7 easy and affordable ways to whiten your face at home

Fashion, as we know, is fickle. The popularity of chocolate tanning is gradually fading into oblivion. Ardent fans of solariums, bronzing powder and self-tanning cosmetics are becoming increasingly rare. More and more often, women are thinking about how to maintain a light, delicate, healthy complexion on their face and body. The times of the cult of snow-white skin, which was considered an indispensable attribute of aristocracy, sophistication and nobility, are returning. Porcelain skin is a symbol of purity, innocence and youth. Is it any wonder that stylists and makeup artists are once again putting the image of a white-skinned beauty on a pedestal?

One should not discount the results of research by scientists who found that kisses from the sun are not so harmless. Excessive predilection for golden skin tone is fraught with early aging. Obviously, it is unreasonable to limit yourself to only whitening procedures. It is important to protect the skin from the harmful effects of UV radiation.

What can you do to maintain a light, radiant and healthy complexion?

  • Forget about tanning. Remember that both tanning beds and exposure to the sun can cause damage to your skin.
  • Love wide-brimmed hats. Don't forget this accessory when you go outside in the summer.
  • Keep a product with a high degree of UV protection in your purse all year round. Use it when you are getting ready to go outdoors. Even in winter, the sun's rays dry out the skin, destroy healthy proteins, and lead to premature aging.

Not only ladies who are struggling with unwanted dark skin are interested in whitening procedures. Skin whitening is also relevant for those concerned about the appearance of age spots during pregnancy, who want to eliminate freckles, the effects of acne, age-related pigmentation, and the first signs of skin aging.

Indications and contraindications

Laser removal of age spots is allowed after 18 years of age. Laser removal is used to remove pigment spots that appear after pregnancy, as a result of hormonal and endocrine disorders, after acne, and due to age-related changes in the skin. Use it on any skin type.

Contraindications include:

  • Age under 18 years;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Wounds;
  • Tumors of various origins;
  • Burns;
  • Frostbite;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Herpes rashes;
  • Diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation;
  • Built-in pacemaker;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Blood diseases;
  • Severe cardiovascular diseases;
  • Tendency to keloid scars.

If you have any health problems, you must inform the specialist at the consultation before the procedure.

Indications for skin whitening

Let us highlight the indications for whitening procedures:

  • uneven complexion;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • local age spots;
  • post-acne.
  • uneven skin texture;

The specialists of the Abrielle clinic use modern and effective techniques that allow you to make your skin radiant and flawless:

  • chemical peeling;
  • laser lightening of age spots (photorejuvenation);
  • mesotherapy;
  • a combination of these techniques.

How does a laser affect a pigment spot?

During the session, the laser beam emits thermal pulses, under the influence of which melanin cells evaporate, not only in the upper, but also in the deep layers.

Removal of age spots on the face begins only after a thorough examination of the patient’s skin, since depending on the type of laser, adjustment of the device is necessary. The device is adjusted depending on the degree of hyperpigmentation and the location where it is located. The procedure goes like this:

  1. First, the specialist removes makeup from the client’s face and treats the skin with an antiseptic;
  2. Glasses or special pads are put on the eyes to protect the mucous membranes from laser burns;
  3. A special protective cream is applied to all moles (nevi) present in the treatment area so that the laser beam does not damage them;
  4. The specialist applies the gel to the treated area. Particularly sensitive areas are treated with an anesthetic;
  5. If a neodymium laser is used, then each pigment spot is treated with a conductive gel. The luminous flux is directed to each problem area.

After the procedure, the skin is treated with anti-inflammatory gel. At home, it is recommended to lubricate with Panthenol and folk remedies (herbal decoctions) for quick healing and peeling of the crust.

For a month, it is recommended to avoid direct sunlight, not to use scrubs, hard washcloths or other products that have abrasive properties or contain substances that are aggressive to the skin, otherwise it may become inflamed. When going outside, you should use creams with ultraviolet protection SPF 50.

Rehabilitation lasts about 10 days, but full recovery will occur only after 28-30 days. At this time, the spots will finally lighten and the skin will stop peeling.

Skin lightening using a combination of mesotherapy and photorejuvenation

Practice shows that hyperpigmentation can be corrected using photorejuvenation and mesotherapy.

Treatment includes:

  1. Injections of a meso-cocktail consisting of lightening components. 4 mesotherapy sessions (with an interval of 14 days) are carried out alternately with phototherapy procedures.
  2. Lightening pigment spots with laser (photorejuvenation). 4 sessions of laser therapy (with an interval of 14 days) are carried out alternately (every 1 week) with mesotherapy procedures.

The complex action of 2 methods provides a pronounced result:

  • mesococktail injections improve the quality of the skin: increase its turgor and increase elasticity;
  • Thanks to phototherapy, pigment is actively destroyed, and small capillaries in the facial area are sealed (vasoconstriction occurs).

