Treatment of bags under the eyes Dermaheal Eyebag Solution

Dermahil is a professional line of drugs based on innovative developments with a peptide complex.

This brand produces high-tech serum for mesotherapy procedures, solutions with biomimetic peptides, and complex mesotherapy compositions.

An innovative development by Korean researchers allows one to simultaneously eliminate bags and the cause of their occurrence. The product was obtained thanks to genetic engineering. After a course of treatment, the effect lasts for 1 year.

About the manufacturer

The product line is produced by the Korean company Caregen Co. Ltd. The South Korean concern, led by Professor of Molecular Biology Yong Ji Chang, has existed for 17 years.

Cosmetics combine quality and safety. The company produces injection drugs for aesthetic medicine, which are represented in Ukraine and Russia by the international holding FloSal.

The company's developments continue to conquer the world stage. The DERMAHEAL product line has received certification. European Union in 2011. Constant quality control, new products are certified and comply with international ISO standards.


The product formula is multi-component, therefore it can solve many aesthetic defects.

The professional line contains biomimetic peptides. They are similar to amino acids linked in a chain by amide bonds that function in the human body. The significance is similar to the role of proteins (intercellular matrix protein, fibrillar, keratin). Regulatory peptides are molecules that accelerate regeneration processes at the cellular level.

The substance allows you to activate the production of hyaluronate and fibrillar protein, under its influence it is possible to restore lipolysis and reduce the production of pigment. Accordingly, the bags decrease and dark circles disappear.

Once in the nucleus of cells, the protein regulates their life processes, activates the maturation of new ones, and maintains the number of enzymes. This process is called growth factor, developed by Caregen Co. Ltd..

This peptide complex prevents the destructive process caused by free atoms. As a result, the cells are quickly restored. This effect is inherent in all products of the Dermahil line.

It also contains extracts of medicinal plants, amino acids and vitamin-mineral complexes.

The principle of action of mesotherapy Dermahil HSR

Dermahil HSR is a product line developed using unique technology to combat the first signs of aging. Mesococktail has revitalizing, rejuvenating, toning and moisturizing properties.

The effective action of a cosmeceutical drug is based on the following principles:

  1. The product contains more than 58 active elements, including 5 synthetic highly effective peptides, 2 antioxidants, as well as a complex of amino acids, vitamins, nucleic acids, coenzymes, and coenzymes.
  2. The basis of the product is unstabilized hyaluronic acid 1%, which is as close as possible in properties to endogenous hyaluronic acid. Its content provides maximum hydration, increases the activity of peptides, efficiency and long-term results from the use of the drug as a whole.
  3. Thanks to its unique composition, Dermahil HSR allows you to activate metabolic and regenerative processes at the cellular level. As a result, the skin is rejuvenated, strengthened, nourished, and deeply moisturized with the beneficial substances of the cocktail.
  4. When the cocktail is administered internally, the skin is protected from free radicals. The peptide composition does not provoke the proliferation of damaged cells, blocking the development of tumors.
  5. The recommended age for mesotherapy with the Dermaheal HSR cocktail is 40-60 years, when the skin undergoes many visible changes under the influence of the aging process.

The drug can be used for the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, as well as the whole body.

After completing a course of mesoprocedures, you can observe a positive effect: the relief is smoothed, fine wrinkles are eliminated, pores are narrowed, the skin takes on a more toned, fresh and healthy appearance.

Indications for use

The products in the proposed line are designed to restore the ability to regenerate damaged tissue, reduce and prevent the appearance of fine/deep wrinkles, and increase elasticity due to the activation of collagen synthesis.

Non-surgical injection blepharoplasty is indicated for mesotherapy, galvanization and biorevitalization. A series of cocktails is used for:

  • bags;
  • cyanosis;
  • drooping corners of the outer eyelid;
  • hernias of the eyelids;
  • excessive pigmentation.

Multicomponent formulations are used at the age of 30–45 years. Previous use is recommended only in the presence of serious aesthetic defects.

