State budgetary healthcare institution "Multidisciplinary Center for Laser Medicine"

Spipiga is a skin disease that affects different areas of the skin. Most often, the thorn is localized on the foot, resembling a growth in the form of a callus. It is characterized by porosity and heterogeneous structure. That is why thorny is also called plantar wart.

A characteristic property of thorny is that the tumor grows into the deep layers of the skin, so it is practically not amenable to treatment with conservative methods. You can get rid of the problem only by removing the wart.

Removal of warts, thorns, papillomas, birthmarks with laser

Electrocoagulation is quite rough and leaves noticeable marks. Nitrogen cauterization acts superficially; large lesions may require several sessions. Chemicals can cause serious burns and scarring, especially if used carelessly. And celandine... You can smear it with its juice for weeks - and no result.

When removing a tumor with a laser, the surgeon manipulates a thin light guide and acts very precisely. Laser radiation ensures rapid healing of the wound, and the scar is barely noticeable.

Laser removal of thorns

Laser hair removal has proven its effectiveness for many years. The laser systems used in our salon in Yekaterinburg produce a powerful stream of radiation, which sharply increases the temperature in the affected tissues and, as it were, “evaporates” them, thus removing the thorn.

The laser beam acts specifically without affecting surrounding healthy tissue. It simultaneously cauterizes the blood vessels, eliminating the risk of bleeding and infection of the wound.

Why do warts, moles, papillomas appear?

Typically, skin lesions are viral in nature. They are caused by the human papillomavirus; more than 100 varieties have already been identified. Some people are more susceptible to this virus, some less so. Hormonal fluctuations in the body greatly influence its activation. Thus, birthmarks and warts often appear and grow in women during pregnancy and after childbirth, and in men after stopping intense sports. Both formations become larger with age.

So, if there are a lot of warts and papillomas, the doctor not only removes them, but also prescribes comprehensive antiviral treatment.

Preparation, procedure, recovery

How to prepare for the procedure

Before the laser removal session, you need to undergo an examination, during which the doctor will determine the extent of the process, as well as the depth of penetration of the tumor into the skin. This is also necessary in order to clarify the location of the root system of the thorn, the complete removal of which will guarantee the absence of further relapses.

How does the laser thorn removal procedure work?

Before the session begins, the specialist injects a pain-relieving anesthetic (lidocaine, novocaine) under the tumor itself. After the anesthesia has taken effect, the doctor begins the procedure.

The laser installation is capable of operating in several modes:

  • excision;
  • tissue evaporation;
  • coagulation (cauterization).

During the procedure, the specialist selects the required method of exposure, and after removing the next layer of the wart, he immediately cauterizes the blood vessels, thereby ensuring the safety of the procedure. Shipiga is processed until the root system of the formation is completely destroyed.

After treatment, only a small burn remains on the skin. The wound is treated with an antiseptic (for example, fucorcin, an alcohol solution), and the top is covered with a dry gauze cloth, fixing it with a band-aid.

Post-procedure care

In the first three days, redness and swelling of the skin may occur in the place where the thorn was present, which is accompanied by minor pain and mild itching. Within two weeks after the procedure, the wound must be treated with an antiseptic.

The resulting crust will fall off on its own after 10 days. In its place there will be a small pink spot, which after a month will turn pale and become completely invisible. During this period, it is not recommended to sunbathe or visit a bathhouse or sauna.

Possible complications

If papilloma is not treated, the following consequences are possible:

  • inflammation processes in damaged areas of the body;
  • increase in size;
  • the appearance of multiple warts;
  • pain when walking (with papillomas on the sole of the foot);
  • transition of a benign neoplasm to the malignant stage;
  • formation of scars, cicatrices.

If after treatment the tumor darkens, the patient is bothered by pain, itching, swelling, you should visit a dermatologist.

If warts appear again after treatment, a consultation with an immunologist is recommended.
Perhaps the reason for the appearance of tumors is a weakened immune system. To prevent education, it is necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene, use your own cosmetics, clothing, and shoes. The article has been verified by the editors

How to understand that the spine has passed

The thorn has a deep root that cannot be pulled out on your own. If the top of the wart has been cauterized, re-growth of the tumor is likely. It is not recommended to remove papilloma yourself. Medicinal and traditional methods are effective for fresh tumors. Treatment of painful spines is considered complete after removing the entire wart along with the root.

