Brush, sponge or hands: how to apply foundation correctly

Many women use cosmetics every day, but not everyone knows how to apply foundation correctly in order to advantageously disguise imperfections rather than highlight them. Properly applied makeup is almost invisible on the face. To skillfully use concealers, you do not need to attend makeup artist courses; you will need a little patience, practice, and most importantly, you must follow the advice of professionals.

In practice, 3 tone application techniques are used:

  • fingertips;
  • brush;
  • sponge.

But controversial debates flare up between the fair sex: what is the best way to apply foundation?

How best to apply foundation on your face: diagram, tips, makeup rules

Foundation can be used as the only means for tinting the skin when applying daytime makeup. If this is evening makeup, or you have any skin defects, then this product alone will not do; you will have to use others that have a denser texture.

The foundation is applied to the entire surface of the face after the moisturizer. Application is carried out using a sponge, brush or special sponges. The choice of one tool or another depends on the consistency of the foundation. If it is very thick, it is best to apply it with a sponge. If the cream is more liquid and transparent, the tone is applied using a soft natural brush.


Preparing the face for application

The successful outcome of skin toning largely depends on the preparatory process, which includes:

  1. Regular exfoliation (scrubbing).
  2. Cleansing and toning using tonic, gel, lotion, milk.
  3. Moisturize with cream (using your fingertips in a circular motion).
  4. Dry for 10-15 minutes.

Scrubbing will help get rid of dead particles that affect the texture and interfere with the regeneration of new cells. The cosmetic product contains abrasive components that are used for cleansing.

The rules and frequency of using the scrub depend on your skin type:

  1. For oily types, weekly treatments are recommended.
  2. For dry type, 2 times a month is enough.

Applying a tonic or special gel to the face will help tone the cellular layer of the skin and cleanse it of fine dirt. Only after natural drying can you use a moisturizer. After 15 minutes, all components will be completely absorbed and the face will be ready for tinting.

What should you apply before foundation?

First, you need to apply a moisturizer, then apply foundation in dots on the cheekbones, under the eyes, on the forehead, chin and cheeks. You should also apply a little product to your neck. Now, using a sponge or sponge, massage in the mattifying foundation along the massage lines.

Before applying foundation, it is imperative to moisturize the skin, because it can dry out during the day and needs nutrition. A moisturizer is used for this. There are also special foundations with moisturizing components. You can use them if your skin does not need special care, is not dry, but normal. If you have any skin defects, you need to disguise them before applying foundation.

Technique for applying foundation

Preparatory stage

Before you start doing makeup and, in particular, applying foundation to your face, you need to prepare the skin. Why preparatory activities are carried out:

  1. To cleanse the skin, foundation and other decorative cosmetics will lie in a more even layer on a smooth surface.
  2. To moisturize the skin and saturate it with nutrients, after applying skincare cosmetics, the epidermis will better resist the negative effects of the external environment.
  3. To close the pores of the skin, because they can become clogged with foundation.
  4. To protect the skin from ultraviolet rays, which stimulate the photoaging process of the epidermis.

Obviously, preparing the dermis is an important stage in performing makeup and should not be skipped. Before applying foundation you need


  1. Remove dirt and sebaceous gland secretions from the surface of the face. This can be done using special milk, gel or foam for washing.
  2. If the dermis is peeling or has pimples or clogged pores, you need to scrub or lightly exfoliate. Dead cells can be removed using commercially available medications. Or make a scrub yourself, using used coffee grounds, a mixture of sugar and honey, salt and lemon juice. You just need to make sure that the homemade scrub granules are small and do not have sharp corners that can scratch the epidermis during the peeling procedure. To make scrubbing deeper and more effective, you can pre-steam the skin by placing a small towel soaked in tolerably hot water on your face. Or hold your face above the steam, as during the treatment procedure for diseases of the ENT organs.
  3. If you do not plan to apply a daily skin care product to your skin, wipe the surface of your face with an ice cube. This will help narrow the pores. In addition, this is a great way to improve the tone of the dermis, remove fine wrinkles and bags under the eyes. Regularly carrying out such a procedure helps to intensify metabolic and regenerative processes, as a result of which the condition of the skin improves. Ice can be made not only from drinking water by placing molds in the freezer. But also from green tea, still mineral water or freshly squeezed citrus juice. After wiping with ice, rinse your face with cool water.
  4. If you plan to apply moisturizer or other skin care cream, wipe your face with ice after the cream is completely absorbed. This may take 5-10 minutes. If after this time a film of unabsorbed cream still remains on the surface of the face, remove it with a paper napkin.
  5. Some girls do not carry out preparatory activities because they believe that they take a lot of time, which, as a rule, is not enough in the morning. However, if you have everything you need at hand, then you can bring your skin to “full combat readiness” in just 15-20 minutes. After this, you can do makeup, but applying foundation is not the first stage of the procedure. First you may need to use a corrector or primer.

