Features of treatment of wen on the pubis and groin in men and women

Noticed discomfort in the groin area? Have you discovered a lump and don’t know what it could be? Don’t panic and think about terrible diseases; everything may turn out to be much simpler. Few people know that wen occurs quite often in this particular area of ​​the body. Women and men suffer from it.

What it is

A fatty tissue or, as it is also called, a lipoma, is a benign formation, which is a small lump under the skin that has a soft consistency.

Externally, a lipoma looks like a small subcutaneous lump. The formation is not accompanied by painful sensations, but the patient may experience severe discomfort caused by close contact of the wen with underwear.

According to statistics, men experience a lump in the groin much less often than women. But doctors cannot determine the exact reasons for the formation of lipoma. Therefore, a wen is diagnosed if the development of other formations is suspected, including lymphadenitis or hernia.


Several types of wen can appear in women's intimate places. They differ in appearance and structure. In medicine, the following are distinguished:

  1. Angiolipoma . Consists mainly of blood vessels.
  2. Fibrolipoma . Formed as a result of pathological changes and proliferation of connective tissue.
  3. Xanthoma . Has a soft texture. The neoplasm is flat and thin. The capsule is missing.
  4. Diffuse lipoma . It is distinguished by its lobed structure. The tumor always grows in width.
  5. Lipoma with a leg . It is secured with a small leg and sags under its own weight when it reaches a large size.

Neoplasms may appear singly or form small groups. Depending on the stage of development, small, medium and large wen are distinguished. Unlike formations that form on the face, back and other parts of the body, they can cause serious problems with the genitourinary system.

In the absence of inflammation, a lump in the groin, especially a small one, does not manifest itself clinically.
Therefore, women usually do not seek medical help at this initial stage of the pathological process.

Experts recommend going to an appointment with a gynecologist when any neoplasm appears in order to avoid complications.

Cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist, laser therapist

Nachoeva Irina Nasredinovna

7 years experience


There are no exact reasons for the appearance of lipomas in the groin, but there are certain factors that contribute to the development of pathology. These include:

  • development of liver and kidney diseases;
  • disruption of metabolic processes in the body;
  • poor hygiene, use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • mechanical damage to the skin resulting from injury;
  • excess weight;
  • the presence of bad habits such as smoking, alcohol abuse, unhealthy diet;
  • hormonal imbalance ;
  • increased oily skin (if the problem is present on the front part, then the skin in the groin area will also be oily.

Some pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract can also act as a provoking factor.

Causes of wen appearance on the pubis

The accumulation of adipose tissue in the subcutaneous tissue, in the form of a formation surrounded by a hard capsule, is called a lipoma. This is a small, mobile lump under the skin that does not cause discomfort.

The nature of its occurrence on the pubis has not been established. Possible causes:

  1. Changes in the composition of sebaceous secretions. The contents become thicker and lose the ability to move through the pores, forming small “balls”. This causes swelling and the appearance of a lump that will continue to grow.
  2. Failure of the outflow of sebum to the surface of the dermis. Stagnation of sebaceous secretion leads to the formation of a lipoma stalk on the pubis.

Factors that provoke problems are pain in the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract or impaired fat metabolism.

Characteristic symptoms

Visually, a lipoma is a small capsule covered with skin. Hair often grows on the formation, since it is provided with good blood flow.

Painful sensations do not occur when a wen appears. But if there is a nerve trunk next to the lipoma, then the pathology may be accompanied by combat syndrome.

Some symptoms may be associated with constant friction of the wen against the underwear. In such cases, an inflammatory process develops, which provokes increased growth of the formation.

To avoid this, at the first suspicious symptoms indicating the appearance of a lipoma, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Can it develop into cancer?

Lipomas that arise in the groin area, as a rule, do not develop into cancer, but in the absence of quality therapy, lipomas can cause many problems. As it develops, the wen becomes denser, thereby creating a feeling of discomfort.

