Uno cosmetic spoon: how to use for facial cleansing at home, reviews

Mechanical facial cleansing remains the most popular procedure for combating blackheads, comedones and clogged pores. If you neglect the advice of cosmetologists and from time to time try to squeeze out blackheads and pimples on your own, it’s time to think about how to minimize the harm from this procedure. And here a special tool will come to the rescue - the Uno spoon. Let's figure out what it is and how to use it.

In this article:

Purpose and configuration Features of the tool Types How to use the Uno spoon: step-by-step instructions

What does a facial cleansing spoon look like?

The Uno spoon has long been used in professional beauty salons to remove acne and blackheads. It has become widespread in home cosmetology relatively recently.

This simple invention is made exclusively from dermis-safe medical steel. It is an elongated stick with comfortable raised attachments for holding, on both ends of which special tips are attached: in the form of a miniature spoon with one hole in the middle and the same compact slotted spoon with numerous holes.

“Spoon” is intended for targeted removal of large pimples and open comedones. “A slotted spoon” (“strainer” or “spatula”) is needed to eliminate acne and blackheads. Today you can buy both a one-piece device and a set one, with replaceable tips.

After the manipulations, you need to treat your face with special products to narrow the pores, since there is a high risk of rapid contamination of the cleaned canals.


A spoon of Uno in the wrong hands will do more harm than good. Frequent complications after using this tool are:

- skin irritation;

- inflammatory process;

— skin injuries (scratches and abrasions);

- spread of infection.

The Uno spoon is an indispensable tool for a cosmetologist, which helps the skin look healthy and beautiful, as evidenced by positive reviews of the results of the procedure.

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Who is the device suitable for?

The procedure may be painful and cause subsequent inflammation associated with poor skin preparation, treatment of holes and instruments. To prevent injury, you must follow the instructions for using the device. In particular, it is not recommended for total cleaning of the entire surface, but is effective in individual problem areas.

The optimal option for removing comedones, blackheads and other skin defects using a Uno spoon is for girls with a combination and oily type of epidermis, prone to excessive production of sebaceous glands. Together with accompanying cosmetic preparations to narrow pores and combat excessive oiliness, the product will give an excellent result.


In stores you can find different configurations of spoons. At one end there will always be a Uno spoon, as the most popular and versatile tool. But at the other end there may be a loop, a needle or a modified spoon.

  • A spoon with multiple holes (“strainer”) – designed to clean pores “in bulk.” This is the same hemisphere, only with a smaller radius of curvature and 10 holes instead of one. This tool is great for removing sebaceous threads, opening up pores and clearing away superficial blackheads, but is not used for squeezing blackheads.

Photo taken from open sources

  • Needle – necessary for piercing the skin. Used to remove closed comedones and deep sebaceous plugs.
  • The Vidal loop is a regular round loop made of medical steel. Like the Uno spoon, it is used to squeeze out blackheads.

You might think that the Vidal loop and the Uno spoon are one and the same. However, a spoon is more versatile, because with its help you can not only squeeze out a blackhead, but also clean the pores. But the Vidal loop is intended only for isolated deep stains; it is inconvenient to remove superficially located blackheads or sebaceous plugs.

Spoon Uno: how to use at home

If the area of ​​the face that needs cleaning is relatively small, then you can use the Uno device yourself. The mechanism of its action is available to every woman:

  1. After preliminary preparation of the skin and treatment of the instrument, a sieve-shaped tip is placed in problem areas on the cheeks, forehead, and T-zone.
  2. A similar treatment precedes the “squeezing out” of individual pimples using a “spoon”. The tip is installed so that the head of the pimple is in the hole, and lightly press on its subcutaneous part. The deep shape of the tip prevents pus from getting into healthy areas of the skin, the secretions are collected “in a spoon”.