What to apply first: foundation or concealer?

Concealer is the same corrector, its composition is the same as foundation. The difference is that a unit of this product contains more pigments than a foundation. That is, it can be used to disguise minor defects, as well as uneven skin tone. For example, concealer and corrector are often used to disguise dark circles under the eyes, rosacea, small branches, and inflammation on the face. Concealer or corrector is applied after moisturizing the skin, but before applying foundation. After masking the defects, a thin layer of foundation is applied and gently pressed into the skin.

The fact is that many girls note that after using foundation, the effect of a mask is obtained. The so-called plaster is very visible. It is necessary to be able to apply foundation correctly so that the complexion turns out natural, and its shape and ideal highlights are preserved. Several techniques are used for this.

Apply foundation

Review of the best brands

Loreal (AllaincePerfect)

  1. A wide range of creams that differ in structure, density and composition.
  2. The products even out skin color, adapting to your individual shade.
  3. Does not create a mask effect.
  4. They have a masking and moisturizing effect.
  5. For dry skin types, a series of moisturizers are available that are used before toning.

The only drawback is the ability of the cream to leave marks on clothes.

Max Factor Xperience

  1. Has a moisturizing and softening effect.
  2. It has a light structure and is practically not felt on the face.
  3. Covers small imperfections well.

The disadvantage is that it cannot be used for problem skin.


  1. Adjusts to natural skin color.
  2. The lightweight structure allows the skin to breathe.
  3. Does not create the feeling of a mask.

Disadvantage: Only suitable for thin skin.


  1. Easily shaded.
  2. Has a moisturizing and masking effect.
  3. Suitable for problem skin.
  4. Hides small wrinkles.
  5. The pleasant smell fills you with freshness for a long time.

There are practically no disadvantages. It is recommended to use in doses so as not to create a mask effect.

How much foundation should I apply to my face?

The amount of foundation depends on the method of application and its texture. It all depends on what kind of makeup you are doing: daytime or evening. If this is an evening option, you can use a thick product.

Options and amount of product:

  • It is advisable to use a sponge for application, because it can be used to apply a fairly thick layer. Next, if you want to save product, you need to moisten the sponge with water. Squeeze it out and only then work on driving the foundation into the pores.
  • If you want to save money because foundation is very expensive, start applying it with your fingers. This method is quite lengthy and at first it is very difficult to apply foundation evenly and in a perfectly thin layer using your fingers. There is no need to smudge anything. Apply the product using a tapping motion.
  • The most expensive way is to use brushes to apply foundation. In this case, it is better for you to take two types of brushes: round and flat. Use flat in the area under the eyes and to draw the back of the nose. Rounded brushes are used to apply foundation to the neck, cheekbones and cheeks.

Application techniques

How to correctly and perfectly evenly apply the foundation of a mask with a brush and what brush?

Brushes are best suited for applying both light and dense foundations. It is best to choose an artificial brush; products made from badger hair can serve as an alternative. Using a brush you can create the effect of porcelain skin or a mask.


  • In order to apply foundation with a brush, you need to draw several lines in the forehead, cheekbones, chin and bridge of the nose. In order for the cream to apply well, you need to apply a small amount of the product to the back of your palm.
  • This way the product will soften a little, its thickness will decrease, and it will be much more pliable to apply to the skin. In this case, the product must not be smeared or smoothed, but applied with driving movements.
  • If you have a flat brush, apply the product using tapping movements, distributing it evenly over large areas. Such as the forehead and cheeks. You can use a round brush. In this case, the product is distributed in a circular motion.
  • Vary the size of the brush on different parts of the face. If this is the back of the nose and its wings, the ideal option would be a thin, dense brush, as for applying eye shadow. If it's the cheeks and chin, as well as the forehead, a denser, thicker brush will do. This way you can save time and money.