With constant contact of the tumor with clothing, liposarcoma, a malignant mesenchymal tumor, can occur. The formation develops against the background of constant trauma to the lipoma, but this is quite rare.

Diagnostic features

If acne appears in the lower abdomen, indicating the development of a wen, you should immediately consult a doctor for a diagnostic examination.

Diagnosis is carried out by a dermatologist, who, after a visual examination, will prescribe additional diagnostic measures. Most often, a biopsy, histological tests or ultrasound are prescribed.

After surgical removal of the wen, doctors may also prescribe some diagnostic procedures. This will allow you to decide on further therapy.

Which doctor should I contact if detected?

Faced with the problem of a wen in the groin, many do not know which doctor treats such pathologies. With any tumors, you should contact a surgeon, who will assess the condition and size of the tumor and prescribe the necessary examinations and tests. Based on the diagnostic results, a qualified doctor can determine the appropriate treatment method.

Each individual case is considered individually, so you should not imitate a similar problem of your friends and use the same method of treatment that was prescribed to them. The fact is that an unauthorized attempt to remove a lipoma can pose a serious threat to the patient’s health.

Treatment methods

Modern medicine offers several methods for treating lipomas in the groin, the choice of which depends on the condition of the tumor, its nature and size. We are talking about a surgical method, the use of a laser and exposure to radio waves. Each of these methods has its own characteristics, which will be discussed further.

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  • Only a specialist will prescribe suitable medications.
  • Recovery will be easier and faster.
  • The doctor will monitor the course of the disease and help avoid complications.

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Surgical method

A common way to remove a lipoma is radical surgery. Prescribed to patients with wen, the diameter of which is more than 5 cm.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia. Upon completion, a postoperative scar remains on the patient’s body, the aesthetics and nature of which directly depends on the skill level of the surgeon.

Laser removal

An effective method of treating wen in the groin area using a laser. The procedure reduces the likelihood of relapse, and after laser exposure, the chances of developing an inflammatory process or swelling are almost zero.

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Thanks to high-precision equipment, the laser beam does not affect healthy tissue when removing a wen. The lipoma is excised along with the membrane. Among the disadvantages of the laser method, it is worth highlighting the ineffectiveness of its use when removing large formations.

Radio wave surgery

Doctors resort to this method of therapy in cases where the size of the tumor does not exceed 3 cm. To perform radio wave surgery, which takes place under local anesthesia, a special instrument is required - a radio wave scalpel. With its help you can prevent vascular bleeding.

Upon completion of the operation, subtle marks remain on the patient’s body. The use of radio waves has its contraindications, which include the use of a pacemaker. Therefore, people who wear this device need to remove the wen using alternative methods.


A relatively new method of removing tumors is by suctioning out its contents through an incision made on the patient’s body. The procedure is performed using a lepoaspirator. Once lipomas are removed, there is virtually no trace left on the body, which is why many people choose liposuction.

Use of folk remedies

During the treatment period, wash off with chamomile decoction. Relieves inflammation in the pubis and soothes irritated mucosal tissue, normalizing the functioning of the glands. The procedure should be carried out in the morning and evening. It is recommended to use baths and lotions (for 15 minutes) based on a concentrated infusion.

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Lipoma of the pubic part that occurs in women is lubricated with sea buckthorn oil, covering the location with a gauze bandage.

Kalanchoe or aloe leaves are washed in warm water, cut in half and the pulp is applied to the lipoma for a few minutes. Concentrated juice is a strong allergen. Before the procedure, you need to perform a test: lubricate the skin on your wrist with the substance.

A clean sheet of coltsfoot is applied to the seal on the pubic area, secured with a bandage, overnight.

Possible complications

The formation of a wen in the groin area often leads to the development of an inflammatory process, so the problem must be gotten rid of as soon as it appears. Ignoring symptoms can lead to infection of the affected area or suppuration.

Complications can also arise in cases where the patient, mistakenly mistaking a wen for an ordinary pimple, independently tried to squeeze it out. In this case, infection may occur and it is no longer possible to prevent a relapse of the disease.

