Baby powder - first aid for acne on the face

Oily skin with acne is a problem of all times, and it especially worries young people. Hormonal changes in the body during adolescence or hormonal imbalance in later years. The result is always the same - acne on the face. They can also appear on the neck, back, body and even butt.

Properties of baby powder

Have you ever wondered about the benefits of baby powder? Baby powder is very good for problem skin. It contains the following components: talc, zinc, starch and various medicinal herbs. Talc removes inflammation, zinc normalizes the production of subcutaneous fat, starch has sedative properties, and herbs (chamomile, string) act as anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents. The properties of the powder are very diverse, it can even remove scars and scars after acne. And if you combine it with other components, it simply works wonders.

How does the powder work on the skin:

  1. Removes oily skin. Gives matte finish due to the absorbent effect.
  2. Acts as an antiseptic and removes inflammation. Powders contain herbal additives, thanks to which it fights infection.
  3. Cosmetic effect. By removing oily shine, it visually makes the skin velvety.
  4. Dries acne and wounds. Once on an inflamed pimple, it instantly dries it out and heals it.
  5. Heals scars and scars. Gently affecting the skin of the face, it promotes its regeneration.

For the best effect, you should choose a powder that contains extracts of medicinal plants.

Regular skin care for acne

If you belong to the category of people with problem skin, you need to accustom yourself to a few simple rules. One of them is regular care. The mechanism for the formation of inflammation on the skin is simple - the cells begin to produce a large volume of sebum, which accumulates in the hair follicles and leads to the formation of a focus of inflammation. To eliminate not only existing inflammation, but also to prevent the appearance of new pimples, you need to devote a little time every day to cleansing and moisturizing your skin.

If you do not know how to care for skin with acne, you can visit a dermatologist and get detailed instructions from him. We do not recommend trying all the products you have heard about in the hope of finding an individual method of care through experimentation. Firstly, you can become a victim of unscrupulous manufacturers and creative marketers. Some products that are advertised as comprehensive care for oily skin with acne may contain components that are harmful to the body or may not be suitable for your individual needs.

How to properly use baby powder on your face

Before you start treating acne in this extraordinary way, take note of the following rules:

  1. To apply, use a fluffy sponge, a smooth one will not be appropriate here, the powder will not stay on it.
  2. To be effective, powder should be applied to your face in the morning and left until evening. Or apply it to your face in the evening and wash it off in the morning, but in this case your underwear will be stained.
  3. You can apply it pointwise, in this case it is most convenient to use a brush.
  4. For the product to help, it must be used regularly.
  5. When powdering your face, be careful. It would be better to do this away from armchairs, carpets and sofas.

Choose your cleansing and moisturizing products carefully

The selection of cosmetics is always difficult, and when choosing, you cannot rely only on advertising! You can try different remedies on yourself only after visiting a doctor, who will determine the exact cause of inflammation. If acne occurs due to improper functioning of the body, the most expensive and effective remedies are unlikely to help you. Pimples will appear until you take care of your health.

In most cases, problematic skin requires proper care, and following a few simple rules for caring for acne skin will help get rid of this problem. You can purchase a ready-made line of products that are produced as a complex and can demonstrate excellent results with constant use. Regardless of which brand of products you choose, you should follow a certain sequence:

  • Cleansing. At the first stage, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of sebum and remove dead cells; for this you can use a cleansing gel or micellar water. Together with cellular activity products, you remove makeup and impurities, preparing the skin for further procedures.
  • Hydration. After cleansing, it is necessary to use special products to nourish and moisturize the skin: cream or serum - the choice of product largely depends on individual needs, but such a facial care product for acne should contain nourishing components.

In addition to moisturizing, it is important to remember to properly nourish the skin, so it is recommended to regularly make different masks. Choose acne skin care products that simultaneously nourish, cleanse, and protect your skin from damage. You can alternate masks, trying new compositions and evaluating the effect in practice.

Recipes with baby powder for problem skin

You can use baby powder at home in its pure form, or you can add several other components to it.

Recipe for a mask with powder and calendula

This product will help dry and remove acne even from the bikini area.

  • Pour 30 ml of calendula alcohol tincture into a deep container.
  • Add powder, stirring until you get a mushy consistency.
  • Apply evenly to problem skin, excluding the skin around the eyes and mouth.
  • Remains on the face for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse off with cool water.

Calendula for acne is used not only in masks, but also in tinctures, decoctions, and ointments. It will quickly eliminate skin inflammation and has antiseptic properties.

Hydrogen peroxide mask

It will quickly cure acne and tidy up the sebaceous glands.

  • Pour 30 ml of hydrogen peroxide into a deep plate.
  • Add 3 drops of tea tree essential oil.
  • Cover with baby powder until it becomes porridge.
  • Apply the mixture to your face in the evening.
  • In the morning, the mask is washed off with cool water.

Mask with streptocide

Redness decreases. The rash quickly decreases and disappears.

  • Pour 30 ml of boiled water into a deep plate.
  • Crush the streptocide tablet into powder and pour it into a plate.
  • Add powder until it becomes porridge.
  • Apply to your face before going to bed.
  • In the morning, wash off with cold water.

