Use of Bepanten for acne, blackheads and post-acne

Clean skin / Acne products / Other products / Bepanten anti-acne cream and ointment

Today, in the fight against many skin diseases, specialists are developing many medications and cosmetics, most of which, in addition to the antibacterial effect, are endowed with many additional properties.

Unpleasant acne and other purulent rashes have not only an aesthetic defect , but also bring some discomfort and pain to their owner.

Many people are interested in whether Bepanten helps with acne and how to use this ointment correctly.

Bepanten ointment is one of the panaceas for caring for both children's skin and adults. Thanks to the rich composition of the drug, you can fight many skin diseases and irritations.

In addition, as studies have shown, Bepanten is very effective against acne, burns, cracks and other skin problems.

Composition and release form

Bepanten is a non-hormonal drug for the treatment of skin lesions. Its main active ingredient is Dexpanthenol, or D-panthenol, a precursor of panthenoic acid, vitamin B5.

Available in both ointment and cream formats.

Let's take a closer look at the composition of Bepanthen:

  • Dexpanthenol is a healing and regenerating component.
  • D-Pantolactone - has a moisturizing and softening effect.
  • Cetyl alcohol is an emollient. Neutralizes dry skin.
  • Isopropyl myristate is a softening component and emollient that softens the upper layers of the skin.

Both cream and ointment have a uniform structure, are white in color, but differ in consistency: ointment is denser. The drug is available in tubes of 30, 50 and 100 grams.

Bepanten should be stored at room temperature according to the manufacturer’s advice - up to 25 °C. It is not advisable to store the product in the refrigerator or near heating devices, because If proper storage conditions are not observed, the product may deteriorate and lose its effectiveness.

Composition of the drug

This product is the brainchild of a pharmaceutical company in Switzerland.

The drug is produced in the form of ointment, lotion or cream , the composition of which is absolutely identical, the only difference is in their consistency.

The ointment has a thicker composition than a cream, so it can leave an oily sheen on the skin. When using the drug on the face, and also when leaving the house, it is better to give preference to lighter formulations - cream or lotion.

The medicinal substance Bepanten is pale yellow or white in color, without a special, pronounced aroma .

The main active component of the drug is dexpanthenol, the second name of which is vitamin B5.

Additional softening elements that gently care for the skin are almond oil extract, lanolin and beeswax.

Distilled water and liquid paraffin give the composition a delicate, light texture.

In addition, the substance contains cetyl and cetearyl alcohol, the antibacterial and drying effect of which is very effective on various skin inflammations.

Bepanten is a fairly strong anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and fortified agent , the advantage of which is the possibility of its use in different parts of the body.

The effect of the ointment is so easy and safe that it can be used for quite a long time, without any restrictions.

Bepanten plus for acne also contains chlorhexidine hydrochloride, which enriches the drug with additional antiseptic properties.

This allows the drug to be used not only to eliminate a cosmetic defect in the form of acne, but also to use the composition to neutralize infection and accelerate the healing of various wounds, ulcers and burns into which infection can penetrate.

Chlorhexidine hydrochloride, found in Bepanten Plus, immediately fights aggressive pathogens located on the surface of the dermis.

How does Bepanten work?

Provitamin B5 accelerates the healing process and restoration of skin damage and accelerates cell regeneration processes.

Dexpanthenol does not disrupt the structure of body cells and easily penetrates deep into tissues. This substance is widely used by our body and acts in all its departments and cells. It is unique in that it participates in all types of metabolism: fat, protein and carbohydrate, and participates in many biochemical reactions as an auxiliary product - a metabolite.

How do metabolites work in the body?

For clarity, let’s imagine a mortar. To make it good and of high quality, you need to add cement, sand and water to it. This is all crude and primitive, but clear. =) So, if you remove sand from the mixture, the end result will be bad - the composition will begin to crumble and will be unreliable and not durable. But it’s worth adding sand and the quality of the final product will be much higher. Sand is any metabolite that our body needs for vital processes, and a sufficient amount of conditional “sand” will guarantee the health of your cells and the body as a whole.


People who have used Bepanten claim that the following effects can be noted when using the drug:

  • Helps reduce inflammation (but not purulent, not fungal or autoimmune);
  • The speed of wound healing increases after pimple removal;
  • Evens out the skin color at the site of injury;
  • Fresh, shallow scars and skin irregularities disappear or are reduced.

