Sea buckthorn facial oil – elixir of youth for mature skin + video

Sea buckthorn oil for the face - its benefits for the skin

The high biological activity of sea buckthorn oil is due to its rich composition. Vitamins, amino acids, carotenoids, mono- and polysaturated acids have a beneficial effect on the skin.

Sea buckthorn oil improves metabolism, penetrating deeply into the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Nourishes the skin, smoothes wrinkles, restores lipid and acid-base balance.

Sea buckthorn oil prevents premature aging of the skin, increases its elasticity and firmness. Protects the skin from dryness and flaking, moisturizes it, smoothes out wrinkles.

Important: Despite all the benefits of sea buckthorn oil, it is necessary to take into account that it is not recommended to be used frequently as a single product.

Despite all its benefits, there are a number of contraindications for use. Thus, you should not use sea buckthorn oil for allergic reactions. An undoubted contraindication would be pregnancy and lactation. Also not suitable for sensitive skin.

This is due to the high biological activity of the oil.


In addition to its benefits, the product has some contraindications, including:

  • hypersensitivity to the product or tendency to allergic manifestations;
  • large boils at the site of intended use;
  • severe forms of burns with damage to the deep layers of the skin;
  • excess carotene and retinol in the body.

The product should be used with caution during pregnancy, since the woman’s body is weakened and prone to various negative manifestations. You should consult your doctor before use.

A simple sensitivity test, which should be performed before use, will help you avoid allergic reactions. It is necessary to apply a small amount of the product to the skin of the inner forearm and observe the reaction. If after 24 hours there are no signs of irritation, rash or hyperemia, the oil can be used.

Otherwise, if allergy symptoms are pronounced, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Sea buckthorn oil for face - use for different skin types

The composition of sea buckthorn oil is so unique that it is suitable for all skin types.

  • Moisturizes dry dermis and promotes moisture retention.
  • Nourishes normal skin, rejuvenates it and revitalizes it.
  • For oily types, it helps clear blackheads and normalizes sebum secretion. Thus, it removes oily shine.
  • Transforms aging skin: increases elasticity, strengthens, tightens, smoothes wrinkles.
  • Restores, soothes and heals irritated skin.

A little history

The unique healing properties of sea buckthorn were known to ancient healers . In Tibetan treatises dating back to the 9th century. BC, amber berries were mentioned in recipes for stomach pain, lesions of the skin, and respiratory organs.

In Rus', the oil became known thanks to the creator of the Slavic alphabet, Kirill, who used “red oil” for healing. Berries were even served at the royal table, and long expeditions were organized to harvest them to the banks of the Danube.

During the period of development of Siberia, fruits and oil made it possible to quickly restore strength, protect against diseases, and promote rapid healing of wounds. It was used as a natural analgesic, pain reliever, and used for burns and bites .

The finished cosmetic and medicinal product was available to Siberian beauties. Berry-oily masks were used for the face and curls, preserving natural freshness and youth. Natural recipes had a complex effect, cleansing, restoring and nourishing the skin. The secrets of nature were passed down from generation to generation; amber berries were a real elixir of health, beauty, and youth.

Sea buckthorn oil for face – recipes for face masks

Face masks based on sea buckthorn will help you look great for a long time and keep your skin in excellent condition.

Important: before use, you need to test for an allergic reaction. Apply a small amount of product to the skin of the wrist from the inside and wait 15 minutes. If skin reactions occur, do not use.

Anti-wrinkle smoothing

It will nourish the epidermis with useful substances and smooth out wrinkles.

  • High fat cottage cheese – 1 tablespoon
  • Chicken protein – 1 piece
  • Sea buckthorn oil – 1 teaspoon

Beat the egg white, mix with butter and cottage cheese. Distribute over the face, the layer will not be thin. Cover the top with a damp cloth and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

Lifting – a product for mature skin

It tightens and nourishes the dermis well. Recommended for use after 35 years to smooth out nasolabial folds and tighten. Gives a quick lifting effect.

  • Potato starch – 1 teaspoon
  • Sour cream, full fat – 1 tsp.
  • Sea buckthorn oil – 1 tsp.

Mix and apply thickly to face for 15 minutes. Can be done in a course: 14 days, 1 time in 2 days.