The device is absolutely safe for home use. However, there are a number of nuances and rules that must be followed before and after the procedure. For effective cleaning you need:

  • Prepare the skin. The face is cleansed of dust, dirt, cosmetics, and sebum. After a special tonic or emulsion for washing, you can additionally perform a scrubbing or peeling procedure. Pre-steaming with steam or a heated towel for up to 20 minutes will make the cleaning process easier. It is advisable to replace ordinary hot water with decoctions of medicinal herbs and plants (nettle, oak bark, sage, chamomile, etc.).
  • Remove excess moisture with a dry towel or napkin.
  • Treat dry face with antiseptic. You can use calendula tincture.

If rosacea is present, steaming cannot be carried out.

Learning to prepare your facial skin

The uno spoon is used as a mini-spatula, removing dirt, accumulated sebaceous plugs, and, at the same time, the keratinized layers of the dermis. But the procedure will not work for future use if you “jump right into the quarry” and start cleaning right away without preparing the dermis for manipulation.

How to properly prepare your face:

  1. To begin with, it is important to remove the remnants of makeup, foundation, cleansers and simple creams. It is best to use antibacterial mousses or foams. Cosmetologists also praise strong tar soap.
  2. The second stage is a scrub. Light peeling will remove dead cells and remove particles of dirt that did not have time to penetrate deep into the dermis.
  3. Next, it is important to steam your face. This is done over a bowl of hot water to which herbs are added. Recommended time is 10 minutes. Vaporizers are now being sold. They are pleasant to use and quickly open pores.

An alternative option is to use a hot compress with a damp towel. Just use very clean textiles and wring them out to prevent water from running into your nose, eyes and mouth. They also sell warming masks: choosing them is a whole story, so use old “grandmother’s” methods. Let's move on to cleaning.

How to prepare the instrument

You should pay attention to the preparation of the Uno spoon and the features of working with it:

  • The device and hands are disinfected with an alcohol-containing liquid (for example, vodka), but not with pure alcohol. You can carry out the procedure wearing medical gloves.
  • The first stage of cleaning is carried out using a “strainer,” which “collects” sebum. Move the nozzle smoothly, gently pressing it onto the surface of the face. The vector of movement is along massage lines in the direction from the eyebrow arches to the scalp upward, from the middle of the nose, to its side parts and further to the cheeks. Then the chin is cleaned.
  • A “spoon” is used after removing excess sebum for deep cleansing. In particularly difficult cases, a device called a Vidal needle is additionally used, which is necessary to make an exit in a closed pimple. The released contamination is “removed” by quickly and easily moving the nozzle to the side.

Regardless of the degree of contamination, the contents of the “sieve” and “spoon” must be periodically removed and the nozzles treated with a cotton pad moistened with a disinfectant.

How are the attachments used?

It makes sense to talk about attachments separately. After all, each was invented for a separate zone and they all work differently.

The tips perform the role of:

  • needles (they are called Vidal needles) - they pierce the purulent “caps” of acne so that the contents come out faster, they also pierce comedones;
  • sang - a curved thin (but strong!) wire removes red pimples scattered over the surface of the dermis;
  • strainers - tiny “skimmers” with 1 mm holes perfectly remove excess oil that clogs pores;
  • spears - they are more delicate than ordinary Vidal needles and can remove and pierce large blackheads.

At your discretion, you can choose individual attachments or purchase a set where the manufacturer presented all the variety at once. They are usually packaged in beautiful cases and are extremely pleasant to use.

What to do after the procedure

Cleansing your face with a Uno spoon is a fairly harsh procedure. Therefore, after it is carried out, the skin also needs care. You can relieve redness in cleaned areas and soothe the dermis with a compress based on decoctions and tinctures of medicinal plants (chamomile, coltsfoot and others). Taking into account the individual characteristics of the epidermis, it is permissible to use alcohol infusions.

Homemade masks made from cucumber and raw potatoes, crushed in a blender to a paste, have a good calming effect.

The mass is distributed on the face as evenly as possible and left for 15&minus, 20 minutes. Then wash with warm running water and wipe the skin with a cotton pad moistened with tonic.

To prevent rapid contamination and inflammation of the cleaned pores, you need to use a pore tightening product. In folk cosmetology, freshly squeezed lemon juice is used for this purpose, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3. In traditional &mdash, small pieces of bandage or gauze soaked in chlorhexidine are applied to the newly formed holes. The preparation is kept for 25&minus.30 minutes.

