Peeling of the pubic area in men: photos and descriptions of possible diseases

People who have flaky skin on their pubic area should understand that they can get rid of this problem very quickly by going to a dermatologist for an in-person examination. The fact is that in 70% of cases the cause lies in contact dermatitis, which can only be eliminated by eliminating the allergen. Any peeling on the pubic area brings a lot of discomfort, especially if it is accompanied by weeping and itching. Let's try to figure out what diseases can provoke this symptom and is it possible to get rid of it on your own?

Irritation after shaving

Very often the skin on the pubic area peels off after shaving. This is due to a poor-quality or dull instrument, which negatively affects the epidermis. In addition, many people use foam that is applied to the face. And this is wrong. It is better to buy a special product intended for the body. It would be a good idea to choose a composition for sensitive skin. Be sure to use only sharp razors and remember to moisturize your body. Pimples on the pubic area after shaving appear along with peeling and usually disappear within a day.

Causes of dry dandruff

The disease is a consequence of insufficient activity of the sebaceous glands, which can occur due to:

  • hormonal changes;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • poor nutrition;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • systematic improper care of hair or scalp;
  • deficiency of vitamins and microelements;
  • severe stress;
  • exposure to negative external factors (for example, harmful chemicals, extreme temperatures).

Peeling pubic area in men photo

Contact dermatitis

Appears when there is intolerance to certain components of hygiene products. The fabric of underwear can also serve as a source of allergens. Contact dermatitis is characterized by redness and peeling, severe itching. Pimples and weeping areas may form. Antihistamines help prevent allergies. You should also eliminate the product that caused the problem from use. People prone to skin reactions should wear underwear made from natural fabrics and wash with products without dyes or fragrances. It is also recommended to use powder intended for washing children's clothes.


Candidiasis of the inguinal folds is more common in men who are prone to obesity and lead a sedentary lifestyle. Symptoms include:

  • the appearance of spots in the groin and lower abdomen;
  • the formation of a dense white coating that is difficult to wash off;
  • the presence of an unpleasant (sour milk) odor;
  • the presence of peeling of the skin in the area of ​​formation of lesions.

At the initial stage, it can be successfully treated with ointments. Exacerbations are observed in the summer. Advanced cases are difficult to treat.

Prickly heat

The problem is for people who suffer from excessive sweating and prefer synthetic underwear. A lot of moisture accumulates under the panties because it does not have time to evaporate. The problem is aggravated by friction, especially if there is a lot of coarse hair in the groin. The result is flaking on the pubic area, redness and swelling, and a weeping rash. To get rid of symptoms, do not apply ointments to the inflammation. They will only make the problem worse. Wash the inflamed areas with soap and water and dry them naturally. Then you can use talcum powder or baby powder. If necessary, hyperhidrosis should be treated. It also doesn’t hurt to change your tight swimming trunks to loose briefs made of natural fabric.

Causes of seborrheic dermatitis

Oily yellow dandruff is dead particles from the scalp mixed with sebum and fungal waste products, which cause itching. The Malassezia fungus also reproduces in healthy skin, but its content in sebum does not exceed 50%. (2). If too much secretion is produced, this creates favorable conditions for the growth of fungus, and when its amount reaches 74%, dandruff appears and the skin begins to itch. And when the level of Malassezia in sebum is 83%, seborrheic dermatitis begins and oily yellow dandruff appears. However, an excessive amount of Malassezia in sebum, as well as increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, are only consequences caused by deeper causes. The mechanisms leading to the occurrence of seborrheic dermatitis are not yet fully understood, but it is known that this pathology can be caused by the following reasons.

  • Various diseases. These include diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary and endocrine systems. The fact is that diseases of this type can affect the functioning of various secretory organs, including the sebaceous glands of the head.
  • Genetic predisposition. The hereditary factor is the only reason that does not allow you to get rid of seborrheic dermatitis completely, therefore, in this case, subsequent prevention of the disease is also very important.
  • Hormonal changes. Increased production of sebaceous gland secretions can cause a hormonal imbalance in the body, or more precisely, an excess of male hormones. This happens when taking certain medications, and oily dandruff is also observed in adolescents during puberty. For most, it goes away before the age of 25, but 10% of young people will require treatment for seborrheic dermatitis (3), and it is advisable to start it immediately, otherwise there will be a risk of early hair loss.
  • Frequent stress. A person’s psycho-emotional state significantly affects his health, and people living in constant stress are vulnerable to many diseases, including seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Ecological problems. If a person lives in an industrial center, near busy highways, and acid rain periodically pours from the sky, this often leads to the appearance of not only seborrheic diseases, but also much more dangerous diseases, for example, cancer.
  • Poor nutrition. The disease can occur with excessive consumption of fatty foods, and it can also be triggered by frequent consumption of spicy foods. Such food provokes the sebaceous glands to produce excess amounts of secretion, creating favorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic fungus.
  • Dry seborrhea. In some cases, dry seborrhea can lead to seborrheic dermatitis, so in order to maintain healthy hair, it is important to start fighting dry dandruff.


