Mediderma yellow peeling protocol

What is a chemical peel?

An in-clinic chemical facial peel, or exfoliation, is a special procedure that works like a controlled burn to the skin to accelerate the correction of imperfections. In general, there are many effects from this technique:

  • destruction and renewal of the epidermis;
  • formation of young cells with a high percentage of moisturizing factor;
  • smoothing the dermis, tightening it and increasing its uniformity.

Thanks to peeling in the clinic, the microrelief of the face becomes better, and the lifting effect is still noticeable. That is why the technique is relevant for girls and women of different ages - both those who suffer from acne and those who have encountered the first signs of aging.

It is important to discuss with your doctor the need for a peeling procedure, as well as find out its optimal type - then the effect will not be long in coming, and the risks will be minimized.

The specialist will be able to examine the skin and select the composition depending on the required concentration and the depth of its desired effect.

Are there any contraindications?

Mediderma retinol peeling is a universal procedure, as it is suitable for any age and any skin type. Here is a list of problems that can be dealt with:

  • manifestations of photo and chronoaging;
  • decreased production of substances responsible for the youth and elasticity of the skin (collagen, elastin);
  • unhealthy, grayish complexion;
  • hyperpigmentation, including age-related;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • seborrhea;
  • increased fat content, tendency to form sebaceous plugs, comedones, millia, acne and pimples;
  • increased dryness of the skin due to impaired oxygen metabolism and nutrient supply;
  • changes in the structure of the skin, uneven microrelief in the form of wrinkles, creases, jowls;
  • some dermatological diseases - according to the indications of a dermatologist.

Interesting fact! It has been proven that under the influence of retinol the number of atypical cells in the skin is reduced. Therefore, retinoic peeling is a prevention of skin cancer.

But there are also a number of contraindications for the procedure. For the most part, they are standard for any chemical peel. We remember to avoid disastrous consequences instead of a blooming appearance:

  • individual intolerance to retinol, its derivatives or other components of the composition used;
  • eczema and some other dermatological ailments;
  • weakened immunity, infections and viral pathologies;
  • elevated body temperature, regardless of origin;
  • skin photosensitivity;
  • warts, papillomas in the affected area;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin in the work area;
  • fresh tan;
  • history of liver disease;
  • taking medications with vitamin A or retinol derivatives. At least six months must pass from the completion of such therapy;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

It should also be noted that planning pregnancy is also a relative contraindication, since retinol has a toxic effect on the fetus. The procedure should not be performed one year before the planned conception.

Many women are interested in a comprehensive solution to the problems of fading or problematic appearance. In particular, the question arises: is it constructive to carry out salicylic peeling before performing yellow Mediderm?

We note that experts have different opinions on this matter. Some argue that this option will help improve the result. Others consider combining two chemical peels unnecessary.

However, it must be taken into account that there are various problems that require extraordinary solutions. If a woman has very pronounced hyperkeratosis, very oily skin with all the accompanying problems, then the cosmetologist may prescribe salicylic peeling to prepare the skin for the effects of retinol.

Cleansing with salicylic acid will help soften the rough upper layers of the epidermis, dry the skin a little, and relieve inflammation and irritation.

Retinol peeling should be carried out some time after salicylic peeling. The specialist will tell you what time interval should be maintained, based on the client’s individual indicators.

Peeling in the salon: how does the procedure work?

We perform both superficial and superficial-medium facial peeling in the clinic. The procedures differ according to different criteria - the area of ​​influence, the concentration of the acid and the direction of its effect. For example:

  1. Superficial peeling. Azelaic, lactic, pyruvic, phytic, glycolic, salicylic, and retinoic acids are used. They are able to gently exfoliate the stratum corneum of the epidermis, and then whiten gray and dull skin, affecting new cells. The procedure can also reduce acne, improve water balance and smooth out pores.
  2. Superficial-medium. The procedure is carried out using lactic, salicylic and trichloroacetic acids. It is effective for eliminating superficial wrinkles and small scars that remain after healed acne, and can eliminate stretch marks and blemishes.

