Foundation for foundation - which makeup base is the best?

An even and beautiful skin tone is the key to perfect makeup. You made the perfect eyeliner or drew a filigree smokey eye, complemented it all with red lipstick - but without a perfectly even tone, all your efforts will be in vain. That is why when applying makeup it is worth using a suitable complexion-evening cream. But this product is not applied to unprepared skin; it is necessary to pre-coat it with a daily moisturizer.


Why do you need a makeup base?

In our country, the technique of properly applying makeup is at the implementation stage. About 10 years ago, makeup foundation was called foundation. When a new product appeared in the world of cosmetics - base, women were perplexed as to why it was needed and what functions it performed. Many people still purposefully ignore the fashionable foundation, using a nourishing cream or moisturizer as a base.

Healthy, smooth facial skin is the key to perfect, beautiful makeup. But it is difficult to meet a girl with perfect epidermis. Red spots, acne marks, unevenness, depressions, small pimples, age spots and other minor defects require applying foundation in several layers to achieve the desired result. As a result, the face looks unnatural, the layer of cream is visible to the naked eye, and the skin simply suffocates under the cosmetic mask.

The makeup base easily copes with problems such as:

  1. Irregularities in the upper layer of the epidermis;
  2. Uneven tone;
  3. Enlarged pores;
  4. Spots of increased pigmentation;
  5. Oily shine.

The base foundation for foundation prepares the face for makeup, protects against aggressive components, moisturizes, and eliminates flaking. Creates the perfect texture for long-lasting makeup.

Final elimination of defects

Have you completed all the preparatory procedures? Let's see what happened. Is your skin smooth, nourished, even? You did a great job - now you can pick up a tube of foundation. No? Or is there any doubt that all this beauty will last long? It’s sad, of course, but everything can be fixed. The next stage is the “foundation”.

If there is a suspicion that this area will soon become shiny, dryness will appear here again, there are too many blackheads here, there is a pigment spot here, and here the acne has not gone away... that means we are “building a foundation.” It's time to start applying your makeup base. Or the base. Or color correctors - the name may be different, but the purpose of the product is the same - to disguise imperfections before applying foundation. I will not give recommendations on which bases to select, because recommending brands in this case is a thankless task. I will only say that the basics can be found for any shortcoming.

You also need to take into account that CC and BB creams are also considered bases, but they are self-sufficient, after which you do not need to apply foundation. And if you are lucky and don’t need to mask anything, then a regular transparent silicone base without effects will increase the durability of your makeup. If the day promises to be long, then with a colorless “classic” base the foundation will last longer, and there will be no need to refresh the tone.

Varieties of base

The product is available in several variations. When choosing, you should start from the problems and defects of your own skin.

  • Foundation. Differs from cream in light texture. It is not considered a full-fledged toning product, but it perfectly hides minor imperfections - uneven tone, age spots, freckles, acne marks. Makes it possible to avoid applying the cream in several layers. Leaves the face light, fresh, natural.
  • Leveling agent. Suitable for aging, aging skin. The main purpose is to smooth out small wrinkles and make deep ones less noticeable. In addition, it masks enlarged pores and acne marks. Adds youth and freshness to tired epidermis.
  • Silicone base. The latest invention in the world of cosmetology. Emergency help for dry epidermis with redness, peeling, irritation. Builds a protective barrier and prevents moisture loss.
  • Mattifying. For oily, combination type of epidermis. Absorbs fat, eliminates unpleasant shine, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Thanks to this, the durability of makeup increases. Even at the end of a hot working day, the makeup looks flawless.
  • Colored base. Contains special coloring particles. Available in different colors - blue, green, purple, brown, etc., it allows you to effectively disguise individual skin imperfections. For example, acne is perfectly masked by a green base, pigment spots by a purple base, circles under the eyes will be hidden by a pink base.
  • Moisturizing. Designed for dry skin. Eliminates all imperfections of peeling, redness, dryness. Gives softness, freshness, visually rejuvenates. Radiant. Contains small reflective particles. Used for evening makeup instead of foundation and powder. Creates a healthy glow effect. Makeup looks stylish, glamorous, mysterious.
  • Transparent base. Thanks to its light texture, it is not felt on the face. Used to give the face freshness. Allows foundation to apply perfectly. Recommended for girls whose skin is as close to ideal as possible. If there is nothing special to mask.

Features of the color base:

  • Green. Masks red color - broken capillaries, inflamed acne, blemishes, insect bites, allergic rashes.
  • Pink. Essential for pale skin. Adds freshness and health.
  • Purple. Eliminates yellowness. Conceals age spots and freckles. Recommended for women who smoke.
  • Yellow. Masks all blue defects. Circles under the eyes, bruises, scratches.
  • White. Refreshes the face, adds health and youth.

Any foundation masks fine wrinkles and visually tightens the contour of the face. With a professional foundation you can disguise any defects. It can be liquid, cream, gel, dry.

Variety of makeup bases

It’s worth saying right away that the base for foundation should be chosen according to your skin type; based on these criteria, various cosmetics manufacturers produce their products. Let's take a closer look at them.