Injections for bags under the eyes have an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. They also renew skin cells and hair.


A series of mesotherapy products is in demand and popular in salons. A separate preparation has been created for each area of ​​beauty, which includes the most effective elements to solve the problem, since there are no just bags under the eyes. Behind them there necessarily lies a physiological or pathological process.

Varieties of Dermaheal against bags:

  • Dark circle solution. Dermahil serum is used to correct cyanosis around the eyes. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, increases turgor and elasticity. The product ensures normal microcirculation and has an antioxidant effect.
  • HSR. Contains 5 mimetic peptides of synthetic origin, 13 vitamins, 2 antioxidants, 4 coenzymes, 24 amino acids. The mesotherapy product reduces and smoothes fine folds, increases skin turgor, fights acne and dryness, and removes bags.
  • SB. This line is aimed at combating hyperpigmentation, age-related changes, and freckles. The cocktail rejuvenates the skin, evens out tone, and restores melanin synthesis.
  • S.R. This complex contains growth factor, copper tripeptide, minerals and amino acids. Helps eliminate bags under the eyes caused by aging skin. The product increases its elasticity and turgor.
  • Dermaheal Eyebag solution. The drug stimulates the breakdown of fat cells, increases the activity of fibroblasts, encourages the body to produce procollagen, and strengthens the tone of the orbicularis ocular muscles. It has no analogues in aesthetic medicine. Indicated for swelling, hernias/bags in the eye area. If, when using other drugs, eliminating bags is just a pleasant bonus, then Dermaheal Eyebag solution is a means to combat this problem.

Eyebag solution has proven itself as the best remedy for bags under the eyes. This is the best product in this line for tightening, lightening, and rejuvenation.


Any surgical intervention can have a variety of consequences. The same thing happens with blepharoplasty. Here, both specific consequences and complications that arise when using anesthesia can arise. How upper eyelid blepharoplasty occurs is described in detail in this article.

In addition, the following consequences may occur:

  1. Bleeding and hematoma formation . Such consequences can occur at any time after the procedure. To avoid this, you must stop taking certain medications before the procedure.
  2. There are times when after the procedure the suture comes apart.
  3. Infectious and inflammatory process. To avoid this, you will need to take antibacterial drugs.
  4. Formation of a rough postoperative scar. This complication is very rare to see. It manifests itself in the form of noticeably pronounced scars in the area where the impact occurs. This is due to concomitant hematomas and infectious processes.
  5. Changes in tear production, which is associated with dry eyes.
  6. Blepharoptosis is a pathological process that is associated with drooping eyelids. This type of consequence occurs very rarely and in older people.
  7. Eversion of the lower eyelid . Here the lower eyelid will be pulled downwards, resulting in the palpebral fissure being greatly opened and the eye drying out. To eliminate this process, you need to perform a light massage. This is the only way to improve the tone of the eyelid skin.

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The contents of this article will help you understand how to remove acne scars at home.

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Preparation for drug administration

Before prescribing the procedure, the cosmetologist collects anamnesis and conducts a detailed analysis of the person’s condition. It is important to exclude contraindications, assess the condition of the skin and choose the appropriate medicine.

Before performing the procedure, you should stop taking medications 1 month in advance, and do not use scrubs/other cleansing procedures that can injure the skin.

You should not drink alcohol, caffeine, large amounts of salt, or visit the sauna or bathhouse a week before the administration of the drugs. On the day of the procedure, do not smoke, drink less water and completely eliminate salt.

This approach to treatment will avoid swelling and hematomas. If these rules are not followed, the healing process will take longer.

Possible side effects

In some cases, such drugs may have side effects , but this phenomenon associated with the substances included in the drugs, but with the method of administration of the drugs.

After injections, which some patients endure painfully,
red dots and spots, bruises, papules and small swelling may appear .
But such consequences always go away after a few days, and to speed up the healing process, you can use any pharmacy soothing cream.

How the procedure is performed in the clinic

The product is not intended for home use. The drugs are used in salons for mesotherapy or galvanic procedures.


