Facial cleansing (atraumatic, ultrasonic)

  • Features and advantages of the technique
  • Indications for combined cleaning
  • Contraindications
  • Features of the event
  • Prices for mechanical cleansing of the face and back
  • Procedure in our clinic

For the most effective and gentle cleansing of the skin of the face and back, combined cleansing is often used. This technique is based on a combination of two techniques - ultrasonic and mechanical. Due to this effect, it is possible to cleanse the pores of impurities, eliminate existing inflammation and improve skin tone.

In our clinic, Dr. Kurenkov, you can undergo combined cleaning from experienced cosmetologists. The center’s specialists have the necessary qualifications, modern equipment and extensive experience, due to which the procedure is carried out with maximum comfort for the patient.

Features and advantages of the technique

Traces of pimples, acne and inflammation can be found not only on the face - often such imperfections are located on the back or in the chest area. They cause a lot of inconvenience and can cause the development of psychological complexes.

The popular ultrasonic cleaning technique allows you to clean superficial pores and remove dead cells, but, as a rule, is ineffective against painful comedones and isolated inflammations. Mechanical cleaning is much better suited to solve such problems. That is why cosmetologists combine two techniques, which increases efficiency and achieves deep cleansing of the skin.

A combined cleansing session allows you to launch regeneration processes, eliminate acne and inflammation, and return the skin to its natural healthy shade. The procedure does not harm the patient’s health and occurs with minimal discomfort. Among other advantages it is worth noting:

  • Quick implementation - for deep tissue cleansing it will take only 1.5-2 hours.
  • Affordability – combined cleaning is cheaper than performing separate procedures to solve different problems.
  • Versatility - the technique is suitable for different skin types, including sensitive.

Why do acne appear on the back?

There are several reasons: disruption of normal ventilation (this happens if you often wear clothes made of synthetic, poorly breathable fabrics), improper hygiene (frequent or infrequent washing), visiting a solarium (it dries out the skin), excessive production of sebum due to hormonal and other disorders.

The health of the skin is also affected by poor nutrition (excessive love of sweets, spicy and fatty foods), allergies (for example, to washing powder or certain types of products), and seasonal decreased immunity.

Depending on the factor that provoked the appearance, acne on the body can be of different types: blackheads - comedones (usually observed with increased fat content and enlarged pores), red convex acne - signal inflammation of the comedonal cavity, ulcers (this is the third stage, purulent rashes appear if ordinary comedones are not treated).

Features of the event

Combined cleaning includes the following:

  • Consultation and examination by a specialist.
  • Cleansing the skin of the face/chest/back.
  • Application of cold hydrogenation gel.
  • Dermatological peeling for skin preparation.
  • Ultrasonic treatment of skin.
  • Mechanical removal of comedones and subcutaneous pimples.
  • Applying a sedative.

After the procedure, local redness of the tissues is possible, which disappears within a few hours. In the first 1–2 days after the session, it is recommended to refrain from applying decorative cosmetics and using alcohol-containing products. You should not do peelings or scrubs during the week so as not to provoke an inflammatory process.

How to clean your back

The greatest effect comes from complex back treatment, combining mechanical, manual technologies, as well as cosmetic procedures.

  • Before the procedure, the skin is prepared for further exposure. This stage consists of cleansing, scrubbing, vaporization and cleansing the dermis with a tonic that opens clogged pores.
  • The main effect is mechanical and manual cleansing of the body from acne. First, the specialist uses the manual method and carefully processed instruments (Vidal loop, Uno spoon).
  • Then ultrasound peeling is applied. Massage at the cellular level - this is how microvibration produced by ultrasound can be characterized. During peeling, tissue regeneration processes are launched, metabolism is activated in all layers of the skin. As a result, the production of collagen and elastin is resumed, which makes the skin elastic and tightened. Active cellular renewal occurs, the skin is moisturized, and medicinal preparations are well absorbed. Ultrasound is usually combined with complexes of cosmetic products, which together perform the function of cleansing and restoration. The medicinal and cosmetic preparations used are absorbed much faster, thus increasing their effectiveness. Ultrasound peeling helps to get rid of not only surface impurities, but also the layer of dead skin cells.
  • To further cleanse the skin from various impurities that cause rashes, various peels are used - TCA, retinoic, and other glycolic peels. They are carried out with the aim of enhancing the anti-inflammatory, absorbable effect, improving the outflow of contents from the ducts of the sebaceous glands.
  • The last stage of the procedure is the treatment of the dermis with a narrowing, disinfectant preparation. Then a soothing mask is applied to the epithelium, and darsonvalization is performed if necessary.
  • The final stage of cleansing - the procedure ends with the application of anti-inflammatory lotion.

