15 Home Remedies to Treat Dry Eye Skin

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The skin around your eyes is very fragile. Without proper care, it becomes dry. However, improper care is not the only culprit. Pollution, heavy eye makeup, caffeine, poor sleep and a bunch of other factors overload your eyes and make them look dull, tired and dry.

Plus, since the skin around your eyes is delicate, you can't easily hide signs of neglect. Don't worry. Here's an arsenal of natural and simple home remedies that can help deal with dry skin around the eyes.

  • Causes of dry skin around the eyes
  • 15 Home Remedies for Dry Eye Skin
  • Tips to prevent dry skin around the eyes
  • What to eat and what foods to avoid to treat dry skin around the eyes?
  • Can allergies cause dry skin around the eyes?

Features of the skin around the eyes

As you know, the first wrinkles appear in this area; the structural features of the skin around the eyes explain this fact.

The skin of the eyelids has a small number of sebaceous glands. With a lack of moisture, the epithelium becomes dry, which may not have a very good effect on its appearance.

It has been scientifically proven that the porosity of the dermis under the eyes is 5 times greater than on the rest of the skin. Because of this feature, the skin under the eyes takes the first blows from environmental influences.

The tissues around the eyes, due to their structure, are poorly supplied with elastin and collagen. As a result, the dermis in this place quickly loses its elasticity, it becomes swollen and uneven. The situation is complicated by the absence of muscles on the eyelids. When the skin stretches, constant stressful situations, fatigue, and poor health, the first wrinkles appear around the eyes.

Causes of dry epidermis in the eye area

The problem of dry skin in this area is quite serious, since a woman whose eyelids and dermis under the eyes are dry experiences discomfort (sometimes even pain) and cannot apply makeup. Since there are very few sebaceous glands on the eyelids, they are more susceptible to negative external influences.

Factors that cause dry dermis in the eye area include:

  • cornea problems

  • infectious diseases

  • chronic inflammation of the eyelids

  • allergy

  • tear fluid deficiency

  • abuse of decorative cosmetics

  • smoking

If dry skin occurs due to a specific disease, then you just need to visit an ophthalmologist who will prescribe the necessary therapy. In other cases, you need to worry about moisturizing the skin around the eyes at home.

Time passes unnoticed, and by the age of forty, we receive on our faces the imprint of previous years, which passed differently for everyone, and therefore the result is different.

It is often said that by the age of forty a person has the face he deserves.

By properly caring for your skin from a young age, you can look great after forty.

Irregular care or lack thereof leads to disastrous results, because taking care of your own appearance requires material and time costs.

The main mistakes in skin care that cause loss of elasticity and healthy color:

  • Use of face creams not intended for thin eyelid skin. Face creams may contain runny oils that irritate the eyes and other harsh ingredients.
  • The use of fat-based eyelid products, which do not allow oxygen to penetrate the skin, so fluid accumulates and the skin appears oily.
  • The eye cream is applied using rubbing movements that stretch the skin. You need to carefully apply the cream to delicate skin with light tapping and patting movements.
  • Makeup is not removed before bed.

The area around the eyes is the most sensitive and thin, and therefore requires special care and needs regular moisturizing. The eyelids have very few sebaceous glands; they are most susceptible to the negative effects of external factors, including sunlight and artificial lighting, electromagnetic radiation, dust, temperature changes, wind and many other influences.

If a computer monitor appears before your eyes every day, lines, letters, documents flash, then your eyelids inevitably lose priceless moisture. Stress also causes aging of the area around the eyes.

The histological features of this part of the face - a very thin epidermal layer, the almost complete absence of subcutaneous fat, muscles and sebaceous glands, and the high sensitivity of the area around the eyes determine that the first signs of skin aging appear here. The situation is aggravated by the daily use of decorative cosmetics and allergies. Emotions contribute to the appearance of facial wrinkles.

What is it like, proper care for the skin around the eyes

Some representatives of the fairer sex are of the opinion that the fight against wrinkles should begin only after they appear. But ideally, everything is different; you should start taking care of the delicate skin of the eyelids at a young age, at about 25-30 years old. At this time, the skin undergoes changes, which negatively affects its elasticity, tone and appearance.

The multi-step system is the ideal method for caring for the skin around the eyes. A woman's makeup bag should have a variety of care products.