In most cases, such skin renewal allows you to refrain from introducing various drugs (biorevitalization or contouring) to smooth out wrinkles of varying depths, because a course of peelings is enough. We recommend from 5 to 7 procedures, one every two weeks, and experts will also tell you about proper home care - this will allow you to get an excellent result and maintain it for a long time

In general, acid peels will trigger a lot of useful processes:

  • stimulate the growth of fibroblasts and the production of hyaluronic acid, as well as collagen and elastin;
  • timely removal of dead epidermis, cleansing of pores, normalization of sebum secretion;
  • have a pronounced antioxidant effect, protecting the skin from the effects of free radicals;
  • influence the synthesis of melanin, reduce its intensity, which allows you to lighten your complexion and get rid of unwanted pigmentation.

In combination with the right skincare procedures, facial peeling (a beauty salon is already too much) is a great way to restore smoothness, elasticity and color saturation to the skin, and also say goodbye to acne.


To achieve maximum results and reduce the risk of side effects, you need to properly prepare for the procedure using Mediderma peels.

To do this, 2-3 weeks in advance, you need to start cleansing the skin with a special mousse, which contains a small concentration of an acidic substance. Before going to bed, it is recommended to treat the skin with pre-peeling cream.

It is also important to apply sunscreen to your skin throughout the preparation period.

Superficial peels

In our clinic you can sign up for one of the listed procedures. Below you will be able to familiarize yourself with their description, effects, indications and features of implementation.

Milk peeling Ultraceuticals

At the moment, the professional compositions developed by Ultraceuticals have no analogues in cosmetology. Milk peeling is an excellent choice for people who have delicate and sensitive skin. Other benefits of the product:

  • the composition contains lactate, which is normally found in the skin, so the drug is completely biocompatible;
  • the acid acts very gently, so the procedure is easy, painless and well tolerated;
  • Milk peeling has mild photosensitizing properties, so it can be done even in summer.

The procedure is carried out in four stages: cleansing + makeup removal, pre-peeling, applying an acid solution, applying a neutralizer. After this, the drugs are washed off with plenty of cool water. The only sensations during skin treatment are a very slight tingling sensation.

Indications for Ultraceuticals milk peeling are:

  • problematic skin (dryness and flaking, dehydration);
  • flaccid skin;
  • scars, post-acne;
  • photoaging, keratosis;
  • wrinkles in the face and décolleté;
  • fine-wrinkled type of aging.

Skin renewal is carried out in a course of 4-10 procedures. After each episode, redness of the face may be observed; on the second or third day, finely plastic peeling is noted. Despite the low photosensitivity, it is better to use UV protection products after facial peeling in the clinic.

Almond peeling Ultraceuticals

The Ultraceuticals company produces not only first-class milk peeling, but also almond peeling - it differs only in the acid used. The large size of the molecule of the main component of the composition does not allow it to penetrate very deeply into the layers of the skin. It acts superficially, which guarantees minimal trauma to the procedure.

Mandelic acid has anti-inflammatory properties and is recommended for peeling for those clients who suffer from oily skin with a lot of comedones. It can also be used in the treatment of acne and the need to improve the tone, relief and color of the skin. The optimal course is from 4 to 10 procedures.

In general, both Ultraceuticals milk and almond peels are similar, but the former is better at whitening and moisturizing, while the latter is better at cleaning pores and reducing the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Azelaic Sesderma

When planning to do peeling in Moscow, every woman looks at the available procedures and consults a doctor. Many people are interested in whether there are any methods that would combine anti-inflammatory and vascular-strengthening effects. There is, and this is Sesderma azelaine peeling.

It includes:

  • azelaic acid is the largest percentage, which gives the drug its name;
  • salicylic acid;
  • mandelic acid;
  • thistle extract.

Thanks to the use of this procedure, the amount of sebum is reduced, the production of melanin is blocked and the skin color is evened out. Thus, the main indications for use are:

  • fine wrinkles;
  • dark spots;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • acne and post-acne.
  • rosacea

After skin renewal, special care will be required, which includes careful cleansing of the skin with acid-free products, regular moisturizing and the use of protective creams with a UV factor. The course duration ranges from 6 to 12 procedures.

Salipeel S Sesderma

Facial peeling in Moscow with Salipeel S Sesderma is suitable for clients with problem skin:

  • acne 3-4 degrees of severity;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • rosace
  • folliculitis.