Viral infection. Infection occurs through contact. The pathogen is activated when the immune system is weakened, and causes itching and tingling in the skin. Then groups of watery blisters appear on the pubis, which soon burst. In their place, erosions and particles of a thin film similar to scales remain. Then the sores become crusty. The whole process is accompanied by itching and burning. Although symptoms usually disappear without treatment, therapy is still necessary. It will help avoid complications and relapses and significantly alleviate the patient’s condition. For herpes, antiviral ointments and tablets are used.


Peeling without or with itching can lead to consequences, and they will be serious. What to watch out for:

  1. Dirty hands can introduce infection into the deep layers of the epidermis, which will aggravate the situation and cause inflammation. In this case, treatment will take place in a hospital setting, with antibacterial therapy.
  2. Purulent inflammation in the groin area is opened surgically to avoid the spread of infection. Various factors lead to an abscess, often due to late access to doctors, self-medication, and poor immunity.
  3. Erysipelas is considered a common complication of skin diseases. The fungus penetrates into damaged, irritated skin, leading to severe redness and hyperthermia. Treatment is carried out in combination with the use of ointments and antibiotics.
  4. More often, patients are faced with the spread of peeling, it spreads to other parts of the body, changes the quality of the integument, and causes aesthetic discomfort. Even successful treatment, if the deep layers of the epidermis are affected, does not guarantee the absence of marks on the body.
  5. Sexually transmitted diseases negatively affect reproductive function and lead to infertility.

Attention! In case of infection with bacteria, self-medication is dangerous, leads to sepsis, and causes severe intoxication of the body.

But a timely visit to a doctor will help reduce risks and avoid complications. Therefore, you should not delay your visit to the doctor.


A fungal disease that affects the groin and spreads to surrounding tissues. It is characterized by the appearance of areas of peeling on the pubic area in men. The spots have a clearer skin pattern and a larger number of scales. Their borders are surrounded by an intermittent ridge. There are several outbreaks. They are arranged in the form of a garland, half-arc or ring. Treatment consists of using antifungal drugs for internal and external use. You should also apply ointments with keratolytics for exfoliation. Antihistamines and sedatives help relieve itching.


The answer to the question of how to treat peeling and with what depends on the reasons that led to the appearance of unpleasant sensations. To clarify them, the following diagnostic procedures are performed:

  • you will have to donate blood and urine for general and biochemical analysis to the laboratory;
  • the doctor will take a smear of flora from the urethra or vagina;
  • They practice collecting scrapings from the affected area for further diagnostic procedures.

The doctor may recommend taking blood tests for HIV, syphilis, and other serious and dangerous sexually transmitted diseases, even if there are no other accompanying symptoms.

If such a problem occurs, you should contact the following specialists:

  1. A dermatologist will help in the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases; he will rule out fungal infections, bacterial damage to the epidermis, and select appropriate medications.
  2. If there are signs of a hypersensitivity reaction, an allergist will help. The doctor will take samples, identify the allergen and prescribe medications to relieve itching, burning and swelling of the skin.
  3. A gynecologist, urologist or venereologist - one of these doctors will have to be visited. This will help rule out the presence of genital diseases.

Doctors may recommend that the patient undergo other examinations to clarify the diagnosis if certain problems arise with this. More often they are sent for an ultrasound of internal organs, and secretions or skin flakes are collected for further examination in a laboratory.


Bacterial skin infection. Pathogens multiply on excessively dry epidermis or in areas of diaper rash. Friction from underwear and coarse hair aggravates the problem. Brown spots appear on the affected tissues. At first they are small, but gradually grow, reaching 10 cm in diameter. The lesions are covered with scales. The edges of the pigmented areas are clear. The affected area increases. As a result, the involved tissues merge with each other, taking on the appearance of a ring with healthy skin in the center. There is usually no physical discomfort. In rare cases, minor itching may occur. For treatment, an antibacterial ointment is used, which should be applied to a previously disinfected surface. If the lesions are extensive, antibiotics may be needed.


