Contraindications for medium peeling, possible risks and side effects

Expected consequences of chemical facial peeling

During the procedure, the acids used act on the layers of the epidermis, causing the removal of keratinized particles that prevent the appearance of new cells. Therefore, after almost every chemical peel, the following points will be observed.

  • Redness, or erythema , of skin that has experienced a planned burn during peeling. It can last from several hours to several days, depending on the concentration of the solution used and the depth of its effect on the epidermis. If no side effects are noted, the erythema will soon go away on its own.
  • Mild burning and tingling of the skin , disappearing after a few hours, increased sensitivity to external irritants. This temporary phenomenon is a consequence of acid entering the layers of the epidermis and the process of its gradual neutralization.
  • Severe tightness and dryness of the skin , accompanied by active peeling. Peeling begins after a few days and can last up to 10-14 days, depending on the type of peeling performed. The main thing here is not to interfere with the natural process and not to remove the exfoliating layer of skin mechanically. You can help your skin with moisturizing gels and creams, or Panthenol spray, which is applied to the face several times a day. They can be used one day after superficial peeling and 2-3 days after medium peeling.
  • Edema . After a chemical peel, they are caused by fluid coming from the inner layers of the epidermis accumulating in the upper tissues of the skin. But if swelling persists for a long time, you should contact a specialist who will prescribe appropriate treatment and help minimize the consequences of the procedure.
  • Hyperpigmentation in treated areas . During the normal course of the process, it disappears as the old layer of skin peels off and a new one appears in its place. It is enough to use the care products listed above.
  • Pustular acne . After chemical peeling, this happens often and is usually a consequence of violating the cosmetologist’s recommendations. The situation can be corrected by using light gels and lotions that promote skin regeneration. If acne does not go away on its own, you need to contact a specialist: he will remove it by mechanically cleaning the face.

These are completely natural phenomena, indicating that the process of renewal of the epidermis has begun, the result of which can be seen when the skin returns to normal. So, after superficial peeling, the skin will become smooth and even, get rid of fine wrinkles and acne, and improve complexion. A greater effect can be achieved with medium peeling, which allows you to get rid of deep wrinkles, scars, acne, pigmentation, and sagging skin. The most effective, but also the most dangerous, is deep peeling, after which the skin will look noticeably younger and refreshed.

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Mechanism of chemical peeling

Essentially, a chemical peel is a controlled burn of a specific area of ​​the skin. Such an effect is necessary to restore the protective properties of the skin, forcing cells to renew and produce active substances. As a rule, the procedure is performed on the face (chemical peeling of the face), but it is also possible to treat other parts of the body - neck, hands, décolleté.

The degree of burn depends on the concentration of acid in the composition. After exfoliation (removal of the upper layers of the dermis), the cells begin to actively renew themselves and produce growth factors. The skin actively produces hyaluronic acid, and new elastin and collagen molecules are produced. This helps to moisturize and tighten the skin, increasing its elasticity.

Along with the improvement of skin tone, its texture is evened out and small surface wrinkles are smoothed out. The procedure also helps to get rid of other skin defects (hyperpigmentation, post-acne, scars).

Summarizing the above, we can say that chemical peeling helps:

  • refresh and rejuvenate the face;
  • remove age spots;
  • cause activation of skin cells (due to anti-inflammatory effect);
  • stimulate the active production of hyaluronic acid (i.e. achieve skin hydration);
  • achieve restoration of density and elasticity of the epidermis;
  • achieve rejuvenation of the structure of the dermis;
  • restore the protective properties of the skin (restoration of the skin barrier).

1 Facial cleansing before peeling

2 Superficial chemical peeling procedure

3 Superficial chemical peeling procedure

Laser or chemical peeling - what's the difference?

The question often arises: what is the difference between chemical and laser peels, if they both focus on exfoliation? The thing is that we are all different, and everyone requires an individual approach at different times.

The advantage of chemical peels is that they are seasonal, performed quickly and without discomfort. However, the skin is a porous organ, so the chemical composition may penetrate into it unevenly, and it will not always be possible to control its distribution and effect on certain areas.

With laser peeling, on the contrary, an important advantage is control of the depth of exposure.

Chemical and laser peels - what are they?

Chemical peeling involves applying solutions with a certain acidity to superficially exfoliate the skin. It is recommended to do either a superficial or a mid-level chemical peel, as the deep type of chemical peel can be very damaging to the skin and the recovery period is very long - the skin may not recover optimally.

Laser peeling is exposure to a light beam aimed at evaporating water. In this case, exfoliation occurs because skin cells are sloughed off by removing water from them.

Contraindications to peelings

Are there any contraindications to chemical and laser peels?

Of course, there are restrictions: cosmetic peelings are not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers, cancer patients and people with autoimmune skin diseases.

Also, neither laser nor chemical peels are recommended before trips to active sun, due to the possibility of hyperpigmentation. It is important to remember that the skin will be completely restored and ready for sunbathing in 2-3 weeks.

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Why you can’t do deep peeling at home

Deep chemical peeling is an extremely serious procedure that affects all layers of the skin. To achieve the desired effect and prevent burns of excessive depth, you should strictly follow the manipulation technology and know the signs that require its immediate cessation. In addition, this level of cleaning must be done with adequate pain relief, which is not possible to provide at home. Attempts at independent deep chemical peeling of the face often end in complications such as:

  • activation of herpes infection;
  • skin infection;
  • allergic reactions;
  • severe inflammation;
  • persistent erythema;
  • persistent post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation;
  • exacerbation of acne, seborrhea;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • marbling of the skin;
  • the emergence of a demarcation line;
  • pore expansion;
  • the appearance of hypertrophic scars, keloids.

Which peeling product should you choose?