Basic care procedures:

  • Cleansing
  • Toning
  • Nutrition, hydration
  • Massage
  • Use of vitamin complexes

Let's look at each step.

Folk remedies

The most effective natural eyelid skin care products:

  • Protection takes first place in eye skin care after forty years, especially in the cold season. An excellent remedy for this purpose is olive oil, which can be applied at any time of the day.
  • Aloe, with antibacterial and protective properties, forms a thin protective film on the skin thanks to the unique substances contained in the juice.
  • Use aloe juice in the morning or before bed if you don't have olive oil on hand.
  • Green tea with jojoba oil promotes hydration and protects the skin from the effects of toxins. This protection effectively prevents dry skin and crow's feet.
  • Castor oil should be applied to the skin of the eyelids for 20 minutes every day. It will perfectly smooth out wrinkles around the eyes, while accelerating the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows, which acquire a dark color and a healthy, beautiful appearance.
  • It is useful to wipe the skin of the eyelids with vitamin E dissolved in oil. The oil will smooth out facial wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones.
  • Tea leaves are used for tired eyes and swollen eyelids. It is used by placing cotton pads soaked in fresh tea leaves or used tea bags on the eyes.
  • The tonic effect of ice cubes is convenient to use in the morning, after washing, allowing the skin to dry on its own.

Effective masks

Almost all DIY mask recipes can be used at any age, even the youngest.

Natural remedies cannot harm your skin. Especially refreshing the skin are masks that contain:

  • potato,
  • vegetable oil,
  • cucumber,
  • aloe,
  • parsley.

At least once a week, you need to use refreshing and nourishing masks for the skin around the eyes:

  • Olive, castor and jojoba oils are suitable for moisturizing.
  • A dill mask will refresh the skin. Pour 100 ml of boiling water into a heaped spoon of dill, leave for 15 minutes and apply tampons to the eyes moistened with the broth for 20 minutes. Instead of dill, you can use parsley.
  • Cucumber juice tones the skin. Apply cucumber “wheels” to the eyelids for 10 minutes or mix cucumber juice with dry milk and keep on the skin for 10 minutes.
  • A nourishing mask is prepared from the yolk, 5 teaspoons of tomato juice and two spoons of baby formula.
  • The soothing mask consists of oatmeal mixed with milk. The mixture, placed in gauze, is applied to the eyes for 20 minutes.
  • The simplest mask consists of the juice of some berry, to which there are no allergic manifestations. Watermelon, grapes, rowan, raspberries, strawberries will give an excellent effect.
  • A mask for dry skin is prepared from honey and yolk.
  • The Spanish mask smoothes and nourishes the skin. Boiled and grated beans should be mixed with lemon juice and vegetable oil should be added in equal parts.
  • An anti-wrinkle mask is prepared from equal parts of honey, tea leaves and oatmeal. It should be kept on the skin for about 20 minutes.

At home, you can prepare various products designed for delicate care of the skin around the eyes, but multi-component masks that need to be applied to clean skin 2-3 times a week about an hour before bedtime are especially popular among them. If necessary (if you urgently need to eliminate swelling or redness of the eyelids), cosmetic procedures can be carried out in the morning, but after that it is not recommended to go outside for some time.

During sessions, you need to be in a lying position, completely relaxing your facial muscles. The action time of masks for the skin around the eyes is 15–20 minutes, after which the product should be removed using wet discs soaked in warm water, milk or herbal decoction (for example, chamomile). To enhance the effect after removing cosmetic mixtures, it is advisable to apply a special cream or gel to the skin.

Moisturizing mask of greens and cottage cheese

A mask prepared according to this recipe will help replenish the lack of moisture in skin cells and smooth out fine wrinkles.


  • 2 sprigs of parsley and dill,
  • 30 g cottage cheese,
  • 10 ml olive oil.

Preparation and use:

  • Rinse the greens under running water, dry them and grind them in a blender.
  • Mix green gruel with cottage cheese and butter.
  • Gently apply the resulting mixture to the skin around the eyes and leave for 20 minutes.
  • Remove the product with a cotton pad and rinse your face with cool water.

Firming mask made from new potatoes and sour cream

This product provides a pronounced tightening effect, restores skin elasticity and eliminates puffiness.