Mask based on chamomile decoction

Inflamed acne is reduced. The broth is brewed in advance and cooled.

  • 30-50 ml of decoction is poured into the container.
  • Add baby powder until mixture becomes mushy.
  • Apply to face for 30 minutes.
  • Wash off the mask under running cool water.

Spot mask with aloe juice

Heals and soothes the skin. You can use plant juice or gel. How to cook:

  • Place the juice of the plant in a plate.
  • Add powder.
  • Knead to a certain thickness.
  • Apply to pimples and leave overnight.
  • Wash off in the morning with cool water.

Masks with aloe vera for acne and acne with the addition of honey are very effective.

Multifunctional mask

This product will help remove swelling and redness, dry out existing acne and stop the formation of new ones, remove oily skin and improve complexion. How to cook:

  • Squeeze lemon juice into a deep plate.
  • Add a spoonful of liquid honey.
  • Crush 5 aspirin tablets and pour into a plate.
  • Sprinkle with powder until it becomes porridge.
  • Apply this mixture to your face and leave it on for 25 minutes.
  • You need to wash it off with a soda solution.

Ten minute mask

Thanks to the variety of effective components of this product, the result is visible within 10 minutes. Recipe:

  • Pour 10 ml of camphor alcohol into a large container;
  • Add boric acid – 10 ml;
  • Two spoons of white clay;
  • Five tablets of chloramphenicol (pre-crushed);
  • 30 g baby powder;
  • Dilute with furatsilin solution to a paste;
  • Apply directly on acne;
  • We wash ourselves in 10 minutes.

Milk mask with powder

For teenage rashes, this particular remedy should be used.

  • Pour 50 ml of heated milk into the container;
  • Mix with powder to form a paste;
  • Apply to problem areas;
  • Wash your face after 20 minutes.

When using any mask, test in advance to ensure there is no allergic reaction.

All recipes are effective. Acne will go away very quickly, and you won’t have to worry about choosing expensive cosmetics. If the rash appears again after a while, then you should go to the hospital and undergo a full examination.

How to choose skin care products for acne-prone faces

Care cosmetics for problem skin should contain a number of active ingredients that will help normalize the functioning of cells and saturate them with all the necessary nutritional compounds. The composition must contain sebum-regulating components. These are active compounds that reduce sebum production and make the skin less oily.

If you are looking for cosmetics to care for skin with acne and pimples, choose products with anti-inflammatory ingredients. To eliminate acne, you need to soothe skin irritation and reduce redness; it is important that the product contains antibacterial compounds to stop the development of inflammation.


Multifunctional mask and baby powder in its pure form:

“Acne has bothered me since I was 13 years old. It was incredibly difficult to deal with them. Nothing helped for long. The result was enough for a month, and then again terrible rashes. On the advice of a friend, I tried this product. My face glowed after the first use. There were no more acne or oily skin. By the way, I often used baby powder in its pure form, which also gave a positive result. I recommend to all".

Ekaterina Stepanova

Mask with powder based on chamomile decoction:

“The rashes darkened my life, although at that time I was already 24 years old. I couldn’t find the right product for several years. Suddenly, quite by accident, I saw the recipe for this mask. A real miracle happened. The mask began to work. After a couple of months, there was no trace of my inflamed acne. I advise you to try it."

Svetlana Onisenko

Anti-acne treatment

Many people make a number of mistakes when they want to get rid of acne and inflammation. For example, they may refuse moisturizers. This is one of the wrong steps in acne care, since oily shine has nothing to do with moisture levels, and insufficient hydration leads to intense formation of new foci of inflammation. Do not use drying agents too often. Lotions and tinctures that contain alcohol will work well against bacteria, but frequent use leads to dryness and dehydration of the skin.

When taking home care for acne, you should avoid mechanical impact on acne.
Cleaning the face with tools leads to the formation of new foci of inflammation, since infection can penetrate into the skin through damaged areas. If you do not know how to care for oily skin with acne, we do not recommend listening to the advice of bloggers or searching for information on the Internet. It is worth visiting a qualified doctor and getting detailed recommendations on care for acne and post-acne, so as not to make the situation even worse. February 13, 2021
Author of the article: dermatologist Mak Vladimir Fedorovich

Causes of acne

The most common causes of overproduction of sebum are hormonal changes and disorders, characteristic mainly during puberty. Both sexes have male hormones (androgens) and these act on the skin's sebaceous glands, enlarging them and increasing sebum production.

The role of female hormones (estrogens) in the regulation of the sebaceous glands and, consequently, in the pathogenesis of acne has not been sufficiently studied. However, it is known that these hormones suppress the secretion of sebum, so young girls develop acne immediately before and during menstruation, when the level of female hormones in the body is lower.

Skin problems worry not only teenagers, but increasingly people over 20 and even into adulthood. The causes of hormonal disorders can arise from improper functioning of the glands.

endocrine (for example, ovarian, pancreas or adrenal glands), poorly chosen hormone therapy, poor diet, certain medications, or chronic stress.

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