  • Injections for bags under the eyes are carried out using local anesthesia. I use creams or gels that reduce skin sensitivity for a certain time. The selected drug is injected under the skin using microscopic needles. The patient does not feel pain, only minor discomfort. The mesotherapy procedure takes no more than 60 minutes.
  • Galvanotherapy is carried out after cleansing the skin. Drugs are administered using phonophoresis or isophoresis. No anesthesia is required. During the manipulation, the patient feels vibration. The duration of one session is 30–60 minutes.

After treatment, the areas are treated with antiseptic compounds to reduce the risk of developing an inflammatory reaction. Then a cream is applied to restore reparative processes.


  • Anastasia: “A friend of mine had surgery several years ago to tighten the skin on her upper eyelid. But she developed a scar on her first eye. For this reason, for a very long time I could not decide on the surgical method of correction. When I found out about laser blepharoplasty, I immediately went to the clinic and had everything done. I don’t regret my decision, because apart from the positive result, I had no various traces of the lift. I’m very pleased with the result; in a couple of years I’ll perform blepharoplasty again.”
  • Tatyana: “For me, non-surgical blepharoplasty is just a salvation, because before my upper eyelids drooped a lot. Because of this, my eyes were tired all the time. All I had to do was perform a few manipulations, and my skin regained its elasticity. In general, I feel 5 years younger."
  • Ekaterina: “But I’m not very happy with the result obtained from laser blepharoplasty. The reason is that for decent money I got minimal results. Now I’m looking for another option so that the skin tightening is more pronounced.”

Blepharoplasty is a modern version of plastic surgery, thanks to which you can successfully tighten the skin in the eyelid area. But before carrying out such a manipulation, you need to be thoroughly examined by a cosmetologist in order to avoid various consequences and be satisfied with the result.

Rehabilitation period

After the procedures, minor swelling and redness will be observed on the first day. During this period, it is recommended to stay at home to prevent infection.

You can speed up skin restoration by following the following measures:

  • do not use cosmetics throughout the treatment, especially on the first day after the procedure;
  • treat injection sites with antiseptic agents;
  • apply anti-inflammatory ointment 2 times a day;
  • protect the periorbital area from exposure to ultraviolet radiation (wear sunglasses or apply cream with a high SPF factor);
  • do not drink alcohol for 1 week;
  • do not touch the treated areas with hands unnecessarily and without washing.

What is Dermaheal?

Dermaheal is a South Korean cosmetic brand that produces a large number of therapeutic and anti-aging cosmetics, including mesotherapy.

Mesococktails instantly saturate the skin with beneficial components, and also awaken natural processes that fade with age - metabolism, regeneration of new epithelial cells, creation of collagen and elastin fibers, blood microcirculation, lymph movement.

Moreover, the drugs in this line contain biomimetic growth factors and peptides that promote rapid tissue restoration.

Advantages and disadvantages

The procedure rarely causes side effects. After mesotherapy with Dermahil, hyperemia of the skin, itching, and slight swelling rarely occur. A feeling of tingling, pain, burning is created.

If the medicine is administered incorrectly, hematomas and inflammatory reactions appear. Therefore, the procedure must be carried out by a specialized doctor. These deficiencies do not cause complications and do not need treatment. Side effects go away on their own within 5 days after the session.

Papules appear even less often at injection sites. This is a non-inflammatory proliferation of the epidermis and dermis.

Advantages of Dermahil Solution:

  • does not damage the integrity and structure of the skin;
  • the effect is long lasting;
  • practically no adverse reactions;
  • the products do not contain foreign impurities;
  • instant hydration;
  • wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • light texture allows the skin to breathe;
  • Suitable for all skin types;
  • Each line meets the highest EU and US quality standards.


The use of the Korean product line is contraindicated in the presence of the following conditions:

  • tumors;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • any skin diseases in chronic or acute form;
  • diabetes mellitus in the decompensation stage;
  • herpetic infection;
  • infectious diseases.

The use of drugs is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the drugs or an allergic reaction to certain components of the products.

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