  1. Oily skin.
  2. With this type of skin, you need to pay attention to mattifying bases, because they will prolong the durability of your makeup, and you won’t have to worry about a greasy sheen. Good bases should not clog pores, but rather allow the skin to breathe.

    Here you can also choose a colored base aimed at solving a specific problem or, on the contrary, a transparent one that will only cope with oily sheen, but not mask imperfections.

    Gel foundations are best suited for oily and combination skin types; they are lighter, do not cause inflammation and tighten pores well.

  3. Combination skin.
  4. A very complex type for which choosing cosmetics is doubly difficult. On the one hand, you need to mattify the T-zone, and on the other hand, moisturize your cheeks. Since I myself am the owner of such skin, I use a mattifying base for the forehead, nose and chin.

    Cosmetologists advise using two different products, each of which will solve its own problem: mattifying or moisturizing. But in fact, there are balancing products that cope with two problems at once. But in reality, it turns out that they are more suitable for oily skin.

  5. Problem skin.
  6. This type of epidermis, of course, needs to hide imperfections on the skin, such as pimples, inflammation, acne marks, etc. To do this, you need a denser tinting and leveling base, which must be used from time to time. You can look for multi-colored options.

    Any cosmetologist will tell you that such skin needs to be treated, because applying a huge amount of decorative cosmetics will further aggravate the situation. Try not to use silicone or glitter-based bases.

    If you have problem skin, you can use a solid base, but only an experienced makeup artist can handle it perfectly. For important events, you can use a mousse base, as it perfectly smooths out lumpy skin.

  7. Dry skin.

If your skin is dry, then you should take a closer look at silicone, moisturizing, smoothing or colored bases. The evening out product should be preferred by those with mature skin, as it evens out the tone and hides wrinkles, as well as age spots and enlarged pores.

For daily use, a moisturizing base is best suited to take care of your facial skin and create a barrier that prevents moisture evaporation.

The silicone base will help fight skin dehydration, effectively eliminating flaking and redness. Silicones make the face smoother and silkier. Although they say that they can clog pores. Use as needed.

Also, those with dry epidermis can apply radiant pearlescent bases without fear; they will help your face look rested and fresh. But the main thing is moderation, since in the daytime such makeup may seem inappropriate.

If we talk about the consistency of the product, then it should be creamy; if you choose a product for the summer, then give preference to the liquid version, and for the winter, buy a thicker one.

I also mentioned above multi-colored bases, but do not be afraid of their shades, because when they merge with your skin, not a trace of their color will remain. There are these:

  • White - does an excellent job of masking skin imperfections, refreshing and gently highlighting it, giving it a rested look.
  • Green - well masks acne, redness, spider veins, in short - the green color covers the red.
  • Yellow - neutralizes blue skin, copes with dark circles under the eyes and acne marks.
  • Pink - makes the skin color healthier, refreshes the face well, and eliminates dullness.
  • Violet - neutralizes the yellowness of the skin.
  • Peach - refreshes the complexion, giving it a healthy glow, used mainly by tanned ladies.

In addition to multi-colored makeup bases, powder balls also have a similar effect, which effectively corrects the face. You can read more about it here.

I would also like to say that any base contains a small amount of silicones, without which it would not cope with its functions. If allergic reactions appear on your skin, and you are absolutely sure that the base is to blame, do not tempt fate, refuse the product, no matter how much it costs.

Using these recommendations, you can choose the ideal base for yourself, the main thing here is to take into account your skin type and existing shortcomings.

How to choose a base for foundation

To choose an effective cosmetic product for your skin, you need to decide on the type. This is the first rule of a successful choice. The rest come from problems that need to be eliminated, the desired result.

  1. To make your makeup look as natural as possible without feeling the effect of a mask, you must use the foundation and foundation of the same brand.
  2. For dry, dehydrated skin, a cream base is more suitable. It will create a protective barrier and prevent peeling. The foundation will not collect into separate, clearly visible particles.
  3. Do not use mattifying foundation on dry skin. This product is intended only for oily, combination skin types.
  4. The composition plays an important role. It is necessary to give preference to products with a light texture, even if the base is creamy. Otherwise, using a low-quality, unsuitable product will cause clogged pores, inflammation of acne, and other undesirable effects.
  5. A special foundation with a lightweight texture is used for the skin around the eyes.
  6. Age recommendations are indicated on each product, you should pay attention to this.

Consistency tips:

  • The lightest coverage is provided by a liquid base. It is used in the absence of significant defects. Refreshes, prepares the basis for applying foundation.
  • A solid base provides dense coverage. Used when there are significant deficiencies - for problem skin.
  • The creamy consistency is suitable for dry skin, it covers rosacea, age spots, and acne marks well.
  • Gel base is recommended for oily and combination skin. The product tightens pores and eliminates oily shine.

The health of the skin, durability, and naturalness of makeup depend on the correct choice of base foundation.

How to apply cosmetics and in what order

After the primer has been applied or the moisturizing day cream has completely dried, you can begin to apply foundation. There are three ways to apply it:

  • fingers;
  • brush;
  • sponge.

