How to treat a burn with Dimexide: drugs and folk remedies
Dimexide (dimethyl sulfoxide) is a concentrate for topical use that has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and absorbable effect. Medicine
How to treat a burn with hot vegetable oil? First aid, further therapy
Burns from boiling oil - classification, first aid, calling a doctor
Burns from boiling water, hot oil and any other hot liquids require an adequate and timely response,
What to do for burns
First aid for hand burns and further treatment
Everyone is familiar with such an injury as a burn. It is timely and correct provision of first aid
burn blister
Local treatment of burn victims on an outpatient basis
When a burn blister is localized in an inconvenient place (arms, feet), many are tormented by the thought:
Seaweed is the basis of alginate masks
How to properly dilute an alginate mask without lumps
Alginate mask belongs to professional care products. It moisturizes the skin well and gives a pronounced
Treatment of calluses and corns. Modern methods of therapy
During the training process, especially at the very beginning, many weightlifters experience severe discomfort after performing
What to do if watery pimples appear on the legs, fingers and feet: what does this mean and how to treat them?
A rash in the form of pimples often appears on the hands. Dusty air, consumption of “unhealthy” food and
Choosing an implant brand
Mentor breast implants – 4 main advantages
Breast augmentation is a popular type of plastic surgery that, with the proper approach and attention to detail, can make a woman
Testing LA-KRI® cosmetics: reviews from expectant and current mothers
Skin care products are primarily required for children and pregnant women.
Why do dry and other calluses appear on the little toe? How to get rid of them?
Causes of painful neoplasm Calluses occur in areas that have been exposed to friction for a long time.
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