The main active component of the drug (salicylic acid) has a whole range of beneficial effects: comedolytic, keratolytic, sebum-regulating, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and astringent. It also contains linoleic and citric acids.

The procedure allows substances to penetrate the pores, but there is no risk of deep burns. In addition, the aqueous-alcohol solution ceases its effect immediately after drying and crystallizing on the surface of the skin.

Required course: from 5 to 7 procedures. Mild irritation after applying acids disappears within a few hours. On the third day, renewal of the epidermis begins, which is accompanied by exfoliation - it is important not to stimulate it and not to use scrubs, not to tear off the crusts.

Salicylic peeling has many advantages. It is suitable for different areas of the body (face, décolleté, arms, elbows and knees) and different phototypes. In addition, skin treatment takes little time, and there are practically no side effects.

Stimulating peeling ZO Skin Health

You can provide intensive and gentle care to skin that is in dire need of support using a complex product - ZO Skin Health Ossential Stimulator Peel. It includes:

  1. Gallic acid - prevents irritation.
  2. Lactic, citric and salicylic acids provide gentle exfoliation and trigger skin regeneration.
  3. Beta-glucan - acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.
  4. Zanthoxylum bungeanum fruit extract - soothes the skin and eliminates discomfort.

Our specialists offer a course of four procedures with a two-week break for better results. The peeling gives the skin silkiness, radiance and softness, as well as a healthy color and well-groomed appearance.

Pigment Balancing Peel Skinceutical

Pigment Balancing Peel Skinceutical consists of ascorbic, glycolic and citric acid, as well as emblica. The action of peeling is aimed at eliminating:

  • age spots;
  • post-acne;
  • dullness of the skin.

If the client has severe darkening of the skin, six procedures are enough, but when you need to slightly correct the tone, the result will be noticeable from the first application. Comprehensive peeling services will reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation of any origin - solar, hormonal or post-inflammatory - by almost 70%.

Execution steps

The procedure is performed in several sequential steps.


The specialist applies a cleansing mousse to the face. The exposure time is no more than 15 minutes. After which the remaining product is removed with clean water. The skin is dried with napkins.


One of the following methods can be used to apply the peeling composition. For superficial penetration, the mixture is applied using a brush with light movements. For a deeper effect, use a cotton pad, and rub the substance in a circular motion.

Regardless of the type of peeling, it must be applied in a certain sequence. First, the area of ​​the forehead, chin and cheeks is treated. At the second stage - the perioral region, wings of the nose and eyelids.

The time of exposure to the drug in each case is selected individually. However, at the first signs of erythema, the product must be immediately removed from the surface of the skin.


A neutralizing agent is applied over the peeling composition, and the reverse sequence of processing is observed. Next, the neutralizer is washed off with water, and the face is dried with paper towels.


At the final stage, the skin is treated with a post-peeling cream that has nourishing and moisturizing properties.

Superficial-medium peelings

Preparations that act superficially-medium contain aggressive factors in higher concentrations - due to this, the compositions ensure deeper penetration of the active substances into the skin.

Vitapeel Ultraceuticals

Vitapeel Ultraceuticals is a vitamin regenerating peeling that can effectively fight acne, photoaging, hyperpigmentation, uneven skin texture, hyperseratosis, comedones and wrinkles. The drug contains:

  1. Ascorbic acid is one of the most powerful antioxidants and is necessary for the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
  2. Retinoids (vitamin A) - copes with excessive sebum production and fights inflammation.

After treatment with Vitapeel Ultraceuticals, the skin will be more elastic and firm, the turgor will become noticeably higher. After the procedure, it is imperative to pay attention to home care, including both nutrition and sun protection.


Our specialists perform gentle cleaning using PRX-T33 peeling product. The procedure is considered one of the innovative developments among various cosmetic procedures, but it, like other peelings, ensures the restoration of the skin of the following areas:

  • faces;
  • neck;
  • neckline

The drug contains trichloroacetic (33%) and kojic acid (5%), as well as hydrogen peroxide (3%). This percentage ratio is very important so that the components complement each other and have the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • metabolic;
  • regenerative;
  • bleaching.