Watching time: 01:52

Firming and nutritious with potatoes

Saturates the epidermis with nutrients, delicately whitens and smoothes.

  • Medium sized boiled potatoes – 1 piece
  • A teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil
  • Lemon essential oil – 2 drops

Grind the potatoes into a puree, mix with the rest of the ingredients. Leave on face for 15-20 minutes once every 7 days.

Sea buckthorn oil for face – nourishing with cocoa butter

Moisturizes, nourishes, strengthens and reduces wrinkles.

  • Sea buckthorn oil - teaspoon
  • Solid cocoa butter - 20 grams
  • Vitamin E – 10 drops

Melt the cocoa butter in a water bath and mix with the remaining ingredients. Apply the mixture to your face and do a light massage. Remove excess with a napkin. No rinsing. Use 2-3 times a week.

Starch - tomato for oily skin

Cleanses oily dermis, relieves inflammation, reduces pigmentation.

  • Fresh ripe tomato – 1 piece
  • Potato starch - 1 tablespoon
  • 1 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oils
  • Wheat germ oil – 5 drops

Grind the tomato puree and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Apply to face for 20 minutes and rinse. Use 3 times a week.

Honey anti-wrinkle tightening

Perfect for aging skin prone to wrinkles.

  • Natural honey – 1 tablespoon
  • A teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil

Mix and spread over skin. Keep the mask on your face for 10 minutes and wash off. Apply once every 7 days.

Sea buckthorn oil for face – clay-based anti-wrinkle oil

Smoothes wrinkles and prevents the formation of new ones. Nourishes the skin, improves blood circulation.

  • Blue clay - teaspoon
  • Sea buckthorn oil – 1 tsp.
  • Raw yolk – 1 piece
  • Avocado – ¼ part

Grind the avocado puree and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Distribute over skin for 20 minutes and rinse. Apply 2 times a week.

Wonderful vitamin rejuvenating mask

Gives almost instant rejuvenating results due to its vitamin-rich composition. Improves blood circulation, giving the skin a fresh, healthy look.

  • Ripe banana - 1 piece
  • Ch.l. sea ​​buckthorn oil
  • Peach oil – 1 tbsp. l.

Mash the banana and mix the ingredients. Spread the mixture over your face. You can even apply it to the skin around your eyes. Leave for 15 – 20 minutes. Use 2 – 3 times a week.

Sea buckthorn cream for wrinkles

It has a delicate texture and is completely natural. Smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes and nourishes. After 30 years, it can be used every day.

  • Cocoa butter - 40 grams
  • A little more than a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil
  • Vitamin E – 5 drops

Heat the oils in a water bath and mix thoroughly. At the end, add vitamin E. Transfer the product to a glass jar and store in the refrigerator for no more than a month.

general description

Sea buckthorn is a shrub or tree with recognizable gray-silver , drooping leaves, reaching a height of 5–10 m. It is cultivated throughout the world, found in temperate climate zones, Asia, Siberia, and grows in tropical areas - India, Pakistan .

The inconspicuous inflorescences are replaced by juicy amber fruits, which have a characteristic aroma and bitter-sour taste. It is from sea buckthorn berries that valuable oil is produced, used in cosmetology, dermatology, and medicine.

It is obtained in several ways , using extraction with solvents and liquefied carbon dioxide. The juice of the fruit is passed through a centrifuge; another popular method is maceration or softening of the fruit with other vegetable oils.

Depending on the method of production and dilution with other ingredients, the composition and beneficial properties of the product will differ.

Attention! It is found only in the form of vegetable oil; ester is not obtained from sea buckthorn fruits.

Used to eliminate puffiness, smooth out wrinkles, and improve overall tone . Based on the oil, ready-made creams, emulsions, and masks with anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects are created.

How to get it at home :

  1. For preparation you will need 1–2 kg of fresh sea buckthorn berries. Using a press, squeeze out the juice.
  2. Then pass the resulting liquid through cheesecloth. Leave to infuse in a cool, dark place.
  3. Gradually an oil film forms on the surface. Collect carefully with a spoon and place in a dark glass jar.