There is a large selection of anti-dandruff products in stores and pharmacies. They are mainly aimed at reducing the activity of yeast fungi and reducing their number. Such medicated dandruff shampoos containing ketoconazole and other active substances against fungi should be used twice a week, and the course of treatment is, depending on the severity of the condition, from 2 to 8 weeks.

Sometimes you have to not only wash your hair with special shampoos, but also use masks and even ointments. For very severe damage, experts recommend zinc ointment. It is applied to the affected areas several times a week until healing. It not only eliminates dandruff, but also heals, removes itching and redness.

In addition to pharmaceutical products, there are entire lines of drugs for a comprehensive solution and fight against dandruff. For example, a series of therapeutic and prophylactic products Sulsena, which includes shampoo, cream, paste, peeling. It is based on selenium disulfide, which regulates the amount and activity of the fungus Pityrosporum Ovale, which is one of the causes of dandruff in women. The products have an antiseptic, calming effect, normalize the condition of the scalp and hair. Using oil, paste or cream is very simple. They are effective and suitable for women of any age. They can and should be used not only to combat existing dandruff, but also to prevent its appearance.

Athlete's inguinal

Dermatosis of fungal origin. It is caused by several types of pathogens that prefer to settle on moist skin. The problem is especially aggravated by excess weight when the abdominal folds fall low. The clinical picture is the appearance of peeling on the pubis. The scales are covered with pink and red spots of different sizes, which gradually grow and merge. The formed focus is a ring. In its center there is an area of ​​healthy skin, and along the outer contour a dark ridge is formed, covered with pimples and crusts. Patients feel unbearable itching. Therapy includes taking sedatives, antihistamines and antifungal drugs.

If the skin on the pubic area peels off in men, you should figure out why this is happening. Sometimes the cause is simple and does not require treatment. But sometimes scales are a sign of a dangerous disease and are accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms. In this case, you cannot do without the help of a dermatologist.

Dandruff treatment

Dandruff is a source of social and psychological discomfort for every sixth inhabitant of our planet. Approximately every second representative of the Indo-European population experienced problems with dandruff at least once in their life [1]. Dandruff is most common among Chinese Americans - 83% of the adult population [2].

Dandruff first appears during puberty, when the sebaceous glands begin to work at full capacity. In the future, dandruff symptoms may periodically bother you throughout your life. Dandruff is not contagious. It is not the result of stress or bad climate. A predisposing factor for its occurrence may be excessive formation of sebum, including those caused by hormonal changes or diet. Dandruff appears as a result of a pathological acceleration of the natural process of cell renewal of the scalp. During the normal development cycle, cells from the lower layer of the epidermis - basal keratinocytes - reach the stratum corneum of the epidermis in 25–30 days; During this time they completely dry out and become keratinized. In the case when this happens much faster, in 5–14 days, individual cells that have not had time to lose water stick together and peel off in the form of noticeable yellowish-white flakes, which are called dandruff. The stratum corneum of the normal epidermis consists of 25–35 fully keratinized cells that are tightly adjacent to each other. With dandruff, the number of cell layers in the stratum corneum does not exceed 10. The layers themselves and the cells in them are located chaotically [3].

Dandruff, which has the classic symptoms of a cluster of white or gray scales on the surface of the scalp, can sometimes develop into the more severe form of seborrheic dermatitis. The scales can be quite fragile and can be removed quite easily, becoming clearly visible on dark clothing. However, with increased work of the sebaceous glands, with severe seborrhea or during puberty, dandruff can accumulate in the form of sebaceous scale-crusts and not fall off the head, forming the so-called steatoid pityriasis. With seborrheic dermatitis, severe peeling is accompanied by the formation of limited hyperkeratotic plaques on the surface of the scalp, redness of the skin and increased itching.

At the end of the 60s of the last century, the decisive role of the yeast-like fungus Malassezia in the formation of dandruff was proven. At least 90% of the population have these yeasts as part of the permanent or temporary microflora of the skin. In 1984, S. Schuster proved that it is the yeast fungus Pityrosporum ovale that is the main causative agent of the pathological process that results in the formation of dandruff [4]. After the lipophilic structure of these yeasts was recognized and their cultivation became possible, various researchers observed cases of spontaneous transition of the fungus from one morphological type to another. This led them to conclude that Pityrosporum ovale, Pityrosporum orbiculare and Malassezia furfur (Malassezia) are just variants of the same species [5].