After such manipulations, the treated areas are sprinkled with talcum powder or baby powder and left overnight. Over the next 3&minus.5 days, it is advisable to avoid active physical exercise and exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Indications for use

Cleaning the face with a spoon of Uno is recommended for teenagers of any gender: during puberty, hormones go wild, acne fills the face, causing them to suffer and have complexes about their appearance. In this case, the optimal frequency of use is 1-2 times a month: the device cleans everything mechanically, which cannot be called an absolutely safe method.

Adults with oily skin prone to a greasy sheen, enlarged pores, and an abundance of blackheads can also clean their face with a spoon. The device is easy to use three times throughout the month. And for everyone who suffers from eternal tightness, flaking, and is forced to endlessly use cream, it is recommended to do “general” cleaning once every two months. If you use it more often, your skin may become even drier. Not everyone wants or can carry out the procedure on their own. Let us give you some advice: do not hesitate to clean your pores with a spatula from a cosmetologist, offering him your individual device.

Analogues in home cosmetology

Without resorting to the services of professionals, you can get rid of blackheads yourself using alternative tools and devices. This:

Vidal's needle

It differs from the previous version in the absence of a skimmer. Instead, opposite the “spoon”, there is a pointed tip in the shape of a needle, which is necessary to facilitate the squeezing out of acne by opening them.


The “advantages” of cleaning pores at home with a cosmetic brush is the ability of this device to remove keratinization and scales. The tool also prevents clogging of pores, eliminating the appearance of acne. The brush is suitable for daily use. The model range is quite wide, allowing you to choose the best option taking into account the characteristics of the epidermis.

",A loop",

The nozzle that replaces the “spoon” is designed to solve the same problems. Sold separately or as a set with a Vidal needle.

Considering the possibility of skin injury during the procedure at home, it is recommended to use the Uno spoon no more than once in 30 days.

In the intervals between “operations”, you can cleanse the pores with homemade masks based on gelatin, activated carbon, green cosmetic clay, etc.

Precautionary measures

Just a small disclaimer: if you use the Uno spoon correctly - for the problems shown, disinfecting the skin and instruments before the procedure - there will be no complications.

Redness goes away on its own or faster with soothing cosmetic products. The tool itself is hypoallergenic; reactions to medical steel are excluded, given the duration of the cleaning procedure. Such steel can hypothetically cause allergies only by oxidizing during very long contact with an open wound.

Contraindications for cleaning with a Uno spoon:

  • Herpes;
  • Skin hypersensitivity;
  • Respiratory disorders;
  • Inflammatory skin diseases - acute or during exacerbation;
  • Cuperosis (thinning of the walls of blood vessels, expressed by redness);
  • Open injuries - wounds, burns of any origin.

Contraindications include age: children and adolescents should not use Uno without adult supervision over compliance with the rules of the procedure. Otherwise, the child may injure the skin, resulting in deep scars.

Important: Consult a doctor before using a spoon to clean the skin of a child or teenager. Almost all teenagers experience rashes as a result of hormonal changes in the body. And a younger child may not need mechanical skin cleansing at all or may be harmed.

Contraindications for use

Manual (manual) cleaning with a Uno spatula has a number of contraindications, which include:

  • the presence of open damage to the skin on the face (scratches, fresh scars, wounds),
  • More on the topic:

    Rules for choosing a cream for rosacea.

  • rosacea,
  • furunculosis,
  • eczema,
  • herpes in the acute stage,
  • dermatitis,
  • various types of irritation and allergic reactions,
  • severe peeling,
  • burns,
  • violations of regenerative processes,
  • vascular diseases,
  • dry skin.

Who is prohibited from the procedure?

Like any manipulation, cleansing has its contraindications. They must be taken into account so as not to cause complications. Sometimes the intervention provokes complex skin diseases, and treating them is difficult and expensive.