Prices for mechanical cleansing of the face and back

Service codeService nameNumber of servicesPrice
A16.01.024.09Dermatological peeling Code: A16.01.024.0913 000 ₽
A14.01.007Applying a hot compress to the skin of the face Code: A14.01.0071350 ₽
A20.01.001.02Applying cream (mask) according to skin type Code: A20.01.001.021250 ₽
A20.01.001.01Applying a mask according to skin type Code: A20.01.001.0111 800 ₽
A14.01.005Cleansing the skin of the face and neck Code: A14.01.0051300 ₽
А14.01.009.03Removal of facial skin comedones, category 1 Code: A14.01.009.0312 200 ₽
A22.01.001.002Ultrasonic facial peeling Code: A22.01.001.00211 300 ₽
SERVICE PACKAGE A14.01.009.04Promotion! Price for the package of services under the promotion ( Discount: 43% ): 5 200
Service codeService nameNumber of servicesPrice
A16.01.024.09Dermatological peeling Code: A16.01.024.0913 000 ₽
A14.01.007Applying a hot compress to the skin of the face Code: A14.01.0071350 ₽
A20.01.001.02Applying cream (mask) according to skin type Code: A20.01.001.021250 ₽
A20.01.001.01Applying a mask according to skin type Code: A20.01.001.0111 800 ₽
A14.01.005Cleansing the skin of the face and neck Code: A14.01.0051300 ₽
А14.01.009.03Removal of facial skin comedones, category 2 Code: A14.01.009.0313 500 ₽
A22.01.001.002Ultrasonic facial peeling Code: A22.01.001.00211 300 ₽
SERVICE PACKAGE A14.01.009.05Promotion! Price for a package of services under the promotion ( Discount: 46% ): 5 700
Service codeService nameNumber of servicesPrice
A16.01.024.09Dermatological peeling Code: A16.01.024.0913 000 ₽
A14.01.007Applying a hot compress to the skin of the face Code: A14.01.0071350 ₽
A20.01.001.02Applying cream (mask) according to skin type Code: A20.01.001.021250 ₽
A20.01.001.01Applying a mask according to skin type Code: A20.01.001.0111 800 ₽
A14.01.005Cleansing the skin of the face and neck Code: A14.01.0051300 ₽
А14.01.009.03Removal of facial skin comedones, category 3 Code: A14.01.009.0314 000 ₽
A22.01.001.002Ultrasonic facial peeling Code: A22.01.001.00211 300 ₽
SERVICE PACKAGE A14.01.009.06Promotion! Price for a package of services under the promotion ( Discount: 44% ): 6 200

Results of comprehensive back cleansing

Thanks to an integrated approach, the following results can be achieved:

  • eliminate comedones;
  • clean sebaceous plugs;
  • stabilize the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • shrink large pores;
  • tighten, rejuvenate the skin;
  • moisturize the skin.

Comprehensive back cleaning is good because thanks to it it is possible to cope with even the most advanced situation, get rid of deep sebaceous plugs, blackheads, and comedones. This procedure will solve the problem of enlarged pores and help stabilize the sebaceous glands.

The skin color of the back will be healthy, the condition will be toned, and the structure will be elastic. And all because the procedures are aimed not only at eliminating skin diseases, but also at deep cleansing the skin layer of dead cells that do not allow the skin to “breathe”, preventing the penetration into the inner layers of oxygen and nutrients necessary for the necessary hydration and stimulation of production. own collagen and elastin, which maintain youthful skin and its blooming appearance.

Question: How many times a year should I have my back cleaned?

Answer: It is better to cleanse the body systematically - this will make it possible to achieve better results. Based on the condition of the patient’s dermis, the specialist will prescribe the frequency of the procedure.

Question: Is there a recovery period after the procedure?

Answer: After the procedure, the skin recovers within 3-4 days. During this time, all external inflammatory processes that cause the formation of acne pass, and the pores narrow. For a week after mechanical exposure, you should not go to the sauna or bathhouse, and use alcohol-based tonics.

