Superchistotel - instructions for use and indications, composition and side effects

The formation of warts and papillomas can cause a lot of trouble, especially if the formation is located on an open area of ​​the body. To remove such imperfections, you can use special preparations that eliminate viral cells and cleanse the skin.

One of these substances is Supercleaner. The drug is sold in pharmacy kiosks without the need to provide a prescription; instructions for using Superclean are included in the package. Supercleaner solution is highly toxic and requires careful spot application.

It has the properties of leaving burns on the surface of the epidermis and destroying healthy epidermal cells. Supercleaner belongs to the group of inexpensive products for removing warts and other benign growths. Use with caution in sensitive areas and areas of mucous membranes.

Release form and composition

Super cleanser for removing benign skin growths is produced in the form of a solution for external use. The solution is placed in a special bottle and includes a pipette for targeted application to the problem area.

Composition of the substance:

  • Purified distilled water – cleanses the skin surface, helps restore cell structure;
  • Sodium bicarbonate - an alkaline compound eliminates cells affected by the virus and prevents their further formation;
  • Sodium chloride – has an antibacterial effect and prevents the recurrence of the disease;
  • Sodium hydroxide - penetrates deeply into the layers of the epidermis, eliminates damaged cells by burning.

The solution is colorless and has a specific odor. The active components quickly eliminate the virus and reduce the occurrence of complications.

General recommendations for use

All manipulations that can be carried out on different areas of the skin using super celandine for warts are described in the instructions for use. Typically, this procedure looks like this:

  • You should first treat the skin around the tumor with baby or softening cream;
  • Using a special applicator, apply a drop of balm to the problem area of ​​the skin;
  • Wait a few minutes. Then rinse the treated skin area under running water.

The duration of treatment with this method can be about 3 days. If you need to remove calluses or large warts, you can apply the drug to the problem area of ​​the skin for 5-6 days. Treatment options will depend on the cause, size, and type of tumor.

A product that helps get rid of warts called Super Chistotel has shown good results in practice. As a rule, the first results can be achieved after the first application of the liquid to the problem area of ​​the skin.

IMPORTANT: Under no circumstances should you remove warts, condylomas and other tumors in intimate places. Such a delicate problem should only be dealt with by a specialist.

Useful properties and effect of the drug

The solution has the following beneficial effects:

  • Quickly removes formation;
  • When applied correctly, it does not leave marks after removing the growth;
  • It has a convenient pipette for spot application, which allows you to more accurately process the required number of formations;
  • Does not require preliminary preparation for the procedure;
  • Eliminates the virus and prevents its re-formation.

Supercleaner, when applied to the skin surface, has the following action:

  • Penetrates deeply into the layers of the epidermis;
  • Triggers the process of destruction of damaged cells by the virus;
  • Damaged cells are exfoliated and removed from the surface of the skin;
  • The formation is removed within a few days, after which a small wound remains on the skin, which goes away on its own;
  • The active components are aimed at eliminating the roots of formations and preventing their reoccurrence.

The drug is affordable and can be used to remove several formations at the same time.

Indications for use

Supercleaner solution for removing benign formations is used for the following situations:

  • Warts;
  • Papillomas;
  • Condylomas acuminata;
  • Keratomas;
  • Dry calluses;
  • Spikes;
  • Corns;
  • Contact mollusk.



Condyloma acuminata

Contact mollusk


Dry callus


Can be used as a substance to remove rough skin after removing warts in another way.

How to apply it correctly?

Each type of benign formation requires adherence to a certain algorithm of actions that will prevent the formation of complications and help quickly remove the virus.

Application for papillomas

To eliminate papillomas, you should do the following:

  • Clean the growth area with soap and water;
  • Treat with an antiseptic;
  • Apply a thick cream around the papilloma;
  • Apply a drop of solution and leave until completely dry;
  • The substance is applied once a day. The duration of treatment is determined depending on the size of the growth, most often it takes several days;
  • After the papilloma disappears, a wound forms in its place, which must be treated with an antiseptic until completely healed.

Recommendations for using Superclean for papillomas:

  • Do not use to remove papillomas in children; an allergic reaction may develop. In addition, a child's skin is much thinner, which can lead to painful symptoms.
  • Papillomas in the face and genital area should not be removed;
  • If there are several papillomas, it is necessary to apply the drug one drop to each papilloma.

It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Application for warts

To eliminate warts, you must perform the following steps:

  • Clean the wart from other drugs and cosmetics;
  • If it is a dry wart, steam the formation;
  • Treat the area around the growth with a thick cream or cover it with a band-aid;
  • Apply the drug to the wart;
  • Apply twice a day until the wart completely disappears.