Application with brushes

Common mistakes

  1. Do not spread the cream all over your face. It is enough to apply one drop of cream on the forehead, chin and both cheeks.
  2. Foundation should be selected according to skin color. Only slight differences in shade are allowed.
  3. A thick layer creates a mask effect and has nothing in common with the makeup base.
  4. The texture of the cream should match your skin type. An incorrectly selected product will not look natural and fresh.
  5. When distributing the cream, the skin is often stretched and pressed. This is a gross mistake that provokes sagging and the formation of new wrinkles. Only smooth, light patting movements are allowed. The entire hand should not take part in applying the foundation. Only the fingertips are used.

How to correctly and perfectly evenly apply foundation without a mask effect with a sponge?

A sponge is a small cosmetic sponge that can be made from both natural and synthetic materials. It greatly facilitates the application of both crumbly and creamy cosmetics. A sponge is very often used to apply foundation.


  • You need to wet the sponge in water and squeeze it out. After this, the tone is applied pointwise to the face.
  • This is done in the area of ​​the forehead, chin, and nose using driving movements, from the center to the temples and ears.
  • After distributing the product, the sponge is washed and dried.
  • Never leave the sponge wet or dirty. Because bacteria can grow in it.

Sponge application

Ways to choose the perfect option

Many different configurations have been developed. Which one is right for you can only be determined by experience. A quality tool, regardless of manufacturer and price, must have the following features:

  • The villi are densely packed.
  • Give preference to a brush made of synthetic material. The product uses cream and cream sparingly and makes cleaning easier.
  • The brush should be moderately hard. It is difficult to apply the tone evenly with a bristle that is too soft, and elastic bristles scratch sensitive skin.
  • The handle should not dangle or fall out. The plastic version, unlike the wooden one, does not absorb tone. The brushes will look neat for a long time.

Choose the size so that it is comfortable to hold the product in your palm. With a large brush it is difficult to carefully treat the areas near the eyebrows and nose, and if you use a brush that is too small you will have to make a lot of movements.

How to apply foundation correctly and perfectly evenly without the effect of a mask with your hands and fingers?

Many beauty bloggers, as well as makeup artists, recommend that people use their fingers to apply daily makeup. Indeed, this cosmetic product, that is, foundation, can be applied with your fingers. This helps to save substance and also to make everyday, light makeup.

Fingers are suitable if you want to achieve a translucent tone, or hide minor defects, even out your complexion. In this case, you can completely do it with your fingers without using brushes and sponges. Please note that if there are defects on the skin, dark circles under the eyes, then it is best to hide them with concealer and corrector. The technique of applying the cream with your fingers is simple.


  • It is necessary to apply several dots of foundation in the area of ​​the cheekbones, under the eyes, in the forehead, and chin. They should resemble beads in size. Next, along the line from the nose to the ears, evenly tap the product in with your fingers. You will do quite poorly at the beginning, because you have no experience.
  • Under no circumstances should you spread the product like a regular cream. Only with driving movements will you achieve uniform application. If the skin is very flaky, usually in the area of ​​the nose and chin, you do not need to rub the product in, but to hammer it in.
  • That is, spread a little product on your finger and, using tapping movements, correct the nose area and all flaky areas.

Application with fingers


Foundation is an ideal tool for masking various imperfections in appearance, which include acne, age spots, bruises, etc.

Just a few movements and you can forget about skin problems.

However, if used incorrectly, the foundation itself can become a flaw in appearance: it will create unsightly stains on the skin and the face will look unnatural. Ideally, foundation should be completely invisible on a woman’s face. That's why it's so important to know how to apply foundation correctly.

To make the cream less noticeable, you should choose it correctly according to your skin color. To do this, you need to apply a drop of cream on your wrist and see how the color of the cream blends with your skin tone. Remember that the skin on your hands is slightly darker than on your face. You should not apply cream from samples to your face - it is not hygienic. You also need to select a cream according to your skin type: a matte cream will suit oily skin, an oily cream will moisturize dry skin, etc.