Question: How long does the procedure take?

Answer: The complex procedure takes about two hours. Most patients find this procedure not only useful, but also generally relaxing. After it you will feel a surge of vitality.

Causes of the disease

First, let's identify the causes of skin diseases, eradicating which, we will say goodbye to this problem forever:

  • Wearing uncomfortable, tight clothing made from low-quality materials;
  • Improper hygiene leading to the need to clean your back from acne;
  • Allergy to components of the washing powder you use;
  • Violation of the functions of internal organs;
  • Use of hormonal drugs;
  • Nervous breakdowns, stress, worries;
  • Poor nutrition.

Causes of problem skin

With the help of cosmetology, you can get rid of various skin defects, but the most important thing is to identify and eliminate the cause of their appearance.
Procedures in the salon are only a temporary measure; it is best to follow an integrated approach to achieve the desired effect. The causes of the appearance of blackheads, age spots and other elements can be divided into two large groups: external and internal. The doctor’s further tactics depend on the cause. External reasons:

  • wearing tight clothes that are made of synthetic materials of poor quality: increased sweating begins, and if skin breathing is impaired, this is a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria;
  • unsuitable cosmetics and detergents (allergic reactions);
  • excessive exposure to the sun or solarium;
  • stress;
  • increased consumption of fried, fatty foods;
  • poor hygiene: washing too rarely or too often.

Internal reasons:

  • hormonal imbalances: they occur in adolescents, women during pregnancy, in people with endocrine pathologies and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Incorrect selection of hormonal drugs also negatively affects the condition of the skin;
  • decreased immunity.

Manual facial cleansing

In medical cosmetology, one of the most popular procedures is manual (mechanical) skin cleansing. In the practice of a cosmetologist, this is the most proven and proven method of caring for the skin of the face and body. Over the years, the protocol for this procedure has undergone many changes and is constantly being improved. Today, manual cleaning is no longer associated with a “barbaric” procedure. Modern mechanical cleaning is quite atraumatic and requires a minimum period of rehabilitation. To carry out this procedure, our clinic specialists use the best brands of professional cosmetics - Holy Land (Israel), C h ristina (Israel), Danne Montague - King (USA), Inno - Derma (Spain), Enerpeel (Italy), Tebiskin - General Topics (Italy), Mediderma (Spain), etc., which allow you to achieve effective expected results and meet the needs of a wide range of clients.

In our clinic, the manual facial cleansing procedure consists of seven consecutive stages.

Stages of manual mechanical facial cleansing

Stage I. Skin cleansing

At the cleansing stage, special cleansing gels, milk or foam are used, depending on the sensitivity of the skin. All professional skin cleansers have the correct PH (acidic), as well as anti-inflammatory and antiseptic components.

The cleanser is applied to damp skin, then the entire surface is treated with massaging movements and the product is thoroughly washed off with water.

Stage II. Pre-peeling preparation

Immediately before the third stage of cleansing, it is important to properly prepare the skin. It is necessary to warm it up, stimulate tissue microcirculation, due to which the pores expand and the upper layers of the epidermis are loosened, which means that the peeling that will be carried out in the next stage of the procedure will penetrate deeper and be more effective. The facial skin is treated with a warming, disinfecting lotion. While it is on the skin, an intense tingling sensation is possible, which is replaced by a feeling of cold and then pleasant warmth. The lotion does not require rinsing.

Important! The lotion should not be used if the skin is irritated, hypersensitive, or prone to rosacea.

In such cases, our specialists use a hydrating gel with a calming effect. Plastic massage is performed using the gel.

Stage III. Peeling

Depending on the skin type, as well as the problems being solved and the expected results, peeling is chosen very individually. The main purpose of peeling is to loosen the surface layers of the epidermis, weaken intercellular connections, which will facilitate the stage of deep cleansing of pores. In addition, peeling works with the microrelief of the facial skin, evens out the surface and tone of the face, and also stimulates the restoration of the skin after cleansing the face, has a positive effect on congestive and age spots, and scar changes.

Stage IV. Softening the contents of the sebaceous ducts

At this stage, an alcohol-free keratolytic solution (contains arnica, chamomile, witch hazel, etc.) is rubbed into the skin until completely absorbed. The solution softens and moisturizes the epidermis and actively liquefies the contents of pores.