If you want to get rid of post-acne, then every day you should precisely apply not this product, but Methyluracil ointment or Adapalene to the spots in a thin layer, this will speed up the regeneration of the epidermis and get rid of the hated spots.

This product has become the choice of cosmetologists for its effectiveness and quick effect in the fight against skin damage. Since the drug has a light consistency, it is quickly absorbed, forming a protective and moisturizing coating on the skin, and has a pronounced regenerative effect.

However, any person may have an individual intolerance to both Dexpanthenol itself and other components of the ointment or cream. Therefore, you should not abuse this remedy, but use it strictly according to indications and without fanaticism.

  • Instructions

The healing effect of Bepanthen

The action of the pharmaceutical product is based on the penetration deep into the epidermis of the main active element, which is dexpanthenol, where it is transformed into pantothenic acid. This substance, in turn, performs a very important function in the formation and restoration of skin cells.

It is thanks to pantothenic acid that skin cells are quickly restored, renewed and are able to function normally. In addition, the acid does not participate in a single cellular metabolism and is removed from the body in its original unchanged form.

If we consider Bepanten as a treatment for acne and large internal pimples , then we can also note the impressive health benefits of the drug, namely:

  1. Penetration deep into the skin to the very base of cellular inflammation;
  2. Antibacterial and disinfecting effect on the inside of the abscess;
  3. Nutrition, stimulation, hydration and protection of the upper cellular zones;
  4. Preventing scarring in the area of ​​a healing pimple;
  5. Speedy restoration and healing of skin damaged after opening an abscess, as well as its subsequent antimicrobial and healing effect from acne marks.

Thanks to its rich composition, this medicinal substance can significantly improve cellular metabolism, provoke global regeneration of the skin, and also increase the strength and elasticity of collagen fibers.


Bepanten has only one contraindication - hypersensitivity to dexpanthenol.

Also, if the drug is used incorrectly or excessively, the risk of an allergic reaction may increase, the causes of which are often:

  • High skin sensitivity to the active substance;
  • Applying the drug in a thick layer;
  • Presence of contraindications for use,
  • Thoughtless use of the drug on infectious areas and manifestations of other skin diseases.
  • Immediate reactions may be accompanied by:
  • Skin rashes;
  • Burning;
  • Itching;
  • Local swelling;
  • Redness;
  • Urticaria;
  • Dermatitis.

Methods of using Bepanten

The choice of method of application is based on the type and area of ​​damage, as well as the severity. For a full effect on the skin, it is necessary to use the drug correctly.

Before use, be sure to wash off all makeup and wash with a good cleanser (it is recommended to wash the affected areas with boric, sulfur or tar soap, unless there are contraindications). Then pat your face dry with a clean paper towel to remove excess moisture.

  • Consistency of Bepanten cream

For acne

You should not lubricate the pimples themselves with Bepanten , but apply it to areas adjacent to the pustules that require care with extreme caution, without smearing the pimples or putting pressure on them.

Because D-panthenol and Pantothenic acid (its derivative) are bacterial growth factors. Remember that almost always any substance that is a cell regenerator will also serve as nutrition and increase the growth of pathogenic microbes.

For acne

It is also not worth using Bepanten for acne, as well as for acne, for the reason described above. This can only increase the formation of pus and (or) lead to complications.

After chemical and acid peels

This is the main indication for using this product in cosmetology. But here you should consult which form of release is better in your case: cream or ointment. But it should be remembered that the ointment penetrates deeper and the cream is less comedogenic.

To restore the skin, apply the ointment to the cleaned areas twice daily in a thin layer for 10 days.

If the damage is severe, there is redness and burning of the skin, then you can use the following recommendation.

After the drug is applied, it is necessary to leave it for fifteen to twenty minutes so that the active substance penetrates the epidermis. Then you need to apply a second layer and leave it longer, at least forty minutes, until the ointment dries completely and is absorbed.

If you are planning an event: after the required time has passed, if any remaining product is noticeable, you need to blot it without rubbing with a clean napkin.