Wen in the groin - causes and treatment of lipoma in the groin in men

Groin fever can occur in men and women. The tumor is not associated with symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases; it is not sexually transmitted.

The likelihood of tumor cells being malignant is low, but there are a number of other unpleasant sensations: unpleasant odor, tuberous growth, painful friction against clothing, inflammation.

If there are pathological lesions, it is recommended to consult a surgeon or urologist. Women can consult a gynecologist.

What is a lipoma in the groin in men?

Picture courtesy of Imagerymajestic on FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Lipo in the groin or common fatty mouth is basically a benign tumor consisting of a fatty tissue structure. In the superficial subcutaneous area, the fat looks like a small lump. In the case of deep localization, the lipoma of the groin area is examined during a medical examination of the patient.

A fat tumor grows quite slowly, but under the influence of unfavorable factors the risk of developing cancer remains. In addition, the groin is an ideal place for tumor lesions (shaving hair, rubbing against underwear), fat growth due to mechanical stress and sweating.


The main reasons for the appearance of fat on the body, including fat in the groin, are trauma during the division of fat cells of any kind or blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands.

The following factors may contribute to tumor growth :

  • failure to maintain external genital toilet;
  • frequent shaving, injuries;
  • allergic reactions to body and skin care products;
  • anatomy of the glandular-bangangan;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • obesity;
  • dermatological disorders: acne, abscesses and others in the groin area;
  • genital tract infections;
  • history of inguinal hernia in a man

At risk are men who rarely change their underwear, alcohol or drugs. The content of inhibitory fats is indirectly affected by poor nutrition.


Picture courtesy of Imagerymajestic on FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Small tumor size, regardless of location and type of fat, rarely causes active symptoms. Clinical manifestations are associated with an increase in the number of neoplasms or the addition of a secondary infection.

In any case, the growth of a fatty tumor is accompanied by unpleasant sensations and an aesthetic defect if the node protrudes under thin skin.

A number of typical signs occur when a pathological focus is infected:

  • redness of the skin in the area of ​​inflammation;
  • increased itching;
  • the appearance of small pimples near the inflamed lipoma;
  • increase in temperature;
  • burning, swelling;
  • throbbing pain that spreads to the penis, peritoneum, lower limbs and intensifies when walking or exercising.

Leakage of painful or purulent exudate and blood may occur at the site of inflammation. A characteristic unpleasant odor exists in moist lipomas. An unpleasant odor in the genital area is also caused by increased sweating due to accumulated fatty tissue.

It is important to distinguish between inguinal lipomas and hernias, varicose veins against the background of varicose veins.


Diagnostic measures are reduced to the following manipulations :

  • Ultrasound is reduced to determining the tumor neoplasm and capsular structure;
  • X-ray examination to clarify the location, sometimes it is necessary to use a contrast agent;
  • biopsy - puncture extraction of a component of intracapsular fluid.

A biopsy allows you to determine the type and morphological structure of the fat filling. If atypical cells are detected histologically, mandatory treatment is required.

Treatment methods

There are two main approaches to the treatment of lipomas: conservative and surgical. For small lipomas or inflamed lipids, drug therapy is prescribed. Treatment includes antiseptic treatment with non-alcoholic or alcoholic solutions and antibiotic therapy for infections.

A minimally invasive treatment method is injection of a dimexide solution into the fat. The solution destroys the tumor from the inside, has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.


Prevention measures

There are a number of preventive measures, the implementation of which will prevent the appearance of a wen in the groin area. First of all, prevention involves maintaining intimate hygiene (especially for people with oily skin).

There are other rules to prevent the appearance of lipoma. These include:

  • maintaining a healthy and balanced diet;
  • giving up bad habits such as smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • maintaining an active lifestyle, especially with sedentary work;
  • exclusion from the diet of foods containing GMOs;
  • control your own weight.

For prevention purposes, doctors also recommend limiting sexual intercourse. Compliance with all these recommendations will significantly reduce the likelihood of wen formation.

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