Now let’s answer the question: how to apply foundation correctly?

Technique for applying foundation

When applied correctly, foundation works wonders. To do this, you need to know how to apply foundation correctly. In any case, to get an excellent result, you must follow a certain technique for distributing foundation on your face.

There are several techniques for applying foundation to the face. I will give just a few of them. All you have to do is choose the most suitable method for you :o)

When applied correctly, foundation works wonders. To do this, you need to know how to apply foundation correctly.

Option 1. A very detailed, literally step-by-step option for applying foundation to the face.
1. Take liquid foundation. Products from the full coverage series - day foundation - fit well on the skin, because they are suitable for almost all skin types. Apply a small amount of cream (depending on your skin type) to the back of your hand or to a hard, clean surface.[/td]

2. If you apply foundation with your fingers, then first warm the pads of your fingers on your palm. If using a brush, use a special brush with a flat surface. Dip your brush (or fingertips) into the cream. Then apply it in small strokes or dotted on the nose, cheeks, chin, and along the edges of the face (one “dip” should be enough to cover the indicated areas).
3. Starting from the nose, spread the cream with jerky movements, gradually moving to the cheeks. The cheeks are covered with tone in the direction from the center to the edge. Apply the cream to your chin in the same way. Distribute the remaining tone on the brush or fingers over the upper and lower lips (leave the area around the mouth untouched, we will return to it later).
4. Now advice for those who usually apply tone to the skin around the eyes instead of or together with a corrective product. Those who don't can skip to the next point. Take a small amount of cream on the outer edge of the brush (on your fingertips) and apply it dotted onto the under-eye area, paying special attention to the darkest areas and inner corners of the eyes. Smoothly apply the foundation to your eyelids and brow bones.
5. So, you should have about a third of the product left. Take it with a brush or on your fingers and apply strokes to the forehead, not forgetting the hairline (usually this area is left unattended, as well as the area under the chin). Finally, your face is almost completely covered in foundation (except for the area around your mouth).
6. Take a brush with the remaining cream and apply it in strokes to the area under the chin. Connect it to the face area so that they are the same color...
7. ... and smoothly move to the neck.

As a rule, foundation is not applied to the ears and neck. Therefore, it is important to achieve a perfect smoothing of the border between skin with and without tone. Place a little tone on the border of the face near the ears.

8. Apply the remaining cream in dots to problem areas of the skin. This will help achieve an even complexion. Let's return to the area around the mouth. It needs to be covered with a very thin layer of cream so that it does not subsequently accumulate in the folds.
9. Then use the same brush to blend the tone in a circular motion. This will help get rid of excess cream, and your facial skin will acquire a natural shade. Make sure that the areas around the eyes, hairline, forehead and neck do not contrast with each other. Continue blending until the skin reaches a natural shade (usually 2-3 approaches are enough to achieve the effect).

Necessarily. After application, allow the foundation to absorb for 3-5 minutes. Then take a tissue and blot your face with it (don't touch your nose if your skin has enlarged pores). Pay special attention to the eyelids, the area around the eyes and the corners of the eyes (as the cream tends to accumulate in these areas). If you are afraid that the tone will still accumulate in these areas, blend everything with the brush again.

Option 2. Another technique for applying foundation

1. Take a little cream (no more than a pea) and gently rub it with your fingertips. Apply with smoothing movements, distributing from the center to the periphery of the face, as if you were washing your face. Then apply the cream under the cheekbones, nasolabial folds and chin. Blend.

2. Apply the next portion of foundation with sliding movements on the back and wings of the nose. To achieve a thin and even coverage, re-blend the tone on the cheeks, cheekbones and chin. 3. The shade of the neck should not differ from the complexion. Apply the tone on it with both hands, moving from top to bottom, from the chin. Blend well along the contour of the face so that there are no transition boundaries left. 4. Apply the foundation to the forehead using upward movements from the center of the forehead to the hair growth area and temples. Finally, take a brush and blend the foundation using broad strokes.

Option 3 . The following technique is also used quite often.