Indications for use

For cosmetic purposes a healing product obtained by cold is used . Contains the maximum amount of valuable elements, replenishes the deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

Regular use allows you to achieve pronounced effect :

  • relieves inflammation, redness;
  • prevents the formation, smoothes out existing wrinkles;
  • lightens pigmentation, freckles, acne marks;
  • stimulates regeneration processes, promotes healing of cracks, wounds, burns;
  • restores an even structure, softens the skin;
  • reduces sebium synthesis tightens pores;
  • increases the protective properties of the epidermis, neutralizes the effects of free radicals;
  • protects against exposure to ultraviolet radiation and uneven distribution of pigment;
  • relieves irritation and pain;
  • slows down process , promotes the synthesis of collagen fibers;
  • stops the spread of bactericidal microflora, effective use for the treatment of acne.

Reviews from people

On the forums you can find many reviews from girls who have already experienced the effectiveness of the cosmetic product.

The participant shares a recipe for nourishing cream that moisturizes and restores the skin.

The girl writes what she used the oil for and warns about careful use due to the coloring properties of sea buckthorn.

The user describes his experience of use, does not advise applying oil to the entire face, leaving it for a long time , yellow may remain .

Advantages and disadvantages

When creating recipes with sea buckthorn oil, you need to consider how to use it correctly, the advantages and disadvantages.


  • suitable for dry, oily, problem skin, has a complex effect;
  • can be used throughout the year;
  • used in its pure form, you can enrich ready-made products or create natural recipes based on it;
  • effective for caring for the face, hair, body, improves the condition of eyelashes and lips;
  • combines with base and essential oils, pharmaceutical products and other components of natural cosmetics;
  • affordable price of the product.


  • not applicable for individual intolerance;
  • It is unlikely that it will be possible to quickly solve the problem of pigmentation, scars, scars; a course of procedures will be required;
  • After the session, yellow may remain .

Properties of sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn or Hippophae Rhamnoides is a shrub that mainly grows in Asia and Europe. Nowadays sea buckthorn is often used in cosmetology. Useful properties of sea buckthorn:

  1. Berries are rich in many substances necessary for the body. These are omega acids, various vitamins (A, D, E), which can slow down aging and eliminate age spots;
  2. The plant helps tighten the skin, eliminate facial wrinkles, and activate the natural production of collagen;
  3. Sea buckthorn kills pathogenic bacteria on the epidermis, which helps get rid of acne and comedones;
  4. Contains omega-7 acid and antioxidants;
  5. It is an excellent source of vitamin A, which helps speed up tissue regeneration in case of burns, ulcers and infections;
  6. All of the listed fatty acids and vitamins of this natural oil help maintain the skin in normal hydrobalance, relieve you of dryness, flaking, and also help accelerate hair growth.

Sea buckthorn oil for facial skin has many positive reviews from doctors and patients; some medical professionals even recommend replacing expensive drugs for tissue rehabilitation after operations with this ester.

Where can I buy

Unfortunately, in retail trade, including pharmacies, they mainly sell mixtures of oils marketed as sea buckthorn. The content of sea buckthorn oil in products ranges from 5 to 10%, which significantly reduces the beneficial properties due to the low concentration of carotenoids.

You can distinguish a high-quality product by its external characteristics; it has a dark orange color, a thick consistency, and in the refrigerator the liquid hardens, turning into a gel. Therefore, when choosing oil in a pharmacy, cosmetic store, or placing an order online, you need to pay attention to the concentration of carotenoids; it should be above 180 mg/100 g.

Sold in dark glass bottles of 100 ml, price - from 63 to 400 rubles. And Siberica 100 ml living oil with a pipette, intended for hair care, can be bought for 1990 rubles.

Store in a place protected from direct sunlight , at a temperature of to 25°, shelf life 3 years . It is difficult to identify a spoiled product by its external characteristics; it has a specific taste and aroma. Therefore, you need to rely on the information provided by the manufacturer.

Precautionary measures

The only contraindication for use for cosmetic purposes is individual intolerance. When applied to a burn, a burning or tingling sensation may occur.

Before carrying out skincare procedures, you need to test the oil for possible allergies, apply a few drops to your wrist, and wait about half an hour.

In the absence of redness and rash, it can be used to care for delicate skin.

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