V stage. Deep manual cleaning

When performing manual cleaning, special soft wipes, sterile cosmetic loops and needles are used (to remove closed comedones and milia). Taking into account the previous stages, the contents of the pores are easily and accurately evacuated, the ducts of the sebaceous glands are cleaned, open and closed comedones and milia are removed, and pus containing elements (pustules) are drained. The procedure is performed with minimal tissue trauma with an emphasis on disinfection.

At the end of the manual cleansing stage, an enzyme peel is applied to the skin. Peeling is used to completely cleanse the skin, as well as activate regenerative processes (stimulates repair and regeneration), soothes and moisturizes the skin.

At the end of this stage, the skin must be treated with a disinfectant or lotion with an anti-inflammatory effect. Opened purulent elements (pustules) are treated with a disinfectant, drying agent (containing: salicylic alcohol, biosulfur, zinc oxide, etc.)

Stage VI. Narrowing of pores, antibacterial effect

This stage involves applying a finishing mask - disinfecting, reducing pigment, absorbing sebum, stimulating tissue regeneration. In each specific case, the selection of a mask is very individual, since the set of active components of masks is diverse.

Main effects of finishing masks:

  • Narrowing pores
  • Absorption of sebaceous gland secretions
  • Disinfectant effect
  • Elimination of edema
  • Reduce redness and irritation
  • Anti-inflammatory effect
  • Drying effect
  • Stimulation of tissue regeneration

VII stage. Final

At the final stage, a product is applied to moisturize the skin, restore the hydrolipid mantle, stimulate cellular regeneration, and protect against ultraviolet radiation.


On the 3-4th day after cleansing the face, fine-plate peeling of the skin is possible.

All necessary recommendations for facial skin care after the cleansing procedure, as well as for daily care and treatment (if necessary), are given by our clinic specialists upon completion of the procedure.

  1. Peelings
  2. Almond peeling “Mediderma”

    3200 rub.

  3. Salicylic peeling "Mediderma"

    3900 rub.

  4. Azelaine peeling "Mediderma"

    3100 rub.

  5. Hycolic + salicylic combined peeling “Mediderma”

    4300 RUR

  6. Glycolic peeling 50-70% “Medexfol”

    3100 rub.

  7. AHA peeling “Holy Land” + care

    3800 rub.

  8. ABR- peeling, “Holy Land” face + care

    3900 rub.

  9. ABR- peeling, back “Holy Land” + care

    5800 rub.

  10. AHA + ABR combined peeling, face “Holy Land”

    4500 rub.

  11. AHA + ABR combined peeling, back “Holy Land”

    8500 rub.

  12. Trichloroacetic peeling "Medexfol"

    6300 rub.

  13. Coral peeling, face “Christina”

    5200 rub.

  14. Coral back peeling “Christina”

    7200 rub.

  15. Retinol peeling ICP “Martinex”

    8700 rub.

  16. PRX-T33 peeling

    4200 rub.

  17. PRX-T33 (face + neck + décolleté)

    7500 rub.

  18. Enzyme peeling Lactolan “Holy Land” + care

    3600 rub.

  19. Enzyme peeling “Danne” + care

    4800 rub.

  20. Depigmenting peeling M.E.Line for intimate areas + home care, brightening.

    14200 rub.

  21. Depigmenting peeling Enerpeel NECK

    3100 rub.

  22. Jessner Peel

    3800 rub.

  23. Purges
  24. Manual cleaning “Holy Land”

    4200 rub.

  25. Manual cleaning "Danne"

    5300 rub.

  26. Manual cleaning “Christina”

    5200 rub.

  27. Combined manual cleaning “Enerpeel SA”

    3200 rub.

  28. Combined cleaning “Holy Land”

    4500 rub.

  29. Combined cleaning “Danne”

    5700 rub.

  30. Millium removal

    350 rub.

  31. Cares
  32. Care for oily and combination skin using Danne products

    5300 rub.

  33. Lifting care using “Danne” preparations

    6150 rub.

  34. Correction of facial contours using Danne preparations

    5800 rub.

  35. Correction of rosacea using Danne preparations

    5500 rub.

  36. Pigmentation correction using Danne products

    5400 rub.

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