Place a small amount of foundation on the back of your hand and let it warm up a little. Use your fingers, brush or sponge to pick up a small amount of cream. And then we apply it according to the diagram below! 1. We make the first stroke from the point of the “third eye” (between the eyebrows) and draw the hair growth lines. 2. From the same point, distribute the cream over the forehead, towards the temples 3. Further down the wall of the nose and along the nasolabial folds. Take another portion of the cream and apply strokes from the temple along the cheekbone and cheek. After each stroke we shade the borders! If you want to further disguise individual areas, then apply a portion of the cream to them again with your fingers using a tapping motion. And beat in the cream until it lies evenly.

Methods for applying foundation to the face

Now a little more about each of the methods of applying foundation...

There are several ways to apply foundation: with your hands, a sponge and a brush. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. If you use a sponge, the layer turns out dense, if you “drive it in” with your fingers, it turns out transparent.

I'll tell you more about each method. Whatever method of applying the cream you choose, you first need to prepare your face for applying the cream, or rather, cleanse the skin and apply moisturizer.

Many professional makeup artists like to apply foundation with their fingertips This technique allows you to get a light, transparent and most natural coverage.

Due to the warmth of your fingers and facial skin, the cream melts a little and spreads very easily. It is important that the movements when blending the cream are gentle and do not stretch the skin. to warm the fingertips by rubbing them against the palm of your hand.

If there are areas on the face with flaky skin, then it is best to make patting , as if “gluing” movements with your fingers. This technique will smooth out skin flakes, making them invisible.

Applying with your fingers is also the most economical method, since the sponge and brush absorb a certain amount of foundation, but your fingers do not.

Here is a short video that shows you how to properly apply foundation using the finger method of applying foundation.

Another application method is with a brush. Perhaps women do not so often prefer a brush - but in vain. The brush applies the cream evenly, and synthetic options (unlike natural ones) do not absorb too much cream. A flat brush with elastic synthetic bristles is best for applying tone. Natural fibers absorb a lot of cream, increasing the consumption of cosmetics. The brush helps to paint over difficult areas of the face - eyelids and nose.

The foundation can be applied to the area between the thumb and index finger of the left hand and the required amount can be taken from there with a brush. You can apply 4 dots of cream on your face in the forehead, chin and both cheeks.

On the wings of the nose, near the eyebrows and in the corners of the lips, the cream can be applied with patting movements of the brush.

Apply a thin layer of cream on the eyelids in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples. Under the eyes, excess tone must be blotted with a napkin, otherwise the cream will accumulate in small expression wrinkles, emphasizing them.

There are no new tips on how to apply foundation with a brush. When blending the cream, the movements of the brush go from the center to the periphery. The main thing here is to blend the cream well with smooth movements.

And an excellent master class to help:

And one more:

To make your makeup brush last longer, wet it before applying foundation.

The brush must be washed thoroughly after use, as foundation residues serve as a favorable environment for the development of bacteria.

The next common method of application is a sponge. The sponge will help you apply the cream more evenly, and it will also extend the life of your makeup. If you choose this method, then you must know how to apply foundation with a sponge correctly. Remember to keep the sponge damp to make application easier.

Applying foundation with a latex sponge allows you to get the most dense and uniform coverage. A slightly damp sponge allows you to camouflage skin unevenness better than a dry one.

As with the brush, the sponge can be used to blend drops of cream applied to the face. Or you can first squeeze the sponge and squeeze a little cream onto it. When the sponge is unclenched, the product is evenly distributed over its surface, therefore, the tone will be conveniently applied to the face in an even layer.

The foundation is applied using light circular movements from the center to the periphery. Four drops will be enough to cover the entire face . However, the drops should not be too sparse, otherwise they will dry out faster than it comes to shading.

After each use, the sponge must be washed thoroughly to avoid the growth of bacteria and infection on the skin of the face. At least once a week, the sponge for applying foundation should be washed with warm water and soap.

And the professional way is with a sea sponge . There are different types of makeup sponges: marine and latex. Of course, they can also be synthetic, but sponges of this type have only one advantage - they are not susceptible to the influence of bacteria.

The effect of the sea makeup sponge is very gentle. Absorbing the foundation into a sponge is very economical, and the skin is covered very evenly. Before using such a sponge, you should wet it a little with water and then squeeze it out.

To achieve the best effect, many women use two (or even three!) methods of application at once: they paint over difficult areas with a brush, apply the cream with their fingertips and/or a sponge. Which method to choose is up to you. They are all good in their own way.

