hyaluronic acid, plasticity and good tolerability. Satisfied owners of lush lips talk about the high effectiveness of the product and its long-lasting effect: the gel lasts up to 12 months. And in the process of being eliminated from the body, it does not take the created form with it: symmetry and aesthetics are preserved. An additional effect of the drug is hydration. With its help, it is possible to even out the skin tone of the lips, get rid of peeling and dryness. True, the need to carefully check the drug for originality, discomfort during administration and unpleasant sensations in the first weeks after administration make the gel less attractive. But its effectiveness fully justifies these shortcomings.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Valid for 12 months. before the first correction
  • Creates a natural, symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing lip shape
  • Very flexible: quickly and easily distributed under the skin
  • Eliminates dryness
  • Painful injections
  • There is a sensation of a foreign body in the first 2 weeks after the procedure
  • There are fakes

See also:

  • 15 best lipsticks

“I was offered to get my lips done cheaply!”, or the main pitfalls of “cosmetologists”

Did you know that the nasolabial triangle is called the “triangle of death”? This area of ​​the face is distinguished by a specific blood supply and a densely intertwined vascular-capillary network. That is why doctors categorically do not recommend even squeezing out acne in this area - an infection introduced into the wound can penetrate the systemic bloodstream and quickly spread to the brain.

Entrusting work with the nasolabial triangle to charlatans and impostors, especially if there is an invasive effect (as in the case of lip contouring), is equivalent to playing Russian roulette!

The second point: cheapness is an attractive marketing ploy only at first glance. If you delve into the cost of high-quality drugs, it becomes clear that the price for lip augmentation cannot be 3000-5000 rubles. At a minimum, this will not justify the purchasing expenses of the master or clinic. What will the cosmetologist receive for his work? You don’t think that anyone in the field of aesthetic medicine is engaged in charity in this way?

Preparations from proven brands that have been on the market for a long time:

  • Regularly subject to laboratory tests and examinations
  • They undergo a series of cleansing measures
  • Manufactured to the highest European, American and international quality standards
  • Hypoallergenic
  • They have proven themselves brilliantly in practice - none of the known fillers have resulted in severe complications after being administered to patients of different nationalities, races and ages

The purchase price of such gels is high, because huge laboratory and research facilities with staffs of thousands of people are working on their creation. And good cosmetologists pay a lot of money for them, not because they are a big name. But because after injecting the drug, they can work calmly and sleep at night, without fear for the health of their patient.

And if a doctor has forgotten the oldest postulate and principle of medical ethics from the time of Hippocrates, which sounds like “do no harm,” the question arises - what is this person doing in medicine?

By choosing cheapness, you voluntarily admit:

  • Gel rejection and migration
  • Fibrosis and tissue necrosis
  • Inflammation and suppuration
  • Infection (including due to possible unsterility of instruments)
  • Compression of blood vessels and nerve endings with characteristic consequences

Side effects are long and difficult to eliminate through surgical interventions, antibiotic treatment and other unpleasant measures.

Photos before and after

Photos of the use of fillers of different compositions and bases before and after use will be posted here.

Does it hurt to inject the drug into the lips?

Comparing the tools for contouring - a cannula and a needle, we can say that with the first, pain is minimized due to the smaller number of punctures and the blunt edge of the tip.

We prefer a cannula whenever it is appropriate. But if a cosmetologist has to “twist” the lips or significantly modify their shape, this tool is not suitable for the job. It only allows you to recreate the volume and outline the contour of the red border.

Many modern fillers contain lidocaine, which allows the introduction and distribution of the gel to be as comfortable and painless as possible. But patients are sometimes frightened by the very fact of the injection, because the lip area is very tender and delicate.

In this case, topical anesthesia is proposed:

  • Anesthetic cream is applied to the skin
  • The surgical field is covered with film
  • The exposure is maintained for 15-30 minutes

For patients with a low pain threshold, we provide dental conduction anesthesia, which will completely dull the sensitivity of the lip area at all stages of the procedure.

The dominant opinion in the choice of drugs and techniques for lip contouring should be given to the doctor, although the wishes of the patient are necessarily taken into account. And the best way to get an ideal result without complications for the patient is to choose competent, reputable and responsible cosmetologists.

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How to choose?

So what exactly should you pay attention to when choosing a filler? Now we will note the most important points:

  1. Be sure to consult a specialist. There are a huge number of contraindications that make this procedure impossible.
  2. Pay attention to the composition of the product and the base. It is also worth noting the presence or absence of lidocaine, which helps to carry out the process painlessly.
  3. Many products have age restrictions. Don't forget to take a look at this too.
  4. But the most important thing is the choice of the master who performs this mini-operation on you. Spend plenty of time on the item presented. Even if you choose the most ideal product, but your specialist does something wrong during the process, it is possible that the effect will be unexpected.
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