The choice of chemical peeling for the face is carried out in accordance with the goals set. The products vary in depth of penetration into the skin and pharmacological effects. The following compositions are most in demand:

1. Jessner's mixture (Hollywood). Consists of three components: salicylic and lactic acids, resorcinol. It has a gentle effect on the skin, is perfect for normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands, smoothing out unevenness and wrinkles. Typically used for entry-level facial chemical peeling procedures. Acts within the stratum corneum, removes the superficial layers of the epidermis. It extremely rarely leads to the development of side effects and does not require a long period of rehabilitation.

2. TCA. The drug contains trichloroacetic acid, which is highly toxic, has a cauterizing effect, and is absorbed through the skin. The product coagulates the protein structure, breaking intermolecular bonds. Belongs to the group of true catalytic substances. It is not advisable to use it for surface treatment. Typically, TCA is used for medium-depth peels.

3. Phenol-based products. They are a good chemical peel for the face, allowing you to act on the deep layers of the skin. They are characterized by high aggressiveness, fast and strong effect. Promote changes in the collagen-elastin pattern, thicken and compact the dermal layer. If used incorrectly, they can pose a threat to life and should not be used by people without appropriate training. Perfect for deep peeling. Due to rapid penetration into tissue, they are not used for surface treatment.

The chemical facial peeling procedure is a modern, highly effective way of skin renewal and rejuvenation without surgery. Widely used in beauty salons and aesthetic medicine clinics. Some types of it can be carried out independently, without visiting specialists. It should be remembered that such cleaning, in essence, is burning the surface layers of the skin with acid. When carrying out it, it is necessary to strictly follow the established algorithm and observe safety precautions. If the necessary skills are missing, it is recommended to seek help from a specialized center.

Recommendations and possible complications after peeling

In order not to get confused in the recommendations, we decided to arrange them for you according to the time criterion. So:

  • on the first day, washing, using cosmetics and creams, physical touching, and leaving the room are contraindicated;
  • From the 2nd to the 14th day, experiments with cosmetics, exposure to ultraviolet rays (both solar and artificial), visiting saunas and baths, hot baths, walking without protective cream, stressful situations, active physical activity, and drinking alcohol are not allowed. and scrub procedures;
  • The general rule is not to forcefully exfoliate your skin. It is necessary to wait for complete healing, after which all problems will disappear on their own. Do-it-yourself activities in the early stages can lead to scars!

Swelling, redness, dehydration, burns and peeling are natural side effects of peeling. The solution is to use protective, moisturizing and nourishing creams, medications high in antioxidants, drinking water, and physical and emotional rest.

However, complications are possible that require specific therapy: for example, in the event of herpes, antiherpetic drugs are prescribed in combination with pulse therapy; the active appearance of acne is blocked by zinc-containing products and antiseptics for external use; in case of pigmentation disorders, drug treatment is determined by the doctor, and allergic reactions will be avoided by preliminary examination and the use of antihistamines and hypoallergenic drugs.

Side effects disappear on their own within a few days (with proper care). It is impossible to predict their appearance, since each person’s body has its own individual characteristics. If we talk about complications, they usually do not arise on their own, which means that the prerequisites for their occurrence were violations of the rules of the procedure or care during the rehabilitation period.

Types and features of chemical peels

Chemical facial peeling procedures vary in the extent to which they affect the skin. The deeper it is, the more noticeable changes can be achieved. There are the following levels of exfoliation:

Surface cleaning.

The drug affects only the superficial layers of the epidermis, which contain no living cells. Such procedures are common, as they provide an opportunity to refresh the skin without pain and long recovery. If you have some experience, you can perform a chemical glycolic facial peel at home.

The superficial effect of acids helps eliminate hyperkeratosis, cleanse the sebaceous glands, and reduce acne. It helps to even out skin color and texture. This type of procedure is suitable for teenagers suffering from acne and increased oily skin. Can be used by people aged 25–30 years to combat initial age-related changes.

Medium chemical facial peeling.

The peeling agent penetrates the basal, spinous and granular layers of the epidermis, where viable cells are present. The papillary layer of the dermis is also affected. The manipulation may be accompanied by moderate discomfort, but no significant pain occurs.

Mid-level exfoliation is popular among people over 30 years of age. It allows you to tighten and smooth the skin, improve microcirculation, and restore the level of collagen and elastin production. Since acid chemical peeling of the face of this level affects quite deep structures, it is not recommended to carry out the procedure at home. If the cleaning technique is violated, post-peeling scars and hyperpigmentation zones are formed.

Deep chemical peeling.

Quite a serious manipulation, which is at the intersection of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine. Under the influence of the acidic composition, the skin is destroyed up to the middle of the mesh layer. The procedure is carried out only in a clinical setting with subsequent inpatient observation for 2–3 days. High-quality pain relief is required.

Deep peelings allow you to renew the collagen-elastin framework and stimulate the production of natural regenerative factors. With the help of such an effect, it is possible to eliminate shallow scars and scars, post-acne. Exfoliation is indicated for people over 45–60 years of age or people with significant cosmetic skin defects. Such deep cleaning is not carried out at home.

What after the procedure?

After a glycolic acid treatment, the skin usually becomes red. The redness disappears within a day. Sometimes there is swelling of the skin, which also goes away on its own within a day. If redness and swelling do not decrease 24 hours after the procedure, you should contact the doctor who performed the peeling. With chemical peeling with trichloroacetic acid, skin swelling always occurs. After the procedure, a thin white film forms on the skin.

The skin first turns pale and then turns red. Over the course of 1-2 days, the redness increases, after which the surface layers peel off. Typically, all these phenomena last 4-6 days, while moderate redness can persist for another two weeks.

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