After laser procedures, cryotherapy, and the use of electromagnetic pulses, the wart turns black and disappears completely within a week. The risk of relapses, side effects, and complications is minimal.

How is laser spine removal procedure performed?

Before removal, the patient is examined by a dermatologist. The doctor makes a diagnosis, assesses the location and depth of the wart, and determines the possibility of removal using low-traumatic procedures. Laser removal takes place in several stages:

  1. Preparation. The affected area is disinfected and local anesthesia is performed.
  2. Delete. The doctor sets up a laser device, affects the wart with a concentrated beam of light, removing pathological tissue layer by layer.
  3. Completion of the procedure. The affected area is treated with an antiseptic, and the wound is covered with a sterile bandage.

Upon completion of the procedure, the patient talks with the doctor and receives recommendations for further care, after which he can return to his usual activities.

How to remove a scar after removal

After removal of the spine, the surface of the skin takes a long time to heal. To prevent the appearance of scars after removal:

  • Do not expose damaged skin to active sunlight or sudden temperature changes;
  • as the wound heals, blackening appears on the wound, and then a crust, which is forbidden to be removed or combed;
  • do not use decorative cosmetics or alcohol-based cosmetics;
  • antimicrobial, antibacterial, wound-healing ointments for inflammatory processes (levomekol, levosin, salicylic ointment, applied directly to the wound, it is not recommended to use bandages, the skin needs access to oxygen;
  • in the absence of a secondary infection, it is enough to treat the wound with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, fucorcin;
  • During hygiene procedures, you should not rub the skin;
  • limit visits to bathhouses and saunas for 1-2 months.

How to care for wart scars:

  • taking vitamins A, E, vitamin-mineral complexes increase the body's resistance;
  • anti-scar ointments (Contractubex, Zeraderm) - drugs can be purchased at the pharmacy;
  • gels, ointments to accelerate skin regeneration (solcoseryl, dermatix).

When is surgery contraindicated?

Removing warts using surgery has virtually no contraindications. The exception is inflammatory and infectious processes during exacerbation.

Doctors categorically prohibit removing such tumors on their own. Otherwise, you can provoke an infection of the body, as well as give impetus to the development of oncological processes.

Remember that various tumors on the skin can only be removed in a hospital setting.

To remove or not to remove warts?

Before answering this question, a specialist must conduct a differentiated diagnosis to rule out more serious pathological processes. If it really is a wart, then everything depends on the patient.

As a rule, removal is carried out at his request. For example, if the formation is in an invisible place and does not cause the patient much discomfort, then why remove it. There are situations when they dry up and fall off on their own.

There are indications when it must be removed immediately to prevent the development of serious complications.

So, if you notice the processes listed below, then this is a good reason to seek help from a qualified specialist:

  • the color and shape of the neoplasm periodically changes;
  • the wart does not have a uniform color;
  • the number of warts has increased noticeably;
  • sometimes blood discharge appears from the formations;
  • pain;
  • The location is on the external genitalia.

If you suspect that this is not a wart at all, then you should visit a dermatologist or oncodermatologist.

Contraindications to removal of thorn

  • Not everyone can undergo the laser removal procedure. Thus, laser treatment is not recommended for:
  • Pregnancy
  • Oncological diseases
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Herpetic skin lesions near the herpes
  • Immunodeficiency state

The procedure must be postponed if you have a cold (ARI, flu) or before the session you feel a deterioration in your health (for example, increased blood pressure). In addition, you should not resort to the procedure if you have recently sunbathed and the area of ​​skin with spikey skin has been exposed to ultraviolet rays.

Diagnosis of plantar wart

The disease is diagnosed by a dermatologist. The diagnosis can be established at the initial consultation during an objective examination and dermatoscopy. Symptoms characteristic of a plantar wart are:

  • pain when squeezed from the sides;
  • no signs of inflammation of surrounding tissues;
  • lack of skin pattern when scraping the top layer;
  • symptom of thrombosed capillaries.

If deep germination of the formation is suspected, an ultrasound scan of the foot is performed. To determine the HPV strain, laboratory tests (PCR) are prescribed.


Removing the spine and its root system is the only way to permanently get rid of the defect. The microsurgery is performed by an experienced dermatovenerologist. There are several methods for excision of skin tumors.