As a rule, damage, if there is a lot of it, completely disappears after one or two weeks, and sometimes even earlier. The skin becomes smooth and even, and the remaining wounds and redness heal quickly. If there are a large number of cracks and inflammations on the face, then Bepanten is applied at night and washed off in the morning. Once you have conquered all the defects, you can move on to spot application of the product in places where new single cracks and dry areas appear.

The main advantages of Bepanthen

All products in the Bepanten series have a number of significant advantages over many other drugs in this group:

  1. Wide range of applications . The versatility and wide range of its actions allows the drug to be used for completely different types of skin irritations, as well as scars and acne spots on any part of the body.
  2. Fast action and lasting results . Thanks to deep penetration into the layers of the epidermis, positive results are permanently consolidated, eliminating the recurrence of acne.
  3. Availability and ease of acquisition . The medicine is easily sold in any pharmacy, moreover, it is sold freely, without any medical prescriptions, and its cost is designed for the average consumer class.
  4. Strong disinfecting effect . The ointment perfectly prevents the penetration of infections of various natures through wounds and microcracks on the surface of the epithelium. It is good for them to treat all kinds of cuts, injections and scratches, without feeling an unpleasant burning sensation, as from the use of alcohol solutions.
  5. The substance has absolutely no aroma or color , so there is no possibility of staining clothes or bedding. In addition, the light texture of the drug allows it to be quickly and easily absorbed into the skin, which significantly speeds up the action process and saves product consumption.
  6. Thanks to additional caring components, the ointment significantly improves complexion, maintains a matte finish for a long time , makes the skin smooth and silky, moisturizes it for a long time and prevents drying out.
  7. The gentle action of the pharmaceutical product allows its use by pregnant women, allergy sufferers and infants, without any fear for their health.

By using the medicinal compositions Bepanten or Bepanten plus , you will surprisingly quickly achieve lasting desired results, while receiving additional skin care.


If you want something cheap, but very effective, then we recommend turning your attention to the following drugs.

Bepanten has the following analogues, which can be divided into several groups:

  • Structural analogues: Dexpan;
  • D-panthenol;
  • Dexpanthenol;
  • Depantol.

All of them contain D-panthenol.

  • Non-structural - medicinal and cosmetic preparations that have another main component or several: Methyluracil;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • Vitaon;
  • Eplan;
  • Radevit;
  • Aloe vera gel.

So let's start with the structural ones. They differ mainly in price, manufacturer, auxiliary components and release form.

Dexpan is an analogue from the pharmaceutical company Reddis. In addition to panthenol, it contains emollient components - Allantoin and Shea butter, but contains parabens.

Price depending on packaging from 200 to 600 rubles.

Depantol is an analogue from Nizhpharm, the packaging of which immediately bears the inscription: “For the healing of infected wounds.” And below is information that the drug contains chlorhexidine. Do not believe the inscription, this is a deception, microbes also use D-panthenol for their vital activity and growth, and chlorhexidine in the ointment is not enough to destroy microbes in a wound where there is infection and pus. But to prevent wound infection, a cream is suitable.

The price is about 300 rubles.

Preparations under the trade name “D-panthenol” in the form of ointment or cream are produced by various pharmaceutical companies:

  • Aegis;
  • Nizhpharm and others.

The price varies from 150 to 300 rubles.

Cosmetic panthenol

Panthenol EVO (Avanta) and Panthenol ZD (Green Oak Forest) cosmetic products that are not intended for application to open wounds and abrasions, since they are not sterile, can only be applied to moisturize the skin and for burns without damaging its integrity (fresh burns Level 2 can no longer be smeared with them; here it is better to take Levomekol).

Price from 70 to 150 rubles.

Company 911 produces Panthenol honestly labeled “body cream”.

It will cost around 100 rubles.

Evalar is not far behind . Their Panthenol contains Lanolin (an emollient) and Chlorhexidine, but it is still a cosmetic product, the description of which honestly states that it is used for skin care.

Its price is about 200 rubles.

Foam spray Panthenol is also a cosmetic product, but only in a more convenient form.

The price is about 200 rubles.

In my humble opinion, the best choice is an aerosol, because by default it is a sterile dosage form, and microbes will not penetrate inside through this packaging. This medicinal product is produced by. It is the best choice for application to open wounds and damaged skin.

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