The procedure cannot be performed if:

  • rosacea;
  • chronic problems with blood vessels;
  • heart diseases;
  • herpes;
  • open inflammatory processes, wounds and burns;
  • diseases at the stage of inflammation, which are accompanied by high fever.

The facial cleansing spoon should be used with caution during pregnancy and lactation. Sometimes, if the obstetrician-gynecologist allows, exceptions are possible. But no matter what trimester the expectant mother uses the device, she definitely needs to consult a therapist, cosmetologist, or gynecologist. This will avoid risks to the development of the fetus.


It is important to consider the opinions of professionals before purchasing a device.


Tatyana Sheveleva, cosmetologist of the highest category

“The most common skin problem is comedones, formed as a result of “mixing” skin debris. (Microhairs, poorly washed decorative products such as foundation, powder, etc.) and fat produced by the sebaceous glands. There are many ways to get rid of them, but if you take care of the epidermis incorrectly or insufficiently, the problem quickly returns.

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Is facial cleansing by a cosmetologist useful?

Professional pore cleaning at a beauty salon is expensive. Using a Uno spoon, you can clean out comedones and blackheads at home without spending much time and money.

However, the procedure has a number of contraindications. May injure the skin if the rules for preparing the surface of the face are not followed.

There is a high risk of exacerbation of inflammatory processes when infection and dirt enter cleaned pores. This happens if the instrument has not been disinfected, the pores have been treated with an antiseptic and narrowed with any available specialized means.”

Elena Gromina, dermatologist

“There are a number of pathologies accompanied by skin rashes for which it is prohibited to use a Uno spoon. This is detailed in the instructions for the device.

Also, it should not be used in acute inflammatory processes and heavy surface contamination. But in general, the device is easy to use, made of high-quality, hypoallergenic material, and is an excellent alternative to professional removal of blackheads.”

Amateurs' opinion

There are different views on the quality of the procedure; negative reviews are often associated with improper skin preparation:

Anastasia, 21 years old

“I have problem skin, but I can’t afford constant cleanings from a cosmetologist. I decided to buy a Uno spoon to save money, but was disappointed: with light pressure it doesn’t “get” anything, but with strong pressure it leaves bruises.”

Ekaterina, 33 years old

“The whole procedure lasts a matter of minutes, but preliminary steaming, cleansing, etc. takes me about an hour. After cleansing, the skin looks noticeably refreshed, without unevenness or flaking. I’m happy with the result, but I advise you to cleanse yourself with this lifesaver at night, as immediately after treatment your face turns pink-red.”

Facial cleansing with a special Uno spoon is an alternative to a salon treatment for getting rid of acne, comedones, blackheads, and pimples. The device is easy to use, but requires careful pre- and post-treatment of the cleaned areas.

Feedback on using the facial cleansing tool

Angelina: I attended such a procedure, if necessary, only in a beauty salon and the effect pleased me. I didn’t even think about periodically doing it at home to prevent the appearance of large areas with blackheads. I'll definitely try cleaning it myself.

Tonya: I bought this spoon a long time ago. My skin is quite oily, but I constantly take care of it, so blackheads occasionally appear here and there. I immediately carry out the procedure, get rid of them, and have excellent facial condition.

Katya: I’m somehow afraid of such procedures, especially after I saw a similar spoon with a terrible needle at the other end. It’s even scary to imagine how everyone uses this.

Why is cleaning necessary?

The sebaceous glands produce a special lipocontaining secretion - the so-called sebum. Under normal conditions, evenly distributed over the face, it forms a kind of protective film and makes the surface of the skin soft, delicate and elastic. However, not everyone today can boast of healthy skin.

A damaged environment, hormonal imbalances, and other health problems often trigger excessive sebum production. Over time, the sebaceous plugs formed in the pores under the influence of air oxidize and transform into ugly blackheads - comedones. They are usually accompanied by acne, which occurs when pathogenic bacteria enter the pores.

Facial cleansing makes it possible to get rid of sebaceous plugs, restore the skin’s ability to fully breathe, and make cosmetic products and procedures work much more effectively.

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