Since many people have to use foundation every day, it is better to try several options and choose the one that is most convenient for you.

General recommendations

How to apply foundation correctly - 7 simple steps.


Cleanse the skin of all possible impurities using a tonic or other product.
Apply moisturizer to the skin and let it absorb thoroughly.
After the moisturizer has been absorbed, you can apply foundation, you can do this with a sponge or brush.
“Foundation” must be applied in several points to the face.
Their size should not be too large, but not too small, otherwise the “dots” of the cream may dry out quickly. 5.
Using smooth and careful movements, the foundation must be blended over all areas of the face in a uniform layer.
If necessary, foundation can also be applied to the neck and open décolleté area.
After 10 minutes, you can begin applying basic makeup.

So, to achieve the best effect, foundation is applied with your fingertips by distributing it from the center of the face to the periphery.

Particular attention should be paid to the hairline - the cream should be shaded as thoroughly as possible and should not get on the hair.

The palette of newfangled foundation creams is very diverse; the pigments have the ability to adapt to the complexion. What tone to choose?

If you select the cream yourself in a store, then select the shade by testing it on your neck; the foundation should completely match the color of your neck. Do not forget that dark colors age the skin, while light colors, on the contrary, give it youth. If you want your face to look tanned, use bronzing powder, applying it over your foundation.

It is believed that foundation should be one tone lighter than the natural color of the skin. This allows you to create a fresh appearance and visually remove all skin imperfections.

If by mistake you purchased a shade darker than the desired one, you can mix it with the day cream, thereby making it lighter.

To make your face look noticeably younger, you cannot do without simultaneously applying two creams at once: foundation and day. But you should not use this method, if you are going to a party, the skin will be shiny and shiny, it is better to use a lifting cream.

To give your skin a glow, spray your face with cold mineral water after applying foundation.

Buy only high-quality foundation, do not chase cheap but dubious products, trust only global brands and advice given by professional cosmetologists.

The foundation does not lose its properties for a long time if it is stored in a cool place. If the cream is kept warm or in the sun, it deteriorates much faster than its expiration date.

Foundation must be washed off at night, otherwise it clogs pores and prevents the skin from breathing. And this, in turn, contributes to the appearance of acne on the skin, its dryness and yellowness.

Common mistakes when applying foundation

1 If you apply too much foundation , it will not so much hide imperfections as highlight wrinkles and uneven skin. Excess product collects in the nasolabial folds and around the eyes, even if there are no pronounced wrinkles there;

2 If brushes or sponges are used to apply the cream , they must be of high quality. Cheap tools increase the consumption of cosmetics and do not allow you to achieve an even coating;

3 Often the foundation remains noticeable on the wings of the nose , so especially careful shading is required in this area;

4 Too thick a layer of cream does not allow the skin to breathe. This kind of makeup has a risk of “swimming”, and also leads to clogged pores and problems in the form of acne and inflammation;

5 If a face covered with foundation is powdered with powder a shade or two darker, then the unevenness of the skin will become more noticeable;

6 Despite the fact that the classic scheme involves using powder on top of foundation, often one toning product is enough for light everyday makeup.

Video collection on the topic “How to apply foundation correctly”

And another video on how to apply foundation evenly from Angela Degoeva, an image maker and makeup artist, examines the following questions: How to apply cream for normal and problem skin? Is it necessary to powder your face? How to choose a foundation shade? How to ensure that the complexion after applying foundation does not differ from the color of the neck? How to apply foundation on your face without it looking like a “mask”? How to apply foundation for daytime makeup? How to disguise dark circles under the eyes? How to disguise acne?

There are two main techniques for applying cream: European and Hollywood. Hollywood is usually a dense foundation with good coverage to hide all skin imperfections. This technique is used mainly for cinema, photography, and television, but in real life this method of applying foundation can be very noticeable, so European techniques are used to apply makeup for every day. The European one differs in that the products used are lighter and more transparent, but in order to correct any imperfections in skin color, there are a huge number of bases for makeup and foundation. So what are the basic products and how are they applied.