After application, the wart becomes dark in color and disappears on its own after a few days. A stain remains at the site of the wart, which must be treated with an antiseptic until it completely disappears.

Recommendations for use:

  • Not suitable for large warts;
  • Not recommended for use on large numbers of warts;
  • Before use, it is necessary to undergo an appropriate examination to identify the type of formation.

The substance may be tolerated differently by the body, so a sensitivity test is recommended before use.

Use for dry calluses

Removal of dry calluses using Supercleaner should be carried out according to the instructions:

  • Clean the skin with a soap solution;
  • Inflame the formation with soda and boiled water;
  • Treat the callus with pumice;
  • Apply a rich cream around the callus;
  • Apply the substance to the callus and leave until completely absorbed;
  • It is recommended to apply the drug to the callus once a day for 5 days, depending on the size.

Recommendations for use:

  • You can make a compress for 40 minutes with salicylic ointment to obtain a more visible result before applying the Super Clean solution, which will soften the skin and increase the penetration of the drug;
  • To increase the result, the callus area should be treated with a metal file and an antibacterial drug.

For large calluses, the drug can be applied in an increased amount up to 2 drops once a day.

Application for contact molluscum

Contact molluscum requires a special approach to elimination.

When using Supercleaner, it is recommended to perform the following actions:

  • Clean the area with the papule with soapy water;
  • Make a small cut in the patch and stick it to the skin so that the formation appears in the cut and the skin around the papule is hidden;
  • Apply one drop and leave until completely dry;
  • The substance is applied once a day for three days, depending on the size.

Experts do not recommend using Super Clean to remove large numbers of papules. The drug can cause unpleasant painful sensations and lead to progression of the disease.

Supercleaner price

The cost of the drug may vary slightly, depending on the manufacturer and the seller’s markup. Average price in pharmacies in the Moscow region:

Drug name Manufacturer Volume Price in rubles
Super clean Aspera LLC 3.6 ml 26,00
Superclean marker Lekker LLC 5 ml 130,00
Super celandine Oleos LLC 1.2 ml 30,00
Super clean Dias LLC 3.6 ml 45,00


Supercleaner must not be used in the following situations:

  • Placement of growths near mucous membranes;
  • Location of moles near growths;
  • Open wounds;
  • Allergic reactions, inflammation in the area of ​​formations;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Individual intolerance;
  • Increased skin sensitivity;
  • Face and chest area.

Experts do not recommend using Superclean in the genital area.


Improper removal of warts with Supercleaner can lead to various complications:

  • Burns to healthy skin. In such cases, it is necessary to immediately wash off the liquid and rinse the damaged area well. Then you should contact a doctor so that he can examine the wound;
  • Scars on the skin. This defect is formed as a result of a burn. As a rule, in such cases, only surgical intervention will help;
  • Allergic reaction. It may appear as a rash or redness.

You can buy celandine for warts in a pharmacy without a prescription. It costs almost a penny. In addition, it is one of the most effective drugs for combating skin tumors.

Side effects

Supercleaner tends to cause the following side effects:

  • Burns on healthy areas of the skin;
  • Allergic reaction;
  • Redness of the skin;
  • Itching;
  • Swelling of the skin.

The use of Supercelandine solution can cause complications, the most commonly observed types are:

  • Inflammatory process on the skin that occurs as a result of the formation of a burn;
  • Scars – improper use of the solution very often leads to the appearance of scars;
  • Change in formation - the use of Superclean in the wrong dosage leads to the progression of viruses and aggravation of the disease, which can contribute to the appearance of a malignant tumor.

To prevent this kind of complications, it is recommended to consult with your doctor before applying Supercleaner.

Terms of sale and storage

You can buy Supercleaner in a pharmacy or online store without presenting a prescription from a doctor. Since the drug is very caustic, it must be stored in a place away from ultraviolet radiation and inaccessible to children and pets. The air temperature in the room where the Super Clean solution is located should not exceed +25 degrees. The shelf life of the product is no more than 2 years from the date indicated on the packaging. After this period, the drug loses its properties and becomes unsuitable for use.

Interactions with other drugs

When treating with Superchistotel in complex therapy, the following features should be observed:

  • The use of medications with similar effects on the skin is prohibited;
  • Supercleaner cannot be used with preparations containing alcohol;
  • Complex therapy is used as prescribed by a doctor; it is prohibited to use additional medications on your own.

The use of Superclean is contraindicated in case of drug and alcohol addiction.

Superclean solution

This is an aqueous alkaline preparation that is intended for the removal of calluses, warts, and papillomas. According to the instructions, after using Super Clean, all skin defects disappear without a trace. Experts say that the product is effective in the treatment of benign tumors, but warn against spreading onto healthy tissue to avoid severe burns. Supercleaner does not contain hormones and is available without a prescription. The drug is produced by several manufacturers: Aspera LLC, Lekker, Dias.