The final effect of the procedure is very similar to the consequences of biorevitalization, however, thanks to chemical peeling, clients will not have to endure pain from injections. Other benefits of PRX-T33:

  1. Fast - lasts from 15 to 40 minutes.
  2. Universal - suitable for clients of all ages and genders.
  3. Convenient - seasonal restrictions are not very serious, can be applied in the summer, taking into account the use of UV protection.
  4. Painless - no strong burning sensation.

Thus, by choosing PRX-T33 in our clinic, you get a quick result with a prolonged effect, and you don’t even need skin rehabilitation.

Ferulic Sesderma

Another premium treatment is ferul peeling with products from Sesderma. The main active components of the drug are enclosed in mini-capsules, the diameter of which is no more than 50 nanometers. The composition penetrates the skin very easily, its effectiveness is 10 times higher than conventional superficial procedures.

However, this is not the only advantage; other features will also please you:

  • very slight peeling, and some clients have no peeling at all;
  • all-season (an excellent opportunity to prepare the skin for the aggressive effects of sunlight and reduce the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation);
  • skin rejuvenation not only visually, but also from the inside.

The procedure is indicated for:

  • excessive activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • dry and constantly irritated skin;
  • acne and its consequences - post-acne;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • fine wrinkles and photoaging.

Ferulic renewal of the epidermis is suitable for both young girls and clients 40+. A course of use of the product is recommended - a total of 5 to 7 sessions with a break of a week.


Mediderma peelings are innovative products that combine various components contained in the composition in a certain concentration. When exposed to the skin, it is possible to achieve the most effective result.

Mediderma peeling products are premium products. Based on the method of exposure to the skin, they are divided into liposomal (more gentle) and chemical (quite aggressive).

This allows you to choose the most suitable treatment for any problem, be it pigmentation, hyperkeratosis, wrinkles of varying severity and skin unevenness.

In addition, the developers produce not only anti-aging products, but also neutralizers and aftercare products.

Peeling after facial cleansing

Smooth, delicate skin can be achieved at any age, but it requires proper care.

The procedure is performed using peelings of this series according to a specially developed protocol.

Spanish companies produce peeling products in batches. Their names are chosen based on the presence of the main active ingredient.

The effect of using this line can be seen after the first session. The main difference between such peels is their exfoliating properties, as well as cleansing the skin of dead particles, which allows you to achieve not only an improvement in appearance, but also eliminate more serious defects.

When choosing a peel, you should be guided by the patient’s skin type and the likelihood of unwanted skin reactions after manipulation.
It is important to find out what cosmetic or medicinal products the patient uses at home. It is necessary to follow all recommendations after peeling to avoid complications.

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Zhikhoreva Inna Viktorovna

6 years experience

Advantages and disadvantages

Experts consider the main positive aspects of Mediderma peels to be immediate results, complete safety, hypoallergenic product, minimal side effects, and the ability to cope with most dermatological and age-related problems.

Disadvantages include the high cost of peeling agents, difficulty in use, complications and a number of serious limitations.

Mediderma peelings are a series of innovative and effective products that are used to cleanse, rejuvenate and solve many skin defects. However, we must not forget that all drugs have certain indications and contraindications.

Therefore, before deciding to undergo this type of cosmetic procedure, you must first consult with a specialist. In addition, in order to reduce the risk of complications, it is important to contact only trusted specialized clinics.


The result can be seen after just one exfoliation session. Dead cells are removed, the skin surface becomes smoother and silkier.

Peeling in spring and summer

Facial peeling belongs to the category of aggressive procedures associated with some trauma to the epidermis.

In addition, there is a reduction in age spots and freckles, and facial contours are tightened.

The result is an improved overall appearance.


Even if superficial peeling was carried out using Mediderma products, the possibility of various complications should not be ruled out. So, after exfoliation with pyruvic acid, which has a terrible odor, bronchospasm may begin to develop. It is for this reason that it is prohibited to be used in relation to people who have been diagnosed with bronchial asthma.

Also, after the procedure, swelling and redness cannot be ruled out, which can be caused by the action of retinol.

Azelac can cause pustular rashes, and glycolic acid can cause peeling and a feeling of tightness.

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