Let's create a base. We apply a transparent product all over the face, almost like a cream. There is no visual effect, but it will help even out the texture of the skin so that the face is even and smooth, and then applying foundation and correctors will be much easier. Another plus of the base is that it makes makeup more durable. There is also a color-correcting base, it is green. If you apply it to redness, it turns out that the red areas are neutralized and the skin instantly becomes beige. This base is so thin and light that it does not allow for layering. Basically the same as the previous one. It is very important to apply this base in places, only to those areas where there is redness.

Considering that we do makeup for every day, it is very important that upon close examination the cosmetics are not noticeable on the face, so for this effect it is best to apply foundation with your hands. Due to the temperature of the fingers and face, the product melts and lies as unnoticeably as possible. The foundation is blended with light applicative movements.

If there are areas on the face that are peeling, so that the peeling is not noticeable, you need to use your fingers, as if gluing the scales, and then it turns out smooth, beautiful, and absolutely unnoticeable.

It is best to start applying from the back of the cheek, from the lower cheekbone, to see if there is a difference with the neck. As a rule, foundation is not applied to the neck. If the difference with the color of your necks is not noticeable, then continue to carefully apply the cream to your entire face. We don’t apply foundation to snakes, we just make a smooth transition.

How to quickly apply tone?

There is another simple technique for applying foundation with your hands, which is suitable for light daytime makeup. Apply a pea-sized drop of foundation onto your palm. Then the product is distributed over both palms so that the cream covers them with a thin layer. Then simply touch your face with your palms, carefully distributing the cream over the skin. This makeup takes no more than a couple of minutes and looks very natural .

Foundation is not applied to the eye area, this is a very delicate area, there are correctors for it. This makeup is more based on European techniques, so that at close range everything looks natural and unnoticeable.

European technology. Basic products, their differences, methods of application, effects. Recommendations by Jeanne Saint-Jacques.

And a few more videos:

To many, applying foundation may seem like a complicated and time-consuming procedure, but if you do not take into account the absorption time, it will only take 5-7 minutes. As a result, your skin will become incredibly smooth, almost porcelain. Based on materials from,,,

How to apply foundation if your skin is peeling?

The fact is that if you immediately apply foundation to flaky skin, you will only highlight all the places where there are uneven areas. Therefore, it is necessary to act in a certain way. Start by using a moisturizer.


  • It is best to exfoliate your skin two to three times a week to remove any flaky particles.
  • Before applying makeup, you need to lubricate your face with a moisturizer.
  • Wait until it is completely absorbed, blot with a napkin if there are any remaining product on your face.
  • Next, you need to apply the foundation using tapping movements. You cannot rub or rub anything into this place.
  • No circular movements, only pressing, driving movements. Only in this way will you be able to hide the peeling and not make it even more noticeable.

Skin sculpting

Mistakes in applying foundation

It is important to know that if you make a small error in the technique, then all the existing shortcomings will become even more noticeable, for example:

  1. Do not apply too thick a layer of concealing cosmetics or additionally apply a second layer on top of the first layer. It looks pretentious and highlights wrinkles. A thick layer clogs pores and does not allow the skin to breathe.
  2. More attention should be paid to shading than direct application. Correctly applied tone does not catch the eye and looks natural on the face.
  3. When using a foundation darker than the natural skin of the face, we must not forget about the neck and décolleté area. The color contrast looks ridiculous.
  4. The powder should match the color scheme of the foundation.
  5. Do not apply tone only to problem areas, leaving other areas untouched. This way untreated spots will be visible.
  6. And although powder is implied in makeup to consolidate the result, it can be neglected, paying tribute to the fashion for natural coverage.

Is it possible and how to apply foundation around the eyes and on the eyelids?

The foundation is applied around the eyes and on the eyelids too. But the fact is that very often after applying it, dark circles remain in the eye area and wreaths are visible. In this case, you will need to use a corrector or concealer. In the blue area, a yellow corrector will suit you. If there are green marks under the eyes, choose orange.

Don't worry about the skin around your eyes turning orange. In fact, with proper shading, you will be able to remove these skin imperfections. Foundation in these areas is applied using a thin brush or the corner of a sponge, which is made in the shape of an egg. Using the tip of a sponge, foundation is driven into the area around the eyes and upper eyelid.