  • 1 boiled potato,
  • 50 g fat sour cream,
  • 15 ml almond oil.
  • Mash the peeled potatoes into a puree and add the remaining ingredients to it.
  • Distribute the prepared mixture on the skin around the eyes, cover with cotton pads soaked in water and leave for 15–20 minutes.
  • Rinse off the mask with cool water and apply a little nourishing cream to the skin of your eyelids.

Rejuvenating peach and honey mask

The peach mask nourishes the skin around the eyes and helps smooth out facial wrinkles.


  • 1 ripe peach
  • 30 g honey,
  • 10 ml olive oil.
  • Mash the peach pulp into a puree.
  • Add honey and oil and mix thoroughly.
  • Place the resulting mixture in gauze bags and apply them to your closed eyelids.
  • After 20 minutes, remove the compresses from the eyes and rinse the skin with cool water.

Compress mask made from coriander seeds against bags under the eyes

A lotion with a decoction of coriander seeds helps eliminate dark circles and bags under the eyes, refreshes the skin and relieves fatigue.


  • 20 g coriander seeds,
  • 150 ml boiling water.
  • Pour boiling water over the coriander seeds, cover with a lid and leave for an hour and a half.
  • Strain the resulting infusion, soak cotton pads in it and apply them to your eyes for 20–25 minutes.
  • Rinse your face with cool water and apply moisturizer to the skin around your eyes.

Taking care of the skin around your eyes at home is not difficult, and if you devote enough time to this process, excellent results will not take long to arrive: you will no longer have to worry about crow's feet, bags and dark circles under your eyes.

Photo: pixabay.com

The retail chain offers a wide range of different products for caring for the skin around the eyes at home. When choosing from them, you should keep the following things in mind:

  1. You need to take ones that do not contain “spreading” oils - they can get into your eyes and cause irritation.
  2. You don’t need to believe the text on the packaging of a cream or gel that it will remove expression lines. The latter are located deep in the dermis, where no product can penetrate.
  3. When hesitating between gel and cream, it is worth noting that the first is better for the day, the second for the night, the gel is good for oily and young skin, the cream is for dry and aging skin.

Delicate cleansing

Cleansing is necessary to remove dust and cosmetics from the skin.

There is a category of ladies who use ordinary water and soap for cleansing. This method helps get rid of dust and dirt, but cosmetologists do not recommend abusing it. The aggressive particles that make up the soap have a negative effect on the sensitive skin of the eyelids. Regular use of soap will lead to:

  • Skin tightness
  • Dryness
  • The appearance of wrinkles

Washing with water alone cannot solve problems; it cannot remove all dirt.

To properly cleanse the skin around the eyes, you will need the following cosmetic products:

  1. Milk
  2. Emulsion
  3. Lotion

How to gently cleanse the skin around the eyes:

  • You need to apply a cosmetic product to a cotton pad and wipe it over the upper eyelid, starting from the bridge of the nose to the outer edge of the eye.
  • The lower eyelid is cleaned in the opposite direction

Makeup removers will help completely remove shadows and mascara; you need to soak a cotton pad in them and place it on your eyes for 2 minutes. After applying makeup, apply it in a circular motion.

Skin types

In order to create the necessary conditions, it is necessary to clarify what type of skin will be cared for. There are five of them in total:

  1. Pores are not noticeable on dry skin; it itself is matte in color, very thin, does not tolerate wind and cold, immediately turns red and flakes. This type is typical for fair skin. It becomes dry due to dehydration of the body, for the same reason it begins to age early - the first wrinkles appear quite quickly.
  2. The oily type is easily recognized by its characteristic “greasy” sheen due to the large number of sebaceous glands. In such people, the pores are very clearly visible, the nose, forehead, and chin are especially affected - acne and pimples appear on them every now and then. This skin type is more common in dark-skinned people. It is more elastic than dry skin and ages more slowly.
  3. Sensitive skin secretes capillaries that appear through it. This happens because the blood vessels are not elastic due to poor nutrition, alcohol abuse, and so on. Skin of this type is very easily irritated.
  4. On normal skin, pores are invisible, it feels smooth and visually clean. There is an optimal amount of both fat and moisture in it, so this type of skin does not require special care. However, it is extremely rare; the lucky ones can literally be counted on one hand. And with old age, such skin tends to become dry.
  5. And finally, the combination type contains signs of both dry and oily skin. It shines on the forehead, nose and chin, but the cheeks are usually dry. This type is the most common.