Skin whitening price

You can see the cost of skin whitening, as well as other procedures provided at the Abrielle aesthetic surgery clinic, by clicking on the link or in the “Price List” section.

Possible complications

Laser pigmentation removal is a gentle procedure and therefore practically does not cause complications. If a good clinic was chosen, a practicing experienced cosmetologist with good customer reviews, and the procedure was carried out according to all the rules and regulations, there should be no side effects. If you set the wrong wavelength or use the wrong attachment, a minor burn may occur. Complications include slight redness of the skin and signs of peeling. But that's all normal. They disappear during the rehabilitation period. If, 7-10 days after the procedure, redness and swelling do not disappear, a rash appears, the temperature rises, and the lymph nodes become enlarged, you should consult a doctor.

Effect of professional skin whitening procedures:

  • skin color becomes uniform;
  • pigment spots disappear;
  • Melasma and pigment spots that appear under the influence of UV radiation are eliminated;
  • skin structure improves;
  • wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • New young elastin and collagen fibers are formed in the dermis.

Regular use of therapeutic serum and cream with a UV protection factor will help to consolidate the result and ensure its durability.

Light porcelain skin is the key to youth and attractiveness. Take care of the gentle radiance of your face. And complexes of professional whitening procedures developed will help you with this.

If you are interested in skin whitening, contact the specialists of the Abrielle clinic. Call and make an appointment by phone and 8(921)99-22-335.


Small pigment spots on the face lighten after the laser the next day (maybe a little later). And there is no need for additional therapy with pharmaceutical creams. Old and large spots require several sessions and subsequent care using creams that prevent excess melanin production. After the procedure, a crust forms on the skin, which disappears after a few days, leaving a light pink spot underneath. Over the next couple of weeks, the skin tone evens out and becomes healthy.

Skin whitening using photorejuvenation

Photorejuvenation using diode and neodymium lasers also shows excellent results in the fight against hyperpigmentation and uneven skin color. In this case, unwanted spots on the skin are eliminated thanks to the thermal effect of the laser beam, which specifically targets specific components of the dermis (pigments). The epidermis is not damaged, so the patient does not experience pain.

The Abrielle Clinic uses modern lasers: MedioStar NeXT and Magic 3 devices. During the procedure, the devices generate energy in the form of ultrashort pulses, which are absorbed by melanin and partially hemoglobin. The high power shock waves produced by the laser destroy the pigment. The impulses have no effect on surrounding tissue. In addition, laser energy warms up the layers of the skin, stimulating the process of cell renewal and activating the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers. As a result of sessions with neodymium and diode lasers, skin areas with hyperpigmentation first lighten, and later the spots completely disappear.

Reviews about laser removal of age spots on the face

According to most reviews, laser removal of age spots on the face works much better than acid peels and other procedures. Many people who use this type of whitening for the first time are dissatisfied with the result, write negative reviews, observing that the skin may swell, redden and darken. But this is a normal reaction; after a week, cleansing begins, and the pigmentation gradually lightens.

Some note that after that a lot of peeling began, which became the most difficult thing during the rehabilitation period. The crusts came off only on the 5-6th day. The result is not ideal for old, large stains.

Laser removal of age spots on the face is an effective, efficient, painless way to combat pigmentation by destroying melanin cells. In addition to lightening the skin, its general condition improves, tone is restored, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and secondary hyperpigmentation appears very rarely. The only thing that most clients are not happy with is the price for removing age spots, which is quite high, especially if you have to remove old pigmentation.

Chemical peeling for skin whitening

The effectiveness of chemical peeling as a means for skin whitening is explained by the fact that during the procedure the active substance softens and exfoliates the keratinized cells of the surface layer of the epidermis, where the maximum amount of pigment is located. The technique involves the use of a complex of fruit, lactic, glycolic and salicylic acids, selected individually.

Chemical peeling not only whitens the skin, but also heals it, normalizing hydrobalance and increasing elasticity.

To whiten the skin, cosmetologists at the Abrielle clinic use superficial chemical peeling with AHA KOJIC 50% produced by the American company MED PEEL. The product has established itself as a safe product that can be used for normal, sensitive, dry and aging skin.

The impressive effectiveness of AHA KOJIC 50% is ensured by the presence of kojic acid in its composition, which blocks tyrosinase and prevents the formation of age spots. The drug also contains: deionized water, lactic and glycolic acid, bearberry extract, licorice extract, citric and malic acid, sodium hydroxide, xanthan gum, sodium lactate, caprylyl glycol, potassium sorbate, phenoxyethanol, exylene glycol.