  • Laser excision. The spike is evaporated layer by layer with a powerful light beam. This is one of the safest and least traumatic ways to remove warts. During the procedure, small capillaries are sealed, so bleeding does not occur, and the risk of infection is minimized. A crust forms at the site of removal, which disappears after a week of proper wound care.
  • Radio wave destruction. Manipulations are carried out using the modern Surgitron apparatus. The radioknife acts locally and does not affect nearby tissues. The risk of relapse is minimal, because The root system of the spine is evaporated. After removal there are no scars or scars left.
  • Cryotherapy. The plantar wart is treated with liquid nitrogen. Due to the extremely low temperature, pathological tissues die. This method of spine removal is rarely used, because the depth of impact cannot be controlled.

Treatment of a thorn will be effective if the underlying wart is eliminated. Conservative therapy will help reduce the risk of relapse. The doctor may prescribe antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs. Medicines are aimed at combating the cause of the disease.

To make an appointment with a dermatovenerologist in the South-West, leave a request on the website or call the phone number listed in the “Contacts” section. The doctor will select the optimal method for removing the spine and help get rid of the skin defect.

What is a plantar wart?

A spine is a nodular growth located in the thickness of the skin of the feet. The surface of the formation is partially covered with a layer of keratinized epidermis and protrudes slightly above the plane of the foot. A plantar wart looks like a lump on the skin with a diameter of 1-2 cm, dirty gray or gray-yellow in color with a depression in the center. The root part penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis. When steaming and removing the surface layer of skin, black or brown dots may be visible, which are formed as a result of thrombosis of the capillaries.

Plantar warts form in areas of increased pressure, so they are often confused with corns. A characteristic feature of the spine is painlessness with direct pressure and the presence of a crater-shaped depression. Plantar warts are usually single. With serious immunity disorders, daughter formations may occur, and several warts may merge to form a growth on the skin, similar to the head of a cauliflower.

Benefits of laser plantar wart removal

  • Efficiency. The formation can be removed in one procedure.
  • Minimum time spent. The manipulation takes from 5 to 40 minutes, depending on the size of the spine.
  • Good cosmetic effect. The wound heals, the surface of the skin gradually smoothes out, and no scars remain.
  • Fast rehabilitation. The patient does not need to take sick leave. Temporary restrictions last only 1-3 days.
  • Targeted impact. Using a laser, only pathological tissues are removed, while healthy ones remain undamaged.
  • Minimum contraindications. The procedure is not performed only on pregnant, lactating, people with cancer pathologies, blood clotting disorders or inflammatory changes in the foot area.
  • Safety. The laser disinfects tissues and coagulates small vessels, which minimizes the risk of complications.
  • Painless. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, which eliminates discomfort.

How is wart removal performed surgically?

On the day appointed for the operation, the patient arrives at the clinic. Having received special sterile clothing, he changes clothes and goes to the operating room prepared for him. Excision of warts with a scalpel is a simple surgical operation. To carry it out, it is sufficient to use local anesthesia, which most often takes the form of an injection of lidocaine or drugs similar in action to it.

At the first stage, the surgical field is treated with a disinfectant. Then the surgical area is injected with lidocaine in several places in the immediate vicinity of the future incision site. 5-10 minutes after the injection, the operation to remove warts can begin.

With a precise movement of the scalpel, the surgeon makes an incision in the area of ​​the wart and exposes its subcutaneous part. After this, holding the tumor with tweezers, pathological tissues are removed from the surrounding healthy skin. At this point, some of the surrounding tissue is also removed in order to ensure that all of the warts are removed and to prevent re-infection with the papilloma virus remaining in the skin.

After this, the resulting surgical wound is sutured using catgut. Removal of this suture material is not required, as it dissolves in the skin tissue approximately a week after application. The suture is located inside the skin, so the scars from the intervention are not noticeable. This makes this wart removal method applicable even on exposed parts of the body, including the face.

The mechanism of the appearance of the spine

The disease is transmitted through physical contact. The incubation period is 2 months. Symptoms worsen under conditions:

  • weakened immunity;
  • frequent colds;
  • skin surface injuries;
  • foot hyperhidrosis;
  • change of place of residence, climate;
  • visiting public places without special shoes (baths, swimming pools).

The spine is formed from a wart. When steamed, the surface of the neoplasm becomes needle-like. Yellow in color, old formations acquire a darkish tint.

It is necessary to treat the spine; the neoplasm causes discomfort to the patient when walking. The needle-like surface of a plantar wart eats into the skin, causing pain. If left untreated, other tumors develop around the lump.

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