It is important to remember that no matter what it is, for any of us with age, as well as during the cold season, the skin becomes drier and more easily irritated - and therefore requires more attention.


Some cosmetologists believe that it is necessary to tone the skin of the eyelids, while others are of the opinion that this procedure is not advisable.

Tonics, essences, toners have the following properties:

  • Replenishes moisture deficiency
  • Eliminates skin tightness
  • Restore normal pH levels

Nowadays you can find antioxidant, anti-aging, soothing tonics. They are great for daily cleansing of the skin around the eyes. If necessary, they can also be used as makeup remover.

A good tonic does not contain alcohol; the active ingredients are:

  • hyaluronic acid
  • glycerol
  • medicinal plant extracts

Problem: sunken eyes and deepening of the nasolacrimal trough

A sharp boundary between the eyelid and cheek is most often associated either with the individual structure of the face or with the tension of the masticatory muscles. The latter tend to shorten greatly with age, spasm and “pull” the lower jaw towards the upper.

Solution: injection techniques

Deep wrinkles or furrows are associated with changes in deeper (logically) fatty tissues and stretching of the ligamentous apparatus. Here the doctor will offer the patient contour plastic methods to fill these grooves with fillers based on hyaluronic acid and redistribute the volumes. According to indications, it is possible to reinforce with mesothreads to strengthen and renew the skin - they will compact the fat packet, thereby significantly reducing it.

Photo: @quantum.clinic

Care for the skin around the eyes at home

A potato mask will achieve excellent results. It can be used to quickly restore skin elasticity. To prepare it, you need to take one boiled, but not peeled, potato. The finished product must be judged and cut into 2 halves, each of which should be placed in the eye area for half an hour.

Some women skillfully combine store-bought cosmetics and traditional skin care methods. This helps achieve remarkable results at low cost.

Recipes for natural masks

Our market is oversaturated with masks and creams for skin care around the eyes. And I'm sure that you are sometimes stumped when faced with a choice. Some products sold for sensitive skin are made from chemical ingredients.

The other is made from natural ingredients, but is no less effective. For its production, fruits, berries, vegetables and grains that you eat daily are used.

Masks and creams are needed to protect your skin, both from the aggressive external environment and to nourish it.

The skin around the eyes is tender and sensitive, with virtually no subcutaneous fat and muscles, which is why it is subject to premature age-related changes (loss of skin turgor, the appearance of facial wrinkles, the formation of “bags”, swelling of the eyelids).

A common cause of loss of skin elasticity is insufficient hydration. It is important to start care before signs of aging appear. Moisturizing masks for the skin around the eyes, prepared independently at home according to folk recipes, will help improve its condition.

The effectiveness of homemade masks for the skin around the eyes

Moisturizing homemade eye masks have a cumulative effect, and their effectiveness is visible after 2-3 procedures. They contribute to:

  • skin rejuvenation, smoothing out crow's feet in the corners of the eyes,
  • moisturizing sensitive eyelid skin,
  • increasing the elasticity of the epidermis, eliminating swelling,
  • whitening dark spots, reducing bags under the eyes,
  • relieving eye redness.

When determining the components of a mask, it is important to consider what to target and what priority problems to eliminate.

Features of home care

Taking into account some nuances of the procedures, efficiency and safety can be achieved.

  1. A self-prepared mask is applied immediately, since over time the components of the mask lose most of their beneficial substances.
  2. Moisturizing home remedies should contain no allergenic products. Apply the composition to eyelids cleaned of makeup for 15 - 20 minutes. The movements should be light, slightly patting. And they remove it with a cotton swab soaked in a warm decoction of medicinal herbs, milk or warm purified water.
  3. Avoid contact (flowing) of the composition into the eyes.
  4. After removing the remaining product, the skin is moisturized with a nourishing cream (elixir, gel), which is intended only for this area.
  5. A favorable time for such home procedures is 1 – 2 hours before bedtime.
  6. Cosmetologists do not recommend using homemade moisturizing eye masks more than 2 times a week.

Details about homemade masks for youthful eyelids

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