The easiest and fastest way to apply is with a sponge, but it does not allow you to use expensive foundation sparingly. In this case, it is better to use a brush or your fingers. This way the layer will be as even as possible, and not too much product will be spent.

Important! The foundation is blended with patting movements, so the coverage is even and does not outline all the imperfections of the skin.

In addition, makeup experts recommend not using a large amount of cream at once. Place dots in all areas of the face and then shade. If you see that there is not enough product, add with a brush or your fingers. Then you won't have to clean up the excess.

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After applying foundation, if there is serious inflammation or unevenness, you can use concealer or corrector. They will help hide obvious imperfections and make your face smooth.

Foundation for dry skin

Preference should be given to a cream base. The color is selected based on individual characteristics. Recommended:

  1. Moisturizing;
  2. Silicone;
  3. Transparent;
  4. Tonal;
  5. Colored;
  6. Evening for aging dry skin.

For daily use, transparent, moisturizing, tinted, and colored are more suitable. Silicone, shining one should be used in special cases. The components they contain can clog pores and cause inflammation.


Makeup foundation should not be applied to dry skin prone to irritability. Also, you should not use a primer if your skin has recently been tanned by the sun and is severely dehydrated. Due to dryness, microcracks appear on the skin, which can cause tingling or allergies when contacted with the cream. Makeup base is designed to stay on the surface of the skin. Before using one or another cosmetic product, you need to apply a sample, wait and see how it behaves on the skin.

Makeup base is a necessary product for the skin before applying makeup. With its help, you can perfectly disguise all defects and unevenness of the epidermis, as well as provide yourself with long-lasting and fresh makeup throughout the day.

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Foundation for oily skin

A mattifying base is ideal. Can be used at any time of the year. However, it's worth taking a break. The consistency of the foundation is such that its particles penetrate deeply into the pores and are difficult to clean even with the most effective means. The color base should have a dense texture, since oily skin is often problematic. There is a need to mask acne and redness. It is not recommended to use a radiant foundation unless it has a mattifying effect. In combination with oily shine, the face will look very ineffective.

Darken and lighten the complexion using a base

Did you know that you can highlight your cheekbones or, on the contrary, tone your face even at the stage of applying foundation? Yes, yes! Using a palette with correctors and other cosmetics, you can give your face even more sophisticated contours.

Today there are a lot of different makeup bases with which you can create stunning makeup. For example, a radiant base with reflective particles will give the skin a peculiar glow.

True, such products are not suitable for oily and problem skin, since they emphasize the problem of overly active sebaceous glands. Or, not so long ago, highlighters (products that can be used to create a kind of sculptural base on the skin of the face) are extremely popular among professional makeup artists.

In general, what I mean is that with the help of high-quality makeup you can create a perfectly smooth facial contour. And you probably know about this without me, because you’ve seen videos on the Internet more than once and watched various TV shows where people, with the help of professional make-up, visually increase the size of their eyes, get rid of skin defects, etc.

Homemade base at home

For women and girls who are distrustful of cosmetics, you can prepare your own foundation. For perfect makeup, moisturizing, eliminating oily shine, evening out tone. More suitable for oily, combination skin.

Prepare 2 bases separately, then mix.

  1. In a steam bath, melt 0.5 teaspoon of shea butter, 1/3 teaspoon of emulsion wax, 1 teaspoon of peach oil.
  2. After dissolving the first base, add the second - 2 teaspoons of mineral water, 1 ml of aloe juice in ampoules, 10 drops of coltsfoot extract.

To stir thoroughly. After cooling, add a vitamin E capsule. You can store the product in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. According to women's reviews, it increases the durability of makeup. The face does not “float” even at the end of the day.

Foundation for foundation is as important a cosmetic product as other cosmetics. Without it, it is impossible to create perfect makeup, no matter how expensive the products are used.

Applying foundation: tools

We have carefully and conscientiously prepared for tinting, now let's figure out what tools to use. The choice is small: synthetic brushes, sponges and your own fingers. Everyone chooses for themselves which tool to “draw” with, let’s take into account only a few nuances and recommendations:

1. Makeup brushes are the most expensive and difficult tool to choose. If you have found a comfortable and high-quality brush, rejoice. These accessories are especially useful if you have long nails and applying makeup to your face with your fingers is difficult. What you definitely shouldn’t do is buy all sorts of fakes and low-quality stampings at flea markets like “Everything for one dollar”, Fix price and “stores with products of the Chinese industry that smell dubiously.”

2. Sponges. There are not many requirements for them. The sponge should be soft, conveniently shaped, and quickly return to shape after compression. The sponge is especially useful for the following manipulations:

  • Blending concealer under the eyes. The soft structure of the sponge will make this process as accurate as possible and ensure uniform coverage.
  • Remove excess foundation. Wet the sponge, squeeze it out and walk over the face with patting movements. At the same time, refresh your tone.

3. Fingers. The most effective “tool”, by the way. Apply any products to the face using pads, stroking and tapping movements. Do not stretch the skin.

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