The drug does not contain celandine extract, but its effect on the skin is similar to the effectiveness of the juice of this herb. If we compare the side effects of Supercleaner with its natural analogue, we can see that the second one, when it comes into contact with the epidermis, destroys its pattern. The use of an alkaline product restores the skin and makes it healthy. Due to its toxicity, natural celandine extract for warts cannot be used uncontrolled for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. In addition to distilled water, Superchistotel contains the following components:

Substance name Effect on the skin
sodium bicarbonate softens rough areas, removes toxins
sodium hydroxide decomposes growth cells, has an antiviral effect against pathogens
sodium chloride rehydrating and detoxifying agent

How the drug works

Papillomas and warts have roots that lie very deep under the skin. Removing the upper part of a skin growth can provoke its division and a person gets two instead of one neoplasm. This action can also cause the remaining benign cells to degenerate into malignant ones. The components of Supercleaner help to corrode the growth along with the roots. The drug causes liquefaction necrosis of the tumor, as a result of which its dead tissue liquefies and spreads.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, Supercleaner is used for the chemical removal of tumors that have arisen on the skin. The drug is not a medicine, but belongs to the category of cosmetic liquids. You should know that Supercleaner is a potent remedy, so its use at home is indicated only in case of urgent need. The solution helps remove skin formations such as:

  • warts;
  • papillomas;
  • genital warts;
  • dry calluses;
  • corns;
  • keratomas.

Possible analogues

When the body reacts to the drug Superchistotel, a person can use similar means with a similar effect on the problem area. When choosing an analogue, you should first of all pay attention to the indications and contraindications for use.

The most popular types of Supercleaner analogues include:

  • Solcoderm is an acid-based substance that eliminates virus-infected cells by burning. Actively fights the papilloma virus, allowing you to eliminate growths in a short time. Use in the face and groin area is prohibited. Not applicable for children, the period of bearing a child. Cost 650 rubles ;
  • Feresol is a substance with a bactericidal and cauterizing effect. Used to eliminate all types of warts and papillomas. It is applied in a targeted manner directly to the formation. It is prescribed for the removal of small warts; it is not used near birthmarks and mucous membranes. Appointed from the age of 6 years. Cost 90 rubles ;
  • Chistotel is a drug that has a similar composition to Super Chistotel. Eliminates various types of formations and prevents their further formation. It can be produced in the form of a liquid or a special pencil. The substance contains alkalis that can cause burns on the skin. Cost 70 rubles ;
  • Condilin is an effective remedy that allows you to remove papillomas and warts in almost all areas of the body. Requires targeted application, has a more gentle effect on the skin. Not applicable to children under 12 years of age. It tends to cause a large number of side effects. Cost 120 rubles ;
  • Lapis pencil - using a pencil helps fight papillomas and warts, and also reduces the appearance of cracks in the skin. The substance has a pronounced antiviral effect and is prescribed to eliminate small growths. The substance is produced in the shape of a cone, allowing for precise application of the product. Treat the safest types of substances for eliminating growths of various types. Price 120 rubles ;
  • Duofilm is a dermatological solution for the removal of all types of warts, as well as for the removal of calluses and corns. The substance contains two types of acid, which, upon contact with cells damaged by the virus, burn them out and prevent their re-formation. If used incorrectly, it can cause overdose and burns. Not used until age 6 years. Cost 150 rubles ;
  • Collomac is a substance that has an antiviral and antibacterial effect on the skin. Reduces the development of the papilloma virus, removes formations. The drug is applied by a point method, used for ages over 3 years. May contribute to a large number of side effects. Requires a doctor's prescription and detailed study of the instructions for use. Can be used in the genital area. Average cost 340 rubles ;
  • Verrucacid is the most commonly used solution to treat various benign formations. Apply in a targeted manner directly to the growth. May cause itching and burning sensations. Not applicable for ages under 5 years. The average cost is 450 rubles .

When choosing a drug to eliminate growths, you should be guided by the doctor’s testimony and the results of the examination. It is forbidden to apply treatment yourself. Especially for pediatric patients and those with increased sensitivity.

Why is super celandine effective against warts?

Super celandine, designed to get rid of warts, has nothing in common with the plant of the same name; it contains exclusively alkaline components that actively fight unpleasant growths on the skin.

The drug should be used carefully, adhering to all safety precautions, as this can result in severe burns to the skin. The alkaline components of Super Celandine will help get rid of unpleasant formations after the first session. They also block the growth of new warts and other growths. Personal experience of using celandine against flat papillomas.

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