Fungi of the genus Malassezia belong to imperfect yeast-like basidiomycete fungi. Fungi are localized in the middle and superficial parts of the stratum corneum, inside and between horny scales, as well as in hair follicles [6, 7]. Mushrooms are lipophilic, some are even lipodependent. This explains the “selection” of habitats for microorganisms: areas of the skin characterized by increased activity of the sebaceous glands - chest, back, scalp [8]. The main source of lipids for Malassezia is saturated fatty acids produced by the sebaceous glands: triglycerides of oleic acids with small concentrations of stearic and palmitic acids or lipids obtained after the breakdown of keratinized cells, mainly cholesterol and cholesterol esters [9].

Fungi of the genus Malassezia are part of the resident flora of the scalp. But under certain conditions, such as hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands of the skin, zinc deficiency, immunodeficiency states, an increase in the lipophilic properties of fungi can occur, which is accompanied by an increase in their pathogenicity for the macroorganism. In this case, an inflammatory reaction of the skin develops, in particular seborrheic dermatitis - a chronic inflammation of the skin that develops in the so-called seborrheic zones.

Today, more than nine species of Malassezia fungus are known. With dandruff, the number of fungi Malassezia restricta and Malassezia globosa, which are found only on the scalp, usually increases.

Treatment of dandruff and its more severe form - seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp - has always been relevant. In the fight against dandruff, modern cosmetics - shampoos and lotions - play an important role. The technologies underlying the new generation of hygienic and therapeutic anti-dandruff products make it possible to combat such conditions with a high degree of effectiveness, while maintaining a wide range of safety, as well as aesthetic advantages and ease of use. Among the many antifungal drugs intended for topical use, preference should be given to agents that, firstly, are able to accumulate in those layers of the skin where fungal infection develops, and secondly, do not penetrate into layers where fungal activity is impossible, and, in - thirdly, they have an anti-inflammatory and keratoregulating effect.

Shampoos for the treatment of dandruff must include one or more of the following active ingredients: zinc pyrithione, ciclopirox, clotrimazole, ketoconazole, selenium disulfide, ichthyol, tar, sulfur, salicylic acid. All these substances act on the basic mechanisms of dandruff formation.

Zinc pyrithione has antimicrobial and antifungal activity, has an effect on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, is highly active against yeast-like fungi of the genus Malassezia, and has a bacteriostatic and fungistatic effect.

Ciclopirox is a broad-spectrum antifungal agent. Has a fungicidal effect. The dose and duration of treatment depend on the indications and dosage form used. Ciclopirox has a fungicidal effect on Malassezia yeast within 3 minutes from the start of contact [2].

Clotrimazole is an antifungal agent of the group of imidazole derivatives for topical use. It has a bactericidal effect due to disruption of the integrity of the cell membrane of fungi, namely disruption of the synthesis of ergosterol. Active against dermatophytes, molds, fungi of the genus Candida and Malassezia.

Ketoconazole is an antifungal drug for external use, an imidazoledioxolane derivative. It has fungicidal and fungistatic effects. The mechanism of its action is to inhibit the biosynthesis of ergosterol and change the lipid composition of the fungal membrane. In addition to dermatophytes, the drug is active against yeast and yeast-like fungi Candida, Pityrosporum (Malassezia) [10].

The number of microbes that contribute to the formation of dandruff is also reduced by climbazole and selenium disulfide.

Birch tar is a product of dry distillation of the outer part of the bark (birch bark) of birch. It has a disinfectant, insecticidal and local irritating effect due to its ingredients: phenol, toluene, xylene, resins and other substances.

Ichthyol is the ammonium salt of shale oil sulfonic acids. It has anti-inflammatory, local analgesic and some antiseptic effects, mainly due to the organically bound sulfur contained in the composition [11].

Tar and ichthyol, which are kerator-reducing agents, normalize the cell renewal cycle.

A product for external use - salicylic acid - suppresses the secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands. In low concentrations it has a keratoplastic effect, and in high concentrations it has a keratolytic effect. Salicylic acid has weak antimicrobial activity; along with tar, it participates in the process of exfoliating cells from the surface of the skin.

If the appearance of dandruff is the result of the physiological state of the body (pubertal and post-pubertal age) or is sporadic, you should use shampoos recommended for regular or daily use. It is optimal if such shampoos contain zinc pyrithione. This ingredient does not dissolve in water and, remaining on the surface of the skin in between shampoos, slowly dissolves under the action of sebum and sweat gland secretions, creating an inhibition zone for fungi that form dandruff. As the main ingredient used in the treatment of dandruff, zinc pyrithione is included in Head and Shoulders shampoo. Currently, many varieties of this shampoo have appeared, which take into account the presence of itchy skin (H&Sh shampoo with menthol), and damaged, colored hair (H&Sh citrus freshness shampoo), and, in addition, the desire to increase hair volume (“ H&Sh volume from the very roots").