The skin around the eyes is very delicate and sensitive, so it requires some attention. The fact is that in this area it is imperative to apply a primer. This is a special base that fills wrinkles and evens them out. In addition, it nourishes thin skin. Only after the primer has dried can you wear foundation. Nowadays there is a lot of controversy regarding whether concealer is applied before foundation or after it.

Fashionable make-up artists note that it all depends on what effect you want to achieve. If you have serious problems with the skin around your eyes, then it is better for you to apply a primer. After this, evenly distribute the foundation, and then the concealer. If there are no particular problems, then you can simply work on the area around the eyes with concealer. There is no need to apply powder to the area around the eyes, as this dries out the delicate epidermis.

Apply foundation

Is the brush the head of everything?

Finding a quality makeup tool is essential before use, but what is the best foundation brush? The following options are known:

  1. A brush with flat bristles for detailed work on hard-to-reach areas.
  2. With unnatural pile. A natural brush absorbs a large amount of cosmetics, so it is better to buy a synthetic one. This will reduce foundation consumption.
  3. The brush for applying foundation should be moderately elastic to easily work on difficult areas.

After choosing the right beauty tool, you need to learn how to apply foundation with a brush.

Brush to work

For more convenient use, apply a few drops of concealer base to the inside of your arm first. Use a brush to place small dots on the T-zone, smoothly distributing from the center of the face to the temples and carefully blending the border of the tone transition. It is important to point the brush strictly perpendicular to the face in order to avoid visible strokes. Difficult T-zones can be re-worked with your fingers. The skin around the eyes requires a minimum amount of makeup, but a maximum amount of shading is required so that the foundation does not accumulate in expression lines.

Before each use, the brush must be clean, so after use, the cosmetic accessory must be treated with soap and dried well.

Do I need to apply foundation in summer?

In the summer, you also want to be beautiful, and therefore girls try to hide all the flaws in their appearance with the help of foundation. In this case, you need to do it correctly. When exposed to high temperatures, foundation may run. Therefore, during the daytime, if you are going to the beach or walking in hot weather, it is better to refrain from applying foundation.

If you are going to the office or for an evening walk, when the heat subsides a little, you can use the product. If you go outside during the scorching sun and cannot refrain from using foundation, choose a product with a light texture, as well as mandatory protection from ultraviolet rays.

Application in summer


Trifles, but nice:

  • foundation is changed depending on the time of year: cream textures work in the cold, serums work in the heat. Oily skin requires only powdering in summer. All these care products will hide the imperfections of the dermis and protect it from temperature shocks and ultraviolet radiation;
  • To make your skin glow naturally, use a highlighter. We recommend applying the liquid composition under the foundation or adding a mini-portion directly to the cream;
  • If you use a brush for shading, move from top to bottom, and not vice versa, otherwise your wonderful fluff on your cheeks will be noticeable.

That's all. Do the right thing and you will be happy. Good luck!

Can I wear sunscreen under foundation?

Many women who are very concerned about their appearance wonder whether they should apply sunscreen under foundation. In general, it’s possible if their bases fit together. But it often happens that after applying foundation, the entire mask begins to float and roll off the face in pieces.

This occurs due to a mismatch between solvents and oils that are used in the manufacture of products. Therefore, the ideal option would be to use special foundation creams with ultraviolet protection. The packaging usually states that the cream contains particles that protect against sun rays. Choose products with at least 30 protection if you plan to go outside in the scorching sun.

Is it possible to apply foundation after sculpting?

Makeup artists have different opinions about whether foundation can be used after structuring and sculpting the face. In general, many people recommend immediately applying foundation to your face. After this, use concealers and highlighters to sculpt your face. And after that, apply another layer of foundation.

It all depends on your preferences and skin defects. The more defects, the more products will have to be applied to correct them. The video below describes in detail how face sculpting is carried out, as well as applying foundation.

Tip #2

To set the tone, use a light powder. For those with dry skin, this is not necessary, but for those whose skin is prone to oily skin, it is very important. Apply the powder in a thin layer using a large fluffy brush.

How to choose the right foundation
From left to right: Huda Beauty Setting Powder Easy Bake; powder with a matte finish Gucci Beauty Poudre de Beauté; La Prairie Skin Caviar Loose Powder; Lancôme Belle De Teint powder; Dear Dahlia Skin Paradise loose powder.

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