Benefits of laser whitening

You can make your skin lighter and its tone more even using various home and professional methods. But laser manipulation has many advantages:

  • Security . The radiation acts gently, without causing burns, itching, or long-term negative consequences.
  • Excellent effect . The most stubborn stains can be lightened. In addition, the first improvement is detected after a single session.

Types of laser rejuvenation and skin lightening

  • Possibility of rejuvenation . In addition to lightening the surface, the laser enhances the skin's regenerative abilities. Heat stimulates neocollagenesis, due to which its elasticity increases, and after the procedure a lifting effect occurs.
  • Increased sensitivity of affected areas to touch. This advantage is noted by those who have undergone laser whitening of the intimate area.

We recommend reading about laser facial peeling. You will learn about the advantages of this type of facial cleansing, indications and contraindications for it, and the methods of hot and cold laser peeling. And here is more information about carbon facial peeling.

Areas of the body that can be lightened with laser

More often, the procedure is used to even out skin tone on the face. It is used for whitening with the same effect:

  • hands;
  • neck and décolleté;
  • abdomen and groin area;
  • armpits;
  • pubic area;
  • anus;
  • labia majora in women;
  • scrotums in men.

These areas are also susceptible to the influence of hormones, age-related changes and the effects of external factors that worsen the color of the surface.

Korean remedies

Asian cosmetics have recently appeared on the market. In Japan and Korea, it is fashionable to whiten your face and look like a European woman. This trend is supported by cosmetics manufacturers, offering whitening products with a powerful effect designed for dark skin exposed to sunlight.

When choosing unfamiliar cosmetics, it is easy to make a mistake. A number of components in the composition will indicate that the product has a brightening effect:

  • arbutin - whitens pigmentation, softens, does not inhibit vital processes;
  • niacinamide, B3, evens out tone, erases acne marks, soothes redness;
  • A, beta-Carotene reduces pigment production;
  • glycolic acid accelerates renewal and whitens, necessary for sunburn;
  • lemon extracts quickly lighten;
  • Tomato extracts brighten and improve texture.

In addition to them, goat's milk, pearl extract, parsley and others affect the tone.

Hydroquinone in the composition is a reason to throw away your purchase, it is toxic!

Popular Korean remedies

  1. Lemon Whitening Sleeping Pack from Baviphat - contains lemon extract and arbutin.
  2. Panda's Dreams series - day and night masks, face and hand creams, help cope with freckles, sunburn, and uneven tone.
  3. Tomatox Magic White Massage Pack is a popular whitening mask. The effect is short-term, but very noticeable. Ideal before an important event.

Laser whitening

The procedure has some differences when performed on different parts of the body. What all cases have in common is that the spots should first be examined by a dermatologist. You need to make sure it's not melanoma.

Skin on the face

If you need to get rid of blemishes on your face, the manipulation goes like this:

  • Remove cosmetics from the skin and wipe with an antiseptic;
  • if it is sensitive, apply an anesthetic cream to the surface for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off;
  • adjust the device according to your skin type;
  • protect eyes with special glasses;
  • the nozzle is brought closer to the spot and a short-term laser pulse is applied;
  • the skin is cooled through the same handpiece;
  • After treating all areas, a soothing cream is applied to the surface.

To learn how laser rejuvenation and facial skin whitening are performed, watch this video:

Intimate area

Whitening the intimate area consists of the following steps:

  • hairless skin is treated with an antiseptic and an anesthetic cream is applied;
  • after 20 - 30 minutes, the surface is wiped again with a disinfectant;
  • Next, a pulsed laser effect occurs on problem areas (the nozzle does not touch the skin, but remains at a short distance from it);
  • Finally, the surface is coated with an anti-inflammatory agent.


Before the laser procedure, it is necessary to do depilation so that during the process there is no possibility of causing burns or missing pigmented areas.
The procedure carried out to lighten the skin in the armpits is also carried out in stages:

  • the surface is cleaned of sweat and cosmetics;
  • make a 20-30 minute application of anesthetic cream;
  • then the anesthetic is removed and laser pulses are applied to the skin, without missing a centimeter of the surface;
  • After treating all areas, a cooling and at the same time soothing agent is applied to it.

Why does pigmentation increase after laser?

Part of the spectrum of the beam used destroys the pigment, and the rest heats the surrounding cells, causing damage to skin structures and, as a result, inflammation.

Inflammation that occurs in the environment of a melanocyte, which is in the phase of “hyperexcitation” and active melanin synthesis, always leads to the formation of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation .

That is, under unfavorable conditions, in response to laser therapy, local inflammation is triggered in the skin, which stimulates nearby pigment cells. This is why the pigment spot “grows” - its area increases due to the coloring of nearby skin.

Moreover, keratinocytes, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and as a result of other damaging factors, begin to produce melanocyte-stimulating hormone . Post-inflammatory pigmentation occurs.

Another cause of complication is destruction of the basement membrane , which occurs when exposed to a laser.

