Steam from dishes
First aid for steam burns at home
A person’s life is filled with various events: pleasant or not so pleasant. One of the latter is a burn.
Uroderm anti-callus cream
Ointments for calluses - a list of effective drugs for the treatment and healing of calluses
The appearance of calluses is a common problem. Most often they appear due to wearing uncomfortable, low-quality shoes.
Diaper rash in the groin in men - how to treat and treat the groin area with ointments
Causes of diaper rash As follows from the very definition of the concept of “diaper rash,” the cause of this disease lies in
Wrinkles on the face: how to care for your skin and get rid of wrinkles
Beneficial properties of glycerin and effect on the skin Glycerin is hygroscopic - the ability to absorb the necessary
Diaper rash in adults: folk remedies for men and women
345 230 Diaper rash in newborns (diaper dermatitis) is a problem that almost everyone faces
Superchistotel - instructions for use and indications, composition and side effects
The formation of warts and papillomas can cause a lot of trouble, especially if the formation is located on
Mechanically induced hyperkeratoses of the foot: classification and differential diagnosis.
Why is a callus dangerous? If you endure the pain and do nothing about such a callus,
Sea buckthorn facial oil – elixir of youth for mature skin + video
Sea buckthorn oil for the face - its benefits for the skin High biological activity of the oil from
Tar soap in packaging
Tar soap for acne on the face - methods of use
With the development of modern cosmetology and having read information on the Internet, most girls prefer to use store-bought
Glycerin for the face: beneficial properties, contraindications, use in home cosmetology
Description and classification Glycerin is a chemical substance (trihydric alcohol) obtained by processing fats.
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