In cases where the appearance of dandruff on the head is persistent, recurrent and the patient is over 20 years of age, when choosing a shampoo you should be guided by the nature of the dandruff: it can be thick, oily and not fall off from the surface of the scalp, or dry and easily separated from the surface of the skin. Disruption of the normal microbial biocenosis of the scalp skin can be the result of pathology of the gastrointestinal tract: fermentopathy, dysbacteriosis, exacerbation of chronic diseases. Therefore, a thorough clinical and laboratory study, including determination of basic biochemical parameters and stool analysis for dysbacteriosis, is necessary for the patient.

Treatment should use drugs that normalize lipolysis processes. In particular, the administration of methionine makes it possible to normalize the synthesis of phospholipids from fats and reduce the deposition of neutral fat in the liver, promotes the synthesis of adrenaline and creatinine, and activates the action of a number of hormones, enzymes, vitamin B12, ascorbic and folic acids. The use of riboflavin regulates redox processes due to the participation of the vitamin in protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

Detection of dysbiosis requires restoration of normal intestinal flora. This disease is treated by an infectious disease specialist.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a recurrent disease. Treatment by a dermatologist significantly improves the patient’s quality of life.

Selecting the right shampoo is one of the main components of effective treatment of dermatosis.

In recent years, new medicinal shampoos have appeared that are created taking into account the characteristics of dandruff and hair type (dry, normal, oily). For example, medicinal shampoo “Kertiol” (Dermatological Laboratories Ducray, Pierre Fabre) or “Fitoretar” (Fitosolba) is used to treat mildly expressed oily dandruff. If the dandruff flakes are dry and easily peel off from the surface of the skin, you should use shampoos containing selenium disulfide, for example “Selezhel” (Dermatological Laboratories Ducray, Pierre Fabre), or cypress essential oils and salicylic acid - “Fitosilik” (Fitosolba), “ Friederm with zinc" (Schering-Plough). In the presence of limited foci of persistent dandruff, it is recommended to apply the “Fitosquam” oil solution to the foci of desquamation 15–20 minutes before washing your hair and then wash it off with one of the shampoos: “Fitoretar” or “Fitosilik”.

In cases where the skin is irritated, hyperemic, itchy and flaky, i.e. has signs of severe seborrheic dermatitis, you should use shampoos that have not only a bactericidal, but also an anti-inflammatory, healing effect on the scalp. In particular, this could be the innovative “Kelual DS” shampoo (Dermatological Laboratories Ducray, Pierre Fabre) with zinc pyrithione, ciclopiroxolamine and queluamide (the latter ingredient ensures the penetration of active particles into the upper layers of the epidermis and facilitates the exfoliation of dandruff flakes). The shampoo should be used every other day, left on the head for 3 minutes, then rinse the hair thoroughly. The duration of treatment is 21 days. Shampoos with anti-inflammatory and kerator-reducing properties containing tar or tar distillate are recommended: “Friderm tar” (Schering-Plough), anti-dandruff shampoo with tar “Newtrogena T/Jel highly effective with Newtar” (Johnson & Johnson), “Fitolitol” (Fitosolba). All these shampoos should be used at least 3 times a week.

"Keto Plus" (Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd.) contains both zinc pyrithione and climbazole.

Shampoos “Nizoral”, containing 2% ketoconazole (Janssen Pharmaceuticals), and “Sebozol”, containing 1% ketoconazole (Pharmaceutical Technologies), have high clinical effectiveness. However, in order for the treatment to be not only effective, but also to provide a lasting effect, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for use of the drug. If the manufacturer of a medicated shampoo recommends keeping the shampoo on your head for a certain time in the form of foam, then you must follow the instructions exactly, otherwise the ingredients in the shampoo will not be able to effectively fight dandruff.

Active dandruff treatment usually lasts 3–6 weeks. Next, you can use regular cosmetic shampoos designed for hair with dandruff. Sometimes cases of recurrent dandruff can be caused by chronic pathology of the gastrointestinal tract or chronic dermatosis. Therefore, if the patient doubts the causes of dandruff, he should consult a trichologist.

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A. G. Gadzhigoroeva, Candidate of Medical Sciences, TsNIKVI, Moscow

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