Damage to the basement membrane, whatever the cause, promotes the migration of melanocytes and melanin granules down into the dermis, which leads to pigmentation with pigment located at the level of the dermis.

Thus, trauma caused by lasers or any therapy that further damages the basement membrane may aggravate the disease. Likewise, restoration of the basement membrane may result in decreased recurrences.

Useful tips

A clay mask perfectly helps to nourish the skin and remove dead cells. After dissolving the powder purchased at the pharmacy with warm water and applying the resulting paste to your face and neck, you should let it dry. After washing off the layer of clay, the skin will become smooth and silky, and the complexion will be more fresh.

The mask is well suited for girls going on vacation to the sea. After it, the tan will lie evenly, but you still shouldn’t neglect protective equipment.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of cosmetics and creams. If you experience even a mild allergic reaction or unpleasant tingling sensation during use, you will have to discard this product. The skin of the face is very delicate and should be as comfortable as possible.

The cause of pigmentation can be metabolic and hormonal imbalance in the body. Pregnancy and childbirth, taking certain medications and even severe stress contribute to the appearance of brown spots on the skin. Sometimes they disappear on their own after the body’s condition normalizes, but more often they have to be countered using the above methods.

When should you not try to lighten pigmentation on your own?

Before you whiten your facial skin, it is important to understand the causes of darkening and pigmentation. Most often, skin becomes dull due to the accumulation of dead cells, which is caused by pollution and exposure to UV rays. According to WebMD, redness may be associated with rosacea. It, like other skin problems, can be caused by:

  • hormones, genes;
  • chemical cosmetics;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lack of vitamins;
  • medications.

It is not recommended to do face whitening if you have:

  • fresh wounds or stitches;
  • any inflammation;
  • melanoma and other skin diseases.

To get healthy skin with an even tone, you don't have to use salon treatments. As practice shows, it is enough to look into the refrigerator and use only natural products yourself. However, be careful with folk recipes. I recommend that you consult a specialist before you start using the methods described.

How to whiten your face with baking soda

Many people know that soda is an aggressive agent, so it should be used with caution. Masks with soda are one of the most powerful, so I recommend using them in emergency cases. Do a test on a small area of ​​skin in advance to avoid an allergic reaction.

Here are effective recipes and tips on how to lighten your skin:

  • Soda with honey.

In a 1:1 ratio, mix honey and cream of any fat content, add soda on the tip of a knife. Apply the mask for 10 minutes and then rinse off. Don't forget to apply moisturizer to your skin.

  • Oatmeal and soda.

Mix 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal and 1 tsp. soda Add a small amount of water to make a paste. Apply the preparation to the skin and rinse after 15 minutes. Additionally, you can use natural tea tree oil.

We have already described above how to prepare a solution from soda and peroxide, so use the recipe. Baking soda is quite abrasive - think twice before rubbing it into your face.

Practical experience shows that many women use a solution of soda and water to wash their face. Using this method several times a week, they cleanse the skin of dead cells. But experts still warn that it can cause irritation.

Homemade face masks

Connoisseurs of traditional medicine come up with many masks to lighten the skin. Some of them turn out to be effective, others do not live up to expectations at all.

My patients often ask what folk recipes will help cope with the problem in the shortest possible time. I declare with authority that they will come to your aid:

  • Oatmeal and yogurt.

How to whiten your face after sunbathing? The lactic acid in yogurt promotes whitening and the flour nourishes the skin, leaving it soft and glowing.

Take 1/3 cup oatmeal and 2 tbsp. l. yogurt. Distribute the mask over your face with massaging movements, rinse with water after 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure daily for 2 weeks.

  • Papaya and banana puree.

These components perfectly nourish the skin and also act as whitening agents.

Make a puree from papaya and banana, add a little honey, keep the mixture on the skin for 15 minutes. Rinse and pat dry your face with a towel.

  • Cucumber puree.

According to WebMD, the vegetable is suitable for a variety of skin types, providing firmness and a cooling effect. Grate the cucumber or puree it in a blender. Apply the composition to your face, rinse with warm water after 25 minutes.

  • Aloe gel.

Vitamins A, C, E nourish the skin, and other substances in aloe promote exfoliation, whitening and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Grind the aloe leaf so that 1 tsp comes out. Add the same amount of lemon juice, apply the mixture for 30 minutes, rinse.

As an expert, I can say that skin whitening is not a matter of just one day. Repeat the procedures every day for several weeks until you are satisfied with the results. Natural ingredients enrich the skin with nutrients, but their benefits are individual for everyone. Therefore, before you start using prescriptions, visit your doctor who will give professional advice.

Masks: Lagutina T. 300 effective masks from natural products. Encyclopedia of skin and hair care. - M.: Ripol Classic, 2011. - 266 p.

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